LMAO, someone reported my review as inappropriate? Why? Maybe because I wrote, it makes no sense to judge a game negatively because it's not the same game as the dev's previous game?
I stand by that. This game should be rated on its own merits, not how close or different to the first game it is.
Completely agree, actually I'm one of the few that prefer this game and story to the previous game for what I see the general opinion is in this thread and yes whatever the opinion/taste is this game should be rated on its own merits and flaws, not by comparing it with the previous game, unless it was a sequel I guess, it is its own game and story.
Actually this game should be on my favorite games list but I already run out of letters/words on the signature

but for me is up there with all those 16 games. Maybe I'm wrong but I see a lot of improvement in many departments compared with Now&Then as it should be when the developer/creator gets more experienced. I played both games one after the other and that was the feel I got.
Usually I prefer a more linear story but with the help of the walkthrough and dev changelogs I kind of bypassed the pseudo-sandbox thingy that I usually dislike a lot (sandbox games I mean specially grindy ones that this isn't at all but also because of discrepancies in the plot/continuity errors, if not giving each girl story an even focus) and could make the story flow with more and less chronological sense hehe. Think I started the game at version 0.27 or 0.28 so the main story was mostly finished so my struggle was mostly making the game a more and less linear VN feel, that could be a thing they could add later, a "VN mode"/director's cut where the story flows on the creator point of view like a few sandbox games have.