
Jan 28, 2018
Alright easy way to beat this game,

1. Have Anvil(the starting girl) focus breed a Hob/Shaman, so basically Anvil+Gen 1 Goblin, after the Gen 2 Goblin is born see if there is any Hob/Shaman, if not, feed one of the Gen 2 Goblin magic power up food and have it breed with Anvil next day, repeat until you get Hob/Shaman, then you breed with the Hob/Shaman instead, if you didn't found the Hob/Shaman after breed with one, grab one of the generic goblin and continue the generation.
This create a Hob/Shaman with only Healing track skill, so they can fit in the useful skill later on and not have their skill set corrupted.
The day after you use the current gen goblin to breed with Anvil, next day use that goblin to breed with other girl to get the skill, you're aiming for a team of 3 Hob + 1 Shaman, any other is just extra.

So it basically goes like this,
Anvil + Gen X Goblin
Anvil pregnant
Anvil laid, check Gen X+1 Goblin, select one goblin (priority order is Shaman > Hob > Special Gob > Goblin), feed it 3 food (priority in Magic > Hp > Defend > Attack), let Anvil rest.
Gen X+1 Goblin was born, let it breed with Anvil, rinse and repeat and you will got yourself high Magic Attack Shaman/Hob

2. For battle, here are some enemy you might find trouble with,
Simona the Elf (High defend and magic defend,single target) , which is pretty much the hardest boss in this entire game.
If you rush the game, at the point where you reach Simona, pretty much only Champion or Shaman can damage her, and she pretty much OHKO your unit except for Paladin.
To beat her, first try to kill the mercenary on top of her with all the secret of the wood from Hob/Lord/Shaman, the mercenary hit very hard with backup but is pretty much useless without it.
Once the mercenary is down, they left with Simono at the front and 2 mercenary at the back, but they won't do a thing, great.
After you spend all your Shaman MP, retreat, then comeback next day, with Hob + Shaman (backup with Goblin), since Hob only can deal 1-2 damage to Simona, have them attack the mercenary at the back or just pillage, just let Shaman do it's job, my Shaman can take away around 14 backup from Simona with each secret of wood.
Simona will hit your Hob, but the one dying are the backup goblin, heal them back and now they can tank another hit, so each Hob can take 3 attack from Simona, retreat when Shaman reach 0 MP.
Once Simona backup is gone, bring Champion / Paladin if you have any, or just stick with Shaman spamming secret of wood, if your have extra Shaman, let the Shaman have some backup Shaman, now this goblin do ton's of damage.

Vivian (All target magic damage)
Actually pretty easy, same we go with 3 Hob + Shaman, first Hob kill her backup golem, if didn't kill all have second Hob kill her golem, then one Hob hit retreat, then the Shaman deal a lot of damage to Vivian.
You will suffer some casualty, but it's fine, after this fight the game goes easy mode.
Once Vivian's golem are down, you can pretty much bring Shaman with backup Shaman and take her down along side with all the Hob's magic.

3. Easy mode
Once you have Vivian, make her breed with one of your Shaman/Hob, now the next Gen will have spell Heal Track + Anger of Tree. (Keep the Anvil's Generation going on , we have better skill to give them later)
So now what do you do with them? make a team with 3 Hob + Shaman, all with Heal Track + Anger of Tree, 2 Hob pair with Goblin, 1 Hob pair with Hob and the Shaman pair with Shaman, now the farming basically goes like this (pillage > pillage > Hob's Anger kill all enemy backup, Shaman's Anger wipe out enemy)

For Boss? first have them pair with goblin, then do retreat + 3 Anger, this should wipe out the mob and leave boss alone, even if it doesn't their backup will certainly gone, and all you lose is generic goblin, which you have tons since you no longer lose them while farming.
Then do the usual pairing and hit them again, this work on all the Boss till the very end.
For Base defend? even easier, since heal trap recover your backup/shield every turn, and damage trap take out their backup, which make them really weak, also you don't always have to stick with Hob, use Paladin / Lord if you got them.
Congratz you just win the game.
Aug 7, 2019
Anyone know how to get the last two endings?

I also can't, for the life of me, get the Hero character into the "nasty" stage before day 80 since she joins on day 70.

Any tips?


Apr 25, 2017
God this game's good but it's INFURIATING.

