I've finished my playthrough of the second episode and I quite enjoyed it overall. I think my main complaints* are about the sex scenes, and it's a difficult one, because one of those complaints stems from the very reason the scenes are there in the first place. It was said that scenes are added to give some sex for players where the story isn't in the right place to have some - making sure there's at least one sex scene per episode. I applaud that in general, but I don't think they were well implemented here.
*I'm not actually complaining, just a figure of speech here as I give my thoughts on the episode.
The one scene that was part of the story did not fit at all for me, and for me the episode would have been better without it. I wasn't interested in the girl either, so that doesn't help, but story-wise, I didn't think it felt right in the first place. The "non-canon" scenes were hit and miss for me. I don't mind the using imagination/dreaming bits, that's kind of natural, though I can take them or leave them. There were a couple of scenes though that I felt would easily fit as story elements, it's just that the MC isn't there to witness them. Maybe that's why they're extra scenes, but I don't think they needed to be listed as non-canon. Showing what a turned-on girl does when she gets somewhere private, or showing what a turned-on girl did before needing a shower is fine for me, and as far as I'm concerned, it fits the story and doesn't need to be counted as "non-canon".
Overall, I thought the story was decent enough, and the visuals nice. I thought it was a bit weird that two people would settle down to watch a movie on a sofa with such a low back that they couldn't lean back and relax, and I thought it was a bit weird that all of a sudden we're kissing everyone (though it moves that part of the story along, so I don't mind it). The only thing that I did find to actually point out was the inconsistency in Vivian's lingerie, where it kept switching from lacy to silky, sometimes literally just when she moved her arm from one frame to another: