RPGM - Completed - Detective Girl of the Steam City [v2.01] [Clymenia/Kagura Games]

  1. I
    5.00 star(s)


    Really interesting take on the RPGM formula, I also love the idea of a detective setting and although it never really explores this setting other than in a few set pieces it's nicely implemented and it stands solidly. Also hardly any combat, that helps.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    So I played this a few months ago, enjoyed immensely and deleted some time later. Bad choice bc I had to redownload it again.

    Everything about this game is great. The characters, the plot, music and the sex content. A bit grindy with the fights and getting geared up to beat the bosses (you can mostly skip the regular fights by running around them) but I guess it adds to the challenge and you can always edit a save file. Maybe without the grind it would feel less satisfying?
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It shines above most adult RPG games I've played, but my personal taste may be enhancing it. Well written, good art, and... it's kinda hard to describe this game because it has simple systems but not too simple, it doesn't have a ton of sex scenes but not too little either, it is morbid but not too extreme (for adult game standards ofc), duration once again is not too long nor short, and it allows certain level of customization of your play (whom to lose your virginity to, which route to go: pure investigator that witnesses sex acts/experience some mild sexual stuff to somewhat functional sex addict to broken sex victim with bad end, with some shades in between depending on the scenes you choose to play).

    There's a good amount of little scenes that cover many vanilla fetishes and a little bit of others. There's also a neat gallery that allows you to replay any scene with virginity on, in case you want to check the alternative writing for those.

    Protagonist has a teen-like, tomboy, somewhat flat body so that's what most scenes entail (I found it great). Other characters tend to have big or even grotesque boobs but their scenes are sparse.

    The stories and setting, while not brilliant by any means, are above those of many games and solid enough to enhance the impact of most sex scenes. You can fuck with your father's detective friend, be drugged by a rapist doctor, get your pics taken by an erotic phographer, etc. I felt the morbid descriptions around being corrupted and losing your innocence in an undignified way were effective and well done.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    i wann give this 3 stars, but is not a baaad game at all. Sophie is really cute for me.
    Good things:
    - it's not boring to read the police route
    -not to long and not to short if you wanna try to get everything
    -nice art
    -you can chose for 3 different endings

    Bad things:
    - No virgin route. Well, you can do it, but nothing really change if you fuck someone.
    - no animations, could be cool but is not really something that bad
    -You have a police route and a gang route with more fights, but the fights are super boring and just consume time. This is what make me wanna give it less stars. But you can chose to not do this missions if you don't want it
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    John Nasty

    Firstly, I want to inform you that I wrote this review with the help of google translate...

    I enjoyed this game very much, and definitely worth playing.
    Great art and good story. It should deserves more good ratings.
    For me, found this game was like found a gem in the mud. It's much better than those silly games with nonsense tags, like monster or tentacles.
    Don't get why someone can compare this game to those trash.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The art style and the way that RPGM is used here unique. Being from London, it feels like the game was made for me. There's some interesting mechanics and atmosphere is honestly amazing and top notch.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely amazing, best 18+ game I've played in... forever.

    Great art. Great dialogue, well written, and lots of little scenes to find. Gallery is complete and doesn't leave out a bunch of small scenes unlike other games.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game. A lot of content with a large map to explore. A very wide variety of H scenes, although the blonde lady in the artwork isn't featured in too many of them. The game primarily focuses on Sophie, the girl with the blue hair.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Indeed, this is a case when a game has equal amount of good and reasonably not-so-good sides. I won't divide into usual PROS and CONS, but just tell about some aspects of this game.

    We are promised to have a steampunk adventure, but I would really call it 'a low-end steampunk'. Yes, the world has machines, and mechanisms, and gears, and wires, and steampower, and Babbage machine, and text references to the British Steampunk World. However, it really stays unfeelable. Expect to receive the volatile steam, but no punk wibe.

    Blatant. Virgin, but easily corruptible girl aiming to excel her father. Good thing that corruption is not forced upon a player. And your enemies are the meanies that serve the greater evil.

    You have several skills and gameplay options: solve 'cases' or kick asses. Unfortunately, there are too little occasions to actually investigate. Some cases lead to h-scenes. Losses also lead to h-scenes. Well, it's kind of OK, if not one thing.
    Narrator in one of the first quests informs you that cases can be solved differently depending on your skill level. There are such cases indeed, but only a few. Well, it's OK when you play a regular RPG Maker game. It's NOT OK when you play a detective story.
    In addition, the city has multiple big maps and quite many NPCs, but nothing really valuable in 90% of the space. Well, except graphics.

    Graphics is very pretty. CGs are done well, and pixel art with tall character models is awesome.

