VN - Ren'Py - Radiant [v0.7.1] [RK Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, so I just played through the latest update and I quite enjoyed it. The renders are extremely clean and attractive, and it seems very nice grammatically.

    So all the complaints about the story, it's true that some make no sense, such as the color of the eyes (which is actually really stupid of someone to point out cause who tf remembers that part? Go read a book and write an analysis on it if that's what gets you going. Dev might've even taken it out, can't remember since I didn't really care too much.) Adressing the complaint about feet being sensitive, that's def a thing. Ever tickled someone in the feet? If the mc was being gentle, they will have a similar reaction and instinctivly kick up. I do agree that the random police officer didn't make too much sense, but if you read the part with his wife you see that he was gradually losing his mind 2 years prior. Also, every story needs some drama.

    One actual nonsensical thing which I didn't see anyone point out, (since, duh every protag should be like this right?) was the fact that literally every single girl finds the mc so attractive they immediately wanna fuck. Not even a complaint, just something I noticed.

    Overall, def give it a try and don't be dissuaded by the negative reviews. They make it sound way worse than it is, and it's a porn game for god's sake. Just enjoy it. 5/5 so far
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a story written by an evil genius.

    I am also reviewing this from the pure and lust routes, not the dark route which is where I believe a lot of the "negative" reviews are coming from. I dont buy that anyone rating this story as a negative is playing this for the actual plot or if they are they are playing the dark route which I feel would be counter to the entire character the MC displays in the common scenes.

    If you are looking for mindless porn/fap material, there are better games for that, not saying this is a bad game or the girls arent cute etc, but this is not a game about sex, its a game about loss and love that happens to have sex in it.

    I downloaded this game the first time I think back right after chapter 2 was released and was just looking for a fun game with specific kinks, came for the very cute girls on the "front cover" expecting tropey kinks and fun animations but damned if this isn't an actual story with feeling and emotions.

    I remember my first playthrough just getting wrapped up in the story, the emotions are so well written I could literally feel the pain of the three girls losing their mother and the MC finding something more to his life in having three daughters and wanting to protect them and care for them (im clearly not playing the darker route when I write this, I feel like personally that would just gut the story of all that is making it amazing). By the end of the chapter you cant help but want to protect these girls from everything bad.

    Then chapter 3 comes out and within 5 minutes im already gut punched with the raw emotion of the MC and Gracie's conversation, you can feel the regret and pain of the loss the MC is feeling having lost the woman who can only be described as his soulmate, gone before he even had a chance to have a life with her. the rawness of it, you can feel the realization he is experiencing as more and more of it hits him , they had 1 night together but you can tell it would have been a lifetime if not for the fickleness of fate. "I wish you were here..." even that one line speaks volumes, the music choice is excellent at conveying the emotion of the scene.

    I hope the dev keeps going in this direction, as it stands you could remove the porn from the game and I'd still play it for the story.

    Like I said, written by an evil genius and I truly hope he keeps going like this.
  3. 4.00 star(s)



    I'm completely revamping this, giving it a proper review.

    • All of MC's daughters are cute. I think despite being (fraternal) triplets, there is a visual aspect that will likely appeal to you between at least 1 of the 3. Maddison is my favorite.
    • Dev did something weird with the 0.4 update to Allison; her face is noticeably different when she's outdoors w/ MC than in prior versions of the game. Not sure what's up with that. It's not present in each render, but a few in particular, and I don't think it's just because her hair is different from when we first meet her.
    • I like that we see characters' mouths move when they're speaking to MC (vs inner monologue), but there are times where a sentiment of excitement/joy are being expressed and the girl's face doesn't match which is confusing. I.e.
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      . She says this with a completely straight face; no smirk, no sly smile out the corner of her mouth, no wink, etc.

