VN - Ren'Py - Long Road Home [v10 Part 4 Beta Update 2] [OBDGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a 5 Star VN that I'm itching to give 4 Stars. Why?

    Negatives - The Good Guy BS ending early on is kind of annoying. I personally see no reason why the events unfolded like that (no spoilers). It was probably explained somewhere in the 328 pages at the time of this review but I'm not searching all those pages.

    However after that the story really gets going and never looks back.

    Positives -

    1) Renders and Animations are 10/10

    2) Story is 9.9 out of 10 - The good guy crap see above. Also the unknown about WHY anyone would let him out of jail and give him 50k. I'm hoping there is more to it then just moving the story along.

    Otherwise the writing, dialogue and humor is outstanding.

    3) Character models are outstanding and each get there own personality that differentiates them physically and mentally.

    The story reminds me of the sons of Anarchy TV show and I loved it. Some of the Developers humor also lands solidly at least with me. The developer also does a bit of hand holding for those who may object to some scenes and allows them to skip before the scene starts. I didn't find anything super objectionable but the reality is some babies will play and cry about anything.

    A solid effort I love this game and it goes somewhere in my top 10 VN's

    Highly recommend it and very well done.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well written, good story, with interesting characters. I would recommend this game for anyone who is a VN fan. The branching path story resolves early on in the game, and it settles into a consistent narrative for the majority of the game.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This is one of those games I played a while ago and found it a bit silly so I left it alone thinking it would not be around here too long. Amazingly, it is still going and the good news is, the VN has gotten a lot better.

    First the not so good. The MC is a total Gary Stu. This guy is perfect. He says all the right things, does all the right things, has a big cock that can cum gallons as many times in a row as he needs too and he leaves all the women satisfied and willing to just be one of many. Yawn... I mean, he even says "If I make a mistake, I'll own it", but I have yet to see him make a mistake.

    The second problem is all the freaking love interests. I will never understand this. You start enjoying a love interest or two and then another one is introduced. After learning all about them and you start to enjoy them, another one is introduced. It's an endless stream while other LIs are almost an afterthought. Plus,,, this would never happen. I could see 3, maybe 4 people pulling this off, but the more you add to the mix, the more unlikely it becomes as jealousy and pettiness would worm their way into the relationships.

    I also don't understand why the women have to stay loyal to the MC. I get Jessy, Tracy and maybe on or two others, but all of them? He goes out with Ashley once and then that's it. So what... she has to sit around and wait patiently for the MC to come back? It's the same with Rachel. I thought she was going to be a big part of the relationship as she was the first one added, but she basically vanishes after some really great interactions.

    Okay, so now the good. The great part of this VN is the writing. This is one of the most cohesive, well written stories on this site. There are only a couple plot holes, little details are carried through the story and not forgotten, reactions to situations are believable and the plot is strong enough to keep you clicking and engaged.

    The characters are all really well written and even the side characters have depth and color you don't find in these VNs very often. You get attached to the characters and you are interested in and want to know how their stories pan out.

    Of course, the story is not perfect. The first part of the story is just stupid. All of it. There is a distinct lack of other gang members and the MC has yet to visit the clubhouse.... if they even have one. I was expecting to see more members at the MC's party, but just the same group of members we have already met. Also, it's another case of a stranger coming in and saving the day and becoming the "chosen one", but if you buy the whole harem thing, then I guess that's not much more of a leap.

    Finally, I want to give a shout out to the dev who's images started off on the just okay side to getting a whole lot better. There are not any renders that will blow your sox off, but for the most part, you can see the improvement as the story progresses. Overall, really well done.

    If you have debated downloading this, don't debate any longer. Give it a try and force yourself through the prologue/intro. It is a fun little journey.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story with good writing despite some grammar errors, memorable characters and very large episodes, the weakest part are the animations but it's easy to ignore because everything else is so good
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The story is pretty decent once you start the real story but the start is really bad so you might quit before ever getting there, when your given choices in a game do them right, a skip scene still means MC had some kind of sexsual thing with the person you just dont see it but it has still happened and the dialogs still goes on as you have been with her, so the skip option is pointless and its all just kinetic story.

    Like the very first ugly milf you see your forced into a handjob or blowjob or skip scene, how about just putting in a no option insted of a skip option that means nothing....

    So game started off really bad, you get out of jail as a free man but is forced into being with people you dont want to touch with a 10ft pole, a bit ironic...
    The ugly milf even takes you to her home, sure that makes sense why not take a prisoner with a 30 year sentence with anger issues back to your place to visit your daughter? and of cause her husbon/boyfriend, i bet he will love to meet the guy she just gave a BJ...

