VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - In a Scent [Ep. 4 Part 1 v1.035] [Domiek]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of [Ep. 4 Part 1 v1.035]

    , although unfortunately ABANDONED.
    I honestly don't understand the story: the MC goes to his father's office, and he sends him to live with his own family or something, and he's some kind of "alien," or I misunderstood.

    Then at home, you have your mother, presumably her partner, a fat guy you don't really get along with, and her daughter, your supposed sister. Oh, and there's also your aunt, who goes after you for no reason, typical of porn games.

    • Very nice animations with good mechanics
    • Good detailed renders and light
    • Good Ambient and Music
    • Story is ok, nothing special but ok
    • From 11 LEWD Scenes there are just 3 with SEX
    • The game ends in the worst moment posible
    • No audio or moans in SEX Scenes
    • The Story is quite BASIC
    RATING :

    Content: ⭐⭐⭐
    Sound: ⭐⭐⭐
    Renders: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Characters: ⭐⭐⭐
    Animations: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Final conclusion: ⭐⭐⭐⭐OK GAME sometimes FUNNY but ABANNDONED
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say about this gem...If any game in this site should NOT be abandoned, it should be this one.
    Absurd context, crazy MC but it somehow works magnificent. Hilarious dialogues, sharp comebacks, tense situations combined with lewd and steamy content. I just couldn't get enough.
    The script is masterfully done amd it works wonders with the pictures, it's like there is a pro director behind screenplay. I was constantly horny from day 2 until the end, waiting for the unexpected sex coming up, and even when that didn't came (pun intended), there came the next dialogue hitting me in the face. Brilliant!
    I also loved the 3 LIs for being realistic enough (that Ma pear shaped body is unique in this site, at least in a 3D game), not super models in terms of individual characteristics.
    Extra points for Gary!!!
    Again, something has to be done to revive this game, but with the original mind behind this.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Sadly only 2 star. How this can be related to the "personal trainer" game in any way is beyond me.

    The story is mediocre but good enough for porn.
    The characters are sometimes human and sometimes pretty deformed but nothing too extrem. Devs simple like to put some sliders to the max i guess.

    The writing is awful. It's what you expect if you asked a 10-12 year old to writing a "cool" character + porn. If you don't think fart noises are the pinnacle of humour you will not like the dialogs at all.

    If you ignore the dialogs it could be easily 3 maybe 4 stars, depending whether or not you like the mom char.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    John Mtfcka Wick

    One of the best visual novels on this site, with amazing quality renderings and beautiful graphics. The plot may not be the best, but it's still enjoyable. The girls in the game are also very attractive! Ma is a goat xDD
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    My first time reviewing something here, and this games desrves it, one of the best games i played on this site, i haven't laughed this hard while playing an adult visual novel before, fun story and amazing characters that im really invested in, and of course very hot scenes so you can fap to your heart's content, definitely deserves 5 stars
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    In a Scent [Ep. 4 Part 1 v1.035] [Domiek]

    • Fairly good quality of image renders.
    • Fairly good quality of animations.
    • Play-ability and grammar are all just OK no issue
    • Story?? What kind of category is yet to understand.
    • Lack of originality.
    • Lack of genuine / logic.
    • Lack of seductiveness in sexual approach
    • Most of the video / animation has some sort of delay to start.
    Begin with a wealthy successful father worried by his irresponsibly grown-up son and kick him out to learn and prove as worthy as a challenge to get back to his status as son (MC) of wealthy man. That’s it the MC suddenly lands banging on tree branch of high altitude (at least one floor height); how and why; no one can tell. Well let’s take it proceed further if we can get clarity later . . . but nothing.

    Then MC bluff the family (where he landed on the tree) that he is their long-lost son and that’s it; every one of the family (father, mother and the daughter) accepts it just like that and takes him into their family and moves on, just like that!!!!

    What the hell is that!!!!

    Yes, this sort of non-logic unusual unbelievable story continues for the present release.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Grumpy Gorilla

    This really is a gem; smart, clever, funny and technically sound! There's only a handful of VH's out there that deserve 5 stars (imo), and this one deserves it. The characters are all unique and the writing deftly avoids all the typical traps; cliches, canned and predictable responses, etc.

    This VN kept me in my seat the whole time, not once did I feel like I was even close to being ejected from the immersion.

