Unity - Completed - Monster Black Market [v2.0.16.0 DLC] [Team-Apple Pie]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of my favorite games on this website, it includes pretty much everything I'm into (although I wish there were some W/W or M/M options) and I don't think I can find a better game. I'm currently going out and looking for more like it, 10/10 game!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The kind of game for geeks with a slight OCD symptom & severe level of anime addiction. If you just got dumped by your imaginary girlfriend, this game will entertain you in a weird way.

    I'm not sure about some complaints on this game being "too easy" or not being "mathematically challenging enough". Come on, lads. Be reasonable. This is a game with anime sprites..

    I mean some people should try watching Pornhub with loud volume while trying to solve 200 pages of advance calculus problems under 45 minutes in the middle of a fully crowded diner if "high level difficulty" is what their sexual kink is.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is nice, but it could be so much more. Like other reviews wrote the game has heavy balancing issues and you can easily begin snowballing, the beginning is somewhat hard but once you have established a good breeding stock it becomes trivial.

    There is also a problem with the difficulties, they don't matter, there is barely any difference between the easiest and hardest difficulty.

    Even though there are many problems it is still a good game where you can have hours of fun if you like breeding. there is also the beginning of the moding scene which could fix some of the problems.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v2.0.8.1 DLC

    At first before playing this game, i though that the concept is good and the game looks good (if a bit basic). After the first 30 minutes passed playing this game, you will quickly find out that you just basically finished playing this game mechanically. You do the same shit, over and over and the only thing that changes is the numbers. This is a fucking idle clicker in which you have to always pay attention, because you cant really automate much in this game.
    The kinks and sex scenes are decent, but they short animation loops with a bit of variety when it comes to females and that is about all you are going to get. Plus the art is a bit too even for me (a filthy RPGM enjoyer).

    I enjoyed the first 3-4 hours of this game, before i had to quit because i was getting too tempted to put a barrel in my mouth just to escape the mundanity and repetition of this games gameplay loop.

    3 stars for a nice try (y)
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    My review of Monster Black Market [v2.0.3.0 DLC]

    This game is basically Cookie Clicker disguised as a slave/brothel management game.
    Zero difficulty, the depth of a puddle, and the only point of playing is incrementing a meaningless number.

    The slave management is like this:
    1. Slaves go in slave room
    2. Monsters go in monster room
    3. You drag both into a breeding room
    4. Slave gets pregnant
    5. You drag her into the birthing room
    6. You drag her babies into the monster room, where they become fully grown monsters with slightly better stats
    7. Sell or use the new monsters for breeding
    8. Rinse and repeat step 3 until the slave can't give birth anymore or is too exhausted
    9. You butcher your slave for body parts (mandatory to get the "good" ending, lol) or have her work in the brothel forever
    (Steps 1-8 can later be automated)

    The brothel management is even simpler:
    1. You buy the upgrade that makes clients unable to contract STDs
    2. You build rooms
    3. You put infertile obedient slaves inside (if they're not obedient you just put them in a sex torture machine for 10 seconds)
    4. The slaves will generate infinite money and you never have to do anything

    Gameplay-wise you don't have to do anything other than giving a specific amount of monsters to the owner of your establishment every 5 days (until day 50, where endless mode begins).
    This is absolutely trivial and you do so weeks in advance on the highest difficulty.
    Money is never an issue either.
    In the beginning you sell your monster offspring for chump change (which is more than enough).
    On day 10 you unlock the brothel for infinite money and just throw all monsters you don't need for your quest in the meat grinder.

    Game balance is catastrophic.
    You can create 9999+ stat super-slaves/monster, but they sell for the same as price beginner slaves/monsters and most of their stats reach a hard cap super quickly.
    The price for selling slaves is outrageous - a slave can make thousand of gold per day in the brothel but you get <200 gold for selling her.
    The money a slave makes in the brothel is entirely dependent on her immutable racial traits and her stats are irrelevant.
    Etc... etc...

    UI/UX is also pretty bad.
    Most actions cannot be done while the game is paused (even though they're instantaneous).
    This leads to constant pausing and unpausing to do the simplest things.
    And you might accidentally butcher your super-slaves while dragging monsters into the meat grinder later, because fairies are moving them around at lightning speed.
    ...The massive mouse cursor, limited maximum unit selection, and small drop targets (when zoomed out) aren't exactly helping either.
    The UI itself is simple enough and easy to use - with isn't surprising for a game with no depth.
    It's very unimmersive though that clicking on a slave shows a menu with a fixed picture of her race, even though high resolution sprites of her actual look are used ingame.

