Unity - Completed - Monster Black Market [v2.0.16.0 DLC] [Team-Apple Pie]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    A great h management sim, I don't know a better one.

    Gameplay - 6/10
    I don't look for h sim games, they usually seem pretty shit. This one was a slight struggle at the start until you get what's going on, and after getting the auto management feature it was bearable. The monster progression felt enjoyable but rather brief. If there was like, 5 more primary monster types and a few more large monsters, it would be a way better experience. It took 3-4 hours to complete 100% at a slow speed, and after 1 hour it was basically beaten tbh.

    Audio - 4/10
    Standard, wasn't bad but nothing memorable or engaging. Doesn't change at all.

    Story - N/A
    No real story, it's just a sandbox sim basically. I don't think it is relevant to score that.

    Ero Content - 9/10
    If you like what this game has, it does it amazingly. Not much to say apart from wonderful pixel art which is a rarity, no CG shit. The only 'cg' is the scenes for each NPC and they are high quality, worth finishing all the tasks.

    Overall - 7/10
    Worth playing unless you absolutely don't want to think at all or work towards H content. I wish there was just.. more races, monsters, tasks and QoL stuff.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    its a good game with really fun management mechanics. sex scenes are fun and overall pretty good. my only complaint is that scenes dont keep playing when time is paused so it makes it hard to enjoy them while worring about the time limit. make it so that we can move units and watch sex while its paused and this game would be perfect.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is what you call an ero-game with real gameplay. Not straying away from the porn or the game it self. It's a micro management brothel/slave game where you open up a black market. I really recommend this game for people who are looking on strategy, managing, MGlovers and others.

    But I don't recommend this game to the people who want a quick fap and throw the game. (But if you want a quick fap just get a save on this forum) You can play this and finish around 95-100% without no guides, just be sure to go on normal mode or be a baby, easy mode.

  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game super fun but honestly I wish it would stop auto zooming when you get new things or click on stuff cause it hard enough to make your screen wide enough to see all your upgrade I don’t need to keep zooming out just to keep up a fast pace to make ends meet other than that perfect game
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A great breeding management sim, I would love to be recommended more games like this! I like how you start of with a measly goblin and work your way up towards more mythical creatures, love the customization and the H-scenes.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Papaco Schneider

    What's the point of a porn game where it's impossible to fap? The art is ok but again what's the damm point if I can't enjoy it? it's impossible to do anything besides the stupid micromanagement, not to mention the stressful time limit, I already have crap like that IRL, I don't need more in a game where I should be having fun. But the worst part and what killed this game for me is the UI, it's a filthy mess, after ours of a brain dead dumb grind the game is over and you have no idea why. Searching for answers in the forum is a must otherwise you will keep geting stuck and losing many hours of gameplay. I'm done, kill this crap with fire!
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I cannot recommend this game to most people using this platform, although I definitely see how some would find it very enjoyable. Simply put, it is micro intense and mind numbing. The endless cycle of click and time sensitive tasks detract from the H immensely.

    If you need something that you can turn your brain of and just execute, then I think this might be your thing, but the H registers so little that it might well not even be an H game. I don't think I'm overstepping any boundaries when I say that this game appeals to a very niche audience, which is fine, but sadly I cannot recommend this game on the wider platform.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple Yet Satisfying game:

    I was Completely Satisfied with how the game turned out. Personally don't Play H-Games Aside's if it is Wolf RPG, RPGM, and a Few RPGM esc Unity games (this somewhat fit that crave I had for a long time for RPGM longing feel).

    IDK if I am the only one that is feeling that RPGM is somewhat having a Bad Games now (no Fresh Idea pretty much, Just same looped ones with either bad CG's) but enough rambling.

    If you wanna try it, try the easiest First get the feel of the game on how to establish your self till endgame, then do a new Gameplay for higher Difficulty.

    All in all the Game was really Chill and satisfying (Till you have so much X's that you forget and suddenly ran out of money XD). Great Unity Game overall... Looking forward to seeing more great Game's like this...

  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A brilliant but flawed game. I would give it 4.5 if I could.

    I can start by saying i played the campaign on hard, finished and lamented about design scaling for a while before I promptly started the campaign again because how much I enjoyed the base gameplay

    The core design and implementation is great. My biggest gripe is that the game scales to a very low ceiling. By the time my first campaign was 70% to the time limit i was already done with all objectives. When I played the 2nd on Master I finished even faster and didnt really have anything left to do.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art and mechanics, pregnancy is great. English is well translated and runs well too. I only wish there were more variety in monsters/girls. Game really snowballs at the end once you get the brothel but there are features that make it easy. Only wish the pixies would run in the estate after the game ends
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Management Sim. Not the best in absolute quantity of positions and other sex related stuff, but has plenty to go around and is good fun.

    Long ass review details ahead;

    Gameplay, 5/5: Simple, Yet Fun.
    Everything can be done with click and drag. The game is simple enough, you breed slaves, to make monsters, sell monsters, open a brothel, whore slaves, and, most importantly, do eugenics. Sort of unironically, you want to try to breed the best monsters, and best slaves for your whore house and continuous breeding. Craft items, "dismantle" living beings, drug everyone, buy and sell monsters and slaves, etc.
    Again, everything can be done with click and drag, and on Normal, there's plenty of time to learn everything.

