VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - In a Scent [Ep. 4 Part 1 v1.035] [Domiek]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Dr. Ronald Leopold

    One of the best game i've ever played.
    The story is simple but interesting, top tier model, good animation, characters with a bit of deep feelings and personality.
    The best part is that the game is funny, you can enjoy it also in non-hot moments. A must play
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Came looking for copper and I foudn gold!
    This game is really hilarious!
    For a moment I was weirded by the looks of the main character, or the fact that he is messing with a family and there is the cheating as well; but it's all done really well and I lost the count of laughs I gave playing this.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    1) MC is a pathetic looser. If that's your thing - go for it
    2) Story - ugh, not much happening there. Really, just lazy writing.
    3) Decent renders, except of MC. He is one ugly mf
    4) Humor - you remember the jokes that were crazy funny when you were 13 and changing for PE class? You do? Well, so does the dev.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most refreshing games I've played in a while. The sitcom presentation is really cool in my opinion.
    -Great Renders
    -Hot Models
    -Easy playing
    -Easy wanking
    -First time a VN has made me actually laugh
  5. 3.00 star(s)



    The Top G did not find this porn comedy that enjoyable sadly. if you enjoy having a stroke while having the occasional giggle this might be for you.

    The story is fine at best, just didnt grasp the Top G. you REALLY have to suspend disbelief with pretty much everything. Follows the troupe of MC can touch LI and they sexually desire the MC. The game is in episode 2 already and The Top G not sure what else there is to do at this point (MC pretty much-achieved the goal of fucking a LI set by father). if its a short game by nature so be it.

    The Top G didnt connect with any of the characters, Raya only had one good moment with the candle scene, everyone else didnt have much going for them (as of yet). Gary is he doesn't fuck she is sexually repressed. So the MC takes advantage of that repression super easily, that's those two characters in a nutshell. Raya hates you cause are you a loser and a perv and shes right...surely the MC will have to use his brain to figure out how to get her on his side... then there is Selene the one character The Top G thought might have some sense, as she doesnt believe the MC's cooked up story that he feeds to the family of the MC being their long lost son, yet she goes along with it anyways cause shes into roleplaying some incest with the MC...okay whatever

    Render wise and model wise...subjectively Top G only liked Raya. MC looks a douche and acts like a douche so whatever on that. Gary is just Gary.....Ma looks like she got 20 pounds of silicone pumped into her ass, not The Top G's cup of tea. Lastly Selene...meh. The art style on the renders was an interesting choice Top G was not a fan.

    All in all Top G cannot recommend this one to my hustlers. if it floats your boat all the power to you.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Pros: Less choice to make , easy way to see all the lewd scenes. The best of the game is it is humors. Dev cracks me up often . Good graphics and animation and awesome story line. Good potential game after AWAM i have played.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good start. Will definitely look out for future updates and more content. Unique and funny setting - really liked the game.
    + The story is interesting
    + Pretty girls
    + The humor is really funny in my eyes
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the funniest, most entertaining games I have played in a long time. And although the humor kept me in stitches.. the story.. the writing the renders? All of that would make this deserving of the five stars I am giving it.. even if the humor wasn't there. Blown away to be honest.. blow smack dab away.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A truly funny game with a unique concept. Gorgeous models and renders and I love how the girls in the game actually look unique/realistic. Everyone from the MC to the secondary characters aren't just recycled models and all of their appearances fit with who they are (ie. a mother with a mother body, albeit a nice one). Definitely one to watch!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played A LOT of games from this website. While a few have made me exhale from my nose a bit, this is the first one that has ever made me laugh out loud.

    Most porn writing requires stupid plots and stupid characters. Most developers let this be a crutch, an excuse for lazy writing. This game, along with most successful modern comedies, is a testament to why you need smart people to write stupid people. The stupidity of the MC is comedically extreme, but stays realistic despite his absurd nature.

    The cycle of idiot is thus: Idiots don't learn -> Idiots try to come up with big brain ideas -> Idiots often fail -> Other people get flabergasted by the sheer stupidity of idiots -> Other people try to teach idiots -> Idiots think they're smarter than others -> Idiots don't learn -> etc... There is a certain tenacity that results from this cycle that causes most people to just give up rather than fighting with them. This game perfectly encapsulates that concept inside of a fairly standard porn game narrative arc and uses it to keep driving the plot forward while being able to maintain the comedic absurdity.

    Character models are great. Animation has imperfections but without a doubt still solid enough to enjoy. Developer seems down to earth and transparent. Looking forward to future updates.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm litteraly laughting my ass off. The writer is a fucking genius!
    Graphics are good, story is fun and great as well. It lacks of choice for my taste, maybe a more open world Milfy City style could be great after a certain point in the story.
    Absolute great game!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Played : v1.02b

    Pretty fun so far. Made me laugh a few times. Some "extra choices" are nice but some are just reusing previous scenes, though I like that they are color-coded.

    Lewd content is decent as well, no sex so far but what we got is pretty hot.

    Visuals are great, but plot is still under-developed and further advances remain to be seen.

    As long as it doesn't disappoint, it will be a must-play game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    hilarious. great writing. nice story. MC who is a good mixture of idiotic and clever, the LIs have the usual stereotypical roles but still are relatable and written in an interesting way and feel like persons. There is some cuckolding (is that the term?) situation going on, which I usually strongly dislike, but in this case it is done well so far.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    My first impression for the game was 1 star,After 10 mins gameplay
    Because MC has iq equal to my d*ck and I made a 1 star review
    And depeloper contacted me to continue playing and i can say that MC is developing slightly.

