VN - Ren'Py - Long Road Home [v10 Part 4 Beta Update 2] [OBDGames]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Fairly original story, pretty good humor. I'd say the story is decent, no more mo less.

    The renders and animations start off really rough to say the least but improve over time. Still not great as of the latest releases but once again, decent. The weakest part is the English, it's riddled with grammatical and spelling errors, not sure if the dev is a native English speaker but I'm pretty sure he's not and doesn't employ any proof readers so make sure you are prepared for that.

    Everything gets better the further along you get, (story, renders, animations, spelling etc). What keeps me reading is the fairly original concept and since it's improving at a good rate I have somewhat high hopes for the future of this AVN.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is riddled with minor grammar/typo issues and bigger issues of that type are not uncommon. This was clearly all written in one pass with no proofreading by the author, and no test readers. Also, (and maybe this only annoys me) the author uses "ummmm" to represent moaning and such. "Um" is a filler word. Just "mmmm" is what they're after. Every time I read "Ummmm" I think a character is thinking about something and is about to speak.

    The main story isn't bad or great. It's probably not even up to 'good.' It's fine. It revolves, as other reviewers have said, a keyboard warrior's laughable take on what "real men" get up to. That said, we live in AVN Land, and around here ridiculous premises are just the standard. I did see another reviewer mention this, and I would agree. At times it really comes off as a right-wing man-child's dream.

    There is a nice variety in the women when it comes to appearance. They all share the personality trait of "eager to be in a harem because we're in Porn Land" but they do have some variety beyond that.

    As far as renders, they start pretty sub par, but they get better over time. Pretty common in AVN Land. The animations start out awful and eventually get to just under par. The real issue with the animations is that every lewd scene is very short and very much the same thing you've already seen 15 times. Once you get to chapter 9ish, and especially into 10, the quality of the animations really improves.

    This whole review is fairly negative, but despite all that, by the time I got to chapter 10 I was pretty invested. There are funny moments and I really do like most of the characters. So despite the problems listed, I still give it 4 tars. If there weren't so many typos and grammar problems I might be convinced to make it 5. Seriously, it needs an editor so bad.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    So I like it for the most part. Interesting premise and the girls are pretty hot. However the animations all see to flow the same way and some of the dialog and the story beats makes it read like some conservative power fantasy wet dream. Like all these young girls are have only been with women even though they are in their twenties but they are not lesbians, it's just that your MC must be the one to claim them with his magic cock.
    And then there is all the over the jargon that only right wingers use and making the MC like this badass alpha who is "not a soyboy", no normal person talks like that and I live in the fucking south. I want to like it but some of it is just cringy as fuck, kind of like some of the comments in the message board here talking about how "real men do this and that". Seriously just shut the fuck up, no one but your microcosm actually talks or acts like that. I am in chapter 6 and I am curious as to where it is going but the cringy right wing speak that is increasing just makes this little power fantasy more and more boring.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I am giving this 3-5 Putting 4 because i am heavily conflicted, it could easily been 5 stars.
    Long Road Home is good. I would say near great because even if it gets hella convoluted and busy, it doesn't derail or creates plot holes leaving you to wonder. The parts that matter gets addressed at some point and doesn't leave things open ended or 'forgotten' and that's damn good writing, because these things can resolve long after Player forgets about them when reaching the oh shit or Aha moments.

    The Models are good / great, a lot of variety. There is a overabundance of options but bakes in quite well with the story, to a point it gets convoluted depending on how many girls the Bro picks up along the way.

    Major reason i wont put (4)-5 stars is simple but damning to me is:
    The MC's face, in every render, he grins. Oh god he's looking so creepy and cringe. Sadly this is derogatory to his likability and believeability.
    Every time i see his face i just.. no, no, no, no.. I hope this gets adressed in future renders, this guy dont look 'Alpha' at all.