    To me its just really poor writing that makes little to no sense, and put that along side with MC being forced to be with someone that you might not want to be with is just plain bad, even more so when game dosent have a kinetic tag to warn you about the no choices in such a huge and main part of the game like relationship.
    Your also forced to take part in lesbian scenes with MC no matter if you hate one of the the girls since MC will loves all and you have 0 control playing the MC you just follow along, i just really hate not being able to pick my own way in a game.

    You cant even speake you mind when the milf ask if you think of her as a whore or slut, which i sure do when she cheats on her man at home and dosent even tell MC that shes in a relationship, MC just say no no i cant judge anyone....why the fuck not?

    Whats even worse is that both mother and daughter leaves with MC since the mother now dont trust her boyfriend anymore after shes been with him for years, its just to weird and to stupid, could have been any so many better ways.

    So yeah MC is a brainless kinetic preset that you have 0 controle over and thinks like a 12 year old with every female he sees, and get a hard-on just from looking at a fully clothed female....

    And yes your forced to fuck the ugly milf as well, no options to say no again, you can pick skip scene again but MC will still fuck her no matter what, so the story is pretty much 100% kinetic and should have the tag, since there are no choices in the game that has any meaning, and dialogs shows that as well, like the daughter ask if he fucked her mom and MC replys "oh she got some alright" so clearly skip scene means nothing but skip scene.

    Virgin scene are prett shitty as well, no pain no nothing just a sex scene like any other, even though shes telling MCs dick is pushing against her cherry it means nada it no where near a deflower scene.

    Also you have 0 choice to accept lesbian sex or not, Jessy will be with another girl behind MCs back and lie/hide it from mc which is clearly NTR since MC is already with Jessy at that point in a sexual way, so keep that in mind as well if you deside to play, it makes it even worse that you cant dump her ass and is forced to be with her, its also plain idiotic that Jessy does that with MC right next to them if she has any wish to be with MC, again so poorly written, even when Jessy explain she will keep fucking girls even if she is with MC, MC just accepts it again you have 0 say in anything.
    Game would have been so much better if you could make the loyal to MC only or just plain dump them and not be forced into anything as MC.

    Also all girls seems to be BI or lesbians its a big thing in the game, not really a fan of that at all, but apprently being with MC all girls will turn BI/Lesbian, i guess MC is just that shitty a fuck that it turns them into lesbians?......

    Once the real game starts if you reach it, it does become a little better and choices start to matter more as to who you want to fuck or be with, but its hard to look past that your already forced into a relationship with both the mother and daugter who apprently both are also lesbians playing with one another, again without MC having any say in it.

    It was clearly not a game for me, i expected alot more controle over MC and who to be with in a game where your supposed to have choices and dident expect a game full of lesbians and BI females who arent even faithfull to MC.

    And once i reached the point where the i guess real story starts i had already lost all intrest in the game from all the stuff being forced onto you as the MC, relationships, girls, lesbians, incest, hookers and so on, game was already ruined and pointless to play from there.

    Story 2/5
    Story isent bad but the game mechanics are piss poor with way to much being forced on you as MC, main story i would proberly give a 4 but it gets destroyed by the childish MC that gets off just seeing an inch of some panties, and gets a hard-on from just from purely talking to a girl, and also hate forced relationships even more so with Jessy who clearly said she wouldent be faithfull and keep seeing girls and MC can join if he likes but only if her girlfriends wants it, if they dont she will just say fuck off to MC and go have her own fun, like she has done before.

    Girls 2/5
    I am not into milfs in any way so there was very little for my taste.

    Animations 2/5
    They arent good and they are short and graphic quality is pretty low.

    Music 3/5
    It has some ok music, not mood setting but nice background thing to have insted of a silent game.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Art and animations are both very good. Writing imo is subpar, but what kills this game for me every time is the MC doesn't have a personality so much as every American conservative buzzword from the last 10 years in varying order. Story does what it says on the tin, but frankly I was unable enjoy the game due to the dev's heavy reliance on American social conservatism.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly involving, Long Road Home called my attention due to the gorgeous designs for their girls and being a game where you were a Biker, which is very rare.

    But it was the depth and fun of the characters that really reeled me in. The Author did a fantastic job making you care for them (and ofc wanting them). It's not perfect - a lot of times the game will tell you instead of showing, and dialogue can feel pretty unnatural in certain subjects (trying to respect Katy's boundaries talk + 'Rykers military past' in general tend to sound robotic), but nothing is and these are minor flaws that don't detract much of the experience.

    Its a very nice Adult Novel, with a cast of girls I really enjoy and a pretty dang cool MC, which is a rarity. Plus the brotherhood aspect is pretty neat, andI hope we can deepen those relationships as well as the relations you can get deep into.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    A good game in general, perhaps the most suitable rating would be 3.5 but I give it 4 also because the developer has been constant with his work over time.

