VN - Ren'Py - Long Road Home [v10 Part 4 Beta Update 2] [OBDGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Long Road Home surpassed all my expectations. I'm not generally a fan of Harems, as it tends to be less immersive story-wise [imo]; but LRH is one of the few exceptions that places the MC, and the player, in a unfamilar world where such fantasies seem far more possible than most other works.

    The story is incredible and elegantly constructed, the girls and women represent a wide spectrum of tastes [but not all] with so many different bodies and faces that I ask myself how many artists must be involved. There is an underlying realism to this fantasy on many levels which makes this VN truly original, quirky [in a good way], incredibly entertaining because of all of this and more. LRH is spectacular in so many ways; it isn't perfect, but nothing is. But it treats so many subjects so well, it is superbly designed and constructed, and has a professional edge to it in terms of plot and direction.

    If you haven't played this, take a leap of faith [no pun intended] and download it now... if you are not impressed with it, then I think you may be on the wrong site. Soooo good.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Jack Nippleson

    It took me way too long to rediscover this gem. I remember doing the quick ending route and forgetting about it. This has become one of my new favorites to follow. I was pleasantly surprised with the extended content in the continuation of the true story. Thanks for sharing your world with us and I look forward to further chapters.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has earned five stars just simply based on the sheer amount of content it provides. Some developers come out with short episodes to keep players hooked, but this dev really gives the players a ton of content per episode.

    I am highly critical of main characters and the MC in this game is pretty solid, the key thing is that you have more agency of choice regarding how your MC acts, and you have key decision points, but even the "bad" story shows a relatively solid dude with flaws.

    There are parts of the story I felt were a bit over-the-top and unneeded, but then I remember these guys are bikers so, maybe it fits. In particular, I felt like the "woke" line took me out of the game a bit, and I have no clue why a biker gang would be pro-cops?

    This game earns it's five stars with the sheer amount of choices, and I find it hilarious how you can reach an ending before you even meet most of the characters, and that's the good guy ending. At first, I thought it was a flaw but now seeing the shit your MC gets hooked into, that definitely is the good ending. The ladies you meet are all great, with sexy models, although I think you can tell Tracy and Jessy's models are older than the others at this point because they were introduced first. I still love them all and I don't think there is a character I dislike, even though I have turned a couple down because they aren't my type.

    I fully recommend this game, and if you are starting from scratch this is a journey, I have had a blast so far.

    Edit: I am dropping this from 5 to 4 stars, the animations have gotten much better and technically speaking the game is better than I last reviewed it, but if I have to read the author saying "woke" or "ghetto" one more time I might go insane. Great game though, just chill a little dude.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    v1.0 Part 1
    I don't know where to put it exactly. It has its ups, and there's quite a lot of content to see, but has a number of issues so it may not be worth it.
    Up to you to decide.

    Let's stalk gameplay, it's your standard storytelling interrupted with choices that flip flags or give points, which are used to check eligibility for certain events/scenes.
    The early potential complexity it showed degraded quickly.
    At first you're presented a great number of choices:
    Choices that can get you affinity for certain characters,
    the ability to choose to (/not) see certain scenes,
    whom you want to pursue,
    to cum in/out relating to pregnancy,
    and you'll be collecting good guy/bad guy points also.
    But then the good/bad points idea is very quickly forgotten and you start collecting respect/disrespect points instead.
    That kinda hangs around, but you can play for quite some time before you're reminded that yes, that's still a thing, kinda, maybe.
    The cum in/out option also ceases to have any gameplay effect, and becomes purely visual.

    Speaking of which, I'd like to take a moment to call out this bullshit. The game's tagged with pregnancy and so far, the only place it happens is in an "early good end" you can get maybe like what? 15 minutes in?
    And even that only had a grand total of 1 renders to show?
    Considering just about fuckall happened since in regards for pregnancy, this absolutely makes it feel like a shameless attempt garner a larger audience.
    And more-or-less the same is true for corruption tag, I could MAYBE name one character who isn't a depraved slut by the time you meet her. Maybe. Everyone else certainly is.

    Anyway, for the most part, aside from choosing the kind of content you want to see (/not), deciding to pursue certain characters, and getting affinity points for them,
    all other mechanics are either completely thrown out, or toned the fuck down to the point where you simply make no meaningful choices.
    You won't drastically alter the lives of characters, and you won't really alter the outcome of the story either.
    And to make sure of that, while you can choose whom you want to pursue or see a scene with to a fair extent, at times it is a decision made by the writer for you.
    So the point system seems to have been highly experimental, and it seems like the experiment had failed, because the game is rather linear.

