Unreal Engine Project Extermination: Operation GroundZeroes [Phase 2 - 2023-07-16] [MATEYDEV]

4.10 star(s) 26 Votes


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2017
Thanks for the explanation. No need to defend him, I totally understand; I used to post in his discord and chat on ULMF until it started to become a ghost town. Personally, I've gotten lots of offers for help on my translations as a single-person operation, and have refused them all simply because I like having complete control over what I'm doing.

I'm just worried about 1.) burnout, and 2.) community push-back.
The first is from personal experience; it's real easy to overdo it and start getting exhausted, especially since Matto's only one person. It's also super discouraging when others start complaining about progress. That leads to feeling both physically and emotionally drained, which may lead to even slower progress and production, or outright abandoning the project altogether, which then leads to the second point.

The second is, IMO, somewhat warranted. Sure, lots of the community are entitled and impatient, especially for something they're likely getting for free. But I've seen way worse vitriol on projects completed much faster. And TBH, as crushing as it is to lose all your work like that (and for someone who works in storage redundancy, while what he did was an egregious mistake, it also happens to the best of us), I think it's also hard for the community to take it and not feel angry, even if they in no way deserve anything. They might not be financially invested, but potentially emotionally. And while I don't care too much about how community feels about Matto, I worry about he feels about them, even if it's just a vocal minority of haters. It hurts to feel backlash and lack of support, which also leads to giving up. If he starts to suffer while completing this, I'd rather him just take a break or give up outright than feel any sort of burden or guilt on failing. We're all so horny that we often forget we're also real people who need care.

My main point is that, given the length of the project, I'm always concerned for our dev. Seen too many good people like him flame out trying to do everything while appeasing a community that cares more about the product than the person. But yes, I completely agree that things take time, and the sex element should be secondary to the game itself. I myself am fine to just wait and watch. Again, I just wanted to voice my concerns about Mateydev. Even if he doesn't read stuff like this anymore, I'd hope he feels supported and encouraged that people are rooting for him regardless of whether he delivers.


Jan 9, 2023
There have been people who have volunteered in the past, but he's extremely (like borderline paranoia) skeptic regarding people who offer help without asking anything in return. He doesn't want to own people anything, much less favors: he wants to, rightfully as it should, be in control of his project, he want's to avoid getting someone in that could "steer" his vision because of an IOU.
Not at the moment, right now he's focusing on gameplay to push something playable out. He's not shy regarding suggestions either, he's always engaged in discussions on that regards and he actually listen and review pretty much everything that people suggest...obviously, not everything is considered.
That's literally what I've said: He's 100% OK with listening to suggestions, but don't want a direct involvement, cause reasons.


Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 15, 2017

I'm just worried about 1.) burnout, and 2.) community push-back.

  1. This is acknowledged, if you are on Discord then you know that pretty much everyone encourages him to take regular rest and care about the amount of crunch he does, he works a lot, but when what you like to do coincides with what you actually do the line blurs, for example: the recent post? Done as a way to clear his head and rest...
  2. Trust me, he/we're aware of that too...but little can be done to control people who are either misinformed or have unrealistic expectations...
Dec 2, 2022
So as of now, how much content is there to enjoy. Gameplay wise and H-game wise? What I have seen seems fun but a lot of it was concept level. So I am curious.
Feb 19, 2018
"Oho!" said the pot to the kettle;
"You are dirty and ugly and black!
Sure no one would think you were metal,
Except when you're given a crack."

"Not so! not so!" kettle said to the pot;
"'Tis your own dirty image you see;
For I am so clean – without blemish or blot –
That your blackness is mirrored in me."

My kettle's electric


Jan 20, 2018
I'm just interested, does he really expect a generic action game with a hot protagonist to succeed on steam? I think this will be a total failure if he only enables adult stuff through mods. Like who actually cares about the "game" itself?