    I find that the story was much more characterized (rural America, degraded contexts, etc.) and interesting at the beginning, now it's dragging on a bit.

    The advice I always give to this type of game: don't expand the LIs roster too much, rather focus on a specific number of LIs and develop the story around these characters while also progressing the relationships.

    Inserting too many LIs becomes distracting and, in the end, damages the development of the main story because you have to make scenes for each new character inevitably neglecting the main story.

    This is the major critical issue (which is also found in many other harem novels).

    That said, the project is well written, the characters are interesting enough and the novel flows well overall.

    It's true that the technical side isn't the best but we can see improvements over time and this is important. Overall is good enough.

    The developer still has time and a way to be able to take a different path and make this good project a top tier project.

    I would suggest not inserting new LIs, developing the existing ones, and inserting more action and drama into the main story which must become the center of everything.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I love all the girls, and I like the story. Games with a lot of content sometimes scare and annoy me because I don't necessarily feel like the content is earned by me playing, like the mc just randomly gets a BJ from a girl walking past him on the street. Or go into a a store and the clerk is like "you're cute, let's fuck." I like games that make me earn it, but also don't make me grind a scene or stats to get one more extra animation out of a scene I've already had to replay 8 times. But this game makes me appreciate all my bitches (lol) and even let's me sip content I don't care for. But I usually watch all scenes the way god intended I like harem games, or games that give you the option to build a harem, so lots of LIs is fine with me.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Thius game is on the top 5 all time for me. This game has everything you would like in a VN.
    Wonderful story, well written with Humor and with drama. it has gourgous woman and girls. Tracy is my favouirite woman and her daughter is so fun to be with!! but all are so pretty and well charaterized that i'm speechless for real. o_O
    and another thing that amused me are the smooth wonderful animations! they are well done and, above all, they run smooth...often oin my old rig animation way worse that these runs like a shitshow stuttering like crazy. in this game they run flawlessy.
    amazing work Dev, can't wait till next update to see how things goes..hope i can't wait for too long. 10\10 stars for me
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    A fun and entertaining game with a solid story.

    Good character models and renders overall. Excellent story and game pace. The game has a ton of content to play through which is refreshing.

    The characters are done well in the game. They all have different and unique personalities. This is hard to pull off so hats off to the author.

    Jessy's face looks a bit off/strange for some reason and almost looks unnatural. I don't like how Jessy and Katy have senior citizen colored hair. Jessy has grey looking hair at times and Katy has white and black hair. I would expect these hair colors to be on grandmas not young adults.

    The sex scenes are plentiful with good animation. The animations are smooth and believable (rare on F95Zone for some reason). Unfortunately, there isn't much narration going on during sex scenes. The same basic dialog is used on repeat constantly. I do enjoy the multiple view angles. This was a nice touch. Some dialog and sexy banter during sex scenes would greatly improve them.

    Overall, the sex scenes are good but could be better with more variety. I will agree with other reviewers that the sex comes by too easily. Every time a new girl gets introduced I knew that we'd be having sex soon. The player doesn't have to work for it in the majority of cases. They all feel the need to give him "relief" and justify it that way. It usually starts with them feeling or seeing his boner while hugging or through observation. "I did that to you. Now it's my responsibility to empty your balls." -> Same logic used on repeat.

    Ironically, Jessy is the female love interest that I'm the least interested in, yet she is the main love interest in the game. Her odd looking face and hair color doesn't help the situation.

    I'm a huge fan of Katy and Willow! They are the most interesting characters in the game in my opinion. If they were the only love interests in the game I'd be happy.

    This is a harem game but the number of girls that the MC is fucking is getting to be excessive. Please don't keep adding more. There are plenty of stories to tell with the dozen existing girls. I will say that I'm looking forward to fucking Candi and Angelica (Reba).

    Sex scenes need to be longer with the MC cumming more than just once. A few marathon level sex scenes would be very welcomed!

    Broken English throughout the game. Non-native English speakers please get a proofreader! Many of the sentences in the game don't work or make sense.

    To have Angelica take the final step in trusting the MC I recommend an event where a lap dance gets out of hand with a large strong man and the MC saves her from being raped. An event like this would add a lot to the game and is very fitting to the game setting.

    I would also show the MC being a man and bouncing unruly guests in the Fox Box.

    Overall, it is a good game that I enjoyed playing. I can tell that the author put a lot of work into this game.