    I do not wish to talk a whole lot about the story as it is still of of its stronger points, it'd be a shame to spoil it, but let me just say that the game is long.
    I'll try to only reveal stuff you'd learn within minutes of playing, and keep the rest vague.
    The story revolves around an ex-military ex-convict who's prone to go 'berserk', going from having nothing after his early release to becoming an invaluable part of a biker gang.
    While that might sound great on paper, the execution was...mixed at best.
    In the first place, the guy's behaviour isn't that of a trained military man's.
    Aside the occasional, misplaced (and kinda cringy) "Yes, sir! Acknowledged, sir!", his behaviour is exceedingly "civilian" in nature.
    But later on his character.
    The gang apparently consists of a total of like 6 members, of whom 3 are near their expiration date, so not much of a gang to speak of.
    They have a blood feud with another gang of similarly small numbers, and neither side shies away from torture or murder. And yet...
    They know where the others hang out. Where they work. What they own. They know where they live, and if not, they could easily find out.
    And they want the other gang wiped out, and by wiped out I mean murdered. And yet they bend over backwards to do fuckall about it.
    You might imagine that the absolute, passionate hatred these reckless and violent gangs have for one another would make them do something like,
    oh I don't know, a drive-by shooting? Arson?
    But no, because of some laughable and vague justifications. And those same poor excuses leave them all looking grossly inept, not just as gangbangers, but as human beings in general.
    Anyway the "good guys" own and "oversee" (but not really) an establishment with piss-poor management, but instead of dealing with that,
    they yet again bend over backwards to involve the MC, no plot convenience left untouched.
    So you get a job, you get involved, and start solving everyone's problems, meet the grand total of 6 members over the span of hours, and learn about their living situations too, including but not limited to 2 picture perfect suburban homes, and happy, and more importantly entirely undisturbed families,
    because nothing says "blood feud" louder than leaving their enemies' homes alone. Such upstanding criminals.
    Anyway, in the meanwhile you can start collecting chicks like they were Pokémon, because you Gotta Bang 'Em All.

    Now, I'm talking a lot of shit because honestly, none of it makes a lot of sense, while some things are also just hilariously stupid on top.
    But if you feel like you can just go with the flow, there are some positives to be had here.
    In the first place, the idea of getting into, and belonging to an exclusive and secretive gang operating outside the law is rarely explored.
    While I'm not gonna say it's perfect, I still found the premise interesting.
    Characters, while often having shamelessly convenient backstories and personalities for the MC to explore (IYKWIM but later on that), are still interesting enough to not be a bore, that is, if you can put up with their 'commonalities'.
    And MC is not a goddamn pussy, which is great. Unless you're into that shit I suppose, but who am I to kink-shame? Whatever rocks your socks off.

    I'd say the game is made with a positive tone mostly, but then there is the nightmare fueled drama involved. There's plenty of tasteless dark shit going on (mostly) in the background, but in case you're worried, it's toned the fuck down in regards for the MC and his 151 Pokégals, so playing it won't be a gut-wrenching experience. For the most part. Probably. Maybe.

    Still, I'd recommend not playing it if you know yourself to be overly sensitive.

    Of characters:
    MC goes from 30 years of prison, for something that is only ever vaguely hinted at, to a free man after 3 years, with a (sealed) record.
    Why? Because stop asking questions, it's not the point!
    Vague and nonsensical justifications are thrown around but the bottom line is,
    MC's cool and badass and smart, but still very human because he has problems too. Which might be good news for people sick of simp doormat MCs, but otherwise not really explored or interesting, or even sensible.

    Also that last part? "Very human because s/he has problems"? It is essentially copy-pasted for every character you meet. I mean EVERY one of them.

    Anyway, his PTSD induced 'berserking' is a boon/problem recurring seemingly when the writer remembers that it's a thing that can nudge the story along, otherwise it's conveniently kept in check.
    As mentioned, his military background only really affects the dialogue, rather than his general behaviour. He's exceedingly civilian, I see practically no habits or traits people pick up from the military (again, short of the kinda cringy and uncalled for "Yes, Sir!" responses).
    "Military" also doesn't quite explain how he can occasionally pull a James Bond out of a hat to solve a problem.
    As for his intelligence, it's not so much about him being intelligent than it is about pretty much everyone else being significantly more dumb.
    This is made evident when MC struggles with problems with painfully obvious solutions, or borderline gets people killed because of his (and everyone else's collective) carelessness.
    Also he has to re-learn how to ride a bike because it's been a while since he learned it. Ever heard the idiom "it's like riding a bike"? That's because you CAN'T forget it. Jesus.
    At any rate, he is (at least presented as) a capable and decent guy.

