4.40 star(s) 14 Votes


Aug 28, 2024
Having other items you can buy to provide other similar effects would be awesome too. Something like a magic mirror item that you can use while split up to "un-break" the Aster image window would be a shoe-in, items and enemy abilities that positively or negatively impact torchlight, and items or enemy abilities that increase Aster's arousal or temporarily boost Mentor's aggression could all be neat additions as well.


New Member
Jul 30, 2024
i dont know if its a bug or if im doing something wrong but anytime i complete a run nothing else opens up and i can only start another delve and she'll say the same lines as if it was my first time completing a delve
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Feb 28, 2022
i dont know if its a bug or if im doing something wrong but anytime i complete a run nothing else opens up and i can only start another delve and she'll say the same lines as if it was my first time completing a delve
View attachment 4629515
There's nothing wrong with your game. It's still bare bones and we only have the basic game loop ready (going into a dungeon).


New Member
Jul 30, 2024
There's nothing wrong with your game. It's still bare bones and we only have the basic game loop ready (going into a dungeon).
tyty i was just confused cause of how difficult the early game is so i thought itd make sense to be able to do some kind of upgrades right away


Aug 28, 2024
On the other hand, I understand that getting overzealous with content can negatively impact the game and its development, not to mention the mental state of the dev (devs? I think it's a solo project, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), so my final recommendation for the time being is to take your time. There's no rush, and it's not like every single suggestion from the community is going to make it into the final product. The most important thing is probably for the dev to take their time, get the core mechanics hammered out and into a state they're happy with, *then* start looking into other additions from the community.

Not saying to ignore the community recommendations entirely, just to prioritize making the game the dev wants to make over the game the community wants them to make. That *always* results in a better end product, and it massively decreases the likelihood of burnout.


Nov 25, 2017
This is a really good prototype but the godot engine worries me a bit. It tends to not have the greatest reputation when it comes to making a more complex game with things like combat.
I don't know where did you heard that but that's completly not true, since the engine has a lot of freedom and requires more programming skills the problems are usually the developers fault. (I'm not saying this game has problems btw, I think its great rn)
The engine 100% can handle complex systems like in the game Cassette Beasts.
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G. Marquez

Sep 16, 2020
What´s the most spicy thing that can happen in the game right now? Is it the boobjob/ handjob? Or there is something else?.
I remember playing this game before. There is something in it, at least of that i´m sure.But it´s still really early, merely a concept. I wish to see it when the locations andthe chat and date options works. Also I sadly have to add that for now the gameplay is really difficult. Maybe if we could have the items we get from one dungeon to other it would be way better. At least that way you could "farm" them. Otherwise you would just have to farm gold and that would take a lot of time. But maybe dev has a superior vision of what he wants to do.
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New Member
Jan 7, 2020
prostochel2002 Thanks for the great game! I really like the concept and the prototype is a really great start so far, can't wait for more.

I liked the prototype so much in fact, that I decided to mess around with it in Godot and added a small cheat menu to the prototype. I'm good at coding, but somewhat new to Godot, so there is a decent chance that there are bugs. I also had some trouble when recompiling, increasing the chances that something broke along the way.

Modified version can be found here (for Windows):

Is there a plan for mod support or other kinds of community contributions? Would love to be able to contribute in a more official capacity than decompiling and recompiling the game :)


New Member
May 22, 2023
Great proof of concept! Love it.

One inquiry. Will there be a mechanic that lets us see? I thought torches would be that ... Or will the game be about not seeing anything almost always? Nightvision goggles / spell lol.
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Jul 10, 2017
prostochel2002 Thanks for the great game! I really like the concept and the prototype is a really great start so far, can't wait for more.

