Others - Completed - Goblin Burrow [v220322] [Peperoncino]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a REAL classic. You need to do some REALLY specific shit to advance sometimes, but overall? I think this is a really grand game. Goblins as a critter for this sort of critter-fucking fodder really bore me at this point, but I think this is a relatively great one.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The game idea is simple: you run a goblin den and the only way to produce more goblins is by defeating and kidnapping non-goblin females to impregnate. There are different "ranks" of goblins, from your simple goblin and hobgoblin all the way to the so-called goblin lord. The combat is turn-based with a system that allows you to build a pillaging team and a defending team (occasionally your den gets raided). The premise is interesting, but the execution is somewhat boring:

    • as a resource management game, there's hardly anything to think or strategize about.
    • the turn-based combat is very simplistic and tedious rather than rewarding.
    • as a base builder, there's nothing to do; everything is already built for you and the way you get higher-ranked goblins is essentially by luck (it's simply random).
    • as an h-game, it's way too repetitive with overused slides.
    It's important to note that the encounters with the h-girls are rather prescripted instead of being random. And once a target girl has been defeated in the unlocked region, the entire region basically becomes worthless since no other h-girls will "spawn" there. In other words, there's no exploration whatsoever.

    The fundamental problem with the h-scenes is that they all function exactly the same way: you choose which girl to impregnate with which type of goblin. And really, the scenes depend MORE on the rank of the goblin than they depend on the girl, which means that instead of having ~7 unique scenes for 20+ girls, you really have just ~7 unique scenes that BARELY differ from girl to girl.

    On that note, it's grindy. One enemy attack later on can kill like 10+ small goblins. A birth will give you around 6-13 small goblins. That means that you need to see the same h-scene for more or less every enemy attack. Per fight, you'll at least get attacked 4 times. That's a LOT of non-skippeable, repeated h-scenes (+ repeated BIRTH scenes) with minor dialogue changes.

    And I'll add that the game overall feels extremely clunky; there's no "quit" or "settings" option in the title menu, but it's found in the bar at the top of your game window, which is a problem if you play in fullscreen mode. The art is alright. The girls are alright. The translations are alright.

    It's a shame, honestly, since I really wanted to like the game. But it just feels MEH. Play it if you want to, but I don't think you're missing out if you choose to not play it.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Meeeh i mean i was fun the first 20 minutes but then become very boring
    the animations and animatios cg are nice but nothing from another wolrd i think it needs more naimations and more habilities to the goblins, like the second game the gameplay is simple an easy an kinda short game.
    still good game i think 5/10 (sorry for my bad elnglish)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Goblin Burrow [v220322] [Peperoncino]
    A game that surprised me positively, I absolutely recommend the game, it has become one of my favorite games on this site.
    Premise: Normally I don't really like games where human characters are violated by monsters (NORMALLY).

    Why do I recommend the game?
    - Good scene graphics and great voice acting, the narrator is also gorgeous. One of the few games where you like to read the dialogues.

    - A good number of female characters and all well done.

    - This game has gameplay that contains almost everything that I love.
    Breeding. Who doesn't love seeing their troops getting stronger and stronger? I spent several hours and several runs (ng+) to get the troops I wanted with the skills I wanted, this alone is enough to download the game.

    - An NG+ that really is NG+. If desired, a player can very well capture the first girl and give birth to new goblins, and then not defend any invasions by enemies, he loses and ng+, you are left with all the goblins from the previous game + the new ones.
    Obviously the speech is much more complex, it is possible to sacrifice goblins to PERMANENTLY increase (I love to permanently increase something) the statistics of all goblins. There is a tower where every 10 floors it boosts you, in short it is an excellent gampley with an excellent NG+.

    The only 2 things I didn't like about the game are:
    1) Scenes with the girl who always has the same position, in short, scenes that don't change even if you choose different goblins or even if the girls finally submit.
    2) The tower is unfortunately only gameplay, it has no impact on the story, at the top of the tower there is no girl to capture, in short, it is more of a psychological defect, I expected other things.

    I could say a lot more about why I liked it, but give it a try and see for yourself. A game that works perfectly, both for the gameplay and for the h-scenes.

    A game with flaws, but I find it impossible to put less than 5 stars.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    There are porn games where the gameplay actively clashes with the actual sex aspect, which essentially fail as games. There are porn games where the gameplay is merely perfunctory, which only feel serviceable as games. And then there are porn games where the gameplay actually feels cleverly designed and well-integrated with the sex aspect, which deserve a level of seriousness as a game. Goblin Burrow comfortably fits in this last category.