    The corruption element is somewhat hurried when you take relevant and obvious choices. On the other hand, some 'cases' with potential corruption part are just dilettantishly abrupt.
    No lesbian content at all (except maybe a threesome or two). This is rather disappointing when your heroine is a tomboy.

    In general, the game gives such a feeling that developers were hustled to finish it asap. It has many placeholders and starting points, but no complete picture, unfortunately.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A game that stray away from it's premise but still one of the most enjoyable H-RPG in my library

    the story fall short after the first big case, at least it was good enough with the H-scene and dialogue

    H-scene is hit or miss depend on the player. I like how the girl is "dedicated dumb" kind of girl, so yeah most H-scene is accomodated by "dedicated dumb" personality, which I found as a great balance of humor and H scene.

    Artwork is really like really good, H-scene is potrayed nicely in the screen, no awkward tranparent male with floating p*nis or any sort of other lazy artwork.

    Combat is a chore and skill point is rather pointless because skills only affect specific scenario and you won't really get advantage for it.

    lots of "side-quest" which fulfill lots of H-fantasies (drugged, feel-sorry for you H-scene, I'm doing this because I'm "professional", tricked, actually lewd, etc.) and no compromise with the art too

    Actually adding a "virgin" dialogue difference. this is a small detail that need to be adopted by other H-games
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    This game was a big disapointment for me because i really was hoping this game would be great because the art looked pretty good and all, but the story is soo... bland? when you play as the police detective the game ends in a blink of an eye and the characters such as the ''phantom thief'' and the Blacksmith girl are basiclly NOTHING there's NOTHING to them almost no scenes and the ones that are in the game are pretty bad, the police officer and the Gang leader has more character to them than both girl. and the WORSE part is if you play as the gang fighter the game becomes HUGE of doing the same boring stuff: go to area X find the boss, defeat the boss, boss escapes, fo to area Y find the same boss but with minions, defeat the boss, he escapes again, repeat for more than 10 times and the scenes related to this part are pretty bad since the scene only progress to a new one if you have certain corruption points wich make the game worse overall, Huge disapointment.
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Unknown Developer

    Great potential, but a terrible game.

    If you are looking for a game short, with good graphics, interesting story and sex scenes that have absolutely nothing to do with that said interesting story, this is for you.

    My main complaint about this game is the lack of connection between the sex scenes with the main character. She wants to build a name for herself, acquire fame as a detective, that is her main goal and objective, and what kind of theme the sex scenes are? Exposition, public toilet, humiliation... Everything that goes directly against her personality, and she isn't even forced, or have a good reason to do it.

    The second big complaint is the length of the game, far too short, only three main missions, and only two to catch the phantom thief. It looks like they did that, and the money was running out, so instead of developing the story more, they simply added more sex scenes, without even care for how they would fit the story.

    That's my opinion. Many people are giving high scores for this game, but I guess they never played a good h-game yet. This one is just a mess.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a game that completely fails at its main premise while still managing to be pretty good.

    After a very well done introduction mission I was pretty hyped for a proper steampunk detective game, only to later find out that the main detective quest line where you actually investigate stuff for the police, lasts a total of four relatively short cases scattered throughout the game.
    Your main nemesis, the hyped up Phantom Thief shows up for just two of them before being arrested (and the main character doesn't even get a lesbian scene with her damnit!)

    The rest of the game is made up of one fairly lengthy (and repetitive) questline where you clear slums of gangsters in fairly standard simplistic turn-based RPGM combat, and various smaller cases you do for NPCs, where you mostly have to locate people and objects or do lewd stuff.
    While many of these do technically count as detective work (cheating spouses and missing persons and such) they usually hardly differ at all from your typical RPG fetchquest.

    The skill system was another disappointment. Of the six skills, four are only used in the combat missions, and three of those essentially do the same thing, allowing you to either convince, seduce or ambush basic enemies so you don't have to fight them. You can't even use seduction or eloquence to interrogate witnesses and such.
    One skill, observation allows you to gather more clues from the environment and is only needed in the police questline. Or rather, isn't needed because I accidentally did most of that questline before upgrading the skill, and was still able to finish it pretty much flawlessly.
    Only the last skill, lockpicking is used throughout most of the game, and that's mostly used to open hidden treasure chests and a few shortcuts in the slums.

    All in all, I would have really hoped for more detective work and steampunk in a game having both of those words in its title.

    However, even though the unique premise is ultimately just a skin-deep variation on the typical hentai-RPGM formula, the game still among the better hentai-RPGM games I've played.