    • This is in my top 5 VNs for this particular taboo. Probably top 3. The background story is fantastic, and executed in a way that is not cheesy, lacking, over-the-top, or otherwise off-putting. Other devs have tried and - in my opinion - failed to execute the writing and "flow" in a way that doesn't suck.
    • The pace is good; not too fast, not too slow. I do feel like there are missed opportunities here and there, if you step back and think about how quickly inter-domicile relationships develop/blossom, it's pretty fast. This will either be something to the player's liking, or they'll feel cheated out of a build-up. Where I think the devs got it right, here, is that they don't just plunge you into lewd scenes that are not even remotely realistic. Mostly, MC stumbles upon them by accident or lets his curiosity get the best of him. He isn't just a hound-dog on the prowl from the get-go.
    • The relationship dynamics between the MC and every female are unique and believable. I like this, as opposed to MC having a singular personality and every female just being magically fixated.
    • Mostly, at least so far, we get the MC's perspective on his experience over a fairly brief period from the time in present-day when his girls show up to when they vacate on their road trip. There isn't a ton of focus on micro events; it's more one interaction leading to another with some events filled-in in between.

    This is one of the aspects in a VN experience that - for me - serves as granting the most weight to my enjoyment or displeasure. I have a knack for getting hung up on proper spelling/grammar/syntax. I know the devs for this game are either US-based or simply very fluent in their English, and so there is no wanting for tedious corrections. The characters each have personalities, and these shine through in the dialog. It's not over-the-top in complexity, the vernacular is what you'd find if you visited the US, and is just enjoyable. I really can't say much more here, as I don't have any critiques.

    Gameplay Mechanics/Other Notes
    • There are a few areas I'd improve upon with respect to player-interaction; I feel like the game auto-advancing to the next render/dialog occurs sometimes and not others. Sometimes I accidentally "over-click" trying to advance the game when it is doing so automatically, and other times I'll sit and wait several seconds expecting it to and realize I need to manually proceed by clicking.
    • Thank fuck there's no free-roam and this a proper VN, not a sandbox.

    This get 4.5 stars for me. I've only rated 1-2 VNs a 5, and it takes next-level innovation, creativity, and a deep meaningful experience to get it. I think this VN is capable of 5 stars, but I've yet to see devs go back and "fix" all the things I personally want just to appease me. For this one to make that leap, I would like to see more time spent on the first 3 versions; flesh out more in-between scenes and have more interactions with the girls. Insert dialog and outcomes that really tug at the heartstrings in addition to the johnson (metaphorically, of course). We pack a ton into the first few updates of the story, and it plays very fast, but then with the latest update it feels like a proper and whole "chapter". That would be an extra .25. For the other .25, I'd like to see more realism and detail in the model textures. I feel like some renders are more rushed in terms of lighting/skin stretching/detail. Again, that's if I'm being nit-picky. I'm also a sucker for thicc ladies, and it's abundantly clear this one ain't gonna satisfy that craving. Good thing I'm easily distracted by 3 cute girls doting over their father.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent! I was blown away by the quiality of the renders - eyes, feet, everything's great! I absolutely love the harem and incest part of story.
    It's a bit short and too "prude" - really, all of them are virgins and no other sexual experiences? also, the choices are a bit too obvious.
    But overall - great experience, waiting for the continuation
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Another heavily overrated game.
    Ignoring the pretty creepy premise of the game; the writing is really, really poor. It feels like it was written by and for 12 year old boys.
    Don't get me wrong, a porn game doesn't have to be realistic, it doesn't even have to be believable, but this game takes itself completely seriously and that is huge problem because it is full of plotholes and implausible situations and behaviour and terrible dialogue. There are some pretty good reviews with more details.
    Maybe this sounds a little harsh, but I was kind of shocked to play a game with more than 200 reviews and such a score to have such obvious flaws that are pretty hard to ignore while playing.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    trust me on this, if the script and animation of this game progresses the way it has, its gonna be one of the top games of the site. The plot is pretty original, the girls hot, the conversations realistic, the corruption well paced. Most importantly, there is a 'Dark' side to the character which i think is truly, actually, very dark. And I like just that.

    Really good game. Love the dark stuff.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Pictures: good.
    Music: annoying.
    Storytelling and logic: abysmal.
    Several reviewers described in detail why the game sucks now. It looked promising in Chapter 2 but a few months later it's utter disappointment. Will not bother following it any more.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    All in all Radiant is a great game that shows a lot of promise.
    Choices matter? Check. Taboo themes? Check. A compelling story? Check. Interesting female characters? Oh yes.

    It's easy to immerse yourself in the role of the MC and take part of the smorgasbord of emotions that run through the game.