I liked the prototype so much in fact, that I decided to mess around with it in Godot and added a small cheat menu to the prototype. I'm good at coding, but somewhat new to Godot, so there is a decent chance that there are bugs. I also had some trouble when recompiling, increasing the chances that something broke along the way.
View attachment 4629762

Modified version can be found here (for Windows):

Is there a plan for mod support or other kinds of community contributions? Would love to be able to contribute in a more official capacity than decompiling and recompiling the game :)
chrome is flagging this as dangerous


Aug 30, 2017
What´s the most spicy thing that can happen in the game right now? Is it the boobjob/ handjob? Or there is something else?
The spiciest I've seen is a blowjob. She'll also lick his balls, but I consider the BJ further along than that.

For those having difficulty with the game, I've found a minimal strategy that typically works, at least if you don't care about her getting corrupted. For the 12-room dungeons, bring 4 Health Potion (S), then make certain to keep your HP above 20 (using both the replenishing potion and the ones you brought with you) between fights and also make certain you're together one room before the boss. For the fights, just do Thrust Rest Thrust Rest Thrust; if a round starts with the enemy having 3 HP or less, just use all Slash to make certain you kill them. On the room before the boss, have Aster drain her replenishing mana potion; you can have her drink the "refills" if you want to corrupt her faster, the refills only take away a little of her MP. Against the boss, just do the same TRTRT pattern; she'll contribute by either healing you or blasting the boss with magic spears. If you want more corruption, you can instead Guard on every hit (if you have 10 or more Stamina) or do 4 Guards and a Rest (I think Sneak Attack is the best one to Rest on, but I could be wrong; just don't Rest on a Heavy Attack if you can avoid it). Aster will keep you alive for a while or will just kill the monster herself; if she starts running low on mana you may want to start fighting if you want to clear the mission. Using this strategy, I currently have over 4000 gold and I think have seen all of her scenes so far (unless there's an actual fucking scene if you get far enough).

For longer dungeons, just bring more Health Potions. I got through a 24-room dungeon with just 10 (and had 1 or 2 left over at the end).

As for suggestions, I think most of what I'd like to see has already been suggested. One thing I haven't seen (but I skimmed, so may have missed it) is the suggestion for an Omniscient View (idea stolen from Henteria Chronicles, where I believe that's also what it's called). Currently it's a limited view, with the player largely only able to see what the Hero does. O-View would mean the lighting on Aster would stay at 100% for the player, but the nominal torchlight level would still go down like normal, and you'd also be able to fully see what's going on when the characters split up (instead of a 0% Torchlight, distorted view). Players who prefer the current setup can keep using that, while others can opt for O-View instead. It might even be possible to customize it - maybe instead of staying at 100%, it never goes below 50% (or 60%, or 40%, or wherever you set it), and maybe the "cracked screen" effect from splitting up can be toggled on and off separately from setting the minimum lighting level. I don't know how difficult that would be to code, however (all-or-nothing O-View feels like it would be easy - with it on, the light levels just don't adjust and the cracked screen effect is never applied - but allowing the player to customize it may be more difficult).


New Member
Nov 23, 2018
new update is great. i'd recommend soft capping the light level just somewhat low instead of torches not working completely when her clothes are stripped, maybe around 20~ and in lore reason could be mentor is casting a spell or something to counteract light level, not that it really needs that level of detail haha. and instead of her not getting stripped when the light level is high or mentor is present, i like the idea of her making some kind of excuse for what happened to her clothes like slime dissolved them or something similar~ potion update is probably my favorite part of this whole update, reminds me of dark souls flask(also the scene that goes along with it is great too)


Jan 26, 2018
Am i stupid? I used the sedative when the dungeon started but it did absolutely nothing I figured shed fall asleep or something


Nov 12, 2018
Things like that need to be said or showed in the popup of the item though, how is anyone supposed to know that the mentor 'refills' the potions? Even the newly added potions have vague descriptions... why? At this point i hope it isn't just going to be a grindfest. Already that you have to rebuy each time all the items wasn't a 'good' premise, why are you throwing good potions and torchlights?
yeah, kinda, but it's still early.
torchlight will probably get used up so that makes more sense i guess, though the premise of the game, presumably for most being 'let her get fucked', you might not be buying that many torches in the first place.

definitely agree that as part of the tutorial, some hint about the mp potions leading to corruption should be mentioned (if there is, and i skipped it, my bad, okay) since i did like 8 runs expecting her sensetivity and lewdness to increase slowly, but everything seemed to just reset.

thought it was just, the easy dungeon is too short to get her really going, and didn't try the harder ones because i felt like i didn't have the resources yet, but then just quit.