    First off I absolutely love the MC. More spunky, tomboyish, self-assured detective girls please.
    Everything else is also pretty competently done.
    There are lots of unique assets, NPCs and their requests are quirky and varied, actual grinding is kept fairly low, and the hentai scenes are great.

    So yeah, the game gets a recommendation from me, just don't go into it with false expectations.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    To me this is a nice "come for the h, stay for the story" kind of game. It took me 11 hours to complete the story without actively "corrupting" the MC, but there is additional content to see, if you chose to lower your "reason" stat.

    At the the end of this game you're given the option to unlock all CG or to start a NG+ carrying over your stats. Some events have multiple outcomes depending on your "reason" stat.

    The story is set in an alternative world, where steampunk inventions made the British Empire keep its power to the point of wanting to reconquer the US.
    The main character of this game is Sophie, a quickwitted, sharptongued detective, mimicking a certain famous british detective. During the absence of her wellknown detective father, she solves small cases until she uncovers a grand plot of certain shady politicians and secret organisations.

    The story starts out strong and loses a bit towards the end, but is certainly enjoyable. Sophie is cute and charming (and flat is justice, literally, I guess).

    This game is split into two parts in terms of gameplay: Detective work and regular dungeon crawling.
    As a detective you travel across the town, talk to people and solve cases by looking for items or people and doing small "mini games". While these cases are interesting and quite variied, this game is a RPGM game at core and it has its limitations.
    The slums of London serve as regular dungeons. There are no random encounters, but if you touch the enemies, a fight might occur. You can bypass all but the bossfights by using eloquence, ambush or seduction. Grind is unnecessary, but if you do, you will end up oneshotting regular goons.
    Looking for treasure chests is decently awarding as for the majority of the game this is the only way to get materials to upgrade your gear.

    H and CG are mostly tied to story events and your detective cases. Losing battles will also trigger H scenes and you can grab yourself the "Give up" option in the recollection room.

    The main theme of this game and my biggest problem with this game is corruption. Sophie starts with 99 "reason" points and loses 3 for every sexual encounter. At 25 she will become the biggest slut London has ever seen. Masturbation also counts as sexual encounter. As result Sophie can go from "untouched virgin, who never masturbated before" to "cum dump, who forgets to dress up" within 25 rub outs.

    Other noteworthy kinks (that are usually tied to a single detective case) include prostituion, cum dump/piss drinking, adultery and sexual training.

    All in all this is a good game. But for me it missed its promised original purpose *cough*.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the good ones. Having both lewd scenes and normal gameplay. I love games that actually make you give a dam about the char. Not just mindesly mashing the buttong, til you get to a scene.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has an enjoyable story with meaningful choices and great scenes. Overall ability to choose what you want and don't want to do is great. Tons of nice different content helps replayabilty. And there's an option to just watch the scenes you don't want to work for
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great corruption game. Really enjoyed the game both ero-wise, and gameplay.

    a mission page.
    lack of CG.

    Great ero system
    great story
    never feel like "wasting time"

    I really hope to see more from this developer.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not a fan of petite body with small tits but I really like this game.

    Like said previously in the other evaluations, this is game is not only a h game, but an enjoyable RPG with good story and mechanics.

    You will enjoy playing, and enjoy fapping.

    What else can we ask for ?
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I really love this game as a game and not only as a hentai game. Interesting plot and very likeable main character. The title says it all, you are a detective girl in a steam city in which you can choose which path you choose with even diffrent endings and great replayability.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I think that one of the best praises one can give to the porn game is that it's actually doesn't need porn to be interesting. And I am happy to say that this game is worth playing even in "full pure mod". Interesting story, numerous possibilities to solve cases depending on protagonist skills and choices, driven (and sexy, but that is another matter) protagonist, exiting gameplay... I feel that even steampunk elements aren't really needed there for the compelling experience. Overall, for me, Detective Girl of the Steam City stands not only above any other Clymenia game I have seen so far, but above most porn games in general! Bravo, I am trully impressed!

    There are some problems, of course, but those are pretty minor and aren't worth mentioning, aside from two:

    1) Sadly, the game is rather short and not all skills are utilised to their full potential. I would be happy to see extensions with more cases, more plot and more uses for the existing skills.
    2) The porn element of the game is good, but doesn't really suited for this protagonist. What I mean is that all this degradation system is great for someone you want to degrade, but the protagonist of this game isn't one of them. And that means that the player have to either limit the scope of the porn content he is seeing or watch as this great character is spoiled. I think that it would be much better to let such protagonist perfom all those lewd acts without harming her sanity and reason.

    Despite all that, I feel not only that this game is great in itself, but that is, maybe, new and exiting direction for the Clymenia games or porn games in general waiting for us. And I, for one, am happy to greet this new direction.