prostochel2002, figured I would try to give some feedback and suggestions! Games that try to introduce ntr mechanics into the gameplay loop have become one of my favorite kinds of ntr games to play, pity they feel so rare. From what I played so far, I've seen some interesting ideas that I really enjoyed, like how the master's dark spells causes damage to enemies but drains the light, and how at high lust the heroine stops attacking, forcing you to use focus potions. For me, these kinds of games are at their best when you have to manage the heroine and calculate risk & reward. Personally, I would like to see more of this. These kinds of mechanics that force the player to make choices. Like for example:
- What if you could boost the master or the heroines damage, making battle easier, but doing so increases the chance of corruption and events?
- Really like the idea of the cum potion, would like to see more situations where the player has to make a choice between the heroine having no mp or having her drink cum to get mp & corruption.
- Maybe add a rest area in the middle of the dungeon where you can rest and get hp & mp back, but also risk increasing her lust?
- Random events where you can roll the dice and get either a good reward or a penality of sorts, like money or a potion if you pass the check, and lust increase or removed piece of clothing if you fail, that sort of thing.
I've also seen some suggestions for things like more npc's & monsters being able to fuck the heroine too, personally, I'm fine with the master being the only one who gets to fuck her. Maybe monsters could do other things, like tear out her clothing or increase lust? I just feel like ntr works best when there is a smaller cast of characters.
By the way, right now, I feel like the scenes go by too fast? Probably because you can kill enemies in a few hits, and they also hit for a lot. I just feel like the master doesn't get much time to interact with the heroine per battle. Maybe reducing mob damage and increasing their health so you get a few more turns of interaction?
Also, what if the animations were kinda linked, like for example, in the start the master starts by gropping the ass, then removing clothing, then fingering, then using toys and finally fucking? Making it, so one action leads to another, but also needing a certain lust level to progress. So at 0 he would grope, then he would keep gropping and doing a lust damage of lets say, 5, at 15 total he would finger her over her panties, doing 10 per turn, then at a total of 45 he would push the finger inside, and so on, naturally progressing the scene the longer combat takes.
Anyway, just a few ideas, and I feel like I'm just rambling on and on now, lmao. Hope this feedback makes sense and is of some use. Really liked the game and hope to see more!