Unity - Completed - Monster Black Market [v2.0.16.0 DLC] [Team-Apple Pie]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best management game I ever payed. Animations are amazing, customisation is great, prego content is one of the best I ever seen. The game difficulty is legit to my opinion, and makes it challenging as well. I have found no bug so far.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is nice. But.... not enough variety and sex scenes. I honestly played this game for fun more then the h scenes. min maxing in this game was fun for me.

    you can legit have 100 girls each type. and just milk them for eternity. then somehow feed a monster / girl 2039 different type of milk to get some stupid numbers.

    TLDR Breed > Sell > Breed more > Sell more > Complete a harem > Become a slave over lord and own a crazy amount of slaves > Insanely Rich
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    + Brothel management game + breeding game
    + Logical progression
    + You can unlock more facilities when progressing. They give more possibilities and make the game easier plus partial automation
    + Private House, where you can put in girls for you own private fun
    +/- Grind-reward balance is okay.
    - Later on, your brothel grows and you can easily lose track of everything. GIrls have stats, so monsters do. They can be passed on when breeding. Sorting out the good ones, when you have too many girls and monsters, can be a hassle
    - At a point, you just want to automate it and dont want to care about stats anymore.

    Frequency of Scenes:
    +/- High. But mostly brothel and monster breeding animations. The scenes with the facilitiy girls take time.

    + Not really existing, which is good. Too much text + management, these two don't mix well.

    --> All in one: Pretty good and fun. But in the long run, you lose track and it gets too much. When you reach that point, don't feel bad when you drop the game. Just use full safe if interested in all CG. 5 points of 10
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Good art with colorful visuals and moderately complex game systems make MBM a solid sex-themed management game. Worth a few hours. The gameplay can quickly spill into frantic micromanagement if the player seriously tries to maximize earnings, but the difficulty is low enough that playing leisurely works fine.

    Overall I enjoyed the character models, girl variety, and animations.
    Unfortunately the level of real-time management the game expects directly interferes with fappability. The dedicated scenes when you fuck the utility girls provide a nice break and reward milestone.
    Mods like auto-STD cure significantly polish the game's rough edges and improve quality of life.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Bob Bee

    Overall 4/5, Really interesting and fun at the start, however it does get really "clicky" the longer you play

    Story NA, there is none

    Art 3/5, I really liked it but it does get really repetitive

    Gameplay 4/5, A good game with proper management and progression, the problem is as you keep playing and growing your black market so does the amount of work you have to do, it grows so big that you won't be able to keep track off a lot of things. Overall it felt like you just get too busy managing (which involves a lot of clicking) that you don't really have the time to enjoy other aspects of the game and it just got tiring the longer you played.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I can't recommend it enough. It is one of if not the best games in its genre. I've played through it so many times and with people starting to create mods for it, the replayability goes through the roof.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v2.0.16.0 DLC with modpack in comments.

    Well that was a pretty good experience overall, it does what it's trying to achieve really well and manage to make the repetition of the game bearable for quite a while.

    Gameplay: One of the strength of the game but also the main reason it's not getting a full 5/5 from me. The core was pretty fun and being able to breed the different races was nice. The hiccup for me is that it becomes a little bit boring when all you end up doing is breeding your best girl with your best monster, get a better monster, breed with the same girl, rinse and repeat until you have the best stats on the monster, repeat for every monster type. Also sometimes the pixies kinda forget to do their job or who goes where and it causes some girls to be abandoned in some rooms.

    Artstyle: Really solid, the animating is pretty well done too, do not get baited by how "simple" it looks, it works amazingly well for this game and the animation style is quite nice and supported by a bit of audio! The monsters look somewhat adorable for living breeding machines.

    Audio: You will turn off the music before you make it to day 50 because it is the same loop for the entirety of the game. That being said we got moans! And good quality moans which enhance the animations for the breeding, also zooming on the rooms make the moaning louder and that's a nice detail!

    Overall a really solid entry, might have some good replay ability but as far as I'm concerned the gameplay loop gets a little too repetitive to make it to sandbox day 50.
    4.5/5 rounded to 4/5
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. A little too short but still great ! You can train use your slave to create new monster or use them to build a great brothel. The first 50 days are challenging because they're steps you have to complete to keep playing (unlock / buy / create from DNA monster). After you can just enjoy the sand box the game as to offer.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably my favorite H game to come back to. It's just so fun and replayable, the art style is super hot, music is pretty catchy, the gameplay very good and the mods are chef's kiss. 11/10 looking forward to ApplePie's next game
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    It's the better version of the game “Orction”
    At first, it was manageable, then as business go bigger thing also go awry. It turns from porn to business tycoon genre.

    Pixies does help make things easier but also turn from slave market into slave industry, which means it helps, but also it doesn't at the same time.

    Things are too busy to enjoy other aspects of the game, even the crucial part of the game like buying, selling, creating slave, items, and monsters.

    At least DLC make the game doesn't end at when any main girls pregnant or give birth, but also their children are playable and not non-existence, which scratch the biggest itch I had more than any game ever did.

    Five stars because it's the highest replayability and the most sandbox compared to every game I played so far.