Sorry for being so blunt, but for someone who's been following the game since the first prototype where it was a sidescrolling run or be raped game, I didn't expect it to turn out this way


Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
And believe me, this community only wants sex and nothing else, it's blatant, as things stands, honestly, the will of this community is not taken into consideration; on every other platform he is, be it Patreon, Twitter or Discord, there is a small percentage of very vocal and sometimes obnoxious people who only ask for adult elements, the rest are happily following along the rather fast development of system integration, modelling and animation crafting. Adult elements will come in due time.

Yes, he's a single developer, yes things takes time, yes things will need more iteration. That's how you develop stuff, in any fields.
This is a website widely known as hosting adult games, mainly focused on sex, you're acting like the reception here is surprising or even annoying but what did you expect? Every other platform are circle jerk hug boxes so there's no surprise that he isn't getting any push-back there. Patreon/discord is where his supporters gather so of course they'll go along with whatever he says or does, that's the point of those platforms, I've never seen a discord channel that wasn't moderated to be an echo chamber. I'm not saying he should follow what is said here to the letter but you're gonna get your most honest opinions from people who aren't giving you money, even if half of them are indecipherable "ned mor bubs n vag plz" like you're making it out to be.

What's ironic about all of this is that the developer has received funding only because of the adult elements, not because of gameplay, not because of mocap animations or hand crafted environments or models, all of that shit is secondary to what drew everyone to his games initially and that is the sexual content. Is he capable of making a "legit" non-adult video game? Maybe, but let's not pretend like he didn't get his start animating women getting plowed by monsters.
I'm just interested, does he really expect a generic action game with a hot protagonist to succeed on steam? I think this will be a total failure if he only enables adult stuff through mods. Like who actually cares about the "game" itself?

Sorry for being so blunt, but for someone who's been following the game since the first prototype where it was a sidescrolling run or be raped game, I didn't expect it to turn out this way
It doesn't have to sell well, the nature of patreon ensures that sales after the fact is just icing on the cake. If anything you just want more exposure on steam for your patreon as that's considerbly more sustaining long term than being put on a storefront that takes 30% of your revenue that will quickly be drowned out by all of the trashware that gets pushed there every day.
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Jun 7, 2020
I'm just interested, does he really expect a generic action game with a hot protagonist to succeed on steam? I think this will be a total failure if he only enables adult stuff through mods. Like who actually cares about the "game" itself?

Sorry for being so blunt, but for someone who's been following the game since the first prototype where it was a sidescrolling run or be raped game, I didn't expect it to turn out this way
To be fair to both you and Mato, you have a point and a good one at that, however it hinches in the asumption of and "adult game", whereas if the game has a decent plot and gameplay, it can stand as just another game on it's own, further more (at least in my caase) this is probably the only avenue for something like MGS V that is not MSG itself you know?, given the plans of capture and rescue operators and the survival elements, it's already a good proposition for an actual game. That said tho the price tag at the end will be a mayor point to consider, but Mato can worry about it later... If you allow me an opinion I'd say "take the adult content as an extra on top, like adult mods for skirym sort of".


Jan 9, 2023
To be fair to both you and Mato, you have a point and a good one at that, however it hinches in the asumption of and "adult game", whereas if the game has a decent plot and gameplay, it can stand as just another game on it's own, further more (at least in my caase) this is probably the only avenue for something like MGS V that is not MSG itself you know?, given the plans of capture and rescue operators and the survival elements, it's already a good proposition for an actual game. That said tho the price tag at the end will be a mayor point to consider, but Mato can worry about it later... If you allow me an opinion I'd say "take the adult content as an extra on top, like adult mods for skirym sort of".
Honestly speaking, if not for mods support - we wouldn't probably even had the Oblivion up to that date. Cause let's be real - Bethesda's games are pretty miserable sight at their naked core without the THICCest layer of mods adding, fixing, improving stuff and so on. Taking Outer Worlds for example. It was advertised as Bethesda's Fallout NW killer... and where is it now? Have anyone heard about it? If it had a proper mods support - things might been different.


Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 15, 2017
I'm just interested, does he really expect a generic action game with a hot protagonist to succeed on steam? I think this will be a total failure if he only enables adult stuff through mods. Like who actually cares about the "game" itself?

Sorry for being so blunt, but for someone who's been following the game since the first prototype where it was a sidescrolling run or be raped game, I didn't expect it to turn out this way
To be fair to both you and Mato, you have a point and a good one at that, however it hinches in the asumption of and "adult game", whereas if the game has a decent plot and gameplay, it can stand as just another game on it's own, further more (at least in my caase) this is probably the only avenue for something like MGS V that is not MSG itself you know?, given the plans of capture and rescue operators and the survival elements, it's already a good proposition for an actual game. That said tho the price tag at the end will be a mayor point to consider, but Mato can worry about it later... If you allow me an opinion I'd say "take the adult content as an extra on top, like adult mods for skirym sort of".
mugijos95 nailed the point here: of all the many adult games I've played and tried in the years, I cannot name more than a few that actually felt good to play and experience, practically all of them where go from A to B, see sex scene, move on...and that's not considering the thousands of VNs disguised as games.
No gameplay, no challenge, nothing to experience beside the sex scenes...there are very few devs that are trying to merge actual gameplay and adult elements, for example, speaking of this genre, only Matto, Devolution (Delta Zone) and Horn (Yuna) come to mind...in a sea of content and updates released daily.
If you don't care about the gameplay aspect of the game but only want the sex bits of it, that's fine, we have different expectation or interests, I'm searching for a game, maybe this is not for you, no issue with that.
And regarding the mod, with all the crackdowns that are happening on Patreon and in some markets, it was deemed necessary to separate the sfw and porn with a mod, not ideal, granted, but safer. Most important: this way he can actually go ballistic with it and truly uncensored, allowing third parties that are more interested and/or adept to that singular aspect to even take over, because let's not pretend that Matto isn't aware that the biggest chunk of supporters wants adult stuff to be part of the game, he knows that, so he's not gonna drop it.

This is a website widely known as hosting adult games, mainly focused on sex, you're acting like the reception here is surprising or even annoying but what did you expect? Every other platform are circle jerk hug boxes so there's no surprise that he isn't getting any push-back there. Patreon/discord is where his supporters gather so of course they'll go along with whatever he says or does, that's the point of those platforms, I've never seen a discord channel that wasn't moderated to be an echo chamber. I'm not saying he should follow what is said here to the letter but you're gonna get your most honest opinions from people who aren't giving you money, even if half of them are indecipherable "ned mor bubs n vag plz" like you're making it out to be.

Quite frankly, as part of this community, I can tell you that you kinda missed the point on my post you quoted, let me try to clarify: this community holds close to no value regarding feedbacks, suggestions or even advertisement for the game at this point, because what this community wants might no longer be what the game actually targets, maybe never was, because even in the first iteration it was clear that, while sex was used as shock value to reel in audience, no point denying that, the focus on the gameplay and polish of that aspect was paramount. But Matto has no choice regarding being here, he was dragged here, the whole:
it's on the OP for a reason. You say that many discovered him through this site? Again, correct, but you don't mindlessly start giving money to someone, you inform yourself about the project first, then you start throwing money...and you can always stop.

Also, when you say something along the lines of "since people on those platforms (Patreon, Discord ,Twitter) are following and/or paying him they'll go along with everything, while here, from those who are not giving you money and pirating your game illegally you can get unfiltered truth", sorry, but I call bullshit on that, we're not kids (I hope that there are no kids here, but I have doubts): if I give money to someone to keep working on a project, if I don't like what the project is or where it's going anymore, I first complain then pull support and move on. So it's ever more important to "please" the Patrons, not this community. If a Patron is not satisfied he should voice his concerns, if what he wants doesn't align with the project (whatever that project might be) anymore then he should leave...seriously...what are we even talking about here? The people who follow him and support him are those interested in his project the most, period. If you don't like it why would you even support it? It makes no sense...the most honest critiques can only come from those who are invested in it, even if not monetarily.