    Reason 2. Simultaneous and constant climaxes. The game have 3 recurring sex scenes. 1 on 1, 3some possibly a 4some.
    1-1/ 3some Act1 - Woman/Women gets off IF foreplay - Act2 Woman/Women/MC gets off. Always simultaneous. You seen one, you seen all, Ctrl was my friend playing this cause even if different models i didn't have to see them after a while. I knew them already and they brought nothing to the table BUT...
    ...The animations gets better and better. You feel the quality improving throughout the development and episodes, this dev is definitely 'not done yet!' and my expectations grew chapter to chapter and didn't disappoint despite that.

    Definitely worth playing.

    Long Road Home in My top 5.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Sexy. Wholesome. Violent. Drama.
    The perfect mix for a great story. Veteran gets done dirty by his government. Goes to prison. Gets out. Fucks and mother and daughter. The mother and daughter also fuck each other. MC goes to bar and ruins someone's day. MC joins and MC and fucks bitches while constantly being a thorn in a rival MCs side.
    This is one I'm always super excited to see updated.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Felt like a gigantic cringe commercial for guys who're wannabe milsim military guys that're hardcore tough dudes but enjoy MCs on the weekends.

    Also seems like the creator played a game called Ride to Hell Retribution; simply because in it you'll beat up xyz's lover or bully and they for whatever reason fall in love with you and or horny.

    Story just exists
    Its nothing to make you think about or even care about. This secretary in a disciplinary barracks(mil prison) is so lonely she blows someone who is serving 30 years cut short & takes him home, genius.

    Me personally if you're so desperate you chase after hardcore inmates thats all on you.

    You know that one dude who has the most cringe name talkin like hes the shit and you're about to smell it? Yeah.. thats this MC.. hes like a tryhard keyboard tough guy lol. Everyone instantly wants him, no chase. Oh and you apparently COLLAR them LMAO.

    Sex Scenes
    They're pretty boring ngl. Not much else to be said.
    Some AVNs don't have any sound and still do a better job on it.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I saw some people saying you don't get to make many choices in the story, but it didn't bother me. The story's good, so I didn't mind. Lots of people have said the sex scenes get old fast, and I agree. Also i believe there is room for voice part. They could add more clothes options, too.

    It would be cool if they gave you more choices in the sex scenes, like different clothes or locations, not just camera position.

    Basically, this AVN has the potential to appeal to those who prioritize a mature story with adult themes and plentiful sexual content Thats a good game . For sure there is always place for improvement but the story keeps going.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    It's an ok game but jeez the cringe almost makes me want to double over.

    All in all it's pretty fleshed out... somewhat. Ex-military lad locked away, gets a pardon as long as he behaves and then it's basically forgotten about so you're an ex-military, ex-con looking to do...something? The game's not explicitly clear initially what the game is. You end up shacking up with some girl and basically get your dick wet for a few scenes but really it's all simple fare. The girls seem to want you cause they know you're the MC of a AVN so it's expected. There's little in the way of preamble, they just want the dick.

    I think one of my main issues is the cringe. The MC feels like he's written by some teenage tiktoker. He's portrayed as some bad ass weapon but it comes off more of along the lines of those reels you see of lads in their bathroom with their tops off who warn you not to get on their bad side before they turn into a wolf. Like really "I'm the alpha" vibes. I mean damn there's a whole thing about the MC having anger issues and all it really leads to is a few scenes where he kinda growls? And people start saying stuff like "What's wrong with your eyes?!" "Look at his eyes!" Like... what? They pulse red or something? That's just not what people do when they're angry.

    So there's that going for it but rather than the Jax Teller vibe the dev seems to be aiming for, it feels more like Howard Wolowitz.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    story 9/10
    graphics in the beginning 6/10
    graphics after chapter 6 --> 10/10
    story of a bad guy that start from zero and start gaining is so classic but still a winner .
    the incest is crazy in this game .
    surly this game goes to my top 15 pg
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    A refreshing story to go with the visuals. The visuals make you look, the story keeps you interested! Well done, keep it going. I'm going to go support this developer on Subscribestar, it's worth the effort he seems to be putting in, in my opinion. Hopefully he'll see it through..
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I can look past the misspellings throughout, and the tortured grammar. It's cool. I get how you can fuck up "accept" vs "except".

