Okay, I have played through the game several times now. Suggestions and positives to follow.
Positives: I LOVE the size difference between the Mentor and the girl. That’s really nice. Most might think it overdone, but who is to say he’s not a half minotaur or something similar? Just not an orc or black guy please. Far too cliché.
How the girl is slowly more and more corrupted is nice. A lot of the scenes, despite them only being shadows, are realllly hot, too, especially when you can see the gradient of the scenes, how they change over time as she is corrupted more and more.
The girl is cute and sexy at the same time. Nice.
The whole shadow/side bar type of scene is hot as fuck. Definitely gives the feeling that it is all happening behind the Cuck’s back.
I am not certain why you chose the type of program you did rather than RPG maker, I presume it’s easier to work with? Regardless, there are a few suggestions here based on the game controls/gameplay rather than the plot or what I would like to see added:
A way to turn off the music is a must. I have no idea if you’ve got moaning/licking sounds or whatever to go with the scenes because that music makes me mute my computer.
A better explanation of the various stat bars, and what they mean.
A way to level up! – this is a big one. It would help to make otherwise bland, repetitive gameplay into something more enjoyable.
Those are all the suggestions to actual gameplay, which I have to assume are easier to put into the game early on. Here are some suggestions in terms of what would make the game hotter:
Some way to make the darkness stuck at, like 20%, so you can see more of the scenes, as someone else already mentioned.
An explanation for why the torches stop working later on. Some little line about ‘an unseen wind coming from nowhere to blow it out’ or how they’ve somehow gotten wet, maybe? Maybe a brief flash of Aster using her magic to snuff the torches with wind magic if she’s corrupted enough?
I think in the next update we need to start being able to do more around town. Some more interaction between the player and the world in general. More about Aster too. A few Aster POVs would be nice as well.
I have other ideas, but as I don't know much about the creator's overall vision for this game, I will refrain for now. I hope the creator takes these suggestions in the positive light they are given, and good luck with this work going forward!