    Other characters I'll not even address individually, for two reasons. First, because I do not want to spoil their stories as it is still one of the game's stronger points, and second, because even though they have different details, the overall picture is essentially the same for every single one of them.
    Here are some general truths:
    1-- they all pretty much come with their own problems which, to an extent, define them. Until you swoop in and cure that molestation-turned-lesbian with a good dicking because you're just THAT good.
    2-- they are pretty much all bangabe, with MAYBE a couple of exceptions. However, some choices of the writer(s) make me think there's a chance they're planning for ALL of them to be bangable eventually. We'll see.
    3-- they are pretty much all bisexual. Yep, some think they are straight, some think they are lesbian. But MC with his girlfriends will show them the error of their ways, lo and behold all of them turn bi.
    I wish I was joking.
    4-- they are all pretty easy lays too, progression usually happens very fast. Which sometimes makes some sense, other times it absolutely does not, and it causes tonal clashes story-wise, like going from discussing being abused to a threesome and then a foursome is just fucking weird, man, and not in a good way.
    5-- they are all okay with MC's "open relationship" policy. MC gets to bang everyone, girls can bang each other, but no other dudes allowed.
    This means two things:
    First, that you can expect very little NTR (the minimal there is is for dramatic effect/plot device), and second, that it's the kind of harem you probably imagine when hearing the word "harem"; you'll never have to choose one relationship over another, hell you won't have any relationship drama either, for better or for worse.

    Now, this does make for a decent "harem game" but it comes at the cost of individuality, because I just accurately summed up like all 20+ (I didn't think to count, sorry) characters in mere 5 points.
    So while the writer tried to make them more diverse, the extend of diversity is quite limited by default because of these 5 "guidelines" that need to be followed for them to fit into this "harem game".

    Otherwise characters aren't bad at all. While they gravitate towards the same interests/personalities (sexually at least), I'd say they are a likeable bunch. Aside sex, you'll find plenty of cute, romantic, and sexy scenes because the wirter doesn't treat them as just a walking set of holes.

    One more thing I noticed regarding some characters, however I am unsure how much of it is on me.
    There are at least 4 characters who had the option to be pursued (which I did, 'cuz Gotta Bang 'Em All) and yet not long after I started pursuing them, they stopped getting scenes, of any kind. Even daily interactions, reminders that they are still there, living their lives.
    They just...ceased to appear.
    The problem is, if it's not on me, then it's not a good sign that characters are forgotten or deliberately ignored by the writer,
    but if it is on me, it's still a not a good sign as I got no hint that it is due to my choices, that either MC or them are no longer interested, for any reason.

    I had no major problems with sounds, but I can't praise it either. it's decent.
    There are a few good enough soundtracks to accompany the scenes and help set the mood,
    and then there are a few sound effects, including bike noises, gunshot I believe, the (overused) moaning during scenes and some laughter too if my memory serves right, among others. So there are some for sure, though my recollection of it is rather vague. But none if it really stood out to me, so I'd say it is neither too good nor too bad.

    Dialogues are not voiced, in case you're wondering.

    Visuals are good and bad both. So, "okay" maybe. MAYBE.
    Renders themselves look good enough and they are many. Occasionally from render to render things change: colour of a necklace, the cupsize of a breast, or the size of the entire model. It is noticeable, but it probably won't ruin the mood for you, and again, it rarely happens.
    There are different body-types, though the variation is fairly mild, but while while exaggerated waspish waists and bubbly butts aren't rare at all, more realistic and "unideal" body-types are present also.
    Larger boobers are sometimes explained in the game with implants, so even if it looks unrealistically large at times, we have a plausible explanation, which is always a positive.
    The only reason I cannot judge visuals, collectively, to be "good" is because of the animations.
    They are choppy, robotic, short and poorly looped, with frozen facial expressions mostly.
    It's not THE worst I've ever seen but it's down there, certainly bad enough to take me out of it and make me wish we had a few more renders of the acts instead.

