VN - Unity - Completed - Legacy of Hestia [R36p2] [Winterfire]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Best Parody EVER. Great attention to detail while adding in the developers own ideas. The gameplay grind of the dungeons also makes it feel even more real. Cant wait to see how far the developer goes with the story.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    ok, i tried played a bit of it, and uh... WHY IS IT SO SLOW, JESUS. You're just retreading the show with 1 nip slip and dungeon crawling that is ABYSMALLY SLOW. you inch one tile at a time in an smt style dungeon that makes me ask "why the fuck am i playing this" because i'd rather just look up porn of the anime if i'm that desperate. I'm ok with a slow pace, hell i encourage it, as otherwise the game is just a gallery with a time investment, but this game isn't slow in pacing, it's slow in GAMEPLAY. using a DnD style combat system is fine, but as a starting point, it means that at the start you're missing a chunk of attacks and it doesn't help ease the frustration of the cripplingly slow movement speed. I'm being dead serious, tweak that and the game shoots up a point or two. I'd comment on the scenes or writing, but i've seen one scene, and the writing is just the show again.
    and it's not like i played it twice and gave up, when i said a "bit" it wasn't due to not playing it long, i have put time aside to get through this, like it's fucking dark souls or something, and i've had 3 sessions of 3-5 hours, and i've just NOW met lilly. So uh, not fun.
    either be ready to commit to playing this, wait for the dev to speed it up, or just look up porn, it's easier and it'll take less time.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is amazing and the gameplay is genuinely some of the most fun I have had playing a H-Game, to the point where at points I just kind of forgot that I was playing one. Genuinely worth a play through, both for scenes, the character, and the gameplay.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    A great parody of an extremely pretty and popular waifu, Hestia... The game has several interesting points. Dungeon, good character/relationship building, and Winter puts a good effort into it.

    The dev makes regular updates and puts real work into their game... This is something that needs to be more considered and valued given how rare it is.

    Sweet waifus, romance, dungeons, and miscellaneous scenes. I think that to be an amazing game, it just lacks preggo content. xP
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Legacy of Hestia [R26] [Winterfire]
    A game with a lot of potential, which I downloaded thinking I might like it but which I found slow and boring in all its mechanics.

    Mediocre models, some nice, some awful.

    Gameplay that I initially liked (turn-based combat, seeing Bell grow up and the usual mechanics that always worked), but after a few hours it becomes boring and slow.
    Just seeing the beginning, having to redo the first 4 floors over and over again (tried in hard mode). I understand this is how it works in the original story too, but it completely destroys the game.

    The girls' routes are poorly structured, even if you play in story mode, you still have to redo (almost) everything to unlock some routes, holding skips and waiting like idiots.
    In a nutshell, even if you play story mode or hard mode with or without cheats, the game remains slow and boring.

    Tried the game in hard-mode until the fifth floor was unlocked, and then out of boredom I decided to see if it was actually worth spending more time on the game. How? Story mode, so as to skip the gameplay and see if the scenes were worth the effort, which unfortunately I didn't appreciate.

    In this case, the multy-route solved this whole issue (not the gameplay).
    Without this "multy-route" it is more complex, but with a different structure it is certainly possible.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Maybe i'm biased, but if you're a fan of Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka or dungeon crawlers
    You have to give this game a try.
    And if Duneon crawlers are not your thing , there's always the VN mode.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Voyageur Perdu

    This game is incredible, I love the dungeon exploration aspect and the story is very faithful to that of the anime, I can't wait to see the sequel, the only small criticism is that even if you farm a lot in the dungeons, the stats aren't that influential, well I could be wrong. But it's an excellent game
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    its really simple for me the game is Awesome :) we need more danmachi games like these. So support it guys :D I wish we could see something more now with Freya, Eina, Artemis or Tiona or Liliruca oder Ryu<3 they are sooooo sweet
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Would rate 0/5 if i could.

    It's just a BAD parody of Danmachi

    The thing that is WAY WORSE, it's the FUCKING GAMEPLAY, Basically it's just a labyrinth crawler with some turn base combat. It can't be that bad you'll say... WRONG ! Its as BIG as you can imagine, It's based on a grid, and the viewing is only 4 directional... it's already pretty bad EXCEPT THAT each actions (turning the POV, or moving a case) takes 2 SECONDS EACH AND YOU CAN'T COMBINE ACTIONS, Meaning that you have to WAIT EACH TIME before doing ANY kind of other actions... it wouldn't be that bad when EACH TIME YOU RE-ENTER THE DONJON YOU HAVE TO GO ALL THE WAY FROM THE FLOOR 1 AGAIN... again, it wouldn't be that bad if the donjons were short, but each time it's longer... and floor one is near 30 CASES LONG... for the shortest way...

    I won't forget the combat system, i'm not against turn based combat, BUT when encounters are RANDOM, and some time you can have an encounter EACH CASES THAT YOU MOVE...

    At the end i was wondering if it was a troll game because of how bad it was.