    Everything is not perfect though.
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    There are a lot of tropes in this game but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
    And I know it's a harem game, but personally it was a bit too much that EVERY woman you run into immediately has the hots for the MC. It'd be nice to ease into a more realistic depiction of that instead of just WHAM in the face. Highly subjective though.

    It is my sincere wish that this game delivers on all it's promises for Radiant has the potential to truly shine.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Based on v0.3
    Very promising game. I wish it ill turn into someting beautigul. Especially i like the alinment system, how you can developrdifferent types of relationships with girls. My expections for future releases are high, good luck dev.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, and I don't normally watch for those here. Actually got me in the feels a bit early game. Also the way it is written takes care of one of the major problems with much IC fantasy. I am new to IC being a kink that one would play.. I have no siblings or children so can somewhat role with it since there is no one in my life like that. But I read some studies IC is RARE and almost impossible if raised together. So the story here did a real good job covering that and setting up the story. Have not donated in a while I may yours. Also top notch Graphic animations!!!! Though my interest is not the periphery characters and not a bathroom sex guy that was a hot scene in the stall during the dinner.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the second review for the games today.
    Yoooo, this game is now in my folder with those that are most interesting to follow and wait for updates.
    One of these days I will go on vacation, and I am glad that I managed to complete this game before leaving.
    Actually a few words.
    Very nice storyline, very straight forward.
    I liked the characters very much, literally all the characters except the fag from the FBI. (I hope they won't persecute me for this phrase :))
    And to be honest, I burst into tears at the moment of visiting the cemetery where the parents of MC and Gracie are buried. For some reason, scenes like this always get me emotional.
    A very important point, for me, I'm just a little confused. The lack of a gallery. I just like sometimes to go in and see all sorts of scenes, I can see that I missed something somewhere. Well, I hope there is a craftsman and will make a mod. Well, or the developer will add, it will not be bad either.
    In general, I'm wondering when was the last time an update was released? When to expect a continuation?
    Hopefully when I get back from vacation I will see something new.
    Thanks for the game.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm not going to get into an argument about the logic of the scriptwriter of this game, which honestly is pretty bad. I already had a good laugh when he said Allison and the MC had the same (blue) eyes and then when he fucks the waitress the waitress tells him she loves green eyes. His justification was, I wasn't referring to the color of the eyes, I was referring to the shape. Of course I did, it could never occur to me or anyone else to deny that he was referring to the shape of the eyes. Simply ridiculous.
    But what borders on tragedy is to say a hundred times that a girl is a virgin when she has a daughter. I hope she wasn't abducted by aliens...
    In any case, waiting so many months to see this ridiculous update was not worth it. The girls are very pretty, that's true, and everyone will be waiting to see how their father takes their virginity.... But for me that's not enough. The story gets more and more ridiculous and the dialogues get poorer and poorer. The one about the neighbor cop's wife in the car borders on congenital stupidity. And the Russian woman calling him to massage the man who killed her son makes the most sense, of course. And that when he caresses her feet he breaks her nose, also, of course, they were very sensitive feet... ridiculous after ridiculous....
    Developers earning close to $9,000 a month should take better care of their patrons and give them a much higher quality product.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is deffinitely a bit of a slow burn but as far as VNs go although it uses the amnesia trope it takes it in a unique direction.

    The story is actually interesting, I mean strip out the taboo pad the story a wee bit and you have a soap opera or a drama movie script in the making.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I will say this only once; there will be HEAVY spoilers ahead. You have been warned.

    We'll start with the basics.

    ~ Sound? This game actually has BGM, which a lot of authors seem to overlook, so that's a plus. Other than that, there are no extra sound effects.

    ~ Art? Everything looks great. The backdrops are all very high quality and pleasing to look at.

    ~ Character Models? Fantastic. All of the girls are gorgeous.

    ~ Animations? Basic/generic short loops, but good enough.

    ~ Story? Oh boy, this is where the problems begin... cliches, oh god, the cliches. (I will give one more warning here. I'm not going to be covering every single little thing that happens, just the main events.)

    We'll start with Chapter 1.

    The story starts with you reminiscing about your first date with your childhood crush where you guessed it, some douchebag comes up to her, grabbing her arm wanting to dance and calling her names when she says no, leaving our "strapping hero" to come to her rescue and punch him in the face... sigh.