    The gameplay is as follows: you control a horde of goblins as you capture women, forcibly impregnate them to fill up your army with the offspring, and then send that army out to either raid nearby areas or to defend your burrow. The clever part of the gameplay comes from the traits that your goblins can inherit from being born from certain heroines. Some heroines may know a certain helpful skill, or perhaps they may have some stat bonuses that pass down to the next goblin generation. The problem lies in carelessly intermingling the various heroine's offspring, as that may essentially randomize which skills or stat bonuses get passed on as the generations progress. This means that a level of planning and care is necessary to manage your goblin offspring.

    Further complicating this, due to being imprisoned and forcibly impregnated, the heroines may go insane, and you have to take action to prevent that. And not only that, but you must use the limited actions you have in a day to perhaps gather the items that are required to prevent the heroines from going insane. Goblin Burrow is a management game which requires a good amount of strategy and prioritization.

    And the satisfaction of this strategy gameplay alone wouldn't feel as satisfying if it weren't for the heroines. The heroines themselves embody some archetype or another-- the conniving succubus, the stoic ninja, the haughty elf, and so on. It's not the deepest characterization in the world, but enough work is done that each character feels distinct and appealing in their own ways. And all these heroines feature the same initial disregard for the goblins who eventually transform into sex-crazed sluts for goblin sex if you impregnate them enough, if you enjoy these types of stories.

    A fantastic management game that sets a standard for porn games. Very much worth at least a try to see if it's your cup of tea.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    An interesting concept that feels a bit boring and clumsy. The gameplay loop is ok but there's either very little challenge or far too much, there are entire battles where you can just let the game autoplay for you. The scenes with the girls honestly go on a bit too long considering most are only a single picture. Beyond that though the voice acting is pretty nice . If you really love goblin stuff, themes of corruption and don't mind a bit of grind to get to the H content then this is for you, but if you want story or to just get to the meat of the game then this is a bit less appealing.
    Likes: GaRbS
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Wow. High production quality. Voice acting. Constant and relevant h-content. This game is just a great h-game.

    Story 5/10

    This game is not a story rich game. The basic premise is that you control a goblin nest. There are no female goblins. The only way to reproduce is to capture and impregnant females of other species. And there are a lot of other species.

    Each heroine you capture comes with kind of a mini-story. They each have their own background and will. As you impregnant them you get a little bit more character development alongside the corruption.

    Gameplay 8/10

    At its core, this is a turn based game. Each "day" (the time period is not quite clear) you have 3 actions. You can spend actions on setting traps, raping one heroine, feeding (can feed everyone in one action), raid a location, or sacrifice half the group. Every 5 "days" you get raided and have to defend or lose the game.

    Combat is also turn based. Your 4 units take action, then enemy's 4 units take action. On your turn you can defend, attack, use one of two spell slots, retreat, or scavenge.

    The only way to replenish your army is to rape a heroine who will give birth to 10-20 goblins. At 3 turns per "day" you can get 30-60 goblins if you dedicate your time to raping. When you rape a heroine, it's not quite clear, but you can gain some of her stats and/or her spells. Using this, you can create an unstoppable army.

    The gameplay is pretty intuitive, but interleaved so it's difficult to fully explain. The main point I want to emphasize is the the h-content is tightly woven with the gameplay. I can't emphasize how great this is. This is why we play h-games instead of watching hentai or playing a regular game.

    The only critique I have is that heroines are only birthing factories. I'd like if you could use heroines for combat.

    Art 9/10

    Variety is the spice of life and there's like 20 different heroines. That's a lot of spice.

    Each heroine is pretty formulaic. Resisting, submissive, depraved. Raping a heroine at each stage gives similar CGI but different text. Birthing scenes are fade to black as well (missed opportunity).

    The h-content is pretty generic and formulaic. But you know what? It works. Because the gameplay requires you to make as many goblin babies as possible, you need to keep raping. And the high number of girls means that you keep getting new girls coming in. So the end result is that you're constantly getting new h-content that's relevant to the game.

    Overall 8/10

    A rare gem in a field of rocks. Goblin Burrow is what h-games should be like. It mixes h-content and gameplay beautifully. This is not game where you play 30 hours and then get a deluge of h-scenes at the end. This is not a game where it's a slide show of sex scenes. The gameplay and h-content are one and the same. All h-games should be like this.

    The only improves I would like are more interaction with the heroines. Again, I would love to use them as a type of combat h-slave.

