In a Scent
I absolutely adore this sexy gem.
- Amazing renders
- Gorgeous Girls
- MC isn't a pansy (finally a VN with an assertive MC!)
- Animations are really well done, I usually don't care for animations but the ones in this are very high end, smooth and even have good physics (on the characters and their clothing for example)
- Ma ; fucking hell, she is so damn thick and curvy, and probably one of, if not the best looking MILF I have seen in a Visual Novel so far personally.
- I REALLY appreciate the fact that there are only 3 girls in this so far, I can't tell you how tired I am of VN's that chuck 20+ LI's in your face instead of focusing on just a few quality girls at a time.
I really hope Domiek sticks with just the three (Ma, Rayna and Selene) I love the focus! Quality over quantity always, if only more developers would think this way. I don't have to worry about a girl I favor not getting enough screen time within the updates, and it's not going to become an over bloated mess like so many VN's tend to! Big, BIG pro. I cannot stress enough how good this is.
- The writing and grammar is way above what is "standard" around here and even the humor is funny. I really enjoy the MC not being a Gary Stu or John Goodman for once also.
- I love how steamy the scenes and dialogue can get. I love that Ma is married... albeit to a fat, lazy and ugly cuck who doesn't want to fuck her (because of course he doesn't, what kind of man would want to fuck his wife that's way out of his league?!) but adds more when there are obstacles and you are taking something that belongs to someone else

I really wish there were more VN's where the MC makes a chick cheat. I just wish it wasn't always the case of the chick not getting fucked by her fat, lazy husband. Why can't we steal a happily married woman that is married to a decent and attractive guy!? Maybe one day... but this definitely does the job regardless.
- Honestly for once, I can't think of anything I didn't like. If there was anything I didn't like, it definitely didn't annoy me enough to list.
A review isn't very fun without any cons though so....
I wish there was more content, because I love it and I am an impatient fucker who hates waiting.
There, I managed to list one con...take it or leave it.
All in all...this is great. If you like games with an MC that isn't a pansy, an actual focus on the chicks he's screwing (quality over quantity for the win!) and a plot that is fun with some gorgeous renders and animation to boot, In a Scent doesn't disappoint in the slightest.