    Grammar/spelling is...not terrible, it's mostly coherent with the odd exception, and at least tries to be colorful, with more or less success. But mistakes aren't exactly far and wide, most of which could have -or rather should have been eliminated by spell-checking it just once.
    No but like seriously, just spell-check it. Please, thank you.

    Overall I might be biased for the game rather than against it. The downsides seem to outnumber the upsides by quite a bit, but then again I do enjoy a lengthy fuckfest, and the characters kinda grew on me over time.
    I'm giving it a halfway score, perhaps (un)deservingly.
    I certainly can't call it great, but it's still a goddamn breath of fresh air considering some other games I've played, or rather, tried to.
    The sheer volume of content gives the game time to grow on you despite its flaws, if you can put up with said flaws in the first place that is.
    Be as it may, if you're okay with the idea of Ren'Py VNs that are mostly linear in nature, my advice is to give it a shot, and who knows, you might end up wishing it never ended.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This Vn is more like a saga at this point, it's really quite good with a ton of content. The girls are adorable and have a wide variety of personalities. The animations were a little rough at first, but got consistently better as it went on. The story is unique and very entertaining. Overall this game is amazing and you should give it a try!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    as much as the animations annoy me, the story and unique adaptation of
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    gave me difficulty in putting the game (VN) down.

    the renders, after the first chapter get really good. the animations, while no longer so obviously ignorant of physics, are still done with some
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    . but that said, the game is so enjoyable I'm giving it that extra star because honestly I can't wait for more.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    If you enjoy playing as a badass former soldier that makes panties drop as soon as he enters a new zip code well you have come to the right game!

    If you are just starting and see the renders aren't top notch don't worry they get drastically better very quickly, so don't let that deter you early on.

    Just know this isn't one of those games that overloads you on choices and forces you to play through it 15 times to see "most" of the content. The choices you do get are simple, be stand-up guy who does what needs to be done or be a punk bitch ( don't be a punk bitch...), There is a few LI's you can avoid but why TF would you say no to any of these gorgeous faithful ladies looking to worship the coc.. I mean the MC.

    So just relinquish your need for control and just sit back and let the dev take you for a ride you will most definitely enjoy!
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    A somewhat decent attempt by a one single person developer. Although it is lacking in so many areas that it comes off as a cheesy low grade story/game.

    Story / 2-10 Some of the story is interesting, MC is an ex army, ex con that is drawn into a biker gang due to his desire to belong to something again. Not the average scenario and not exactly a thrilling one. Although it is not the worst it does not really grab a players emotions and keep them.
    The Harem aspect is really bloated, pretty much every female in the game becomes part of it and that is really overdone. It makes the whole thing complicated and forces the story to be cheap, since every interaction with a female in the harem has to be fast and short because there is so many females in it. As well the fact that every female is bisexual ( come on really) and the MC seems to be some Adonis with a magical dick that women can't enough of.

    Renders / 4- 10 Not bad renders some are grainy and some of the faces are a bit distorted. The Rin character does not look japanese, just looks like her eyes are squished together. Some use some work on the bodies as well.

    Grammar/ 2-10 Desperately needs to be error checked and the dialogue gone through, wow there are a lot of sentences that just don't make sense.

    Originality/ 5-10 Somewhat original only in the ex army ex con biker theme. Everything else is not original at all.

    Animations/ 2-10 I understand the Dev does not have all that much experience with animations so a point was given. Still the overall is cookie cutter two second sex scenes that have no reality aspect when it comes to adult sex. Animations are extremely important, most devs do not really try when it comes to this aspect. Two second sex cheap sex scenes is the usual for most of these unfortunately. There is a reason certain other story/games are held in high regard, usually because of the animations. If this were improved this story/game would be so much better.

    Amount of Content/ 9-10 There is a lot of content so far, much more than the average, so the dev really is doing the work and getting stuff out. Credit is due for this part, so many other devs put out tiny updates and take way to much time between putting out content. Amazing how many come out with an update that is just bug fixes that took five months or more. So Kudos to this one that actually works on content.

    Overall the story/game does stay in the memory since the scenario is pretty different from most others. The Harem part is really overdone, the sex with every female and every female having sex with every other female is nothing but a huge orgy, just a big fantasy. If this is supposed to be a super fantasy no realism story i don't know, that's what it is so far.