    And last but not least, i will tell how the gameplay could've been WAY better, and it's with the addition of a simple button that have the effect to SPEED UP the game, and by speed up, i really mean a 5x or even a 10x speed up, just this simple thing and ALL of the gameplay related problems would've been solved
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    Jimmy Two Times

    Legacy of Hestia is an adult themed dungeon crawler / turn based rpg game that wishes to do many things that other games don't, but fails to appropriately execute some of them if not most. Gameplay is... Rough. Only 3D thing about this game is the labyrinth like sequence where you get to explore and wander the dungeon levels, frame by frame. It is inadequate and poorly designed. Also, chalk full of grind like any other Japanese game I played. I repeat the same line on every single Japanese game i review or play, and this one is not an exception. Story is decent if you are into fantasy games. It's not amazing so it won't dazzle and make a fan out of you for the genre. But it pushed me to play more despite having ungodly amount of recurring problems. It’s only fair to say now that i couldn’t finish this game. Not because i didn’t want to, but i couldn’t. Game froze after I cleared dungeon 9 and no matter what i did after that, it stuck at the same place. Anyways, more on that later.

    The music, is amazing. Ambient sound is good. I kinda feel like media in this is pilfered from other games, but i’m not 100% sure. Maybe 90%. Characters are very much likeable, cute and well written. Though, you feel like they are missing something. Something not essential yet you feel like it’s suppose to be there. But I can’t put my finger on what it actually is. Pacing is good too. I like when stuff develops. Feels more realistic in my opionion. But some people may not like that. It’s easy to get impatient when it is this slow, i admit. But i don’t mind that at all. Combat is nothing to write home about. Infact, it is bad. And on top of the grind, you feel like it shouldn’t even be there. I could have tolerated all of this, because i played worst games on this website and this one has actual effort put into it unlike many of the ones i reviewed, but this game is a bug ridden heap of mess. It falls short... Well, no, FAILS HORRIBLY at every aspect it tries to grab on to because of the bugs, soft and hard locks through and through. Saves get corrupted randomly, so you play the same parts over and over just to get a game freeze before you reach your former point. I can't begin to tell you how nerve wracking it is to get a sudden CTDs and perma freezes that happens like every 5 minutes or so while exploring or during dialogues. I'm not exaggerating. It happens. So. Friggin. Often. You can’t trust your saves, you can’t trust where to tread on, you can’t decide if you should open that chest in that dungeon or go though a campfire sign, because you don’t know if it is going to freeze again or not...

    Well... The only way i can describe the feeling i got from playing this game is this. Let's say a friend of yours bakes you a cake and gives you a juicy slice for you to try. It’s a homemade cake, nothing too professional, but it has the ingredients you like. Once you take a bite and start enjoying it, your friend yanks the plate from your hand throws it to the ground, for no reason at all. And before you have a chance to turn and ask “what the hell?” he/she says “sorry i’ll get you another slice”. You accept even though you are a bit angry and confused now. Because you like cake and you like your friend. You want to give it another shot. Once you do that, your friend looks you dead on the eye and tells you "oh, by the way, the cake has cyanide in it, hope you don’t mind. You got like 30 minutes before you go to a hospital." Yes. That’s exactly how i felt while playing this game. It's a mess guys. Stay away from it until dev fixes everything i mentioned.

    Edit: Dev has more excuses than fixes to the problems i mentioned. Takes stuff personal and full on petty defense mode when confronted. Do yourself a favor and don't even try this game.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm moving one block and immediately getting attacked by mobs. Too many bugs too many crashes.My save deleted 3 times!! Im done with this garbage.

    I manage to go doungen lvl 9 and am still 1 lvl still same damage . Boring af.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Graphics: Decent. The dungeon walls / floor etc. have a professional look and fit the theme well.
    Sexy-time stuff: Not bad.
    Story: Good.
    Characters: Good.
    Gameplay: Not the best.
    Music: Great. Very atmospheric and it makes all the difference.

    For people thinking about playing it, here are some hints.

    Normal is Easy, and Hard is Normal. You have the option to skip the exploration and battle stuff entirely and just have the story etc. Do that rather than select Normal difficulty. 'Normal' is so easy that the already repetitive gameplay becomes super boring.

    Bugs aren't frequent, but I have hit softlocks while fighting in the dungeon, so DO save at least once when you enter the floor. Otherwise you're likely to end up rage-quitting like I just did.

    You can set movement speed to 'Instant'. I absolutely recommend you do this. Otherwise you will likely become extremely frustrated with moving around the dungeon (which you have to do a lot).

    For Winterfire, here are some suggestions.

    Have an 'autosave' slot and autosave when players enter the dungeon or change dungeon level. [EDIT] The author did this in R18.

    While you are sticking to the first four dungeon levels, there should be a message when you go to the downstairs tile on the fourth level. "It's tempting to continue, but you promised not to go past floor 4" or something.

    The 'Flashbangs' are broken. You can buy them, but there is no option to use them in battle. The explosives are ridiculously expensive, but when you go to use them in a difficult boss battle they 'miss' just as often as melee attacks so are basically useless.

    The 'escape' icon does nothing in battle.

    After you get a magic spell, it would be convenient if the character stuck on the last attack mode (dagger or spell) from turn to turn in battle instead of always reverting to melee.