    Props to the developer - well done (y)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    v Episode 4 part 1

    Story 4/5
    Writing 5/5
    Characters 4/5
    Gameplay 2/5

    In a Scent is a comedy story about a spoiled incubus brat that finally has to survive on his own. Kicked out of the house by his dad, he has to learn to use his powers and skills to charm and beguile the women around him. With no grand plot, scheme, or dragon, to threaten the existence of mankind, the young MC is free to focus his talents on what he is supposed to do best - doink women and smash puss wherever available.

    A great story that remains consistent and entertaining. MC develops slowly from completely untrained incubus with some very preconceived notions into a slightly less untrained incubus with fewer preconceived notions. The overall plot is simple but works fine by putting the focus on character development.

    The writing is what makes this VN work. It's raucous, over the top, concise, and most of the time hilarious. You will find yourself laughing out loud at least three times. There is no superfluous blabbering - the characters say what they need to make their points and no more. The ambience is given by the visuals, and this combined delivery is how you show the reader that you do not consider him a slobbering moron - the foundation of any VN with potential to be great.

    The characters are most of the time wonderful and consistent. MC is a rare case of coherent personality, probably because he can focus on being a perv rather than having to develop into a morally upstanding hero/creepy sex offender schizophrenic. This alone is a feat when looking at the many cases of split MC personalities so prevalent on F95. MC is the most fun in the beginning where his prior complete disassociation from humanity makes for some less than subtle conversations. This is not a self-insert MC, rather he has a well established personality already (and probably some kind of mental retardation).

    This is the one aspect where the VN falls short. Choices are largely absent, and the story is clearly on rails. I would much prefer to have at least the illusion of impacting the story through my choices.

    A great comedy VN, expertly written and well delivered. I will keep an eye out for updates, and I hope it reachers the finish line. Best of luck to the dev.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    You got something cocking there, funny and dirty... i like it :D Icing on the top would be more choices during the sexscences to make it a bit more interactive i guess. Even the story is quite engaging, i guess also the comedic background helps there
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    MC is the best part of this game no doubt. This is the actual AVN MC, dumb horny fuck who wants to screw everything that moves. Which is kinda funny in itself, and the game really leans into it.

    Second favourite is obviously Garry, what a guy.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Jaga Telesin

    The good:
    • Good models and renders. MC is a bit trollish (both attitude and looks) but he grows on you as he smarts up
    • Music is appropriate and not over the top
    • Story, while thin, is still entertaining
    • Sex scenes and variation are fairly good, though not top notch or kink-varied
    • Easy to binge to see where things go next
    The bad:
    • MC is a literal idiot at the beginning of the game, and a tool. Takes him hours to improve his personality and disposition
    • Game pokes fun at itself decently, but goes a little over the top at times
    • Current release (Ep4 pt1) is extremely short
    • Animations are mid-tier, and while some offer different perspectives, none really "do it" for the viewer. It's more flavor than fap material.
    I'd probably rate the game around a 3.7 - 3.8 right now, drawbacks being the animations and length of the game, and the lack of depth to the story. Hopefully those improve with development time.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing game, can't wait for a new update though it has been a very long time since one came out. Looking forward to seeing how the story unfolds in future updates. I can imagine it will be a long game
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it. Absolutly love it. Really nice story. not half bad humor. Great characters and hot sexscenes. Love dynamic with Red. Cant wait for the next update. And now somehow I need to write up to 200 words...
    Ok. Game have nice pacing. It have story and not just throwing sex scenes on you. They are good. But with context they are much better. At start it kinda bumb humor, but it works and it is evolving and become somewhat serious. Also romantic side to all of this is precious. It have nice chemistry with all characters. Even Gary! Shame we dont get good look at Selenes boobs.
    Also music is banger. Super nice and makes atmosphere just right.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    TLDR: it should be worth your time if you like its humor or at least survive the intro

    My first impressions of the game were terrible. I hated everything about the MC—appearance, personality, humor, etc. I still can't say I do like him, but having played the content for [Ep 4 part 1], I see he had some character development. Or at least the 'humor' got toned down considerably.

    The humor itself is a hit or miss, and it missed hard for me, especially in the intro. I got the impression it got a better pace/usage as the game progressed. The MC still does stupid things, but it is not in every fckng sentence he utters anymore.

