VN - Ren'Py - Radiant [v0.7.1] [RK Studios]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Can only give this one a 4 out of 5 unfortunately due to the game receiving updates every time the developer comes out of hibernation..

    Writing is not excelent but its fun and has some level of chemistry and its not just 2 rocks hubbing against each other.
    Many options and possibilities of who to get, fetishes and etc.
    And many virgins to deflower.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This is boring, typical VN that has an update every 9 months hopefully, full of slow burn to be able to get every penny out of their patreons and never reach a conclusion, or climax, ever, with the sole purpose of getting the maximum possible money from the same project, We already know of another VN famous for doing this and that coincidentally is on the same theme of incest and the promise that one day something will happen.

    the story is boring, it is a wall of text without inspiration, the updates are every 7 or 10 months per chapter, there are no excuses, I have seen more ambitious projects that take 4 months to launch a chapter, this VN is always in the same scenarios, with the same 4 or 5 characters.

    P.D: In the end, it's always the same boring thing, with the same people doing this, one day those who donate will realize that they are only taking money from them, "Spoiler alert": You're never going to see the MC having sex with any of his daughters, and the day he does, he's out of business.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Ass Fan

    I was already a big fan of the game But now I'm putting it in my top { 1 }
    I managed to fall in love with the game more after the little daughter of Brooke it's amazing reminds me a lot of the game Lexi This game doesn't even need bitching like I see in many games to be the most downloaded I've surrendered to the game it's simply one of the best games of your gender I don't really care about the sex scenes in these specific types of games I will go the Brooke path to the end of the game to be a great father to her little girl then I will go the other paths with my other three favorite girls this game has that being recommended to everyone is a great novel one of the best stories written that i have ever seen in a game i hope it stays that way now you who are reading my comment and several others don't waste time download and play you will not regret this game yes deserved even more than five stars oh Dev is to be congratulated ;):coffee:
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Hands down one of the best intros to a porn VN I have ever had the pleasure of viewing.
    After that it just turns into your typical run of the mill type of VN with decent renders and girls to drool over.
    No problem, time to channel my inner daddy-daughter incest kink and... end of content.
    Not a lot there at the moment and normally I only review a game when it's a bit further down the line, but this ones development moves so slow, I've seen glaciers move faster. Will it ever come close to completion? The phrase "when pigs fly" comes to mind.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful looking girls, and the story line got me in the feels, nice music choices too, fits pretty well, kept me engaged and wanting to see more of what was going to happen next. Color me impressed so far, did not feel disappointed or bored.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Not sure if this is a case of ambition exceeding the developer's reach, or of the developer being talented but not caring about their product.

    There are great renders here, and a great opening. The backstory is delivered at a nice pace, with a sense that the writer knows what they're doing, and after the prologue, everything begins loaded with possibility and excitement. A rich premise and game mechanics that promise 3 ways to play through said premise? Great, I'm in.

    But then....there aren't really any different ways to play. The most virtuous path and the darkest path have the protagonist doing basically the same things, which just makes the characterization more schizophrenic. I would have loved to have been able to play the MC as either an actually decent person or as a complete sociopath who just wants to dominate people. I was looking for divergent stories based on character choices. Instead, there's constant reassurance that the MC is a good guy, loveable, desireable, even when the game has him acting in completely antisocial ways.

    Maybe I misunderstand incest as a fetish. Maybe this is exactly what someone wants, this exact range of behavior, this arbitrary set of reactions from characters that actually get more two-dimensional as the game goes on. But if the appeal of a visual novel over traditional porn is that there is a sense of agency and immersion that comes from depth of character and story, then this game simply fails to deliver. Agency is exactly what the player does not develop here, as the main character just feels more and more out of the player's control.

    I would say that I would give the game another chance down the road, after more updates, but since those seem to be so few and far between, I think that this is effectively a closed book. And although the renders are hot and high quality, there are better ways to get off. There's plenty of fetish porn in the sea, as they say.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Likely to be among the most awesome games I ever came over here at f95zone. There is only thing I can find as negative, but the case is, this is over-weighting all the good stuff. So I mean really negative... Fact is this developer has been using (if compared to others out there) UNFAIRLY long time for any updates to come. I wonder how many times I have been checking Radiant to see if there was any new updates. I can't give him 5 stars for this fact - but I would if this was not the case. The lack of updates is very, very, very clear; too slow and here comes my main point: Why would I want to play something this good when it's making us all crazy about all the nice and tasty stuff we can not yet get in this game. Its been more than a half year. Somethings rather off here and it's just sad. Shame. I will however change my review if the developer find new inspiration and change the pattern in the future. Nothing is written in stone, but the Dev MUST take the feedback for what it is. And hopefully do something about it.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Focus of development: poor (seems to be more about pulling in money)
    Work ethic: poor (promises and dangling carrots)
    Upgrade cycles and development progress: slow - very slow ... and getting slower
    Trust in the developer to improve and follow through: low and falling
    Story: decent at the start but turns out to be uninspired and dull
    Artwork and kink: good
    Freedom and choice: limited
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm really liking the story so far, characters are well developed and are consistent. Needless to say, renders are great. Nice touch to be able to customize the heroines' age as well. I find myself constantly checking if the next update is up. Great work!
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Very enjoyable with some slight flaws.

