VN - Ren'Py - Radiant [v0.7.1] [RK Studios]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Good first release. The story is very interesting and the characters are unique and likable. Writing is good, It's understandable and simple, Each character has his own personality, approach. I love when a game starts with some emotional stuff. Music is also very pleasant to the ear. I often play games without music but this game has really good melodies that are perfectly compatible with the scene or event in-game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    The Anti

    I love this game!

    Super Cute girls? Check
    Engaging story? Check
    Great Animations and Renders? Check
    Long 0.1? Check (1hour & 20 minutes of play time for my personal playthrough)
    Optional Cherry Blood is the Cherry on top (pun intended) for me

    An absolute stunning game that I recommend anyone and everyone play

    Great Job Alorth & Sir Dammed
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! It upsets me that we didn't have an option to go and help the mother (for a possible stay true route) but this also does help the story progress and you are doing an amazing job with that. I cant wait until the next version of the game, keep up the good work!(Prox)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on 0.1

    WHOW - just tried, and all i can say is: well done.
    The renders are top - the animations are awesome. No issues found so far. Oh - and i fucking LOVE freckles, red hair and green eyes But personally i don't like to be crashed emotional right at start :cry:, but i know why the dev had to do it that way. It was necessary to set up the plot - but made me sad though :cry:

    definitively worth to play and to keep track on it! (y)
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    As it is a starting version im going off what ive played and maybe ill revalue my score later to date.

    Game play and replay: overall its not restricted to one playthrough which is good. Choices and UI are good for how it is set on renpy but could be better with optional customization for individual characters and personal play tendency. Has multi path choices and multi ends so that's a huge plus. +2

    Graphics: Very well done for renpy engine so I'm happy its visually appealing. Character expressions are fluid and animations are not fugly so great artistry work has been put in. Some lighting looks fuzzy but nothing else makes it bad other than that. +1

    Story and length: Has a very long thought out first chapter so as far as length this game is VERY long. Telling of strong emotional display on par with NON porn works like some of the top 100 dramas in modern day arts ( maybe even better than some by Dick Wolf lol). Has more to come so not able to grade overall. +1
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    There have been some big name releases for AVNs recently but this one is definitely my favorite.

    The story tugged on my heart strings and the models, animations, as well as the writing is superb. The game certainly is written maturely which I love to see. Although it is very early in the story, it is clear the characters will feel real; they have personality and in time I'm sure we will learn more about them. They won't just be pretty faces which is essestial in making an engaging VN. It also seems that choices will matter going forward and this probably means there will be quite a bit of replayability.

    I can't wait to see more from this game and definitely recommend trying it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 444674

    I loved this. This was a very well thought out beginning to a game with great potential.

    Characters: The characters are great! I was a bit skeptical at first due to the intro but after that, it was nothing but greatness. The 3 girls, in particular, are all gems that need to be protected at all costs. Very likable, all with their own quirks and feelings, feelings that you can't blame them for. I can't pick a favorite yet, but they're all very entertaining so far. The redhead, Olivia, is easily the tamest out of the 3 so far, with the brunette, Maddison, being the most hot-tempered, but is probably the one with the biggest heart, while the blonde, Allison, is the most carefree and bubbly of the 3. It's a great contrast and mix of characters so interactions don't feel stale. I love them. They're very much grounded in reality, but they project enough emotion and character to keep you interested. And boy was I interested.

    Dialogue: Again, it was a bit iffy at the start, almost cartoonish, but it got much, much better and felt like real people talking as time went on, real people with sometimes exaggerated quirks for entertainment sake, it again, it works.

    Plot: The plot is extremely heartfelt. I love stories like these that tug on the heartstrings and give you something to protect, in this case, 3 girls. Other games have done this, but I tend to have issues with those games because the MC is almost always a Gary Stu. He always knows martial arts and can always defeat the bad guy with ease and a coolness to him, always knows the right words, never feels pressure, I can't get behind someone like that. At least I can't get immersed in that. We make mistakes. We say the wrong things, we feel negativity. This game ALLOWS us to be angry. It allows us to feel negativity because that is human nature, and I absolutely love that it doesn't deduct points for wanting to be honest. The game WANTS you to make choices that correspond with how you feel and we don't see that enough in games. In any other game, if you speak your mind or try to be realistic, a relationship point is deducted. This game doesn't want you to form the perfect relationship. It wants you to form YOUR relationship with these girls and if this first version is ANY indication, we're in for something special with this one.