Are you supposed to able to use the same type of goblin in all 4 rows in looting / defense? If I have a Shaman in the first row and go to put another in the second, the Shaman in the first just disappears? Even though I have more than one. What's that about? I can do it no problem with regular Green goblins.

Marlin Brandy

Aug 18, 2018
God this game's good but it's INFURIATING.

Are you supposed to able to use the same type of goblin in all 4 rows in looting / defense? If I have a Shaman in the first row and go to put another in the second, the Shaman in the first just disappears? Even though I have more than one. What's that about? I can do it no problem with regular Green goblins.
I think that aside from the green gobbos, most others can only be deployed as a single unit. You cannot deploy two shamans, or two lords for example
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Apr 25, 2017
I think that aside from the green gobbos, most others can only be deployed as a single unit. You cannot deploy two shamans, or two lords for example
ah okay, thanks. just that I've seen posts here saying "stack shamans" and whatnot and was wondering what that meant


Nov 14, 2018
can you share this on cheat engine i try to sue code but cant find
You need to find 1 address my usual search first. That address get reset into another each time you load, so search with item you have abundance of (3 or 4 should be enough). You only need search value 4 byte and few scan.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
Just one thing I wanna know if I'm going to play this - can you increase Acceptance only by raping the girls? Can you do it through food/actions/any other way? Because rape is a fetish for uncouth plebeians.


Jun 29, 2018
God this game's good but it's INFURIATING.

Are you supposed to able to use the same type of goblin in all 4 rows in looting / defense? If I have a Shaman in the first row and go to put another in the second, the Shaman in the first just disappears? Even though I have more than one. What's that about? I can do it no problem with regular Green goblins.
No, actually only green Gobs and Hobgoblin can be used multiple times in the same team.
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Jun 29, 2018
Just one thing I wanna know if I'm going to play this - can you increase Acceptance only by raping the girls? Can you do it through food/actions/any other way? Because rape is a fetish for uncouth plebeians.
No, they will only break if you get them preg, and for that, you only have 1 choice.

ah okay, thanks. just that I've seen posts here saying "stack shamans" and whatnot and was wondering what that meant
The stacks means the type of troop that goes along with the leader. The small icon to the right of the leader choice.
Those troops, however, only have 1 HP each, so usually green gob is easier to get. Also, the number of troops the leader has is equal to the Command value (or less if you don't have enough of them).

The easy mode goes like this:
front: Hob leader, green gob stacks | Hob leader, green gob stacks
back: Hob leader, Hob stacks | Shaman leader, Shaman stacks
Shaman must be the last line, as his damage will be the highest and that's important to take down leader HP

Magic is really strong in this game, since there is no 'counterattack' against it, meaning you won't lose troops in the process.

Also: make sure to favorite your 'breeders', as they won't tag along as troops and you won't risk getting your first shaman with Ice Prison (best aoe spell) to tag along and die.


Sep 13, 2019
Also when i rename the file this happen
View attachment 761743
i was having the same problem as you until i read the red text the op write wich is "Must have the system locale in Japanese or use locale emulator without locale in jap, game will not work"
so you need to change the system locale to japanese cause i tried running it with japanese locale as admin and its still didnt work,
1. open control panel
2. go to clock and region
3. click region
4. go to administrative and click "change system locale..." and chose japanese
5. restart your pc
6. ...
7. profit !!!
before you ask i think you should look for older comment
Feb 21, 2019
Uh, should I post on here on what I gather from breeding units, compatibility of them, and some pointers in battles??? Because looks like that some get the gist of it, btw only played the untranslated version so a bit rough in explanation


Sep 13, 2019
Uh, should I post on here on what I gather from breeding units, compatibility of them, and some pointers in battles??? Because looks like that some get the gist of it, btw only played the untranslated version so a bit rough in explanation
some already post on what they know on older comments but if you know something that they didnt know please do share

and if anybody know how to get all the ending please share, so far i only get
1. game over ending (where you failed battle)
2. days 80 ending
im still looking for the ending where it says dont capture the knight girl

and how do you make the elf quen go to nasty state with only 10 day remaining ?