Active Member
Mar 23, 2018
This game has H scenes? Someone said that this H is separated by a mod, is that true? And if so, have you already posted the mod here?
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Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 15, 2017
That means there is currently nothing H? Why in the tag it says oral sex, vaginal sex.

And this is the same game? https://f95zone.to/threads/project-unknown-section-7-test-version-update-mateydev.58610/
The current version posted here has all you need, don't fret, the whole mod thing will be part of the next release, you'll never tell the difference if you have both and I bet that will both posted here.
The prototype that was Section7 will be incorporated in this game in both mechanics and ambience settings eventually™.
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Dec 11, 2019
Biggest complaints are the UI inventory and such being REALLY hard to see because it doesn't have some kind of dark backdrop to it. You have to stare at a wall to see it right. A zoom-in when you open the inventory or pause to see the options wouldn't be remise either.

Also, the camera randomly switches to be over her left shoulder so she's more on the right.

I intimately despise this. Please give us a button to change shoulder, because nothing I do seems to fix it.


Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 15, 2017
Biggest complaints are the UI inventory and such being REALLY hard to see because it doesn't have some kind of dark backdrop to it. You have to stare at a wall to see it right. A zoom-in when you open the inventory or pause to see the options wouldn't be remise either.

Also, the camera randomly switches to be over her left shoulder so she's more on the right.

I intimately despise this. Please give us a button to change shoulder, because nothing I do seems to fix it.
To switch shoulder aim with a weapon and press middle mouse button


Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
Quite frankly, as part of this community, I can tell you that you kinda missed the point on my post you quoted, let me try to clarify: this community holds close to no value regarding feedbacks, suggestions or even advertisement for the game at this point, because what this community wants might no longer be what the game actually targets, maybe never was, because even in the first iteration it was clear that, while sex was used as shock value to reel in audience, no point denying that, the focus on the gameplay and polish of that aspect was paramount. But Matto has no choice regarding being here, he was dragged here, the whole:
View attachment 3321668
it's on the OP for a reason. You say that many discovered him through this site? Again, correct, but you don't mindlessly start giving money to someone, you inform yourself about the project first, then you start throwing money...and you can always stop.

Also, when you say something along the lines of "since people on those platforms (Patreon, Discord ,Twitter) are following and/or paying him they'll go along with everything, while here, from those who are not giving you money and pirating your game illegally you can get unfiltered truth", sorry, but I call bullshit on that, we're not kids (I hope that there are no kids here, but I have doubts): if I give money to someone to keep working on a project, if I don't like what the project is or where it's going anymore, I first complain then pull support and move on. So it's ever more important to "please" the Patrons, not this community. If a Patron is not satisfied he should voice his concerns, if what he wants doesn't align with the project (whatever that project might be) anymore then he should leave...seriously...what are we even talking about here? The people who follow him and support him are those interested in his project the most, period. If you don't like it why would you even support it? It makes no sense...the most honest critiques can only come from those who are invested in it, even if not monetarily.
There's always a choice, if you don't think f95 holds any value to the game as it is currently then why communicate at all here? Every game here is in a constant state of change, this isn't the first time a game changed and to say "because of those changes this forum has less significance" sounds odd to me.

I keep in touch with a couple of developers I have supported in the past and their experience has been different. Moreover, I've been in more than a few discord servers and while they're great for feedback, don't get me wrong, a lot of them tend to be overly moderated, almost to the point that you suspiciously never see much negative feedback. Let's not pretend like this isn't a well known issue. To be clear I'm not saying this developers discord is like that. Also... you're putting a lot of faith in how smart people are with their money, I personally don't see things that way and my own experiences tell me differently.

It sounds like we have different viewpoints and experiences so I don't really want to waste any more of our time on senseless arguing that is quickly going off topic so I'll agree to disagree. For what it's worth I hope this game turns out well and maintains proper support, I find it to be more unique and interesting compared to many others.
4.10 star(s) 26 Votes