    After dancing with your crush, mr douchebag comes back with his friends to beat you up (who could have seen that coming?), so you two run away and head toward your car outside, which for some reason is a pristine, blown, old school muscle car that the MC can somehow afford?

    (P.S I'm pretty sure I've seen this car at least five times before in other works, but whatever, that's a minor complaint.)

    Then, after making it home, you proceed to have sex with her for the first time. As for the scene itself? Basic looped animations, but better than nothing. However, the scene is paused multiple times though because, for some reason, the game needs you to click on a box to confirm that you do indeed want to move onto the next stage of sex instead of just letting it flow naturally.

    Even weirder, you're given the option to call this girl that you're finally with after crushing on her since you were a child your 'slut', 'slave' or something else that you decide... real romantic for your first time.

    Then, in totally not cliche fashion, just after giving her a creampie, her father walks in, forcing you to flee through the window. Then, to add cliche sprinkles onto the already present cliches; as though someone had roofied our MC, on the drive home, he suddenly starts blacking out for no apparent reason other than he's 'tired', he gets into a crash, put into a coma, has memory loss, yadda-yadda. You know the drill.

    After the time skip, you get the usual MC routine, start working out, get a super high-paying job and buy a big ass fancy house, the usual.

    After another time skip, your three daughters show up asking to stay with you because (of course) their mother is sick and dying, and they have nowhere to go.

    So, life with your daughters. Of course, during the very first night, the MC notes how attractive they are, can't leave that out. He then gets up for a midnight tinkle, leaves the bathroom to find Allison sleepwaking in just her panties which prompts him to get a boner that she sees... (does this story seem familiar to anyone else?)

    So after creeping on your daughters for a few hours, a woman named Natalie shows up to inform you that eighteen years ago, you killed her son... oh boy.

    Moving on to Chapter 2...

    So to start of chapter two, the woman whose son you killed eighteen years ago shows up randomly, knocks on your door, tells you what you did... then leaves? Yes. But then the MC follows her for whatever reason leading them to a secluded part of the park where they talk for a bit, and she pulls a knife on you...

    She doesn't stab you, of course, because that would mean game over, but you're given three stupid options to respond, each of which ends with you getting slapped in the face and doing nothing about it because, as you'll come to learn quickly, the MC is a bit of a cuck.

    After being slapped. he goes back again (of course), offers her help should she need it, then leaves- oh, sorry, he tries to leave, but before he can, Natalie stops him, asks him out on a date which you cannot refuse, then slaps you. Again.

    Oh good God, it took all my willpower to keep going past this point.

    So, back at home, Maddison, who hated you at first, is now totally cool with you and blatantly flirts a little bit.

    After eating with your daughters and talking a bit, you go to work, mess around there for a bit before deciding to go on a date with Brooke, which I'm assuming only happens if you choose the option saying you would like to pursue something with her in Chapter 1 which I did.

    While at dinner with Brooke, the waitress Vanessa brazenly flirts with the MC, which is whatever; I respect her going for what she wants, though I felt like it was a bit overboard.

    After Vanessa blows off Brooke one too many times while waitressing, the MC decides he will go and confront her, only, before he can, she pulls him into a bathroom and rips her top open, offering herself to him. You can say yes, no, or straight up tell her to go fuck herself, which I thought was a fun option, lol.

    After the date, you overhear Allison and Olivia talking about whether or not you are attractive, which is a bit forward, but whatever. You then catch Maddie masturbating, leaving you with the options to listen closely, leave her be or troll her, all of which don't last long before you head to bed yourself.

    So after some time goes by with your daughters, MC goes to pull out of his driveway because he has things to do, only, before he can fully leave, his typically assholish cop neighbour is driving by and almost gets t-boned by MC.

    Now, they didn't actually hit each other, so right there it should have ended, but instead, the cop gets out of his car, walks onto the MC's property, yells at him and demands his ID and registration, all while he's off duty I might add. And I don't know where the author of this game is from, but at least where I live, off-duty cops aren't allowed to trespass on someone's property, nor are they allowed to ask for someone's ID/Registration, especially if they haven't actually done something wrong. So the whole scene threw me off.