Jun 29, 2018
Uh, should I post on here on what I gather from breeding units, compatibility of them, and some pointers in battles??? Because looks like that some get the gist of it, btw only played the untranslated version so a bit rough in explanation
Basically, each girl has a status up type. Whenever you breed with that girl, all her children will get + something on that. If you feed something to a baby goblin and have him breed, only a portion of the food bonus will carry.
I'm really not sure how to get each class, but I do know that it is linked to girl bonus (I could only get my first Paladin when breeding with a def + girl, and Champion with an atk+ girl).

For overall strategy, there's the easy mode up above, where you abuse the magic that can't be countered, just look at a few answers (dunno how to link to it)

For melee, you're basically in hell. Late game invaders are hard.

and how do you make the elf quen go to nasty state with only 10 day remaining ?
I bet you can't. But if you choose the 5* option on ending, you get almost every girl unlocked in the first few days. Might be hard to cope with the invader girl's attacks at that point, though, haven't tried much yet.

For the endings, I dunno, only got those 2 as well
Feb 21, 2019
some already post on what they know on older comments but if you know something that they didnt know please do share

and if anybody know how to get all the ending please share, so far i only get
1. game over ending (where you failed battle)
2. days 80 ending
im still looking for the ending where it says dont capture the knight girl

and how do you make the elf quen go to nasty state with only 10 day remaining ?
Alright, This maybe repetitive, so I'm sorry for that. I'm borrowing this from fula, the credits goes to him. (Thanks for the help and sorry for not informing you about this.)

Best stats leadership growth - Black Orc
Best heath, defense stats growth - the Blue Axe Orc?
Highest physical stat orc - Red Orc (but they can't seem to use any magic and has range 1)
Highest magic - Shaman, (can cast the most magic and has most growth potential for magic power)
The yellow orc can be considered tier 2 goblin mobs. (all in 1 monster with lesser stats)

Difference between magic and magic power
magic = the times you can cast magic
magic power = how much damage or healing you can do
leadership affects how many monsters the leader can lead, meaning you do more damage and can take more damage.

The area with the words 資料庫 (Ranging from 1 to 5 Turns)
Page 1 items that does healing when defending nests, heals 10 hp to 50 per turn
Page 2 items that negates attacks, only 1 of the 4 defending units can be granted (THIS IS RANDOM),
Page 3 does damage to all enemy troops- looks like direct damage to troops first then leaders.

The area with食糧庫 is used for buffing new born monsters,( monsters can only buffed 3 times and only on the day of birth)
++important++ buffed monster stats won't carry over to child ex. goblin parent with 6hp, buffed to 15 hp-- child goblin goes back to 6 or 7 hp not 15.

The girls are aligned to give birth to higher stats monsters depending on their stats on bottom right,(there are max stats boost for each girl, meaning you can't use 1 girl to piggyback a particular stat.)
the first column is their name, then their sanity(sans) their magic spell, which their child might learn
the bottom right besides their portrait sanity(sans),their magic, their stats improvement for the child.
(攻擊力 attack) (防禦力 defense) (魔力 magic power) the rest of the stats grow by generation (my opinion)
the green goblins can give birth to all types of monsters, but with extremely bad stats.

The girls all have three levels of corruption, seen by bottom right. the icon that looks like handcuffs.
The corruption level is seen on the third line, (拒絕 refuse, ?順 = obedient 淫?= perverted).
Different level determine what gets born out and their stats. eg. lv1 are almost all green goblin born regardless of parent with bad stats.
Then sans turn to 0, the girl will die on next turn, which turns into food, depending on the character, the higher they are the better the food they turn into.(these food are the best boosts for monsters),
To make it more easier to make their stats 'perverted' feed them with human meat (but don't forget to replenish sanity back to 2+!). <--- Credits to Demiare

The stats in the food(統率 leadership) (攻擊力 attack) (防禦力 defense) (魔力 magic power)

The five buttons for the attack and defense screen
from left to right attack, defend, magic slot 1,magic slot 2 ,steal.
There a limit of items for stealing,
I don't think you can change the magic slots to other magic (It depends on the mother and monster)

The auto sucks, (enter/space = fast forward)

Nests intruders occur every 5 days, with special invaders as triggered events.
You'll see enemies have stacks under them, if the damage you've dealt is more than the number of stacks under them, ONLY the units that are stacked up are reduced to 0 not the whole unit's HP.
If I remember correctly, the more you attack the area, the faster you proceed, I reached that Elf Queen? on the end by Day 65 (I was making more units so you can probably reach it early.)

