RPGM - Completed - Detective Girl of the Steam City [v2.01] [Clymenia/Kagura Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Far too grindy on a tiny map with little content both exploration and combat wise. A shame since the premise is great and the writing is decent. With a bit of polish the game has great potential.

    The most annoying thing is having to run around to recharge energy in order to use exploration abilities. There is no skill or thought behind it, just mandatory legwork.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Clymenia made the game and they make some of the better stuff that is sent out. Game has best tomboy Nao- I mean Sophie and the scenes are pretty hot. The descent of Sophie becoming more and more lewd is very nice to see especially with the scenes becoming more depraved. The story and endings are fun but kind of rests on good to ok but the real content is in the side quests. The side quests usually have arcs linked to how lewd you are at the time or what choices/routes you choose to go down. Its pretty fun and hot so I don't think anyone would really regret giving the game a try.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent Art 5/5
    Excellent Story Flow 5/5
    Erotica as it should be 5/5

    This is all I look for in a game. It was an adventurous, erotic story line with excellent art. Thank you Devs for making this beautiful game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Genuinely one of the best H-games out there. Interesting concept, beautiful art, and a cute tomboy protag.

    Here is a brief rundown of the game. Most of the erotic content is formulated around corruption or assault. You can finish the game as a virgin heroine and still see some H-scenes but obviously you will not see everything and require a second play through. There IS actual interesting gameplay and it is not exceedingly easy. I would recommend this game to anyone and it is better than 99.9% of RPGM games in general.

    Might be a bit grindy at parts BUT not enought to disuade others from playing it. The side characters in the game have a criminally low amount of content, though hopefully you are here for the cute tomboy.

    It is probably 4 hours of gameplay for a single route and less if you know what you are doing and are speedrunning.

    Don't skip this gem, give it a try, and throw some money at Clymenia if you can.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Riven is my cumdump

    this is one of the best h-games there is. I highly recomend playing it the story is great, the h-scenes are good and the gameplay is smooth. And the best thing is that there is a tomboy in the game what more can a person want.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    There are a lot of reviews of this game already so I doubt I can say more than has already been said, but I want to put my words out there anyway.

    I'm quite torn on this game because on the one hand, it has a really cool setting with a neat concept and a endearing main character with beautiful art. On the other hand, the "Corruption" is not well done in my opinion and the games main focus, being a detective, is wasted and combat is rather easy.

    The Positives:

    • The custom assets for the world and the music are great. It tries to set itself apart from just a standard RPGM game and I appreciate that.

    • Sophie as a character is great and I like her a lot during her investigations and seeing how she solves numerous different problems with her thought processes.

    • Despite numerous quests active at once, the game does a good job of making sure you know where to go and makes the city layout easy to understand and also has a map you can check as an item. I never felt "lost" (maybe at one point in the sewers but you can upgrade the night vision goggles to solve that) and it was fun seeing all the houses open up as requests came in and got solved.

    • The art is really high quality and I love the design of Sophie, Amelia and the Phantom Thief. They are pretty unique and the steampunk aesthetic works really well for their costumes.

    • H events are pretty decent. You'll notice some reused CGs but I think there are a decent enough variety to not get reptitive

    • I enjoyed the District design in rewarding exploration and the verticality using the Wire Gun to find loot.

    • The ability to explore both routes on the same save file was a nice surprise as it lets you go back to before the route split meaning you don't have to just reload the save file to see both endings. Also full gallery unlock is always good.

    • Tomboys are cute

    The Negatives

    • The "Corruption" really didn't feel like corruption to me. All of it is based on the Reason stat which just doesn't really work because she will go from a intelligent tomboy detective who wants to make a name for herself and do good for the city into a sex craved slut without a satisfying chain of events to make it an enjoyable corruption.

      They felt more like random regular sex events and the pacing on her loss of reason did not do it for me. While some events are only accessible at lower reason, they are mostly self contained and you never really get to see Sophies mindset change but more just events where she will be more open about it and then masochistic slut.

      Each event loses a portion of reason but there is never any events between reason loss that might justify her new mindset, and it's more just she exposured herself a couple times and got raped once but now reason is below 75 so guess she's up for fucking. Also, she can lose her reason constantly by just masturbating over and over. I didn't test it but I assume you can just masturbate constantly and go straight to 0 without even seeing a dick.

    • The game massively underutilises it's Skill system for the Police Route. You are presented 6 skills with 3 levels each and assume levelling them will be important, but I only remember 2 side quests in total where these skills actually mattered.

      One is you could use Eloquence or Allure to get an item easier in a side quest, and another was Lockpicking a door (but you could find the key anyway). Otherwise, I don't remember another time while playing where the skills mattered for investigation, or at least whether having a skill levelled actually made an impact on the outcome.