    Audio is also bad.
    There is a single background music track that plays the entire game and it doesn't even loop (it goes silent for a few seconds and restarts every few minutes).
    Birthing/sex sounds are the usual pig squealing (thankfully it can be muted or made silent though).

    Performance is pretty garbage.
    It's OK in the beginning but quickly drops below 20 FPS later on (with a RTX 3060).

    Story doesn't really exist.
    A few lines of flavor text and an (actually decent) tutorial are the story.

    Endings are a bad joke (2 in total, each with 1 picture + 1 line of text)
    Bad ending throws you back to the title screen.
    If you don't fulfill the somewhat-hidden conditions until day 50 you get no ending at all.

    So where is the fun in the game?
    Well, if you like pregnancy, childbirth, and seeing girls fucked by a horse, there are some nice animations for that ingame.
    For me personally, I enjoyed the addictive nature of creating super-slaves/monsters while building the perfect brothel/milking/breeding setup.
    This took about two days and when I was done I deleted it a few minutes later.

    I gave it 2 stars instead of 1 because:
    - At least it's an actual game and most things are working
    - I like mindless addiction simulators
    - I like the ingame fetishes
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    NTR Recovery Experts

    Both as porn and as a game, this project really nailed it. Visuals are cute and easily distinguishable (expect for elves), simple and easily expansive gameplay system, and a wide range of content... so why do I feel so let down?

    Much like a fledgling dominetrix, the game is too timid. Its so tame that I actually feel like I'm wasting my time. I could complete the hardest difficulty with only the single starting slave if I wanted. The tentacle hell ending would be impossible, but everything else is fair game. It's so forgiving that it actually makes the gameplay feel unnecessary.

    Only play this for the porn, or if your willing to enforce your own challenge run.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A fun game to play with a lot of different scenes. Pretty easy to play, and the translation seems really good.

    A lot of pregnancy and childbirth content. A lot of monster content.

    The management is fun to play, and is just clicking and dragging things around. You could unlock the content in 3-4 hours but then end up playing this game for hours after that to make your business as efficient as possible.

    Looking forward to seeing more from this game maker
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    A game with very good ideas that fails to execute on some of them and has technical issues.

    I really like the concept of this game. The various relatively deep mechanics are pretty good and interesting, the economics are sound as well. The art is nothing special but I didn't mind that.

    Now to my several problems with the game:

    1) Content. Even though the systems are pretty deep there just isn't that much content, I got through everything I could do in ~2h which is a shame because more monsters and slaves would integrate very well with the systems already in place.

    2) UI. The UI of this game is often unnecessarily complex or weirdly formated - why isn't there a hint showing what an item will do when hovering it over a slave? Why can't the player use DNA by pressing the DNA pool?

    3) Technical issues. I have seen reviews saying that this game is polished and I'd like to firmly disagree with that. Using the special 666 Essence bonus got me hardstuck in the select screen, had to shut down the game. Same for passing the first 50 days and trying to enter my estate like the tutorial suggested - button just didn't work.

    Overall I'd love to see a similar game with a bit larger scope and someone who knows how UIs are meant to work. I still had fun playing it though, so 3 stars is fair I think.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Very polish game

    Ooh boy, The game is about management but what it really stand out from other is that it is polish game. I have not found any polish game since previous year soo this very good

    Not many game out there willing to animated and have random character generation stuff happen here but they going extra work to make it here

    Playing with Gene (simplify)
    Unlike other game u where u only make hotel and forget about everything
    this game, they put extra work to let u breed ur slave and there some gene with simple version involve. You can breed super fertile everyone here like you are playing Cruasder King or something. This deepen the gameplay and I very apperciate dev want to put extra work to this

    More over there is craft stuff and upgrade stuff to add more stats. If you are those that enjoy seeing +1 +0.005 stuff then this is for you.

    Quite enjoyable for those who want relax with little work to keep on ur toe

    I have to say, This is well polish game we have in this year tho if you looking for polish game and stand out. This one take it

    I give 5 Stars for management genre
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game to grind. I love this type of ranch manager and farming like this. I hope the dev could add more races and new mechanics to make this game a little harder and more QOL stuff such as girls auto distribution into rooms.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely worth the time~

    Though I don't partake in the various other types of kinks, this is one of the best management games I played.