5 endings: (This is without that DLC)
+ Make all of the heroines' stats to "perverted".
+ Make all of the heroines' stats to "perverted" without capture Diana (the girl in yellow knight armor).
+ Make all Elves stats to "perverted".
+ Reach 80 Days without doing anything above, Normal End basically.
+ Die from the raid.

You can start a new game+ carrying over the surviving units, if you die midway and reached Day 80.

My Strategy:
I only used green goblins as stacks, and keep on beating the enemy by magic. it's ok for them to die so you can use the girls until perverted stats. if you're having trouble on some certain enemies, just hit and retreat. Btw, Just blast all of them with attack magic, so you can reduce theirs stacks to 0.(This strategy is ONLY for those who does NOT HAVE THE DLC)
As FruitSmoothie said that the latest version is nerfed.

If any of this is wrong, please let me know so I can edit this.
Last edited:


Sep 13, 2019
Alright, This maybe repetitive, so I'm sorry for that. I'm borrowing this from fula, the credits goes to him. (Thanks for the help and sorry for not informing you about this.)

Best stats leadership growth - Black Orc
Best heath, defense stats growth - the Blue Axe Orc?
Highest physical stat orc - Red Orc (but they can't seem to use any magic and has range 1)
Highest magic - Shaman, (can cast the most magic and has most growth potential for magic power)
The yellow orc can be considered tier 2 goblin mobs. (all in 1 monster with lesser stats)

Difference between magic and magic power
magic = the times you can cast magic
magic power = how much damage or healing you can do
leadership affects how many monsters the leader can lead, meaning you do more damage and can take more damage.

The area with the words 資料庫
Page 1 items that does healing when defending nests, heals 10 hp to 50 per turn
Page 2 items that negates 1 all the bottom by 5 times (attacks)
Page 3 does damage to all enemy troops- looks like direct damage to troops first then leaders.

The area with食糧庫 is used for buffing new born monsters,( monsters can only buffed 3 times and only on the day of birth)
++important++ buffed monster stats won't carry over to child ex. goblin parent with 6hp, buffed to 15 hp-- child goblin goes back to 6 or 7 hp not 15.

The girls are aligned to give birth to higher stats monsters depending on their stats on bottom right,(there are max stats boost for each girl, meaning you can't use 1 girl to piggyback a particular stat.)
the first column is their name, then their sanity(sans) their magic spell, which their child might learn
the bottom right besides their portrait sanity(sans),their magic, their stats improvement for the child.
(攻擊力 attack) (防禦力 defense) (魔力 magic power) the rest of the stats grow by generation (my opinion)
the green goblins can give birth to all types of monsters, but with extremely bad stats.

The girls all have three levels of corruption, seen by bottom right. the icon that looks like handcuffs.
The corruption level is seen on the third line, (拒絕 refuse, ?順 = obedient 淫?= perverted).
Different level determine what gets born out and their stats. eg. lv1 are almost all green goblin born regardless of parent with bad stats.
Then sans turn to 0, the girl will die on next turn, which turns into food, depending on the character, the higher they are the better the food they turn into.(these food are the best boosts for monsters),

The stats in the food(統率 leadership) (攻擊力 attack) (防禦力 defense) (魔力 magic power)

The five buttons for the attack and defense screen
from left to right attack, defend, magic slot 1,magic slot 2 ,steal.
There a limit of items for stealing,
I don't think you can change the magic slots to other magic(it depends on the mother and monster)

The auto sucks, (enter = fast forward)

Nests intruders occur every 5 days, with special invaders as triggered events.
You'll see enemies have stacks under them, if the damage you've dealt is more than the number of stacks under them, ONLY the units that are stacked up are reduced to 0 not the whole unit's HP.

Other 4 endings: (This is without that DLC)
+ Make all of the heroines' stats to "nasty".
+ Make all of the heroines' stats to "nasty" without capture Diana (the girl in yellow knight armor).
+ Make all Elves stats to "nasty".
+ Reach 80 Days without doing anything above, Normal End basically.

If any of this is wrong, please let me know so I can edit this.
ohhh now this is what i called a guide ! big thanks man

edit : oh yeah one more thing what is that stars when you start a new game+ is it difficulty ?
4.20 star(s) 28 Votes