In the source material Bell jumps over the fence, I didn't find an obvious way to handle that in a retro-looking Dungeon Crawler without causing people some motion sickness (especially if the movement speed is maximum), so I kept it simple like that. It also suggests the player that other such obvious entrances may work in the same way later on in the game (Just for some easter eggs, nothing required to actually complete the game).Not sure if bug, fence before silverback gorilla stays after you go to its event. Got lost for a bit
Shouldn't be possible to get lost since the level is small and very straight-forward.
1. The harem route is just another route, which means you can technically take Hestia's virginity twice (Her route, and Harem route) with two different scenes. That's true for all the other characters as well. Each route has unique scenes and CGs, nothing is reused, so yes, you'll miss out on all the other scenes/CGs of all the other routes.Seems like the dev is really involved with the community and that is truly amazing. I had some questions:-
1. Sorry if you have already answered this but from what i saw there are a lot of routes in the game and it used to only be monogamous but now also has a harem route? does the harem route consist of all characters? do i miss out on scenes from specific characters if I do the harem route?
2.Now that the game is complete can we perhaps get the walkthrough here publicly? Its alright if you are against that, I get that its for your patrons.
Congratulations on completing the game, can't wait for your next project
2. The walkthrough is already linked in the thread, despite the fact it says "R33" it works fine with the current release as well. Even in my Patreon I didn't release any walkthrough until R36, which simply adds the CG number for each category (not really useful since the gallery itself already tells you which route the CG belongs to).
Thank you, my next project already exists:
After this, people voted for Overlord H remake, then after that it'll come the sequel to this game. Hope you'll enjoy those projects as well!