    First, the good:

    The premise;

    I really enjoyed the prologue scene, it gave me slight Acting Lessons vibes for some reason and was really touching and tragic.

    The designs of the daughters;

    The redhead and blonde specifically are beautiful and have pretty much set in stone that I'll be on the "pure path" throughout the remainder of the game.

    The game has no real "bad" per say, so I'll call this section the "meh";

    The lack of content is noticeable, but I can't even call that a flaw, I suppose. Every dev works at their own respective pace. It just goes back to me wanting to get to know the daughters better, so I want more content. Leading me to my next point that others have brought up;

    The lack of time with the girls is kinda' weird. I won't harp of this since user DemonicN touched on it better than I could already, so check out their review. But they are totally right. Introduce supporting characters later, now should be the time where the Dev builds the daughter's characters.

    And that's pretty much it. I've seen people comment on the MC being a bit creepy even on the pure path, but I won't count that as a flaw quite yet as I'm assuming the dev is trying to write a more conflicted and unstable character. And it's at least done better than in other games I've reviewed because you're given choices and designated good and evil paths.

    4.5* if that were a thing here.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect in any ways, content in good charecter is beutiful and everything is good, the only bad thing is the game are so short still
    But god Dahm the blond gril is so dirty and kinky in the same time, the brunet is a litlle borring until now but im looking forward to get in bed with her also
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    + Easily some of the most beautiful 3d character models I've ever seen. I love the freckles and the little details ect.
    + Unique character model for the MC- he isn't some stock model from a billion other 3d games.
    + Pacing feels good; but maybe slightly rushed for the content type
    + Some interesting narrative / tensions at play
    +Did a good job of capturing human emotions

    -Not very much content
    -Dark path is dumb; the writing for it is feels like a teenage edgelord. Seems like a waste of time and doesn't vibe or mesh well with the other types of content in the game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent start so far. The story might feel a little "standard" but I'm still interested to see where this is going. I've only tried going a mix of purity/lust for now but once the game will be more advanced I'll definitely try to replay it and see how it goes. Some girls here are actually gorgeous (Brooke <3). Can't wait for next chapter !
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    There was always something bugging me with this game and I just realized what it was. I played the initial release of the game and was very intrigued. It had an interesting premise. The characters all looked very good. I was sold. I supported the Dev and awaited the release of version .02.

    That came, and something just felt off. Sure, the characters still looked good. The animations and such were fine. I had a few discussions with the Dev and still couldn't come to understand what it was missing.

    Some of the negative reviews site weak writing, or storytelling, and sure there are some issues there, but they are not at all the real issue at play here. The problem is you meet 3 girls who are your daughters, and then the story goes in so many other different directions. I told the Dev after the release of .02 I thought there needed to be more interaction with your 3 girls. I didn't realize at the time why.

    These are supposed to be your long lost daughters, you have just met them, you have no relationship with them whatsoever, yet they're now living with you. They should be your only focus for most of the game. At least most of the beginning of the game. I hate comparing games on here but there is a simple comparison with a game that did this right, DMD. In there, you meet your long lost daughter, and almost the entire first chapter is all about building the relationship. Sure, there are a few side dalliances here and there, but the vast majority is all about Dee.

    With Radiant I realized that none of that happens. They just move in and things go on as if normal. All the other options and side parts just get in the way of what the main part of the game could have, and should have been. The focus should have been on the 3 girls. That's why I originally had a lot of hope for this game, and why I originally was supporting the Dev. But after the last 2 updates I realized that's not where this is going, and just what a missed opportunity this way.

    Is this game bad? No, not at all. Again, it looks great, has a few different things people might like. But the missed opportunity made me stop playing part way through the latest update. It needs to be reworked for me. Until then, I will not play it again. A game with such potential is being doomed to the wayside at the moment.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    You were in an accident and lost 10 years of your life in a coma as well a few years of your memories were forgotten. You managed to turn your life around and make a successful business until one day you hear a knock on the door and three young ladies claim to be your daughters enter your life.

