VN - Ren'Py - Radiant [v0.7.1] [RK Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I love harem games and this one is one of the best.

    Beautiful renders, big variety of stunning LI's, cool MC not some weak wimp.
    Very good animations, hot sex scenes.
    Intresting and wholesome story. Nice music.
    Multiple choices, no forced interactions with LI's.

    Overall great harem game, a rare gem in this genre.
    5/5 Keep up good work and looking forward for more!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games of it's kind. No wonder that many AVN developers tried to copy the game's formula but none of those AVNs are on par with this one. All the LIs are beautiful and there's a lot to choose from. The dialog is fun and not too wordily. I know that development is slow but each update is good and there is progress in the story. One of the best features in the VN is the dark mode. Not a lot of games go there. It's not for me personally nut kudos for doing this.
  3. 2.00 star(s)



    it started well and then got forgotten or something, as it seemed to miss the updating page until certain times of year, like many others that crawl out of the woodwork at this time of year.

    the plot is bland. no two ways about it. been there done that a plethora of times. nothing new to see here.

    the writing is a little childish and not very fluid. it's the readable kind but not engaging.

    the art, when last i played, some time ago, was good enough and though not great it was good enough to stand out as the quality of the project.

    sadly, though not very for me, the game now has kids in it and i only come to this adult site for adult content so game is no longer viable or legal for me to have. deleted
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Love the game not gonna lie. The setting, story, render and animation quality, the cute models, etc. But this dev is milking, at least this one, to honestly hilarious levels.
    Ridiculously short updates delivered at an average of 7-10 months with the famous hiatus of 15 months a couple of versions ago.

    Update 0.5 which is the result of 9 months of work is played in 1h where the story, yet again, barely progresses and it only has one very short and simple animated scene. Something we've been waiting for 3 years. Worst part of all is we know what this dev is capable of with the scenes of the first version of the game. So not only it is disappointing, but very sad to see the dev do a 180 and turn a project with passion into a bare minimum effort money milker.

    Not sure if there really is more than one person in the team, but the Patreon alone is generating almost twice as much as my monthly engineer salary. To think 0.4->0.5 is the result of >30k€ is ridiculous. Will never understand how this dev can still have so many people supporting this project...
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the VERY best games available. I would likely leave it at that if a review did not require more. There's just no notes I would have to make this game better. The women are amazing, you are not an asshole or a simp, the plot is good and you care about the amazing characters that you can interact with. What could be better? Definately one of the top ten on this whole site. The best most popular games I am not allowed to mention in reviews, this is on par with them in every respect. It's even relatively wholesome while being sexy as hell.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I break the visual appeal apart from the story/character appeal

    Visually - art and animations - Alorth does as good a job as any dev out there and better than the overwhelming majority, by far. So this is maximum 50/50%

    Story/Character - There is a an amazing opening with Grace. It is a bit express because you are catching up to the present. I wonder if a framing where the intro is noted to be flashbacks, would allow for more time and unimportant events to pass but I do not think that is a problem overall as stories often need to set up where you are and who you are in an expedited manner. Then they set up your current life, work, coworkers, friends, etc all still fine. The antagonist comes a bit soon, IMO. The intro to LIs from work and then the waitress also feel pretty fast. But then, the girls come into the picture. They are the locked in characters and you can reject the others so again the rush is not bad overall. I do wish some of the first days after we meet the girls was spent with them. Basically it does happen but I feel like it should have happened prior to some of the interrupting events. Overall the story suffers from some of this disjointed flow of events and timing but I do not have a clear opinion on how to rearrange it.

    TLDR - Girls are great but flow and timing meh

    Combined I score 80/100% and therefore 4 stars
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're a fan of immersive gameplay and captivating storylines, then "Fater Daughters" is a must-play game for you. The characters are well-developed and the plot is intriguing, making for an engaging and unforgettable experience. I highly recommend giving this game a try!
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Vincent Valentine

    "I agree, and I understand the success of this game. It deserves all the stars given to it. I can't find any specific flaws; I love the progressive aspect, the teasing, and all the girls (ALL) are stunning and have distinct personalities. It's very well written; there's a good author behind it. It's challenging to argue because everything is excellent in all aspects, like a top-notch student. If we look into the details (although the gameplay concept is excellent!), it's just that in some choices, we can't really know where they will lead. What the author considers 'darkness' may be 'lust' for us, or what he sees as 'lust' might be 'romance' or 'darkness.' But not knowing is also good; it's not a significant weakness. No, I think the worst part is that the updates take too long to come, as there are so many possible paths in the story's outcome that we are left on edge at the moment when it becomes what we were eagerly waiting for. It's a shame to wait for years for progress, as by then, we may have moved on to other games. Discovering it fully completed would have been delightful, and it would have easily made it into my top 5. In the meantime, you can see that providing feedback on such a polished game is not easy. You really have to be picky not to like it because it has everything we want; it lacks nothing. Full of passion. Thank you for the game!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    You are a guy that fell asleep at the wheel and ended up killing someone and then coma time for 18 years or something. Then you wake up and boom this chick you banged before coma was pregnant with kids and now they move in with you. Wacky stuff right. And yeah it is kind of except for the involuntary manslaughter part. "Ruh roh raggy invoruntary mansraughter, that is bad". Also your gf died of cancer. Dayum. Then the mom of the guy you killed comes to you and wants to... suck your cock? Wait what? Who does that? Yuck lady get some self respect