    -Renders 10/10 (One of the best I've ever seen)
    -Story 10/10 (at the start MC is retard as fuck be patient)
    -Other characters is funny

    Keep up the good work,Cant wait to see next updates !
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Rejoice - a 3D effort that fully recognizes the importance (or dare I say thrill) of emotive Expressions. Handled here with comical creativity that does not at all apologize for maintaining entertainment.

    The color palette; skin tones, lighting, clothing, surrounding objects, framing, blur - are all chosen smartly and artfully to support the assets evocative effect (if not just gin up the jolly factor). I don’t know that I’ve ever followed another pair of in-game titties around the screen with as much admiration and interest as the set that Ma has got painted on her. A perfect match to her personality and endlessly curated and cared for (the areola work alone is worthy of the Louvre).

    Animations are easily some of the best I’ve ever seen and film-quality in execution; phenomenal fluidity, dynamic inclusion of body parts in general. Fully realized.

    You’re meant to generally frolic around in fun here, thematically. Nothing needs to be taken too seriously. The parameters are put in place early on and off you go. Nothing too inventive though the scenarios selected are smart for what we’re most interested in here. Which is having FUN fucking around. No need to reinvent the wheel where that’s concerned, eh. (Depending on how far the Dev goes with it, there is an element in place that could prove interesting; follow your nose.)

    -For a con… I’m not a big fan of the MC’s cock. Some artistic choices there I find a little confusing. But given all the rest of it - including a gradual reveal on TnA that does not feel all too fast, nor too slow - I can’t complain about the tool I’ll be using too much.

    VERY promising effort here early on and certainly worth a follow.
  16. 5.00 star(s)



    The render quality and especially the manually fitted clothing is what really makes this stand out. I've never seen clothing fit this naturally on DAZ bodies before. None of that vacuum sealed boob socket nonsense here. I generally don't place too much weight on the visual side, but there are some games that pushes the boundaries.

    That said, the render count to text ratio is on the lower side. You don't see too much variations in the facial expressions or gestures during a conversation. There is not too much sense of dynamic movement or animated characters during the series of still renders. But still, the quality of the actual renders are absurdly high and the clothing look amazing.

    The writing is serviceable. It's actually quite good, even. Everyone has their own humor code and what gets them to chuckle, but I thought this game struck a nice balance of comedy and depravity in a story that doesn't take itself too seriously. It doesn't go into the annoying and cringe territory full of "witty" banter, and that's half the battle won when it comes to the humor tag.

    The sex scenes are great. There is quite a lot of teasing throughout the story, and the scenes themselves have some meat to it as well. It builds up nicely on each other. There is a nice amount of kinky sex dialogues that continues even when the animation is running. Good stuff there.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v1.02b
    Really liked this, great game so far and has a lot of promise. Loved the scenes, beautiful renders. Great subtle animations. Great teasing. Classic extended family template with an interesting supernatural twist, but the writing is very unique and fresh. Also great humor which is really key to help buoy the plot when its not pure smut mode.

    My only gripe is that it doesn't feel like it leans hard enough into the actual theme about the whole incubus enough? IDK if its because the game is still in early stages? But it feels like there's quite a bit of content so far. If that means the game is gonna be huge, that's fine.

    Was really hoping we'd get a ton of lust effect stuff where the MC's pheromones/incubus semen would be doing some light transformation/mind altering for the ladies. I loved the early part where the girls and smelling/seeing MC and their eyes glow with brief lust, Ma's nipples get hard, etc. But it kinda just drops from there and turns into a more general incest plotline with him seducing them. I get the incubus effect is the justification for them fucking him in the first place even though he's 'family', but I'd love to have seen more direct references to it in the scenes. Like when you choose whether to come in Ma's hand or on her, would've been awesome to have a direct corruption repercussion of that, coming in her hand she tastes it after he leaves, and you see her breasts swell and her pussy get wet and eyes glow, or on her directly and she briefly jumps on the MC in a lusted craze and then she snaps out of it, etc. Same with the other blowjob by the aunt. If she swallows, she then gets more corrupted immediately by such a direct contact with incubus cum. Maybe the MC just doesn't have those powers yet?

    Really nitpicking though, the content is already 5/5 levels. Keep up the excellent work dev!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is definitely a top notch VN. Compared to others definitely a 5 out of 5. Both the story and visuals are very appealing. Others didn't care for the story premise (incubus sent to earth), but for me it actually worked pretty well and was a welcome change from stale "step-family" relations. Renders are top notch and characters are unique and pleasing.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good writing. Funny game, I had a smile plastered on my face all game long.
    I usually prefer slow and realistic, gradual corruption. Here even though the MC has magic powers with which he corrupts the girls, it still doesn't feel rushed or unrealistic. Fits in well with the atmosphere and I'm totally fine with it.

    Version 1.02b isn't lacking for anything but I guess it still has a long way to go and I'm looking forward to its development.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is now one of my most favorite VNs whose updates i will look forward to.
    It was pretty damn funny.
    Character models are top notch and animations are pretty good
    I would recommend this to anyone here.
    Play it and support the Dev so he can make more of it.
    damn its good.