    The only thing that slightly bothers me, is the time it takes to start ramping up and the rate things unlock. Getting minotaurs/salamanders and getting female births are a bit confusing, but essentially unlock as well. Again, that pacing is a bit of an issue, but otherwise, is fine. Once past day 30 (on Normal) things can get chaotic, but by then, money was literally making itself.

    Audio, 5/5: Definitely Stock.
    Moans of girls and other sounds are from some sort of stock soundboard that every Japanese H-Game seems to have. Nothing in particular is droning, i.e. no music or sound that hurts your ears or sounds bad. I know it's hard to get someone to moan on mic for your H-game, but... When it's at least, the 58th time you've heard it,.. Still, I'll give it a 5 since, you have to be zoomed in to hear it.

    Story, 3/5: Basic, but Serves it's Purpose.
    You're someone and your friend gets you into this underground business of selling monsters. 50 days, the agency comes to collect money. Get enough, they just say, "Fuck it, you're better than us so you just run this shit." Otherwise, game over. Also, your friend collects monster samples or something? So you have to fulfill a quota on every 5th day (and you can't give it early). That is it. At least it is not confusing, or stupid, just basic.

    Visuals, 5/5: Good Anime Look.
    Not much to say, animations are good, and even the randomly generated girls look good. Most monsters look good too, but the werewolves eyes are a bit jank. Menu is plain, but works completely fine. Nothing stands out as bad, and the main focus of your endeavors look good.

    Overall, 5/5: Good Shit.
    Been a long time since I could easily give a 5 star. I spent several hours just beating the game. No restarts, just blazing forwards. It's fun, and not too hard, at least on Normal. Everything is easy to unlock and can be done all in one sitting if you're dedicated. Game is easy to learn as well. No hardcore gaming, just a fun, casual game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Ω Nelo Angelo Ω

    - One of the best management slave games.
    - A lot of things to manage, like traits, stats, girls, monsters, brothel.
    - Good animations, the models are cute, the npcs are nice.
    - Complete package and DLC upcoming.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Exactly what I wanted, a few slight polish issues like the automation being finnicky. The balance is a bit wacky too. Only thing missing is the protagonist is never present outside a few cutscenes.

    Don't over build your base before you get the automation, it's meant to be beaten using ~10 units.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    The lost saint

    Very great game, it gets better as you play it more.
    at first I thought I could only move by holding right click but the arrow keys were working halfway in.
    If you like managing many different things then it is the game for you.
    I finished a whole playthrough and you go straight to endless with no worries.
    Anyways if you want a challenge, it is here.
    Have a lovely time and I wish you well with luck~!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well made management game, a bit lacking in the content, but at least the animations are nice and the girls are cute

    There are a handful of secret girls that are infamous in the anime community, once you unlock them, they're yours forever!

    This is not a quick fap, you'll spend at least a few hours progressing
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The hottest management game in recent months, seeing how the thread quickly topped the viewership count.

    That's some pend up demand.

    Finally some competition against another series that despite being worked on since 2016 has a less complete gameplay than this new title.
    The art is competent, almost wasted early game since you are so busy trying to manage your dungeon. It is quite pleasant to look at though, once you get the time.

    Gameplay is addicting enough if you like management sims, you WILL fail if you have absolute no idea what you are doing, but simple enough that you can learn from your mistakes by the next cycle. There are a series of characters you can unlock progressively and you can eventually play past the day limit if you pass the checks. So the gameplay can easily burn your weekend, depending on how efficient you are and it has some replay value.

    Point to note, some users have encountered bugs, I personally haven't but it would be wise to save often.

    Probably one of the better monster breeding games in the market right now, with the devs now consistently posting updates on their fixes. Good enough for me to support the competent devs and hope they continually expanding on this title.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really great management slave game. The level of action you need to do with so little time is almost comparable to an RTS. Thank god for the automation later on.

    You're so focused on managing that you can't appreciate the porn early on. It takes a long time before you get comfortable enough with money production that you can finally slack and be picky for new girls.

    Don't expect a quick fap out of this. It's a really great game to play for a couple of hours and then you get a couple of intimate sex scenes with the managers and you'll finally have time to shop for nice-looking girls to admire.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Too little. The setup of the game is nice. I was waiting for such a game but this game is not enough. Its more management than porn. There diferent girls and monsters but every monster has just one animation and there no more to it. You put them in the cell. She gets fucked for 5 sec with always the same animation. Done. its not a bad game but bad porn game imo.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    it´s just incredeble. i love the special slaves like the uzaki mom, its a great art style and it has a really nice gameplay. i really like the variety of race of slaves and its incredeble how you can turn a loli into a big boobs girl
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent art, no bugs that I could find, a compelling gameplay loop, and decent rewards for completing the optional games objectives. All an around an excellent game. It easily earned around 6-8 hours of my time

    That being said, there are some quality-of-life changes that would significantly improve the experience. In particular,
    • There needs to be a 0.5 or 0.25 speed mode so that management can be done in real time (normal speed has things happening too fast to manage breeding properly).
    • Pixies need an option to not touch things in a particular room (as opposed to specific slaves) so you can organize more easily.
    • Some organization tasks should be doable when time is stopped (moving things around in particular). I recognize this may be hell to code, but it would make the gameplay much less stressful.
    • Species specific milking rooms (or pixie options for as much).
    • Above-ground milking rooms.
    Also be sure to install the decensor in this thread, it makes everything better.

    God help this world if any of my monsters escape. I have truly bred an unstoppable army...