    I will remember playing it and the amount of time it took to go through it, i will also remember that it is low grade and isn't exactly a keeper due to many of the reasons stated above. Sorry but cheap is cheap.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Alfred the Fallen

    (v1.0 part 1)

    The writing is your basic porn stuff where every girl is bisexual and they all instantly throw themselves at the main character. This means you get tons of sex scenes at the cost of having a terrible story. For example, there is a scene where you comfort a young woman who is in tears as she tells you the story about how she was raped by her mother's boyfriend. She's never told anyone this before, and is completely distraught over it. As soon as she's done telling that story, she calls her lesbian friend over to have a threesome with you. And just as that comes to a close, the rape victim's mother arrives and joins in on the action. The tonal whiplash of that sequence was the most intense thing in the game.

    There is a lack of meaningful choices in the game. You can avoid having sex with some side characters, but there are many points in the game where you are railroaded into unavoidable sexual relationships. As are many of the love interests in the game, including the one I had been most interested in ended who ended up having sex with a wrinkly old bag of hepatitis after the main character suggests it (without any input from the player). The game will often give you the choice to not view sex scenes, but they still happen, so I don't see the point in them. They just awkwardly break the flow of the story, and they often come with lame attempts at fourth wall breaking humour.

    This would be a good game if we had just a bit more control over the player character. But we don't, so it isn't.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Strobe Adverse

    I LOVE this game... if I could give it 6 star's I would! The premise of this game is fun, with a strong and interesting MC rediscovering his freedom and meeting up with a Motorcycle club. The renders are spectacular and the animations are some of the best on this site.

    What really takes this game to the next level is the writing... right from the beginning it's outstanding and it never lets up. ALL of the characters are interesting and believable, and about the only thing that can be said is a bit of a stretch is how easily all the women line-up to jump on the MC's dick (and that's not the worst problem in a game like this).

    The only thing I don't like about this game... is that I'm certain that I'm going to be disappointed by the next dozen or so games I download. Long Road Home raised the bar too high for other games to compete. It's that good!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    [v1.0 Part 1]:
    Fantastic harem game, with a really interesting story and very interesting characters

    Choices are only for if you are "interested/not interested" in a character (plus a couple of choices for "interested/not interested" in watersports content)
    Personally I'm perfectly fine with this, I prefer games that I can see all the H-content in 1 playthrough.

    All the best to the dev, and I hope he keeps delivering this good quality content.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Almost a perfect 5 stars.

    An actual story, interesting characters, pervert women. Hot ones too.
    Why not perfect? The harem. Dont get me wrong, the open relashionship thing is very well done, we have real trouple vibes with Rai and Jessy. But it´s too many women and the MC is tooo perfect. If this was a wank game it would be fine.
    But the story is too good, the characters are too good. I wanted more. I expected more.
    Yea man. Just go play it.
    Still worth it. Almost perfect.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Renders -

    beautiful, especially the bikes taking into account this is a biker story,
    our romantic interests are beautiful.
    we have several male and diverse models something very rare in erotic games. Kudos to you Dev.

    Dialogue -

    immersive enough but it's not something revolutionary, and your choices not influencing the story so much, more in terms of scenes you participate with your girls. literally you go on a journey towards the life of a club biker.

    Satisfaction -

    it's certainly the best quality of this story, we don't have variety or something original like here. reminds me of the famous sons of anarchy that I imagine was a reference at some point. we rarely get a story with an adult focus and characters that make sense.

    Fetishes -

    yes, we have a queen bee that distributes honey behind to further increase the harem of the king drone. aka MC
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I was a bit torn on whether to rate this 4 or 5 stars. It's a bit linear. The renders/animations are good but not amazing. The story is good but again, nothing I would rate 5 stars. That said, for whatever reason, this is one of my favorites on the site so it's getting 5 stars. Dev took a bunch of 4 star ingredients and somehow came up with a 5 star cake.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    ver: 1.0-part 1, rating:4*

    Good wholesome harem style of AVN overlayed on top of a story about violence, stipping and other unsavory business. Quite a push pull there. The MC has no issues using violence to make his point. He commits murder and mayhem with nary an issue. He also develops relationships that are wholesome and lovable with a wide variety of women. Its really quite unusual.

    The writing is just fine. The renders are good enough. The lewds are nice to look at, plentiful and full of variety. Its just overall a well above average game, with lots of content. I will note that there is a darker side to that was hesitantly touched on early, but was abandoned, so if you see some things that touch on sexual violence on the part of the MC early, dont worry about it. That isnt a thing here. Personally I think a small (gulp!) rewrite of some of the early things might be in order here to re-orient the MCs early actions to where the dev took him later.

