
New Member
Sep 16, 2018
Is there a way to cheat in this game? it so damn tough
Use cheat engine..

Try to get the data for the Meats. like Human Meat,Woman meat, Virgin meat and the best would be Sacred Meat. You can get sacred meat by killing off the late game girls. When you've edited the data and have unlimited Sacred Meats. You're basically fine.
While you're at it go and get the data for at least one food so that the sanity of the women will be taken cared of..

To get the meat easier. Go get at least 3 Sacred Meats.When you do, remove your defense and wait for an attack so you would hit game over. Restart again but with the cheated data on Sacred meat on the next play through.

Obviously the use of Sacred Meats would be feeding it to your baby goblins. Making them have at +45 on all stats except for Command.. That's basically it. Have fun destroying enemies.
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Sep 2, 2017
Hi. I can't seem to be able to control how many troops my goblins bring into battle - I suspect command determines the max number, but it seems like one battle my gobbos will start with 8 troop and then next none, is there a way to refill the troops?


Jun 29, 2018
So, the game seems kinda interesting. I managed to get almost every girl to 'nasty' status, except for Melanie Zoe and Patrizia (I got a game over out of the blue, my defense was intact). I think the 'story' of a few girls would be interesting to see. I wonder if it would be good? The MTL is kinda bad on that regard lol

I'll get the full save just to take a look at those 3 girls broken CGs. Patrizia in partiicular :p


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Been breeding more by generation than usual and it's having a nice effect. Easiest way to raise the lesser stats of troops, even my casters have some extra health/defense finally by generation 10.

Hi. I can't seem to be able to control how many troops my goblins bring into battle - I suspect command determines the max number, but it seems like one battle my gobbos will start with 8 troop and then next none, is there a way to refill the troops?
You just need to breed more base goblins. The basic goblins are shock troops by default that are cut down en masse. Each point of damage you take kills a goblin back up troop. You eat through them like nobody's business and it's the main thing that halts combat progress. It can actually be better to field goblin troops with less command as leaders, so less base goblins are killed when they're attacked. Of course the leading troop needs to be strong enough to tank that extra damage.

Command feels like the worst stat to raise for commanding/leading units for that reason. You'd need a ton of extra to survive an additional hit, and it'll just eat more base goblins. Better to raise attack to kill faster or defense to tank better than command just to sacrifice goblins quicker lol. I really hate Goblin Road for that reason.

That's one of my only major issues with this game, I wish the backup units had more effect on combat (And visual impact). Simplifying them to all being one shot by each point of damage makes me sad. I'd almost rather they just did away with the back up units and focused the game more on the lead units. Feels like using any back up units other than the base goblins is such a terrible waste.

I understand what they were going with (Kind of a simplified version of the enemy and your back up troops fighting off in the distance type thing as worthless minions compared to the lead units that are more important), but not really feeling the impact of the backup units is sad. I'd rather see some big numbers for them basically. Show them doing their full damage like a full army. Would be cool to see like "Goblin troops did xxx damage to the human troops". Seeing the backup troops with hundreds of total hp and damage would make this feel way better/cooler. Right now it just feels like it's the lead units fighting rather than two massive armies going at it.
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Apr 7, 2017
I'll basically stick whatever special goblin types i have the least of as the backup just to minimize the number of goblins I'm losing.


Nov 14, 2018
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If anyone want to cheat with cheat engine like I do, here some quick tips on items (that you feed for raising stats). Each item address (ie. 0CB0A864 or something) are 12 bit (or C on Hex) apart with other item.

So if you got 1 item address you can add manually to get into others or simply put, using your cheap/common item to find your expensive item.
Example: Sailor Pizza address 0CB0A864
Previous item (Fruit Wine) address 0CB0A864-C
Next Item (Tacosmi Pasta) address 0CB0A864+C

If the expensive item are to far and you don't want to check each step just add more C. Example, Item you want are 5 step away from your cheap/checked item, so make address (example) 0CB0A864+C+C+C+C+C
Yes, in Hex 5 times C are 3C. But this just lazy way if you don't want to convert Hex to Dec back to back.

Cheat Engine.jpg
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Jun 11, 2017
Did you prepare any trap for when she comes?
My tactic for this game is to capture many girls as possible and doesn't feed them. They die in the process of making the strongest breeds and give you the good stuff that increases nearly all stats for the offsprings. When there's a raid that I can't defend against, I just take all the units out and let them win, start over with all of my best bois and food, repeat till the burrow is strong enough to defeat the next area in one turn.
Wait, die and start over? We can do that? I couldn't find any kind of newgame+ feature. Is it one of those options in the moonrunes when you die?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Wew that golem girl. I'm not sure it's possible to get strong enough without sacrificing girls or losing to beat her in the first go. Thought my team was pretty strong by the time she attacked but they do no damage to her. Didn't help that it took me till like day 40 to get the red goblins this run for some reason.

Nevermind...right after I said this I creamed her. Guess I was just super unlucky the first time and didn't get the chance to heal between waves as much as I just did. Kept having all my units one shot, but this time the spare troops ate the blows and protected the leaders enough, phew. RNG fest, if the golem hits the same target as Zoe, you get wrecked.

The backfield Shamans do work for the Shaman lead's magic power too, wow.
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Cross Zero

Active Member
Jun 12, 2018
weird how in movies, goblins and orks tend to be superior to the humans
while in games they tend to be the bottom class next to slimes
(and in sex games they just rape women and plunder villages)
Well, not really "superior". Goblins are crafty and orks are strong, so if they work together they can actually put up a good fight atleast somewhat equal to humans. If fought alone goblins get smashed and orcs get outsmarted, usually.


Jun 5, 2017
Did you prepare any trap for when she comes?
My tactic for this game is to capture many girls as possible and doesn't feed them. They die in the process of making the strongest breeds and give you the good stuff that increases nearly all stats for the offsprings. When there's a raid that I can't defend against, I just take all the units out and let them win, start over with all of my best bois and food, repeat till the burrow is strong enough to defeat the next area in one turn.
What's is the option to do that? after i die there're some option to choose but it is in japanese so i dont know what it meant and after choosing first option, there are more options to choose from.


May 1, 2018
Wait, die and start over? We can do that? I couldn't find any kind of newgame+ feature. Is it one of those options in the moonrunes when you die?
What's is the option to do that? after i die there're some option to choose but it is in japanese so i dont know what it meant and after choosing first option, there are more options to choose from.
If I remember correctly, after you die, there will be several questions that aren't translated(?):unsure:

Q: The first one is do you want to read any hint to how u can be better at the game?
1. Yes
2. No
Q: Do you want to restart the game with carry-over items and units, or return to title screen
1: Restart with your things (basically new game+)
2. Return to title screen

I don't remember the order of the next one but one of them is choosing the difficulty from 1 to 5 stars. The harder the better items drop. One other question is do you want to skip the tutorial?
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