I don't know where did you heard that but that's completly not true, since the engine has a lot of freedom and requires more programming skills the problems are usually the developers fault. (I'm not saying this game has problems btw, I think its great rn)
The engine 100% can handle complex systems like in the game Cassette Beasts.
to be fair... that 'not being true' is kinda undone by what you said next. no offense to this dev or not, but 'most people can't do a complex combat system in godot' IS potentially reason to worry.

that being said, casette beasts (or this) doesn't really seem that complex, just, a lot going on. edit: by which i mean, pokemon ish RPS + 300 samey moves isn't really complex, just a long list of shit.
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Ancient Lake

New Member
Aug 16, 2017
Hey prostochel2002, figured I would try to give some feedback and suggestions! Games that try to introduce ntr mechanics into the gameplay loop have become one of my favorite kinds of ntr games to play, pity they feel so rare. From what I played so far, I've seen some interesting ideas that I really enjoyed, like how the master's dark spells causes damage to enemies but drains the light, and how at high lust the heroine stops attacking, forcing you to use focus potions. For me, these kinds of games are at their best when you have to manage the heroine and calculate risk & reward. Personally, I would like to see more of this. These kinds of mechanics that force the player to make choices. Like for example:

- What if you could boost the master or the heroines damage, making battle easier, but doing so increases the chance of corruption and events?
- Really like the idea of the cum potion, would like to see more situations where the player has to make a choice between the heroine having no mp or having her drink cum to get mp & corruption.
- Maybe add a rest area in the middle of the dungeon where you can rest and get hp & mp back, but also risk increasing her lust?
- Random events where you can roll the dice and get either a good reward or a penality of sorts, like money or a potion if you pass the check, and lust increase or removed piece of clothing if you fail, that sort of thing.

I've also seen some suggestions for things like more npc's & monsters being able to fuck the heroine too, personally, I'm fine with the master being the only one who gets to fuck her. Maybe monsters could do other things, like tear out her clothing or increase lust? I just feel like ntr works best when there is a smaller cast of characters.

By the way, right now, I feel like the scenes go by too fast? Probably because you can kill enemies in a few hits, and they also hit for a lot. I just feel like the master doesn't get much time to interact with the heroine per battle. Maybe reducing mob damage and increasing their health so you get a few more turns of interaction?
Also, what if the animations were kinda linked, like for example, in the start the master starts by gropping the ass, then removing clothing, then fingering, then using toys and finally fucking? Making it, so one action leads to another, but also needing a certain lust level to progress. So at 0 he would grope, then he would keep gropping and doing a lust damage of lets say, 5, at 15 total he would finger her over her panties, doing 10 per turn, then at a total of 45 he would push the finger inside, and so on, naturally progressing the scene the longer combat takes.

Anyway, just a few ideas, and I feel like I'm just rambling on and on now, lmao. Hope this feedback makes sense and is of some use. Really liked the game and hope to see more!
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Nov 1, 2017
I don't know where did you heard that but that's completly not true, since the engine has a lot of freedom and requires more programming skills the problems are usually the developers fault. (I'm not saying this game has problems btw, I think its great rn)
The engine 100% can handle complex systems like in the game Cassette Beasts.
I just remember almost 7 years ago sexums wanting to switch over to godot with their newest game and ended up quitting entirely. I also can't really remember any eroge made in godot that isn't pretty simplistic in its gameplay like anomalous coffee machine, NTR Phone or lovecraft locker. Saying that is is quite powerful and requires good programming skills makes me worry even more since this is a first time dev.

I really like this game! I just worry and hope it will be able to be made.
4.40 star(s) 14 Votes