    It's a pretty obvious attempt at creating drama with the future "antagonist" of the game – if you want to call it that – but in the end, it feels pretty cheap and unrealistic. You're supposed to hate this guy 'cause the author tries REALLY hard to make him a douchebag, but it's just cringy.

    So after the cuck- sorry, the MC finishes getting pushed around by the poor excuse for a bad cop, he meets with Natalie, who basically establishes that he is her bitch now and that she needs him for something the next day, so if he wants her forgiveness, (which I honestly couldn't care less about and wish we had the option to tell her to fuck off) we'd better cancel any plans we have in the afternoon.

    Continuing on, you hang out with Allison, the first stop being, of course, a clothing shop where you, of course, get called into the changing room with her and are, of course, flashed her breasts again, followed by, you guessed it, her bending over in front of you while changing her panties thus flashing her pussy a little bit, as well... and keep in mind that you've technically only known her for a couple of days at this point, yet she's already doing this.

    After the day with Allison is finished, you relax at the pool with Olivia and chat a bit, but eventually, she kisses you on the lips. Again, they've known each other for like a couple of days, yet somehow she is romantically in love with him enough to want to kiss him? I don't know why the romance is being rushed so heavily.

    After kissing her, you are given a shot of the wannabe bad guy cop smirking in his dark window with a camera in his hands 'cause yes, this story needed a blackmail twist... I can only sigh.

    Now to Chapter 3...

    So, to start chapter three, you wake up in the middle of the night to find Allison sleeping next to you, which is cute and fine and all; at least she has a bra on this time. Though in the morning, she wakes you up by straddling you in her underwear while you are only in yours, again, I feel like I need to stress this further. Despite you being their father, you and your three daughters have known each other for a few days at most; things are progressing way too fast.

    After some morning stuff, you head to work where Mira presents you with an offer of "hanging out" with her, and you are given the option to hang with her secretly, openly, or just outright reject her. It's nice that we can turn her down if we wish; there aren't many things worse than having girls forced on you in these types of games, *cough* Natalie *cough*...

    Anyways, I went with the secret option because who doesn't like a little naughty fun when no one else knows about it?

    Speaking of Natalie, after talking with Mira, you head to her apartment where she greets you in her underwear, then asks you to massage her... the guy who killed her son 18 years ago, that she only just met face to face for the first time a couple of days ago, the guy that she first held at knifepoint threatening to kill him and then settled on slapping a couple of times, yeah, she's now totally cool with you, inviting you to her home and asking you to massage her in her underwear- well, technically only her panties since she takes off her bra before the massage starts... good god.

    Of course, in typical cliche fashion, our MC has a solid grasp on massaging despite it never being mentioned before. Things go well until he gets to her feet which are, I guess, ticklish or something 'cause she kicks him in the face. At the end of it all, after knowing each other for like two days, having one coffee date, one massage, and one hug, she then informs you that she has forgiven you for killing her son... good GOD, what am I reading.

    A little bit later, you find yourself in Olivia's room talking about what happened the night prior, where you have the options of being romantic, flirtatious or taking advantage of her.

    After that, you head to Allison's room, where you are allowed to get touchy-feely with her bare butt as she's bent over and simultaneously flashing you her pussy. Again. After that, you do a bit of a private photoshoot where she claims you're allowed to watch her change too.

    The next morning, after making plans to see Brooke, you receive a text from Vanessa giving you the option to see her, as well, if you so desire.

    Just as you are about to leave the driveway, however, things get really weird. Remember mr cliche bad cop? Yeah, well, his wife not only broke into your car, but she's waiting there in the backseat for you so you can talk about something. Not creepy at all.

    What does she want to talk about? Well, she informs you that her husband was indeed spying on you when you kissed Olivia by the pool, and he's apparently going to use it against you. Though something I found funny about it was that by the angle of the camera shot, you can't actually see the MC and Olivia kissing, they're just close to each other. I mean, yeah, it's kind of obvious what they're doing to anyone looking at the image, but there's not actual definite proof, so idk why that's supposed to be scary, lol.

    Anyways, as if mr cliche bad cop couldn't get any more cliche, guess what? He used to work for the FBI! Yeah! Who could have seen that coming? What's next, we're going to learn that he graduated top class in the Navy Seals, been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, has over 300 confirmed kills, and trained in gorilla warfare and is the top sniper in the entire US armed forces?