    I can look past the silly use of what weekend warriors think is military slang that feels forced and pulled off 4chan or from a bad Tom Clancy novel. Sure. Go for it.

    I can even look past the forced politics. I honestly don't care. You do you.

    Thing is, though...this is just dull, and poorly put together.

    There's nothing challenging here. Which is fine. Tell me a sexy story then. But it whiffs, that, too. Give me some kind of interesting story? No? Yugh.

    Just rehashing: your encounters with all your love interests in this game will go about the same. You're their protector. You pay them compliments they've never received. You give them a big tip at the bar/club etc. And then they're immediately down to fuck. Rinse, repeat. There's some variety in the models at least? But other than that, they may all as well be the same girl. None are interesting.

    The sex scenes get boring. Fast. And not every game needs to be a slow burn at all, but this is just uninteresting.

    There are systems in the game that just feel like they're tossed to the wayside. What does the good guy/bad guy thing even do? There don't seem to be any major consequences or results from your actions -- other than the point early on where the game tells you "Do this thing and the game's gonna end."

    This is not a 4-star game, by any means. This is a 2017-era Renders Simulator with a boring and fairly stupid story slapped onto it. If that's your thing...have at it.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    This is my first review and it looks like it's going to be a long one. Let's see how it goes.

    Like some of the others, this is oddly one that I like more than expected. There's a decent variety of girls overall, the story is at least different and interesting, and there are enough kinks to keep it entertaining.

    There's also a lot of good detail in this. The decorations and scenes feel relevant, if not a little simple sometimes. The details on the club gear feel accurate and consistent The girls have a good variety of outfits and even the vehicles have some variety and realism.

    But it has some flaws.

    Let's jump right into those then. What is up with butter-face Rachael being one of the primary LIs? And to marry no less?! That body is pretty amazing, honestly, but what has happened to the face?! I can't even put my finger on what's wrong there. Is it the nose? Is she oddly masculine? Juanita has a similar feel to me like that. And similar confusion around Ashley, but for different reasons. Every Ashley render seems to look bad to me. I don't think her character is really even meant to be unattractive, but something feels wrong with how her face/hair come out to make her unappealing. She was the most attractive when she got out of the shower and had a towel around her hair. One other random LI thing I struggle with: as much as I adore Katy, there is something borderline abusive about her relationship with the MC. I understand she's supposed to be on the spectrum or something but more often she comes across as emotionally underdeveloped and immature. I'm really torn here because otherwise she's one of my favorites.

    This far in development, this game is teetering on the line that some others have ended up crossing by trying to make an unlimited number of LIs but risking the pace and flow of the story to do so. You can't just add a new LI literally every time you talk to a new girl. Like other reviews have mentioned, it actually ends up making things REALLY repetitive, both in the girls' personalities and the MC's actions. And then you also end up so busy trying to "claim" every new girl that the story suffers.

    Meet new girl.
    She is sheltered and inexperienced.
    MC lobs a couple compliments at her.
    She feels "protected" with MC and wants to give herself to him.
    MC takes them to the clearing in the woods or the roadside picnic area.
    He "trains" her to swallow his cum and take it in the ass because all of his girls do that.
    Rinse. Repeat.

    The choices in the game are sometimes confusing. Early on there are a bunch of Good Guy/Bad Guy options but then they're just sort of forgotten and every choice after that ends up being about respect for the club or if you want to see two girls going at it or not and if you want to see a new girl's blood or not. The Good Guy/Bad Guy bit doesn't even seem to really make you good or bad later on - it just gives you different scenes or skips other scenes. So why are there supposed points for them? Seems like the MC ends up as some wannabe pretend "dom" regardless.

    Related to that, the kink and scene choices that do exist really need some sort of universal variable so you don't have to keep selecting the same things with every new girl (especially with so many of them being added). I'm sure there's a way even for three options: 1) always show this, 2) ask me every time, and 3) never show this again.

