Anyways story mode aside, you guys have the wrong idea of what "Grinding" is.
I thought I should point it out for anyone reading who has not played the game yet, but having gameplay elements ≠ grinding.
If I put a quest that said "Kill 100 monsters", this would be grinding, but I designed such quests around the idea of gaining those monster kills by the time you reach the floor you were meant to go to. If I made everyone go through the first floor to reach all the way to the tenth to be more accurate to the source material, this would be grinding. If I made item gathering quests with the current drop rates, that would be annoying grinding, instead I just count the monster kills instead.
I could continue on and on, but even when you are meant to get E Rank ability you have the possibility to train narrative-wise instead, without the requirement to go to the dungeon.
You can call it grindy, but it really is not. It is just a game, rather than a pure visual novel.
That being said, I have been recently made aware of some issues related to magic scaling and even Hestia's knife which make the Floor 10 and on more difficult than it should be. I have already fixed most of those issues for R11, alongside an option to have a maximum of 4 monsters spawn at anytime in Normal Difficulty.
Thinking about it, battles with multiple mobs can be classified as grindy, but even then you have the option to easily avoid or escape them, so it is avoidable grind
If you do not like the game part or find the current experience too difficult because of those balance bugs, try again on R11.
*SNIFFS* Good ol Grinding till ya passout.. Grinding = levl grinding, coin grinding, grinding for an item, enter/spacebar scenes, Dedication to game play.
*SNIFFS* Good ol Grinding till ya passout.. Grinding = levl grinding, coin grinding, grinding for an item, enter/spacebar scenes, Dedication to game play.
Turning the computer on, entering the password and double clicking the executable is grinding.
Having to get up every morning is grinding.
Having to cook your own meals is grinding.
Why can't we exist floating in the void, where each and every desire of ours is fulfilled right away?
There's a drinking minigame which increases your endurance by a little, otherwise depending on which point in the game you are, you can get slapped around by mini bosses.
There's a drinking minigame which increases your endurance by a little, otherwise depending on which point in the game you are, you can get slapped around by mini bosses.
Goblin king, Kobold King, and the one who gives you the mask for auto battle on 2nd floor. Depending on the route/quests, you can meet more. All of those are usually stronger than you when you first meet them.
It's both. If you pick story mode, obviously you'll get a story mode.
If you pick normal or hard, you get an actual game (but still with a lot of dialogue in VN format), just a look at the screenshots should suggest as much.
finally tried the game and honestly didn't expect much but really, really liked it
I think the way to level up is pretty faithful to the Anime - while Bell can increase his stats by hundreds at a time, Welf for example is happy just getting a +5 - but that could also be because you naturally focus on him the most (Bell being usually the first target unless someone else attacks the enemy etc.)
I felt like there where not many opportunities for stats increases at the start tho
or maybe I was just not efficient enough - but having the greyed out "Update" button in the bottom and not knowing how or when to use it was really confusing until I learned how to "activate" it
I wanted to fight the Minotaur as strong as possible (2 stats where SS, 3 even SSS) and I liked the fact that Riveria even calls out that you have SSS stats while still concealing it and saying "S" like in the original story
little stuff like that was really surprising to me
We don't have a lot of choices but I felt they changed the story in a small but meaningful way
saying you don't "love" but "admire" Ais results in mentioning of dialogue and/or some scenes playing out with a different character - small changes that do not change the overall story but the feeling of it and show some personal touch that the player can give
Or dancing with a certain someone, having it not mentioned but slapping you in the face with it in the epilogue
I have a few questions and while I used the search function I'm not 100% sure about them
I think somewhere you ( Winterfire ) mention that the you like grinding until you are OP as well (same here) and that unlocks the Harem Route - I saw the choice for it but mine was greyed out - I did not grind much after the War Game and just wanted to confirm if that is only depended on stats or you have to be on a specific Route - since my first playthrough was supposed to be in Präparation for a Freya Route in the Sequel I did not choose any in this one but have savefiles at certain points.
Do I just need to grind and be Route-less to create a Worldsave of the Harem Route?
(And don't worry, I know that Harem in this game does not mean I get EVERY girl)
I am thinking of grinding for better World Save stats anyway
And a small question regarding the blue/red choices
since there is no way to track those, will they only have minor impact on dialogue or are there plans for them to impact scenes if you lean heavily in a certain direction?
Be that as it may - I think they a nice addition. Being able to say THAT to Ishtar made my day
Since you are focusing on your other games I might as well check those out too
You said the sequel might not even be worked on until the LN is finished which will be a torture to wait
(You ever watched a good Season and you're sad there is no sequel announced even after 5 years? Yeah, that feeling)
Good Luck with your project(s)
Looking forward to seeing more o7
and sorry for this wall of text