    I know there's a sequel in the works and I can't wait for it to come out.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v210505

    Goblin slayer would not like the fact that im playing this game. You control and manage a goblin army and as hentai rules states, all goblins must be rapists bastards.
    I found the management of this game fun and easy to get into and had quite fun playing this, even if i took an L and had to start again with what i could describe as a new game+.
    The sexual stuff is a little disappointing, its just static images with some basic text.

    Overall a fun game, could have been more if the sexual stuff was more detailed.
    Likes: mc247
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't really like games with pixel animations and visual novels. However, the fresh gameplay concepts and systems had me roped in replaying this game over at least seven times. It's quite fun and addicting making me want to play more game like it.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    While the game contains a massive amount of content, it is all repeated static art with most of the difference being in dialogue. There are pixel animations, but there is a lot of overlap. Overall, gameplay isn't too complicated and management of your army is nicely polished. Difficulty does spike quite hard, requiring a lot of breeding to get your goblins up to stats. This can get kinda boring and frustrating when enemies invade the lair and you haven't been lucky in getting good goblins.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent goblin game u cant have this on steam or similar publisher snowflakes that dont understand game is not real life, the only downside is that translation is a bit crippled and sometimes dialogue doesnt make any sense but u can skip it pretty fast actually so its not that big of a problem, im little sad because its censored but i will definitely buy uncensored version
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally finished it after 40-50 Hours. No cheats.

    It's one of the best games I have played here even thought it has it's faults.

    The GREAT :
    - It has my fetish : "Breed your own Army" wich is not really well made elsewhere.
    - The Gameplay : One of the only game where I have gone all the way just to beat the game.
    - The Story : It has a Story. A short one but good enough to keep the Adult scenes interesting.
    - The pixel art is wonderful too : Enough to emulate it for one of my games in the future.

    The GOOD :
    - A really good variety of girls. Everyone will have his favorite.
    - The CGs are Okay. ( The Preg variant too)
    - The fan translation is really good : Some girls are not fully edited but you can somehow understand their stories.

    The BAD :

    - No infinite mode once you beat the game. You have to go in the gallery to set things the way you like them to be.

    - The Grind : I really like the Grind usually but here it was a little too much. Once you push trough day 56 on your first playtrough you can be confident you wreck the rest of the game. And doing the same thing about 6-7 times for each ending gets repetitive. Not to mention when you try to gather enough meats for the last ending.

    - No birth Scene + Censor : Come on ! It's a game about breeding and you fade to black at the birth scene ? You tease ! (Japanese so censor is heavy...)

    - Not enough Cgs Variety : About one position for each girl with little variation for their body. (You have Clothed,Naked,Chained) At least the pregnancy is great. I think 3 positions by girl would have gone a long way (Goblin/shaman + Paladin/Champion + Lord/Hogoblin) and maybe an animation to finish it perfectly.

    Some Tips :
    - Raise Magic. Once you put a "damage all spell" on every attackers, you have won the game. Nothing can stop you.

    - In defense only put a defender with a "Damage all spell" or even a "Damage one" with a Invulnerability item and some damage ones.

    - Before training your goblins (Killing around half of them) Fav the ones you don't want to lose and the "Assigned" ones. It will spare you some pain.

    - The Adventurer tower is your best friend. Go there every 3-4 turns and do the floors 81-99.

    - It's a game where you HAVE to lose to get better. So don't worry about it and start a New Game +.

    - If the Game become too grindy : You can make some change in the menu at the top like skipping combat animations.

    CONCLUSION : It's a great game (may even be a little addictive) and I am really excited for its Sequel that has just come out. I wait a little to play it once more DLCs have come out and the translation is a little better to play it. But I like this one enough to buy the sequel if it has a good english version.

    I am quite curious to see if
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    will come out in the Sequel DLCs since he has been quite mentioned.

    Have a nice Day !
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Kinda boring, all still images, typical RPG combat shit, no inspiring H content (imo, maybe you're into copy paste copy paste gangbang rape), and you need a guide to win within the time frame. Not for me at all.
  14. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2445510

    Alright, I just played through on standard difficulty, and here's what I have to say.

    The Good:
    - Solid artwork: The characters all look very distinct, and the goblin designs are cool, especially the Goblin Paladins and Goblin Lords.
    - Not a bad strategy game: After getting used to the mechanics, even if you took out the hentai, you're left with a pretty solid strategy game. You use items to bolster your defense, buff your goblins, certain goblins are frontliners, others are support, etc. It all functions pretty well while remaining challenging, but fair (at first).
    - Hot lewd scenes: I think this speaks for itself, but, some may be turned off to the fact that there is only one real breeding scene per heroine, but, it is cool that it actually changes out the goblin depending on what breed of goblin breeds with the heroine of your choice.
    - Variety of heroines: I got to about 20 heroines, all of them designed to be different looking. Different hairstyles, body types, and some different races in the mix.