    If you want to add choices, do it for the random NTR sprinkled around that I have no interest in. I don't need to see James' knob getting polished or Bob trying to stick it in Barb's nasty holes every time one of their scenes come up. The visibility options here just seem really inconsistent. More often than not, there is no choice when there should be one.

    And finally, the MC. He honestly starts out OK. A little too military-hero-worship for me, but I get the connection from the military to the club. Whatever. I'd really even expect many of these types of characters to be conservatives. That's fine. But the "hurr durr, libruls bad" stupid politicky stuff just ruins the story. It adds no value - especially when it's as stupid as some of the topics in this. Ah, yes, the "woke" city fired all of the police and hired sociologists? Just fuck right off. That's just some alt-right circlejerk material right there. At least try to make your conservative views realistic and not based on total nonsense.

    Add on to that the whole "I'll just tip this girl really well and she'll fall in love with me and we can bang" mentality and this guys ends up a pretty big douche as the story progresses. And the neckbeard-like fascination with "honorifics" is really offputting to me. That's probably more of a "me" thing though.

    To wrap this up, it probably now sounds like I hated it. I didn't. There are obviously a lot of things that bother me but most of it is probably just little consistency things and the ever-growing LI stable forsaking the story. Some of these things can probably be fixed pretty easily though... at least I hope. I also hope the real story starts picking back up at some point.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best AVN's I have played!
    I know it is weird to say, but I sometimes feel there are too many Li's. But then another one is added and I am all ooh gimme gimme! I think the reason for this is the diversity of the women. All shapes, sizes and colours of the rainbow. A good mix with ages too.
    Although the Incest doesn't involve the MC it is fascinating to watch him corrupt others (Mom/ Daughter, Aunt/ Niece)
    The best thing about this AVN is that it shows quite clearly that you don't have to be a "c*nt" to be an Alpha Male!
    Thanks OBD Games keep up the great content :cool:
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    There are a few things i was not expecting in this game that i wish i knew before i played it, first the games main focus is on the biker gang its not just a small part, second while the girls don't have sex with other men there is plenty enough other content to easily describe this as an NTR game and finally there is a lot of cum in this game so be warned if that is not for you.

    Not sure what it is but the sex scenes come off as quite dry and they could have been spaced out better, there is also a lot of nudity in this game for obvious reasons but it gets to the point that it is no longer special and you start skipping it.

    The main story is pretty solid if you like biker gangs but there is not much apart from that.

    The girls all have different personalities which is nice but with one or two exceptions pretty much all the body types are so similar you wouldn't be able to tell them apart(medium breasts, slim build, more than half very heavily tattooed and pierced) that doesn't help with the sex scenes no longer feeling special because even when its a different girl it doesn't feel like it.

    There are "choices" but the story ones are so shallow that they might as well not exist and its the same with the girls, you get a lot of "choices" but the only thing they do is let you sometimes skip a sex scene(none of the girls i tried to reject actually got rejected), the story completely ignores any "choices" you do make i.e. when you make a choice not to date a woman the dialog still has the MC saying he wants the girl and if there was "choice" to not have sex then it carries on as if you did have sex with them which can get confusing when they reference things you didn't see, realistically there is nothing you can change in this game.

    There are a couple of kinks which sometimes get forced on you and sometimes you get a choice(seems to be at random).

    Story 3/5 (good but limited)
    Sex 3/5 (got bored of them)
    Characters 3/5 (ok)
    Art 4/5 (nice)
    Choices 1/5 (not useful)
    Kinks 2/5 (some at random)
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    AN alt-reich circlejerk, with extremely unlikable Gary-Stu MC, uninteresting yet all strangely submissive LIs and below average models and animation.