    Renders: Look for yourself. They're great in my eyes and animations are very good as well. Very crisp game.

    Music: Music is also very pleasant to the ear. I often mute the music because games with sfx or tracks don't normally do it for me because they don't aid the story or the tone of the scene. The tracks compliment these scenes very well and they're also great to listen to. I'm glad.

    Am I leaving anything out?

    I haven't run into any bugs. It might be hard in the future because this game is very much tailored to your being. It wants you to be you, of course within reason, so it may get hard to keep track of bugs in the future considering, but right now, it's clean.

    Overall this was an extremely fun experience with a heartfelt story and rich characters. Happy times and sad times ahead and I can't wait to see more of this. 5 out of 5 wtf did you expect after reading my essay?
  8. 4.00 star(s)



    It's a nice start, the graphics are really good, the girls are very pretty, the story is decent but it could have been better and the music is a very nice complement to the things that were happening.

    Games with choices that matter are my thing, but some of the questions here are a bit rushed and i would have preferred that later and let everything flow in time.

    Other thing that it was rushed to me is the relationship between the MC and Gracie. Giving the responsability of taking care your 3 daughters to a guy that you met for one night doesn't make sense, yeah she didn't have any family left, but what about any friends that she actually know?. So, for me, it could have been better if this chapter had been longer to show more a relationship between the MC and Gracie and not only a one-night stand.

  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, beautiful renders, and characters that feel well fleshed out. This is an excellent first release and probably about an hour of content already. While the girls are all gorgeous, I must say that I actually felt protective of them after the intro, so I honestly hope there are routes that focus a relationship on others while just being their father. Regardless, a very nice start and definitely one to keep an eye on.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say about this fantastic first version? I love the story and how it just hits you like a freight train straight to the heart. All the girls are very beautiful and the animations are amazing. I can't find one thing about this VN to complain about and very much look forward to the future of this story! I don't want to go into detail about the story in my review, all I can say is read it for yourself you won't regret it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, beautiful renders, and characters that feel well fleshed out. This is an excellent first release and probably about an hour of content already. While the girls are all gorgeous, I must say that I actually felt protective of them after the intro, so I honestly hope there are routes that focus a relationship on others while just being their father. Regardless, a very nice start and definitely one to keep an eye on.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Eerie Entity

    I give this game a 5 star rating because, in my opinion the writing is far above average, it's great actually. Art and models are great, character personalities are sweet and funny.
    There's a good bit of drama already, setting up the basis of the story, a bit of an emotional roller coaster too, having its sweet moments, then sad moments, followed by more sweet and sad moments.
    And I also like the fact that through important choices you can shape up the kind of person MC will become as the story progresses, and what kind of relationship he'll have with different characters, so it's not all cut in stone.

    I definitely became a fan, all I can say to the devs is that keep up the great work, I'm eager for more! :)
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The first part of this review was based on the original release which received 5 stars. But below that is my current rating updated for v0.2.1 and my current opinion. I will be keeping my original thoughts intact below. In a new section will be how I currently feel after the updates. Considering it is getting a lower rating. It felt right to update this review, if the star rating had remained untouched, I probably would of left it alone.

    Original version
    A coherent story which is refreshing. It restores a part of your soul when you play a game like this, compared to some which are released here which sap the very life from you as you try to grasp what is going on.

    Nice renders. The story makes sense which is a bonus. All I ever look for in games is to show some logic and stick to the rules they lay down in their world and story building. Just an effort really which is what this game exactly had.

    I was interested from the beginning to end and actually read the story with fascination. The main characters feel fleshed out for the first outing of the game and feel like they actually have souls and personality. I really have no need to go into the story at all, will let you enjoy it as it unfolds if you play.

    Would recommend a play through. I played this time of review v0.1. If you disagree with this review, no issue here, always form your own opinions. I will update this review if more is released and I play it.