    Especially with mods. Thank you modders!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is by far my favorite game, Animations, corruption system, good VA, the breeding system is my favorite, with the mods listed it gets even better. The best I've seen in the genre. Definitely want more like this
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excelent Game, The premise is Simple, with easy to learn mechanics, and with great art, for me is excelent, but the best of all is the community that still makes this game feel even better with more content.

    I really recommend this game
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Fuarking love this game. I mean, animations and gameplay are quite good. I wish it could be have a harder difficulty option, because once you finish all there is nothing fun or challenging to do.
    And when compared to other modern games, it beats the sht out of them in terms of quality. If you are a coomer with less spare time to be trying games looking for a good one (like myself) , I'll say this is a very good option for you.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing: 8/10
    Imagery: 8/10
    Gameplay: 10/10
    Kinks: 6/10
    Overall: 9/10

    Breeding the perfect slave girls to make a happy harem of incest and debauchery, oh, and selling the ones required to make bank.

    If you couldn't tell, my goals and the goals of the game were not quite the same. You're suppose to be focused on breeding the ideal monsters and slave girls, so you can sell their offspring or use them to breed further to making even better children. Grow your services, whore your slave girls out, resurrect ancient monsters, breed them too, avoid STDs, avoid your slave girls being turned into broken flesh holes, and take over everything.

    My goals became twisted, because late into the game I realized who can breed your own slave girls. Even better, you can breed the special slave girls you get from befriending the merchants you allow to set up show, and even better, you can breed the merchants themselves after unlocking the succubus and mind controlling them into being your loyal harem of cum dumps. Which then means, you can fuck their daughters, and so on and so forth. The cycle of incest is endless and fun.

    The gameplay reminds me a big of SimTower, or something like the XCOM base view stuff, where you build out your base, set monsters, set slave girls, and manage it all from the safety of your own house. Selling the required slaves to keep your business alive and the extras to earn some cash to spend on upgrades, more rooms, and more unique slaves. Eventually you can unlock auto stuff, which doesn't work all that well, but it's something.

    The story is simple and liner, with the bad ending only possible if you are unable to fulfill the required slave sale needed. I guess you could ignore the succubus too, but why? The merchants do put out if you befriend them enough, but they don't do everything you command in bed. Plus, seeing them do business while pregnant was sexy and funny. (because yes, they have models for when they get pregnant with your child, but show up to work as blackmarket merchants during the day.)

    A big thumbs up on this management game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Art is gorgious, animation is magnificient, it's a relly good management game.
    All races are very well done and you can custom apparence to your disire once brothel is unlock. You can zoom in close to realy appriciate the art and animation and than zoom out to manage the game going.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I tried to like this game, but I just can't.

    Gameplay: Grind. While I'm definitely weak to minmaxing, you're definitely encouraged to optimize everything to hell. While playing on easy does in time give a very direct way to solve all monetary issues, the early game is still way too hectic for my enjoyment.

    Scenes: They aren't bad, but most of the time you don't have the time too look at them, since the game is running and you have things to micromanage. Main NPCs you can "romance" only have 2 scenes each (+birth animation)

    Girls: The degree of customization is...painfully low, actually. Setting aside unique girls from progression rewards and daughters of main NPCs, they all are interchangeable. The game doesn't encourage any kind of attachment either, as one of the mechanics quite literally involves you dismembering your slave girls. Of course you don't have to do that, but then you're locked out of progression with that NPC and the unique slave you get from them. Also from another NPC that uses materials you get from dismembering, and their unique slave.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Developer is making sure bags are ironed out even after game reached "Release" state.
    Community is responsive, game is moddable.
    Not an masterpiece, but it will get your attention, and will keep it for few weeks at least.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Meeeh.. nothing much nothing less.. it fullfilled my mediocre expectations.. Nice concept since community desperetly in need of a proper brothel management game.. Art good, slave varieties sufficent. It was a play once and delete forever game for me and it satisfied me. Everything as it seen in display nothing much nothing less as i said before. Just one thing bothered me a bit, I dont know how but game starts slow and escalates so quickly :) even i tried to check the market demands etc at the beginnig, after a while i started to sell slaves like off the shelf products of a wholesaler... well ofc i dont expect high grade economics in this game but if its useless dont place that mechanic in the game, do something else or do it in proper way..
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    very good. very fuckin good. i want to see more. annimations are good. customization is on top notch. and best of all gameplayis pretty neat. only think i hate is the disseases. i wish there is a way to buy automatic condoms.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    [v2.0.12.0 DLC + Uncensored]

    Very slow and tedious.

    • Progressive unlocks aren't clear, whether it's new units that only show up after unlock (can't see unique traits before picking), lots of mechanics locked before some hidden check-point.
    • Moving rooms= destroy & rebuild.
    • Manage units with click and drag individually AFTER comparing to the ones you have, also individually, if they are better. There is a unit tab but it just focuses on individual units making it not useful.
    • The game is set against you, even claiming how most events are negative, hides what profit turns into what rank after THE 50 DAY TIMER.
    • Even when things are going decent, they're going slow and fiddling with game-speed makes requests and the countdown come faster.
    So far more annoyed than entertained, felt like managing tasks instead of playing, stress over-rules any potential somewhat lewd visuals. If it was reward, instead of punishment based, only then could I enjoy it.