    Dont get me wrong, the MC is an alpha hyper-masculine dude here. He's no pussy, so dont feat the dev makes him into a beta simp later in the game. He's just both likable and violent/alpha at the same time
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly love this game. Its one of my favorites so far. Nikki is amazing definitely. Kat and Katie though are my favorites and I don't know why. I just adore them. Anyways I personally think people should give this game a fair chance. If its not for you thats alright. But its worth giving a try.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my few favorites. I love the story more than the porn its that good.
    Seriously though the little ones are my favorite. Really looking forward to more of Willow. Her and Jessy together.... What more could you ask?
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review is for v0.9.1)

    Actually incredible.

    The renders start out shaky and the game starts out with a really annoying amount of sound effects and not the most convincing story, but it very steadily improves from there and you don't have to wait long for some very hot action. In the later half (more like later 70%, it really doesn't take that long to get good) the models become actually top tier, the animation ranges from acceptable to fantastic and the sound effects start being used smartly and to accentuate certain scenes rather than be a repetitive annoyance. I have to say, while this game doesn't have overall the number one visuals out of all games on F95ZONE, it actually does have the single best render out of any game I've ever played on here and it's of one of the girls in a particularly fancy dress. I damn near ejaculated and had an aneurysm at the same time, I promise you I have never seen anything so hot in my entire life.

    As for the story, the MC is very, very much a power fantasy figure where pretty much everything works out and he gets (almost) all the hot girls he meets. If that's a problem for you then probably stay away, it's a very big part of this game, but personally I LOVE IT. This MC basically makes all the same decisions I would have made in his place so it's exactly the kind of fantasy I get on here to play, humongous props to the developer for getting this kind of power fantasy down so damn well. FURTHERMORE, the story beyond the MCs power fantasy is really, actually very engaging. I don't usually get into the stories of most of the AVNs on here and skip through most of it to get to the sexy bits because they're not written well enough for me, but this one really is. There are probably not even 5 games on this website where the writing has actually managed to make me genuinely care about a male character other than the MC, but this one does just that, and SO much more. I get so incredibly engaged in the stories of these girls and their reasons for wanting to be in a open relationship with you, or the other characters you meet along the way and help or put a stop to. There's genuinely only been one girls so far whose writing was a little cringe to me, but it was a bit funny to me instead and I can forgive the game that. Not every little thing can be a slam dunk, at least not with everyone.

    I see there's been some rumblings about NTR and/or sharing and let me put my perspective on that, as someone who absolutely CANNOT stand NTR of any kind and I've dropped more than a few game over this. This game does NOT have NTR. It DOES have sharing but only with other girls, and most of the time you can skip that (maybe all the time, I wouldn't know, I love seeing my girls share each other, it just makes harem games all that much better).

    What it does have is the *threat* of NTR, or more accurately r*pe or assault. Without going into much details there are several times when dumb assholes are trying to get handsy with your girls, but it's only so that the MC can give them what they deserve, which just plays all the better into the whole power fantasy IMO and actually improves the game. No one is ever truly stealing one of your girls. ALSO, there are several really quite hot girls that (at least so far) will NOT be your girls but trust me, there are MORE than enough girls already falling at your feet that you won't feel too bad about it.

    In short, I just can't recommend it enough. Give it a shot past the first wobbly chapter and maybe a half, and give the story a genuine try if you're the least bit into it and I really don't think you will be disappointed.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Lewd Monkey

    This is a solid game. The story is pretty good although in my opinion it takes a bit to long to reach the biker culture elements. Being a biker myself although not from the U.S. this aspect of the game was interesting to me.
    and i learned a few things along the way.

    You can definitely see an improvement in the renders and animations when you compare the beginning of the game with it's latest update.

    In terms of characters you have different archetypes to choose from "the milf", "the rebel teen", "the tsudere", the goth",etc. So if you don't like a character there's always another one.
    Again in terms of character design there's variety, voluptuous, thin, chubby, big breasts, small breasts,etc. Personally I would like to see a little bit more flavour. Maybe a black woman or two, more scenes with Juanita and her daughter, but that's my personal taste.

    Overall a very good game with a solid story, good renders and decent animations. Definitely worth playing.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoying the story so far. But hoping to see some more from the villains. The renders go up in quality over time which is great. Plus I like the girls so that's everything I could ever want. Yea if you're intrested try it out.