    The Bad:
    - Unbearable Difficulty ramp-up: It goes from challenging, but fair, to challenging, but fuck you around the mid-game. You'll get attacked by exponentially stronger enemies, and even if you survive, you'll lose so many goblins, you just won't recover. I had to retry twenty times to get past one attack on my burrow, it was awful. (Now thankfully, the game has a New Game Plus feature that allows you to play the game on a custom difficultly, but you have to start completely over, and if you were 40 days in, well, wave goodbye to your progress.)
    - Some minor untranslated lines.

    The Ugly:
    (If there happens to be an infinite mode in the game that I just happened to miss, ignore this last critique.)
    - 80 day time limit on the game: Yep, you only have 80 days to complete the game and get one of the endings, and if you don't, your burrow gets destroyed in a cutscene. A Fucking Cutscene. Doesn't matter if you push back all attacks on your burrow, no, the game just staright up says "You Lose because I feel like it." I saw no option for an infinite mode, so seriously, wtf? This by itself warrants a star being taken off.

    Goblin Burrow is a solid strategy game with some good lewd scenes and some good strategy, but know going in that there is some really dumb bullshit ahead of you. A second playthrough would likely make it much more enjoyable and manageable, but seriously, just removing the 80 day cap would make this game SUBSTANTIALLY better.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very entertaining and well build H-Game.
    It's a combination of light base building mixed with classic hentai Goblin fucking innocent maidens to breed.

    Aside from the smut, you also amass a Goblin Army too raid and pillage new map locations from a village or an army base. As you progress you have the chance too kidnap one of the local maidens.
    But it's not ALL kidnap and watching Goblins fuck. THere's also a strategy.

    WAIT...a strategy in a h-game? Who knew?

    All Goblins have a character class and stats. You can improve those stats with feeding them foods to raise HP, Attacks, Leaderships, etc. These same stats can be brought over from mating with a maiden. These breeding ladies can also boost specific stats to your Goblin armies, as well as gift them magic abilities for combat.

    The art is great with multiple H-scenes to unlock for all the maidens. As well as alternate endings.

    This is one of the best finds for a Hgame i've seen in a long time. It's entertaining as well as excellent FAP material.

    All the maidens are voiced and the art is great.

    Give Goblin Burrow a download and try it for yourself.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is so fun the only thing I wish it had was more unit types and animated scenes and Idk... mutations to make it more roguelike. but honestly I love it from a management game setting even without the lewd. there are some characters I dont like but all the ones after a certain point?! lovely
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Who doesn't like a dungeon management game with porn and breeding? The problem is the execution.

    Clunky UI/controls, repetitive scenes, strange mechanics, MTL, bugs and crashes everywhere, way to much clicking for no reason.

    The worst part is the difficulty ramp up. If you don't know exactly what to do or how to "game" the system, you'll quickly burn through your goblins and have to start over. And by the time you "get it" it just feels like a hassle to play.

    On top of having to watch the constant annoying "cut scenes", it is very annoying and unfun after repeating the same thing over and over and over again.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I just wanna start off by saying the gameplay is great. Its immersive and the combat is easy to follow coupled with the management system you'd probably got the best hentai goblin simulator out there.

    The problems however are still present, h scenes are so similar with few changes that after seeing the all the ones for the first character you'd seen them all.

    The characters need development beyond single one paragraph introductions there needs to be a story to this yes I know its a goblin rape sim but it would help with not getting bored later on since it gets pretty repetitive.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The Bad
    • The lewd scenes are only single image stills with sound but no animation, the same still for each girl is reused multiple times, which is definitely a con. (Though the accompanying text is really hot)
    • Had to take the time to figure out how/where to DL a locale emulator to run the game.
    The Good
    • Voiced (but it's high pitched Japanese girls mostly having cry sex, so maybe a turnoff)
    • The gameplay is legit, feels like a real game if you removed the lewds.
    • The lewds come at you fast and they don't stop. Honestly I had trouble edging to play the game, I kept blowing my load.
    Final Rating
    I am giving 5-stars because the game is exactly what you expect/hope for it to be when you DL it -- which is a good thing.
    P.s. all the goblin images are a direct rip from the Goblin Slayer anime.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    very nice i love this game mechanics the story is all nice the H-Scene are quite good too but the gameplay got me really hook up i hope more games like these come out of the market if by any chance kagura will release this ill buy and support this game <3