    10/10, highly recommended.

    Ps. for those who want the last ending....
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  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A really good and sexy game. Make no mistake, it has doesnt really have any story, but it doesnt need to. The gaming loop is excellent, there is always something to strive for and before you know it half the day is gone.

    The artwork is alright, but while there theoretically are variants of the sprites the portrait is more or less always the same, exceptions are the NPCs that help you work. I guess if you want to nitpick, they could manage to put the right hair color and smaller accessoirs then it would be perfect for what it is.

    In any case it is still an amazing game, and easily worth the 5 stars.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a deep, well made game.
    This isn't my first management game, but I also am not hardcore on them.
    The game does make it easy to get money.
    But for me, some parts of the game were made so layered and complex, that even after spending 6 hours with it straight, getting to day 30 (after a few failures), I just realized I didn't find it fun due to..
    Too many variables to track and stats to push around to get what you need. Tons of items that likely only matter on harder modes - just make it a confused mess.
    By the time you master the basics, the game lets you automate it (YAY!) but then introduces you to whole new game loops and expects you to master them instantly. The game had massive feature creap and went to far. |
    I literally felt like I was at work managing my team workflows and not spending any time enjoying the content.
    Giving it 3 stars. Because it's a 5 start effort. -1 start for tutorials that don't tell you enough and some things are never explained. (like that you can get slaves from the glory whole in 1 position only...)
    -1 star for simply making the game so complex, it's hard to enjoy and actually stressful to play. The UI could have been better, such as more detailed rollovers for the slaves, and warning icons for things like max preg reached, etc...

    I think ithe pregenacy limitt was an uneeded hurdle.
    The complexity of the milk system wouldn't be so bad, if it actually did what it said reliably. It being a "random chance" really sucks.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really good
    Gameplay, Graphics, Girls are really wonderful.

    Its kinda too easy tho because all You need to do is get Neko and with them there is no way to lose, good Neko at start of game can give birth to 3 monsters at same time.

    Its also too short and too little of animations/options.
    But still even if content is very little this game is at PRO level.

    Would be cool if You can for example use Your monsters to send them to fight on arena or something, just selling them is kinda cheap...

    Imagine using girls to breed better and stronger monsters
    then put them together to fight to train them and send on Arena to make even more cash!... and also upgrading structures would be perfect.

    Even simple thing like lets say "Cell LVL1,2,3,4,5" in which girls recover energy faster etc. or Shower that gives bonuses depends on its level.

    But i rly enjoyed this game <3
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A breeder management game that gets it right!

    This game nails all the core concepts important to a breeder game:

    • Various Girls and Monsters
    • Unique Animations
    • Useful Consumables
    • Unlockables for Progressing
    • Helpful and User-Friendly UI
    • Automation
    • Erotic Rewards

    There are times where different aspects will clash together (especially with Automation via Pixies), but it's impossible to complain with all that's offered. The freedom and variety can at times be overwhelming, but the game is great at steadily progressing you.

    So far, this is the best breeder management game I've played and is my new standard for the genre.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Monster Black Market is perhaps the best porn game of its genre. moving from one bitch to a whole pen full of bitches. plenty races and monsters with great variety in animations, from short stack and flat chested to big breasted dragon babe there's at least 2 animations for each type. Granted its Way to easy a game to beat since after each Checkpoint you get to change the sale rate of a monster to stay at 150% Even after market crashing which normally is supposed to balance the game, which I'd like to change. Sadly no Horse monster and no Wolf zoophilia scenes. Wish I could customize my character or play as them rather then just them being a stand in. sadly after the 2nd night of playing I got pretty bored, with lack repeatability, I dont know what could suplement that, probably some kind of mini game. 100% completion earns you sex scenes with members of the cast which are nice, but pretty boiler plate.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Very addictive gameplay, simple but at the same time nice animations. It feels like a finished product, which is very rare in this kind of game. I recommend to pass, the more soon there is an update with tentacles)))
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Not gonna write a long review at this point, the game is a 10/10 and an actual game so I'ma just introduce you to the main themes. The game is essentially a brothel management game where you manage your slaves to mate with monsters/human costumers (depending on where you place them). There are also other types of rooms e.g. milking room which offer different type of H-interaction. Game looks absolutely wonderful, plays very intuitively and the H-scenes are very hot.