    On top of all that, it is a kinetic story with few choices, the developer crams US politics down the players throat, and the writing and story could be done better by a GamerGate 16yo virgin, it is that bad.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review of v10 Part 4 beta)

    The beginning of the story is a bit boring and the renders for the military parts at that stage are poor, but by Chapter 2 or so you're hooked. Jessy is one of the best characters ever in an AVN, even if the rest of the game was a disaster she alone would make it worth playing. Also, the way she seduces girls is fantastic, just like all the lesbian content.

    The writing needs some proofreading but otherwise is excellent. The dirty talk in and out of sex scenes is awesome and you want to bed almost every new woman you find not because they are hot, which they are, but because they behave like real human beings in need of love and they are believable. If anything, I'd remove the whole "anger management issue" from the MC which makes him look like a cut down version of the Incredible Hulk. Just let me decide whether I want to help this girl or look the other way.

    Game design is also to be commended. The built-in walkthrough alerts you in advance about the next scene in case you want to skip it. So far I haven't found any reason to skip one, and the game feels very replayable taking different choices. In later chapters you also get to decide how new LIs behave, for instance you can make a bi girl to be exclusive to you or let her have fun with your harem.

    And all that good stuff leaves animations as the only weak spot of the game. They are smooth and come with several camera angles, but are too mechanical to be satisfying. A shame really. Even the options you are given go right in the middle of the screen, obstructing the action most of the time, and some animations are badly timed and end in a jiffy. Still, everything else is so well done that I'm still giving this top marks. I can't wait to see what happens next and what I can do with the GILFs :sneaky:

    Well done! (y):D
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Alex zone

    I'm really enjoying Long Road Home! The story has me hooked, especially because the characters are so interesting. All the girls are definitely standouts; they are gorgeous.

    The game's visuals are impressive, with detailed character designs and realistic skin textures. Although the animation is limited, it doesn't detract from the overall experience.

    Overall, this is a fantastic game! It easily gets a 10 out of 10 from me. The characters are engaging, the story is interesting, and the visuals are top-notch. Definitely worth checking out!
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is oddly one of my favorites. Don’t be misled by the fact that I only gave it 3 stars. I’d actually recommend it to almost everyone.

    In my opinion, the game deserves even more than 4 stars. The main character (MC) is one of the best protagonists I’ve encountered in the games I’ve played here. I’m also impressed with the development of the side characters, except for Jessy. (By the way, I would’ve loved it if the MC started a secret affair with Della and they got caught by that old fart.)

    The plot is quite engaging, and the renders are decent. However, the choices you make are mostly superficial or meaningless, to the point where the game almost feels like a kinetic novel.

    On the other side, there are a lot of things I don’t like about the game. The most frustrating issue for me is the way the lesbian scenes are forced on the player. (I’m one of those who believe that lesbian affairs should also be considered cheating (NTR). But I can tolerate this in most games or just not care. I can even enjoy it on rare occasions. Usually, if given the option, I choose to approve of lesbian relationships only when the MC is present, just to avoid missing scenes.)

    However, this game imposes very frequent and intense lesbian scenes. I’ve grown to hate the character Jessy, who’s supposed to be the main love interest. I wish there was an option to dump her. .She wears a strap-on and fucks the other love interests before you (the MC) even get a chance, all under the pretext of “getting them ready.” She puts anal plugs in them, makes out with them In other words, the MC’s first experiences with new love interests never feel like true first experiences. Jessy interferes in every relationship, flirting or hooking up with every woman before the MC makes a move. The player has no control over these situations, and I’m disgusted by every scene involving this spoiled slut.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    This is quantity over quality game. There are many renders and sex scenes here but the problem is they're unremarkable, boring even. They don't stand out in any way, we're just seeing same scenes over and over again with some very slight variations. We have binary choices here only at most, because most of the time the other choice doesn't allow us to see a scene so like some before me have said it's almost a kinetic novel.

    All in all it's a poor game with a very high score for reasons that escape me.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic story! The variety and controls are top notch. Some of the sound usage could be better...just looping one sound into 3 during intimacy scenes is just kind of cheap and below standard for this level top notch game. Overall one of the best out there in cartoon porn game world.