    So Rachel (cliche cop's wife) came to you because her husband has been acting weird for over a year, and she's basically sick of him. She needs your help with something though she can't tell you what just yet. Of course...

    Whatever, moving on. You head to Brooke's house, get some head, then proceed to get punched in the nuts by her apparent daughter that she had through artificial insemination... keep in mind that she decided to do this despite never having sex before and being a virgin, talk about putting the cart before the horse.

    After that, you meet with Vanessa (if you chose to do so), where she gives some weird excuse – that's supposed to make you feel sad, I guess – as to why she's not a slut despite throwing herself at you after knowing you for like ten minutes, but whatever.

    Following that, you and your three daughters take a trip to the cemetery where you visit their mothers grave and tears fall, sad music plays, and it's supposed to be really heartwarming, but after the gauntlet of cliche's and rushed, immature writing you went through to get there, it kind of nullified the whole thing.

    And that’s the end of the available content at this time. Now look, I know that review probably sounded harsh, and it was, but I just couldn't bring myself to sugarcoat it. I like the premise, and for all the ragging on cliches I do, the plot of this story is one I actually enjoy, but the execution of it is just flat-out poor.

    I've said the word what feels like a million times now, so I'm not going to keep beating a dead horse, but I mean, come on, whereas most authors try to mix in some originality with the cliches, this story just felt like all cliches and no originality.

    More so, the pacing is utterly atrocious. I don't know if the author themselves just can't hold back and wants to get to the action quickly or if they're trying to pander to the virgins playing the game, but things are happening way. too. Fast.

    I get it; it's a harem game, and every woman is eventually going to fall for the MC's 'charm,' but why does it all have to happen in the first week of gameplay? Spread it out, give us something to look forward to as we progress with the already established girls, don't just throw them all at us immediately.

    Anyways, that’s all I can manage to type right now; I’ve had enough. I feel like I conveyed my feeling well enough.

    As for the final score? I teetered between and 1/5 and 2/5 for quite a while but eventually settled on a 2/5. As good as the visuals, character models, sound, animation etc... are, the plot and writing are just so illogical and subpar that I can't justify anything over a 2.

    To anyone who reads this, I hope you have a nice day/evening.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished the last update I thoroughly enjoyed it I thought it was one of the best written games that I've played and I hope that they continue in the past that they are going I'm not going to make this a very long review because I like to keep things short but the storyline to me was great and anything that can bring tears to my eyes the way this one did is a good story anyway that's my review I would recommend this game to anyone who wanted to play it because it is extremely good.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    What a great game! The only con that comes to mind is that this build ended to soon. The writing is well done, The story line is very heartfelt, and the characters are "fleshed" out really well. Gonna play again with different responses and see where that takes me.
    Hopefully we won't have to wait long for the next release.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like Radiant. Version 0.1 started out with a lot of potential with good graphics, likeable characters, and an interesting story line. There were three distinctive paths that players could take, or so we were told, and there seemed to be many ways that the story could unfold. I was most interested in the dark path thread but I liked having the other paths available as options so that I could replay the game in different ways.

    Version 0.2 was disappointing in its scope but still had one good scene for the dark path thread. It actually really had only one good scene for the dark path and that scene seemed to take longer than was reasonable to be reached and was almost like an afterthought in the game, but I played that scene multiple times in the months while I patiently waited for version 0.3 to be released. The game still felt like it had a lot of potential. The characters seemed to react to things in believable, natural ways and there was good character development. There wasn't objectively very much to do in version 0.2, but I liked the direction that the game seemed to be headed.

    Version 0.3 seems like a flop. Aside from one mostly inane conversation, literally nothing happened to advance the plot in the dark path thread. There was ample opportunity for plot advancement but none of this was developed, which left me very disappointed. Also, the characters no longer seem to be behaving in a natural way. Several of the girls are just throwing themselves at the main character in a way that might make sense to happen later on in the story but which seems very out of character now because there is no reason for them to have reached that point yet in their relationship. It just seems very unbelievable to me and ruins the context of the story.