    This is worthy of being called a game, which sadly happens way to rarely on this godforsaken website. Give this game a try and support the dev if you can, he plans and bringing out a DLC this month and is working hard to make the game as enjoyable as possible.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a sad 4-star rating.

    It is a nsfw management game with actual gameplay, and it boots, didn't crash, so that to me is automatically at least 3 stars, since these are already decently rare. It gets 1 more star for the concept.

    However, it commits several sins:

    Sin the first: No story, no characters, not even the one you can come up with

    To keep this very short: this game doesn't have a story or any real "characters". That's fine, some great games don't have characters - I can think of Free Cities and Corrupted Saviors where the characters are largely automatically generated and are ultimately a story is developed around the actions you take. This game has nothing, which means you really don't care about anything in it. That also reduces your investment of what you are working towards.

    Sin the second: Way too much uninteresting micromanagement.

    I - and I suspect most people here - like management games. I don't like micromanagement that much. The game lets you automate parts of gameplay closer to the end of the game, but even then it's gated pretty hard (until you enter free play) and doesn't cover everything. The game ultimately lacks larger scale management decisions, so if it did let you get rid of micromanagement there would be very little game left.

    The micromanagement isn't even that interesting, unfortunately. It's just a mad dash of dragging images around as fast as you can go. It distracts you from the nsfw side of things, and this only get worse later on. I'm going to be honest, I don't even know what the game looks like after you get 4 monsters, it's just a blur of trying to make sure everything is at the right place at the right time.

    Sin the third: Underdeveloped late game

    Some people have mentioned that this doesn't feel like a complete game. I don't know about complete, but the later part does certainly feel rushed and somewhat underdeveloped. Perhaps I skipped out on something, but the surface doesn't really gel with the few objectives the game does give you. There is an elaborate system from creating the highest tier creatures, and they have high requirements for breeding, which I actually never reached because I was too busy putting out fires elsewhere. By the time the game was over (it's a short one) and free play was in, I thought I'd be able to sit back and see my creation. Turns out, the over ground facilities can cause STDs which can really fuck with pretty much everything when you're not paying attention. Further, creatures deplete and need fixing or replacing, and when you have 20 odd creatures and 40 odd workers, this requires constant maintenance.

    Sin the fourth: What is this, a game for ants?

    Others have mentioned it, but you really, really need to zoom in to see any action, and you will spend essentially no time zoomed in if you are playing. And you will be punished for not playing. The art itself is a bit weird, the girls look pretty decent but the monsters are subpar. There are several animations, and they are good, which is cool, I wish I had the time to see them.

    There are other minor issues, but these are certainly the blatant ones worth pointing out.

    I do have solutions I can suggest:

    1) Add characters. Maybe add one immortal slave that has a story, maybe flesh out the merchants. Do *something*. It doesn't even take more than 3-4 characters to have a story that will be good enough. I'd suggest allowing a deeper level of individual worker investment and customization, but that runs contrary to how disposable the story makes them.

    2) Drag and drop gameplay is... fine... for the first few moments of the game. Allow full automation much earlier, and focus on investing in infrastructure and upgrades. As it is, the game plays as one of those dinner dash games. Let players breathe and take what they are building in. And allow late game debuffs like stds and purchasing condoms and cleaning to be automated.

    3) Make the main repeating quest at least pretend to integrate the above ground structures. It feels like there should be at least 4 more main quest goals.

    4) The characters should literally be scaled up so they are easily viewed when zoomed out at what I'd call "gameplay" zoom levels. Art is subjective but I would redraw parts of every monsters aside from the goblin.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Beat the game on normal, ez, beat the game on the hardest difficulty after reading the pinned guide, ez, the ammount of monsters that can be bred is so much, they should have put something like 20 monsters to be sold for the quests.

    The gameplay literally is "drag creatures into rooms, wait for bar to fill up, collect resources, repeat" which would typically be a boring mobile game, but here since this is porn, this makes for a very fun and pretty dark game, just like the title says - black market.

    The gameplay consists of - breeding monsters and selling them, breeding slave women of different races in your private estate to increase your monster production, milking slaves after pregnancy to collect milk and feed it to slaves and monsters to improve their stats, putting slaves to work in the brothel, throwing monsters and slaves into some form of magical meat grinder to extract their DNA and their various physical pieces, use these resources to craft potions and items with recipes, though that is needed only for completion milestones and is not actually something you are required to do hundreds of times.

    The animations are smooth 2D scenes, all of them non-consensual of course. Once you see an animation it will be unlocked in the gallery.