Game is very interesting, and feel like the game will just get more interesting with the premise as it develops.
One question, what is the plan with your recruited hookers? Citizens, idk where they're stored, but students seems to disappear from the dorms once they're recruited so I'm not sure if there is a further development plan for where you intend for everyone to keep their hookers?
I think the game needs more defensive measures at the start. It is kind of grindy at the start, and constant attacks is kind of meh?
Also plans for any aggressive sex? or even just requesting active sex onto active sex preference characters? If you're active and they're active, it defaults you into passive which is also meh
Speaking of which, I wish there definitely was more aggressive "things" to do. You can't really force them to do anything by increasing domination unless you have extremely high stat which is definitely frustrating. I think it should be the other way around and persuasion should decrease submission and friendship should be the check. This should allow for aggressive/bullying game play to function early (unless you're planning some other features). Estrogen reduces submission anyways, and could be the "friendly" way to reduce their submission by persuading them to take it. Max sub setting for shop keepers to give discounts at the cost of ALOT of submission (maybe stackable for more grinding options). Just smaller things to do around the world to make the grind more interesting.
So for another suggestion, add a stamina stat that can be trained for free/discount at the college (maybe another fitness center/gym at the college) that can be utilized as an stamina modifier + evasion (run away) stat allowing some easier scaling at the start managing money + smoother scheduling at the start of the game.
-more thoughts-
Fighting should not decrease energy lol. I didn't notice it that much because I just cheated the energy max because I noticed it early, but there's WAY too many fighting encounters to have it cut into your energy that much. It just eats into your entire day, even if you're winning, or you're just eating into your dominance which just eats up your day in another way. Make a separate bar for health and overall reduce the encounter chance in general?
Tbh, until meaningful random encounters are set, there's really no reason for the encounter chance to be that high for the rare chance of a small extra "talk about" chance.
ALSO NPC stats being a "vague" check is VERY annoying for such a grindy game. Either the grind has to be reduced significantly or the stats has to be visible pretty much at all times lol. It eating up time and forcing several ui clicks to check every time is VERY annoying especially since it eats up their stats on failure making the grind feel much worse. If you really really want immersion and want to make it difficult for no reason, maybe make it a charisma stat that levels up on interaction that reveals more information or flat out make it a sidebar information with "character information/notepad" that records it.