      I still have no clue what "Observation 2" actually does and there are no other choices that I can remember that had me use skills to get a better outcome for the quests. I was expecting maybe learning Medicine would help me adminster an injured person and save their life, or Espionage would improve my chances of sneaking and learning some important info. The main use of skills is for the Gang Route and the combat, which is a real shame. I know a few events have alternate scenarios if your reason is low, but playing the game doing all side quests and not grinding for reason loss I did not encounter them until unlocking the gallery.

    • 90% of the requests for the police route are just "talk to dude, interact with things, talk again to solve the issue". There are a few times where you do have some control, such as the Locked Chest quest or the Museum Attack, but for the most part you just go in and solve the issue without much thought. I was hoping this game would be focused on its detective work and have some requirement on the player to memorise or think about the case and have different outcomes for quests based on your input, but I only failed 1 quest in the entire game and it was intentional. While I do like the actual interactions Sophie has with the requests she gets, the actual player detective work is just not there.

    • You can trviliase combat by just focusing upgrades entirely on the Gauntlet and buying the Catridge equipment for more SP. When the entire Gang Route is focused on combat, it doesn't really do a lot with it. Your only real options are attack or Super Punch with the steam powered gauntlet. The only times I got defeated was intentionally for the CGs, but otherwise I never really struggled with combat or had to think about it. Even the final boss of the Gang Route I just punched away and they died. Felt like more could have been done with it, although I do like the options to avoid combat by talking or seducing them

    • Amelia (factory girl) in particular is criminally forgotten about. She appears in the beginning to give you the wire gun and gauntlet, and then for the entire rest of the game sits in her factory with the same dialogue about the debt being paid off and solely exists to give you upgrades. The only time she actually does anything is at the very end of the Gang Route and even then her 2 CGs go from 0 to 100 real quick. For such an important friend to Sophie she basically doesn't exist for most of the game. What a shame cause she has such a nice design.

    • No alternate costume for Sophie. At 0 reason I wanted at least the choice to have her wear something that exposured a little more skin but she keeps the same outfit the entire game besides the Long Hair Disguise for one series of events, and two other costumes that are very temporary.

    I give this game a lot of negative points but I still enjoyed it and I appreciate both the setting and the main character. Going around watching Sophie solve cases and punching the shit out of Gansters kept me entertained at least to see both endings, plus a few events beyond that. Took me 15 hours to fully explore the game, but I'm pretty sure you can get an ending in 4-5 hours or less if you skip some side quests.

    If you do play this though, upgrade Night Vision to 2 ASAP. The sewers are a nightmare to navigate without the vision upgrade.

    For the Gang portion of the game, get Lockpicking 2 (in the Gang Hideout) and Medicine 1 (from any plague doctor) when you get the points. Helps a lot, as a lot of loot is locked behind lockpicking and being able to heal makes it much easier to go through lots of enemies.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A super fun game with nice elements of corruption and even turn based combat. There's two main routes which are fun to follow. If there is any foible, I'd say that the crime solving segments were pretty straightforward and not too complicated.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Its been a while since I played it, can't believe I forgot to review it. An amazing corruption game with a really cool steampunk theme. The scenes are so good that I will actually go back to this game just to replay or load the gallery which I almost never do. Sophie is possibly my favorite protagonist of any game and there is such a great variety of scenes in her descent into becoming a slut. The story and gameplay great also. A masterpiece eroge.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I got fooled into putting some hours on this one due to the glowing reviews but sadly this ain't it.
    The steampunk britain setting is done to death everywhere but the eroge genre, so it was a nice surprise to see one done finally and a detective rpg at that but it's neither detective nor rpg and the eroge part not only feels tacked on but is also very barebones and unsatisfying, both the writing and art. For a detective game there is barely any mystery solving and what there is is just clicking on things the game tells you to, you are basically led on by nose in an already empty and uninteresting set of maps. The detective skills are an afterthought and so are the gadgets you're given like the NVG and the arm/hook. It feels like the skills are just there for the sake of it, it does feel like there was an effort to make it part of the game early in development but it was quickly forgotten about and so are the gadgets as they are insanely underutilized. The NVG in particular seems like a joke as its only purpose is to waste time on exploring sewers which aren't even populated by enemies and get trolled by dead ends .
    The writing feels very stiff both dialogue and character-story kind. MC's archetype is totally in conflict with her sexual degradation/discovery path but the creator went for it anyway for obvious reasons, gotta have that strong MC turning into a nympho overnight story writing or it ain't a mediocre corruption eroge. There are no memorable side characters to speak of either in terms of both characterization and design since they are all one note or have very little screen time and aren't visually that unique. Only the petite tomboy MC sticks out. Sex scenes are very mediocre and worst of all recycled. CG drawing is meh as most of them are bland and barebones which is surprising considering the artstyle and character design isn't bad at all. Only other thing I can positively speak about is the world assets which I assume are custom? There maybe some custom music tracks too but they're very few.

