This game is 'okay'. Some good aspects, but there's a lot of disappointing aspects to it, too. Before that, though, let's start with the good.
The dev knows their way around HoneySelect, the environments were well made, lighting pretty well done and character models were beautiful. Sex scenes were pretty well done too. Their usage of RenPy was straight forward, no complicated bits to the UI, etc. Despite my issues with the story, it is well written.
Now, onto the bad. The story premise is good, but I don't think it works for an AVN. The basic premise of a in-between place before the next universe is created is a cool concept, but the entirety of the game basically sees MC playing a therapist with sex occasionally thrown in and a small handful of 'action', too. Frankly, it's tiring seeing the MC or one of the LI's talking about their problems for the umpteeth time. Basically it's non-stop trauma dumps or drama, usually you don't have this many characters be the source of drama in an AVN. I think the premise could actually be cleaned up and made into a non-adult episodic show, and it would probably work, but for an AVN it's just tiring.
Further, while playing therapist, MC has to learn about these characters and even more the dev has to introduce them to the audience as well. The problem is that there's a lot of characters. At the least, most of the characters are pretty memorable, but given how heavy the narrative is, the dev should have focused on a smaller set of LI's, or maybe finished with a bunch before moving on. Lastly, even if they're memorable, probably because all of the LI's have problems to deal with, there were points in the story where I was annoyed with pretty much every LI. Basically, the dev managed to make a story where I had some dislike for every LI, that would be impressive if it was on purpose.
Next, while the sex scenes were well done, they're pretty repetitive. It's a couple of basic animations used across all characters and the content mostly vanilla. The dev could have branched out more with some characters. E.g., Kara trying out BDSM looked promising, but that was quickly shut down.
Lastly most of the endings throw all 'progress' out the window. I only played through two endings, Anita and Selene. But, in general, the notion that the world was basically remade mostly as it was, but everyone MC helped has forgotten about him. Even his chosen partner, just seems to have feelings, I guess, lingering in them. So, all those hours of sitting through therapy sessions and all of their problems never actually mattered? Wtf. Selene's ending was slightly better since she remembered everything but to nitpick, she wakes up as a young teenager, remembers everything including the MC and him choosing her over literally anything in the world (which is what she says) and apparently couldn't keep her legs closed. Like, c'mon she basically says this was life-altering for her. Something to re-evaluate everything and she can't just wait for the MC? Imo, any chosen LI should have kept their memories of the interim and MC and LI could have actually sought each other out. Also, if you get thrown back in time by like 5-10 years, how the fuck are you not buying stock in companies and getting rich. Hell mine some bitcoin or something