    I probably won't come back to try this game again, but it's well worth a look.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a failed dungeon crawler. No loot found in dungeons. Some floors have way too many monsters while others are severely lacking any mobs.

    1. Gameplay 4/5
    2. Lewdness 1/5 (fails no harem can only do a single girl)
    3. Music 5/5 (dungeon music is great)
    4. Tracker 2/5 (can not see any details like what floor if you missed it)
    5. Mobs really need work.. almost no mobs until floor 5+ than way too many on floor 9+

    Game fails because who wants to play an entire route again when you have dungeons and quests to do? A dungeon crawler should play like Words Worth get them girls whenever you can but I could not see myself every playing the game a second time for a new girl. VN it works because it is all text and you just use skip read lines.. impossible to do for a crawler.

    Any good Dungeon Crawler are Harem Games.. so this is the first dungeon crawler I am not even able to play through because the thought of wasting my time on a story that is too close to the novels I have already read is just too much.. A good parody for this game needs to be the shy Bell becoming lewd and actually going for his Harem he wanted.

    So game fails along story line also he gets lewd enough to go for prostitution but not a harem? This just makes absolutely no sense personality wise or story wise.

    Developer already stated he will not go Harem so it's a failed non-sense story .. no harem than he sure as hell is not going to any damn prostitutes.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the original story of course. Love the combat in the game, it feels very real gamey, and the h-scenes are very good as well with plenty of payoff. I enjoyed it so much that I paid for the current version of the game, and then upgraded my subscription for the alpha version of the game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Version R10.

    I like the anime, i always wanted Bell to have a relationship with Hestia. But it was all but a pipe dream. Till this came out. Just like Overlord i am quite happy that we are able to romance a lot of fan fav girls from the series. The character models are well designed. And the dialogues are good. My only regret is going through the dungeon and the progress is too slow. If we want to go to a different girls route we have to do the dungeon part again. Like lily comes much later and Eina's path starts at the beginning. It would be nice if there is a way to skip dungeons in the future updates. Excluding that a well made game. Good luck with the project Dev. Eagerly waiting for future updates.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Tons of fun so far! I absolutely love the show and dungeon crawler style games, so it's the best of both worlds. I play on a MacBook Pro and the game uses quite a bit of memory which makes it run slow at times even with the lowest settings, but saving and restarting the game seems to temporarily solve that issue. Music is great, visuals are excellent, and I'm looking forward to more content!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: R8
    Overall, this is a game I've found to be quite enjoyable, and one that seems like it can have high potential in the long run.

    The Good:
    1. The basic gameplay loop is an enjoyable one, especially for those who like dungeon crawlers. People who hate grinding of any kind might be a bit averse to this however. (Perhaps future difficulty levels will allieve this? I believe the dev has discussed adding it for R9).
    2. The developer Winterfire is very responsive to player feedback, questions, and bug reports. There have been a few times that I have found slight issues/bugs, and they found fixes to all of these issues by the next release.
    3. There are many routes for the player to choose from, though this is something I'll bring up a little later as a concern as well.
    4. As of R8, the game is expanding to include more of the Danmachi world than just the dungeon, which I think is good. Having a change-of-pace is always good to have. It also introduces quests, also a nice feature.
    5. The game visually looks very nice. It is made in Unity, and the areas are very faithful to the source material. The game in general is faithful to the source material. Fans of the series will enjoy this.
    6. The playtime for this game is rapidly rising, now that the baseline infrastructure has seemingly mostly been put into place.

    Things to Improve/Future Concerns:
    1. While having many routes is good, at a certain point it can become a bit of a concern, both for the developer's time in making it, and for the replayability for the user.
    2. The amount of interaction between characters not involving the MC is still rather low. It makes sense early in the game (as the majority of character relationships have not yet been established), but hopefully this changes over time. It would be neat to see how the player's choices affect the conversations of other characters (in humorous ways?).
    3. Combat is a little basic, but dev has said that'll be the priority for R9.
    4. Being unable to change the MC's name is a slight annoyance. I understand that this is based on a show, but having the ability to change the MC's name would be a nice change, even if it is only superficial.

    I'm very interested in seeing how this project turns out, and so far I have been impressed.
  18. 2.00 star(s)

    Meaning Less

    [Review for an early version]

    Main problem here is the gameplay, you are forced to slowly drag your way around long, repetitive and hollow dungeons, occasionally being attacked by random enemies in a barebone turn based combat system, rinse and repeat.
    Dungeons should have been more compact and alive instead of being so long and empty, if the focus of your ecchi game is going to be dungeon exploring at least make it fun.

    The story lacks originality, it just crudely follows the original source. So it is a downgrade with HS models for people that already know about danmachi and for new people it will just be a worse experience since If anything this will just spoil the source material.

    A side story or even an entirely new premise would have been more interesting for fans in my opinion.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Bring some patience for this game. Developer is passionate about making his game as kanon as possible. The stat-raising mechanic is fun if you bring some patience. The progression is decent and characters of this "fanfic" are relatable to an extent. Go support his patreon :)