    Hardly any content was added to the dark path in version 0.3 at all and when I think about it, really there hasn't been much for the dark path in the game as a whole. This game seems much less promising than it did when I started playing version 0.1. Although I will probably play a version 0.4 if it comes out it will be with much less enthusiasm and anticipation. Overall this game seems like a flop. There is much hype but hardly any actual content.
  18. 2.00 star(s)



    This will be a drop in a bucket, but I might as well leave my thoughts here. I am reviewing this only for the dark route. Ignore this review if you are intent on playing a pure route, or to a lesser extent, the lust route. As far as I can tell, the pure route will not have the problems that I will describe. It will probably be a solid 4 or 5* if you want a drama/romance/good father type of story (although I have not played the other routes, the shared lines in the script paints a clear picture). Perhaps it's harsh to rate a game on just 1 of it's 3 routes, but I think it's fair since I did play the game to completion on a path that was provided by the dev.

    Before I get into the issues, I will mention that the game has great production value. Visuals, renders, models, animations, music, general presentation are all top notch.

    The writing though... It's an absolute mess if you pick most of the dark options. The game is just all over the place tonally. The main culprit is the lazy writing that does not alter enough of the script to make a believable and consistent dark MC. The vast majority of the text we see is the same across all routes. This common script is basically that of simp and caring father. The dark choices, on the other hand, ranges from absolutely psychotic to childishly immature. Now what would happen when you plug in a few psychotic lines after a dark choice in an otherwise simpy script? You end up with a bipolar, schizophrenic mess. Refer to this post for some examples.

    Then we can ask, "Is the dark choices satisfying in a vacuum?" Well, mostly not. Even ignoring the problems explained above, the writer has a weird idea of what a dark route should be. With the set up involving 3 daughters that moved in and a bunch of fragile and vulnerable side pieces, a "dark" father could be associated with words like strict, disciplinarian, dominating presence, grooming, "alpha," etc. Someone who wants obedient little girls that will follow his every whim. Someone who will take advantage of women's weaknesses to get them under his thumb (and dick). It doesn't play out this way. The MC being dark generally means he will yell and argue with children like he was their peer, or play schoolyard pranks and run away giggling. Then we occasionally get the truly absurd thoughts that are just filled with malice materialized from thin air.

    Some people might be of the opinion that I would be at fault for choosing these crazy choices, but I disagree. If a choice is made available to the player, this choice must be supported by the script so that it makes sense for that character to act that way at that point in time. It also needs to make a consistent narrative going forward that factors in the choice. The game does an extremely poor job of this. The writer's solo game, Polarity, did suffer slightly from this, but I don't remember it being nearly so bad that it just breaks any attempt at immersion.

    There is one thing to keep in mind. The character sheets at the end of the current update (v0.3) showed the MC's psyche being shifted to darkness for the first time, provided you farmed enough dark points. If this means that the dev will create consistent scripts for each of personality type going forward, I will revise my score. It wouldn't remedy the major issues in the first 3 updates, but it would at least make the route playable from then on.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game TBH, main story is good, in a funny sort of way.

    MC bangs girl ( forgets about her ) and 18 years later triplets show up, at his door and calls him daddy.
    All 3 are cute/hot. So that is amazing.
    Game also features choice. Goodguy/Badguy. pretty great.

    I am a little worried the game will feature to many side characters in the end, but we will see.
    But I guess they are needed if you don't play taboo edition.

  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Sir Sam

    This is my first time reviewing a VN properly, also this is as of Chapter 3

    So Actually my rating for this is 3.5 but that's not an option so I went with a 3

    To quickly summarize the fucking essay I wrote in the discussions thread:

    - Render quality is really good
    - Solid amount of content for 3 releases but dev time is a bit on the long side
    - interesting over all plot
    - Gorgeous girls
    - Unique spin on a common story (Amnesia)
    - Univoidable insect love interests unfortunately
    - Good use of music, a tad generic though
    - Decent writing, Brilliant character dynamics that didn't fulfil their potential and was executed a bit poorly imo
    -animations are a clean, though seem little off for some reason (could just be me though)
    -Brooke and
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    are best girls

    Solid Game over all definetly above average, definetly a 3.5. Didn't rate it higher because of the direction of the Natalie relationship with MC. Also the dialogue is kinda poopoo, but it has gotten better with ch3