    I recommend this game and encourage others to give it a try.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Mixed review because there are things I like and things I dislike.
    I'll start with what I like:
    - the general story
    - the pace
    - the main character after the 3 first episodes.
    - the girls' viuals

    And then there are reasons why this game is only getting a 3stars review:
    - uninspiring music and sound design, but that's not a big problem, since it's classical in AVN.
    - the fact that every girl you meet will be fucked at some point. It is the most detrimental to happen in any story. If any girl is falling for your dick in 1 meeting, then none have interest
    - too much girls, like a buffet (eat all you can) and it starts to become really bothering
    - sex scenes are 1) plain and 2) short and boring
    - the sex scenes are coming, and coming, like in one game day, you can have 6 times sex with 6 ladies. I get it that it's a porn game, but color me uninterested by a fuck fest. I am more interested in a story with a few girls or a more focused MC rather than a fuckfest.
    You can throw threesomes all you want in the story, if they are not filled of inspiration, with some setup-payoff setting, and some anticipation, they are not interesting.

    I'm still enjoying the story and want to see it to the end, but for an ADULT visual novel it's so bad that the sex is boring and uninteresting.

    When finishing the current update, my review went from 3 to 2 because the story has mostly disappeared behind a lot of scenes of random and useless sex; the "harem" thing is now in plain face, and you have parties where all of your girls are present, and variations of threesomes are now tried since every "previous" and normal (per affinity/circle of friendship) ones have been tried. It is becoming so much a fuck feast without purpose that I disliked the last episode I played.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is sooooo good. I played it straight through only stopping to sleep and it has already taken me at least a day and a half to catch up with current content on a single playthrough.
    The writing of Long Road Home is excellent. Long enough to tell a great story, but short enough to keep your attention on said story. You never notice how long you go between major choices because you don't care or feel the need. I never felt like I didn't have control over the MC or his choices.
    The models and images used are amazing, you have so many different girls that you can choose to screw or not screw, each with their own personality. The story is slow moving, and that's for the better. You don't even meet or hear about the motorcycle club until like three or four chapters in. And it sets you up for what to expect in the way of storytelling but also makes the story itself feel real. Nothing is just handwaved as "We need someone, you're someone, BAM! we trust you fully." No you have to go through and earn the trust of the other characters.

    10 out of 10 totally recommend.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I am currently playing.near end great render story is Big hit.Love Stan and
    Della. and other girls for me i like more Milfs but game is Great.
    Not found anything bed.Story for me is big hit.render great.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game. a lot of hot girls and milfs. animations seem top notch for me. and a well written story. i would definitly love to see the story made into some kind of netflix series. or better a hbo series, so some of the sex will remain...
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The detail of the story is excellent, Characters are believeable and well written. Renders are excellent andanimations not overdone. Everyone loves a Good versus Evil storyline, but the major issue I have after playing all the way from the start in 2 days is the deceit of Stan and Della against Angellica and the MC. That deceit carries over to Bud and Sissy as well as they are using them as the impetus to garner revenge. Hopefully there is a silver lining hidden in this plot twist and Stan and Della are able to redeem themselves before Stan succumbs to his Ailment or at the hands of his rivals... Dont keep us hanging too long ODBG...
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Goddamn. I normally don't do vn's. I find them boring and the stories are always the same unimaginative crap copy pasted from one to the other. But not this one. No sir. Not only i found myself engrossed in the story, but i was actually skipping through the sex scenes to be able to get back to the story. That's how good it is. There are some spelling mistakes and typos, but nothing major. Overall 10/10
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Played through the new update today and honestly don't know why I bothered, or what I even saw in this game to begin with. This game is as cookie cutter of a harem game as it gets, except instead of being at a school or your absentee father's house, you're in a biker club. Every woman throws themselves at the MC with no hesitation, and is magically bi.

    The dialogue is very disjointing. The way the characters are written mostly feels like one singular entity (the dev) talking to you - very little immersion.

    90% of the time, the characters are written like any other character in any other game, and then the other 10% of the time the dev remembers they're writing characters in a motorcycle club and overcompensates. Any time any character starts acting/talking "tough" is a massive cringe fest too, just brutal stuff. Also, not sure where else to fit this into the review but having to read "ummm mwah" every time two characters kiss was... a choice.

    Renders are mid, variety of women is lacking (although expected given the plot), and the animations do not add anything to the H-scenes.

    TL;DR - not sexy enough to fap to and nowhere near interesting enough to keep reading
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The story grabs you from the first moment and gets better as the game goes on, you connect with the characters and their stories, plus all the animations are great, it's one of my favorite games, besides helping me to overcome hard times.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    comte bonfim

    This game has become one of my favorites in a short period of time that I've played. After binging for two straight days playing it, not only the renders are amazingly progressing and becoming top notch. Can't wait for future updates.