    Updated review Version v0.2.1 Contains spoilers
    Disappointing, for what, seven months of a wait. The story and structure seemed like a half baked follow up. Some things were creepy or unsettling. The new character cop, who all of a sudden seems to hate you in the space of a few days in his beat up car and is really upset there are people in your house, all over the course of what, a day of them living there ?? The cop seems forced and mega weird taking pics of you for no good real reason. His granddad owned a pretty new mansion that you now live in and this is his main driving force. I don't know. Hope there is more to this story. What is he doing living in a rich neighbourhood if he is poor or so it seems, hope that is explained in future updates. No cop just takes your ID and you just hand it over in your driveway so he can take it to god knows do what with it or give the info to god knows who, he looks like he is not even on duty.

    It feels the dev got lost and did not really know where to take the story and may have been surprised at how popular the game became and how it took off. The story already had a mother of the son you killed turn up the same time you take in your daughters. That was coincidence enough and stretched believability, now the next day a nut job cop upset you live in his grandfathers mansion turns up and is taking pics of you, seems you are just looking for too many layers at once.

    The mother of the son you killed also wants to meet up with you and asks to stay in contact. Then you meet for coffee and she makes it seem like you are the one which was chasing the meeting. A scripting oversight ??

    O, your daughters seem totally fine walking around naked in front of you now, and just in general the tone and class of the script seems a lot lower, it is kind of just falling into tropes. How is the cop also towering over your property taking pics to blackmail you with without you never noticing that property and also he lectured you about the property you have and its size, yet his must tower over it. I don't know about that one.

    I only just now got time to update this and it is quick touching on key points as much as possible. Hopefully this game pulls it back together. Really disappointing it did not continue to hit the high notes. I am bumping it down to three stars and will see where it goes with future updates. But the pace of releases will hopefully improve also. I always try to be as honest and truthful as possible and I am always open to dialogue if anyone ever wants to mail me on my reviews. If you like the game or feel different, great and enjoy.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 15555

    i know one of the devs, did not really not know the other but this game is making me check them out too after playing this new game, really a fantastic partnership they have made.
    I love this type of games and i certainly recommend it 100%.
    Vanilla & Harem type of content
    great animations
    good looking girls and renders, the writing and choices add for replayability aswell, so my 5 stars to those 2 devs for making this awesome game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Well Well Well, let's start.

    The story is well written, it might not be for everyone but i enjoy these kinds of stories without too much drama. As far as my English knowledge goes there aren't any glaring mistakes. It's your standard wholesome story that patreon oh so loves to see :^).

    The renders are really well made. attention to detail is also really nice. you can even read a part of the game in the renders. All the girls are really cute and i haven't really seen the models in other games before. The animations in the game are also really well made, they really flow well.

    The game itself is bugfree from what i've seen. There's also nice music in the game that you don't see too often. You also have choices that are gonna decide how your character behaves in the game, gotta see how that turns out, but knowing their other games this should work out fine. For a first release there's a good amount of content, it took me about 1h20m to play through the game.

    All in all, the game is really fun and has some tearjerkers in it, it's well made. If you like "these" games with "those" tags, you'll definitely like this one. So give it a try :^)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Normally i do not do a review for a 1st release but this has a good hour to it(if you actually read) so it's worthy of one...and i know both dev's and know they wont disappear suddenly.
    Render:Very good though not unique...we've seen the models before but they are done to a higher level than usual so are elevated well..the 3 main girls are adorable AF and everyone will latch on to a fav fast..almost like they were designed that way :O
    Story:very good..well written except for some generic hokey early on(guess they hadnt found their flow yet) but it ramps up into a genuinely good story with feels and immersion.
    Gameplay:standard vn easy peasy..some single choices "choices" early in that are useless..meh...but later in there are actual choices with important effects to the chose the ones that suit your pornsonality.
    5/5 must play..sub now!!!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely fantastic game!

    The first release has a good size of about 90-120 minutes depending on your reading speed and if you actually look at the renders/animations xD

    So far all girls in the game are absolutely gorgeous each of em with a unique character.

    Love, drama, humor everything is there in this hot new Story from Sir Dammed.

    And everything put into great renders/animations by Alorth

    And since I know them both quite well, I know that it will be 100% NTR free now and in the future!

    Keep an eye on this game, this could be your new favorite ;)

    If you like it check out the discord and say hi!