    Another thing that improved my experience a lot was not to expect to be able to really give input as the MC, rather to experience the story unfolding as intended. More like a movie experience. That's not really how I like VNs and games overall, but it made this experience go from intolerable to actually decent.

    I can't affirm bcz I didn't check it, but choices do not seem to matter much. That's not something I like, and it detracts from the experience for me, and as previously mentioned should not be something you're looking for.

    But putting the first impressions aside, the game got better as time passed. The jokes started being used less frequently and better placed. They were no longer only punchlines, there was room to breathe between them. The pace improved.

    The characters seem to improve as well. Ma, Auntie, Red, even the fat dude that I forgot the name now xD Considering the "incubi" powers, the interactions were believable for a VN. Red most of all.

    What started as a terrible experience became something that made me want to know what comes next in the story, even if I dislike the MC and its role.

    So, in the end:

    MC: still don't like him and would prefer another approach. He does improve, but I doubt it would deviate too much.
    Story: I dislike mind control and supernatural influences in NPC behavior. Even then it was used in a contained way, kept me interested. Good supporting characters/LIs.
    Animation: decent enough, but not exceptional.
    Renders: good. Some scenes/takes were gorgeous.
    Posing: some face gestures and body pose were a bit off, uncanny. Eyelid placement most of all.
    Music: sorry, but muted. I don't understand how you guys can stand looping music haha the first two songs played were not bad, but it felt like I was watching a sitcom. Paired with the jokes I couldn't stand (I usually mute the music anyway, nothing particular)
    Didn't experience any errors.
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Revolving Mania

    I hate stupid MCs, mostly because when you see one in an AVN, you just know that it's all they're ever gonna be, a damn idiot with no redeeming quality, but here's one with an idiot MC that's funny and charming as hell, confident, too. Plenty of flaws and plenty of strengths, now that's how you write a flawed, but likeable character.

    Besides the MC, the LIs are also likeable despite their very clear flaws and even the annoying male side character is likeable. It's also got real dialogue that you could somewhat imagine it happening in real life, and absolutely hilarious.

    Not to mention the great renders and overall presentation. It's hard to find a well-rounded game like this, just take a look at the rest of my reviews.

    Unfortunately, it's not without its faults. Choices are easily the most important aspect of an AVN for me and I often judge the quality of an AVN based on the degree of freedom you have. Unfortunately, the choices here are mostly just there for show. It doesn't really feel like you're having an impact on the game (because you don't).

    It's unfortunate that the game is just one aspect shy of perfection, but it is what it is.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, renders and animation are really amazing. The story is interesting enough to make you not to skip any of it. But the humor is just on the other level :), I was laughing my head off "auschwitz themed monopoly"
    I wish there were more games like this.
    I really enjoyed it can't wait for the next update, keep up the good work.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked it quite a lot, the humor is really good, the milf and the "sister" are also very hot, and the mc has actual character development, and to be honest he's quite funny too.

    the only thing I don't quite like is that because of the mc's powers it ends up
    being too easy to corrupt the girls for my personal taste.

    def looking forward for the next updates.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I Came Looking For Copper but instead found Gold. Very decent writing and hilarious story, first 5 minutes of game and I already laughing like psycho))) A lot of content, good visaul and nice UI. Very glad that I found that (personally for me) gem!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Technically, the game features well-made models, a story with good progression, choices that are not very representative, and quality animation. Therefore, technically, it deserves 3.5 stars. In my opinion, it's a 5-star game. Although the choices lack representativeness and the story is linear, the characters, animation, and details make up for it, in my view. Many people don't like the protagonist, but he stands out for his unconventional personality, saying what he thinks without a filter, which makes him unique and funny. For these reasons, it deserves a 5-star rating.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Short summary:

    I didn’t expect much from such a silly premise - you are an incubus who magically makes women desire you. But that happens in 90% of the VNs here, at least this one attempts to explain it. The story and character actions are over the top silly, but this kinda fits the spoiled magical prince backstory. Some of the jokes are actually funny. Renders are a mixed bag. Initially the quality is bad, but it improves later on. Work on light and eroticism is great.

    Good Things

    • A lot of sexy content
    • Writing is actually decent
    • Good work with poses, light, angles
    • Unusual models
    • Some jokes are actually funny

    Bad points

    • Renders often have issues, especially with eyes and skin
    • Essentially zero meaningful choices
    • Magical handwaving for the story
    • Over the top with silliness and jokes