I noticed that sometimes the character cutscenes seem out of sync with where I am on certain routes.
I think the original intent of the dev was that each of the women's routes was played at about the same rate.
Now, with the AVN all but completed (one final rev to go - think of it as additional epilogue/other scenes and some bug fixes), there are bugs that occur if some women are advanced well ahead of the rest.
If you play all of Robin's content before building a relationship with Tina, Sammy and Marisa, who shows up to help the MC get Robin out of her dad's grip where he is being physically abusive to her?
If you play all of Saaya's content in the beginning (before building a relationship with Selene) and send her on - I don't see the 3sum with Selene happening.
This would have a ripple effect into the post interim moments,
like the one with Selene where she comments that Saaya had the best tits she had ever seen.
There are many of these scenarios where the paths are intertwined and I'm sure the dev has more bug fixes to find/fix.
The monthly dev cycle was a major handicap to any full sweep to fix all of these types of bugs.
Now that TID is no longer bound by the monthly dev cycle, Kinderfeld can take the time he needs for bug fixing and not worry about it impacting the dev cycle for TID.
TOXICity will be the major focus going forward and TID work will be fit into that monthly dev cycle where Kinderfeld can.