    Yeah the story elements are not that good, so what is good? The 3 girls are good especially madison and the whole correction story line with elements of gaslighting and torture. That is good. In fact it is by far the best part. If you arent interested in that, I couldnt even recommend this to begin with. Manipulating madison into an abusive relationship is just fantastic. Then there are the other 2 girls. They are not as good as madison.

    Also, the other two girls are a combination of too stupid and innocent to be best girl material. Especially the blonde girl, she spots you naked and she doesnt have basic understanding of biology or something. Is this girl mentally challenged? I cant be having sex with this woman, something has happened to her brain i believe this is not right, completely unethical and just plain disgustingly wrong no way not for me. Then there is the redhead girl and she is just basic woman, kind of gets attracted to you she is shy and all that but the dynamic just ends up being rather basic she is into you but ashamed of it. MADISON MOGGS ALL OVER THESE TWO. In personality and in the things you get to do to her. It just isn't fair. Madison supremacy reigns supreme.

    Story, the things that happen in the story(oh no your neighbor hates you etc blah blah) are quite garbage. But Madison saves it. Needs far more Madison. Madison in a pillory, Madison in bondage gear, Madison naked in public Madison abuse 24/7 is my dream.

    There is a very disturbing lack of Madison breeding currently in this. And taking into account this game is quite old, updates are slow and Madison has yet to get dicked. Not even once. It does pain my soul, but one can pray that in the future I will get the chance to do so. The process of turning the brat into the perfect wife is in progress but it has to be completed nothing else will suffice
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is beautiful but it seems to suffer from a problem of not being able to decide on what tone it wants.

    At times it's bubbly, chocolate wouldn't melt in its mouth then it goes kind of dark before jumping back and it's hard to find a rhythm because you don't know if the scenes going to end on a good note or not.

    So the plot's like;

    You start the game getting stood up. That's bad
    You meet a cute lassie. That's good
    You get in a fight defending her honour. That's bad
    You run away and end up sleeping with her. That's good
    Her dad finds you. That's bad
    You escape. That's good
    You're drunk though and end up crashing. That's bad
    You end up in a coma. That's worse
    You wake up. That's good
    You can't remember anything. That's bad
    Three girls turn up on your doorstep they're your kids. That's good
    The lassie from before you can't remember died. That's bad
    The girls are living with you now. That's good
    They're your usual tropes of one being innocent, one being angry and one in the middle. That's bad.
    You start to get to know them. That's good
    Someone turns up at your door and says she's the mother of some guy you killed when you crashed all those years ago. That's bad
    She doesn't kill you. That's good
    Apparently your neighbour is a cop and hates you. That's bad

    Like.... pick a lane... the issue with the neighbour isn't great either cause the MC makes a big deal of saying "who's this clown, he's not even on duty" then despite knowing this still hands over his registration and the like and answers all his questions like he's a little bitch. Like he's one step away from giving him a reach around. And then when he leaves the MC's all "this means war, I'm gonna mess him up" etc. Like sounds good maybe try to be that assertive when he's standing there.

    It's a well developed game. The effort's been put in there but the tone is weird and it's going to really hold the game back the more it goes on. I'm not saying the game shouldn't have obstacles for the characters to overcome. It is a game after all, but it's hard to settle into and enjoy when there's a part of you wondering if in the next scene someone's going to get stabbed or get run over by a truck
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Jim Bentley

    Sometimes I want it to go faster, but that would cheapen the experience. This is top-notch writing and the pacing is perfect. Only thing is Allison starts out naked sleep walking but tapers off. The other girls stay in character. Perfect.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has a very nice story, although at a certain moment you don't like the behavior that...(SPOILER ALERT)... the protagonist has with his daughters, being a depraved. I don't like that this can be a fetish for some, what I don't like is that you can't decide not to be perverted with girls.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is beyond good. The girls (Olivia best girl), the story, the music, the images, the animations... everything is top notch. I look forward to continue playing this masterpiece. The incest makes it perfect.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Game started well. Writing was good, graphics were impressive, opening scene was fun. But the plot has stalled, and there haven't been any more scenes worth while. Last update had a filler arc just to pretend there was still sex in the game, with a character that was just introduced and made no sense whatsoever. I don't mind a slow burn, but the lack of updates and filler content just make it hard to even let the burn build up.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    IMO there is little to debate about the quality of the writing & graphics. It's just that 3 years in, the MC has barely gotten to 2nd base with the main 3 LI. Becuase of the pace, its "play it once & forget it."
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    EDIT: Not changing the review content, but just discovered the game is 3 years old, so I took a star away and maybe should be a 2/5... I don't think there should be any goodwill left on that timeline.

    I'm a bit torn on this game... It has all the hallmarks of an all-timer: good writing, very high quality renders, an emotional connection, solid initial pacing, well-thought-out decision/influence system that is not cumbersome... It feels like the devs aspired to greatness and were well on their way to hitting that lofty goal but, BUT...

    As it currently stands the game is 90% shiny veneer, amazing, amazing veneer, but once you get past the blinding gloss, you start to see other hallmarks; hallmarks of a game trying its hardest to stretch content. Payoff pacing noticeably slows, writing (while still mostly solid) begins to meander a bit with an over-reliance on internal dialogue to pad/fill, but maybe the most critical, the seemingly elegant decision system actually has next-to-zero impact.

    I played through the game twice in both the loving path and the dark path, arguably the most different possible modes, and I'd say the content was 95-98% identical. Not only did the context of scene rarely change, there were no fundamentally different scenes and no cascading context into future scenes.

    The upshot here is that a high-quality game with the appearance of multiple themes/routes and deep emotional context is actually a very shallow game that is increasingly trying to pad an extremely linear single-path whose emotional depth is constantly undercut by its own long-winded internal exposition and lack of any real decision impact.

    All that being said, as long as these devs stay with it, and perhaps find a way to produce more content on a better timeline, I believe this game will still find it's way to being an all-timer. The only problem is content or the lack thereof; the ambition is there, the vision is there, the foundation is there, and the talent is most certainly there... I just hope they don't spend all their goodwill before the game finally gets there.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Radiant Review (Version: 0.5 alpha Taboo Edition).

    This game has a very solid foundation thus far. The story is great and sad, the main character (MC) is a good one, and the wards and other women are well made and hot!

    What stands out the most is the system for the wards, you can choose whether to keep them pure, lust over you, or outright corrupt them with choices you make. This is called pure, lust, and dark points and they affect the outcome of future content (and to a degree, current). This is a great system and allows you to more play how you want to play, instead of having to stick to what the writer feels should happen. This will also be great for multiple playthroughs!

    What people may not like, in the present form the game is short, there is not much content with the wards (none with Maddie really). That is why I think this is getting downvoted a lot is because people are frustrated, they played through the present content and got basically nothing with the three wards, just a little with two of them and nothing with Maddie.

    I personally feel the game is far from complete, but should be commended for the merits it does have. I really like this and I am excited to see where it goes! I will return and update the review once more of the game is completed.

    • Great MC
    • The wards
    • All women so far
    • The story is good and has sad elements
    • The choice system is incredible! I was hoping for something like this.
    • What is there is very well done
    • The renders are great and girls are hot
    • Hot scenes
    • Actively being worked on with recent updates
    • Not much content yet
    • Not much content for two of the wards
    • Nothing much for Maddie yet at all
    • Very short and far from complete as of 0.5A
    Solid 4.3 so far, likely to go up as it progresses!
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    What is here is very pretty but not worth your time or support.

    This game is 3 years old already and you are barely kissing your 'wards'...
    This is a harem focused game, so instead of focusing what little priority the developers give this game over their other projects gets put into adding new and differing characters then the 3 girls in the banner. These new characters also suffer from having a bunch of exposition dumped on you as an excuse to quickly drop panties, trying to keep your interest as the player.
    At this tempo it will be another 5 years before you get to see any penetration with your 'wards'. I'll give it credit for trying to give its characters more depth then becoming shallow, static fuckdolls like other harem-games often end up being, but it doesn't succeed outside of the 'wards'
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Eagerly awaiting more. Strong renders, good story, interesting options. The hidden variables hint at future relatively complex paths, and the number of characters introduced as of .4 seems to indicate at least a 6+ harem which is dope. The only thing that'll make it better on completion is pregnancies. 10/10
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    This game seems really nice. There is also a lot of content and the characters look super attractive. The graphics is also awesome and beautiful renders. Unfortunately when the game starts to have great flow, there is end. It would deserve much more.