    Extraordinary aspects of the game:
    The first game made me scratch my head and remind the cringe I wrote as a teenager.

    What is good:
    The story is interesting, the renders are good, the dialogues between characters quite fine as well.

    What is bad:
    The inner dialogues are unrealistic garbage especially the MCs, three teenage daughters come to the house, and the first choice how to take this situation is as follows: Pure-Lets see how it goes and if something I will fuck them. Lust-I will fuck them all. Dark-Talks about obedience aka dominate them but sounds the best of the all choices wtf?

    The other’s inner dialogues are no better they just saying how handsome the MC is, If removed from the game it will only make the game more realistic and better.

    The age reminder of the girls is annoying as well they are trying to push it everywhere, say it once or twice and forget about it.

    What can be made better:
    Remove the inner dialogue of the other characters, we shouldn’t even hear it. Change the MC inner dialogue to be as his outer dialogue where he is a caring father and slowly corrupt him/develop his feelings for the girls.

    My opinion:
    Like I said before it’s always hard to do and family incest game, but this is an example of how not to do it. The right way is to slowly develop the feelings of the characters slowly and push them into a forbidden territory before they could even notice, with totally does not happen here.

    Some of the choices of the MC are bat shit crazy, at one inner dialogue he talks about how he will fuck all his daughters then suddenly when he kisses one of them, he cries to the wife in his dreams of the terrible mistake he did.

    It feels like two people writing the script and fighting with each other for control. Not talk about what he bought for his daughter as revenge/help wtf? And yes I checked the fully Pure path to check if he gets it to her too and yes he does.

    This game has the making of an amazing game, interesting story, good renders, likable characters but sadly the execution is just bad. Although I shited on this game for quite some time I still enjoyed it and I am sure that the future content will be interesting at best and fappable at least. So I am placing this game in the alright category.

    If you want more reviews/recommendation check out my list [Link]
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I mean... it's fine. The story is boring and I don't find myself caring about it... The incest trope would be OK, and there is some attempt to make the different personalities of the 'daughters' interesting, but it just doesn't live up to some of the better storylines out there. Maybe it will get better, but at the rate of the updates, my grandchildren will be dead before this game is finished.

    (Honestly, it's hard to rate this as 1/5 since the creator has effectively abandoned the much more interesting story, Polarity, to try and gather the incest fans.)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn it... made me cry multiple times, fyi I'm a big sook so that's no surprise.
    But in all seriousness i really like the writing and story!

    Going in I wanted the lust route but I love my girls too much now and I don't want to see them hurt so now I'm half purity. (fingers crossed all goes well)

    I love each character and the different backgrounds each of the other girls have, I especially can't wait for Brooke and her girl too meet my girls and us to be one happy family :D

    Last but not least it looks fantastic as Ren'Py goes and so do (ALL) the girls

    TL:DR 5/5 so far, I really hope this game keeps being updated I will be donating.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for 3.2

    The renders in this game are very good. This is what caused me to take a gander at this game. The story is what hooked me and leaves me wanting more. The story of the triplets and their mother is a bit of a mystery that seems to be slowly showing itself. This game is a departure from what I usually play, and I am thankful for it.

    The sound was good, however, I didn't use sound for the whole game. As for the games performance, I have an a 3 or 4 year old Laptop with an i3 processor and I had no issues running this game. No hang-ups or freezing.

    Olivia and Maddie are my favorite characters at the moment. I'm not sure which I enjoy more. At first, it was Olivia all the way, BUT after my last playthrough, Maddie is beginning to grow on me. Allison isn't a bad character is clueless! haha! Some people like that and that is cool. It adds more liveliness to the character and the story.

    As far as improvements needed, nothing really comes to mind. It could simply mean that I'm not a picky as other. No glaring mistakes are popping out in my mind.

    I'm looking forward to the next release and seeing how things develop!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    [Review of version 0.3.2]
    Well, i want to keep my review simple: there's nothing i don't like about this game!
    1) The plot is not too fast paced nor too slow, it has just the right amount of speed.
    2) All the characters are somehow believable and realistic in their behaviour (you can choose between 3 routes).
    3) The technical level is very high, probably on par with the most famous and experieced developers (apparently this is the first game by RK Studio).
    In short i'm sure i'll be playing this until the end, probably trying even the other routes.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    Hype, I was looking forward to playing the update and loved every bit of it. Thing which i liked the most was no rushed relationship, along with few nice emotional moments. Although animation needs work but story and renders did the butt saving. Don't mind blueballling as long as story delivers. Can't wait.