    I don't know what else to say really. I'm baffled at the massive amounts of positive reviews when the product itself doesn't even reflect it. Which makes me wonder if we even played the same game. This had so much potential to be cool and fun even without the h content if the creator actually put some time into fleshing out both the main content and the saddeningly lackluster sidecontent. But it just ended up as yet another rpgm eroge that was pushed out within months to pay the bills.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The best RPGM games I've ever played. I usually don't like RPGM games because I find them very boring and repetitive but that's not the case with this game.

    The story is great and interesting, The visuals are unique and wonderful and the "AHEM" scenes are very good and feel like their nicely woven into the story instead of just being there to be there.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Detective Girl of the Steam City [v2.01] [Clymenia/Kagura Games]
    Cute game that I recommend, even if the 3 is almost entirely due to Sophie, gorgeous.
    Unfortunately, the game is only enjoyable on the first run. It is not to be played several times.
    Good environment, forgettable secondary characters with 0 character.
    As already mentioned, among the characters only the protagonist is saved, but the story is quite nice.
    Boring battles, the shops sell the same things.
    The character designs as always at the top, on that one they never disappoint.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    2/5 - Bad game; did get me off
    ~ 3-6 hours long (depending on how much side content you do)

    First of all, this is not a mystery game. Although you play as a detective, you, the player, will almost never have to use your brain. Apart from 1 short quest, you will never have to search for clues and you will never have to guess "whodunnit?" All you do is go and click on whatever the game tells you to click on; your character solves the cases by herself. Most of the game consists of these "detective" quests. There are also "gangster" quests which are the typical boring RPGM combat (attack -> heal -> attack).
    The overarching story is ridiculous, like something out of a children's cartoon. Half of the game is focused on ~5 minute long side quests - "I lost my cat go find it". You will have to make one choice at the end of the game for two endings.
    ~80% of the scenes require a corrupted MC, and the way to do that is by spamming "Masturbate" button for no reason. Because I did not do that I only saw about 7 scenes in my playthrough. The scenes themselves are fine but nothing special. Japanese art style.

    It's just another RPGM game. I'm not sure what the other reviewers see in it to give such high scores. Maybe I'll hire a detective to figure it out.

    + Good original soundtrack.
    + Scene replay + unlock guide.

    - When it suits the story MC looks like a man, when it suits the porn MC looks like a woman.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Do you know how rare good steampunk games are?
    Let me tell you: Usually you won't find one during the day with fire and helicopters.
    This game is precisely that - a very good steampunk rpg.
    Congratulations! You finally found one! (y)

    There is absolutely nothing that i do not love about this game, being a fan of both rpg genre, and steampunk genre.

    So here are your pros then, because this game has only pros:

    *Steampunk world.
    *Interesting gameplay due to very fun mechanics.
    *Super adorable boyish female MC.
    *Cool story.
    *Hot sex scenes.
    *Magnificent art.

    Really, it's perfect. It's one of my favorite rpgm games.
    The only thing that could be better is the presence of a sequel, a bigger and perhaps even better one, though, that will be a high bar to beat! :giggle::coffee:

    So, the hell are you still doing here?
    Go on, adventure awaits! :cool::coffee:
    Likes: mc247
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    My scoring & reviews explained HERE[desozone.wordpress.com]

    +Sherlock Holmes approves this daughter.
    +steampunk detective setting
    +some interesting gameplay mechanics
    +good CG
    +plenty of scenes
    +fair amount of different kinks
    +2 endings
    +recollection room scene unlock tips
    +useful recollection room once game beaten once
    +Detective aspect rather fun and makes storytelling more enjoyable (if you into detective stuff)
    +some neat side character scenes with CG
    +good translation

    -too steep corruption to my taste
    -not into tomboys

    Mr. Holmes would be proud of his daughter Sophie and her quick wits and ability of deduction and use of surroundings. And of course, great use of her own mind and body.

    Rest I pretty much told in pros and cons… have nothing to add. Another great Clymenia game with great female CG, plenty of scenes, some great kink variation and on top of that fairly fun storytelling and more enjoyable gameplay than usually off H-rpg’maker games.
    Likes: mc247
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, I love the steampunk setting & the general look & feel. It would be worth playing even without the H (which is also well made btw). Definitively worth trying if you like RPGs and/or steampunk. I hope it will have a sequel.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A truly great game from Clymenia and my personal favorite one from their fantastic catalog of games.‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ This game however doesn't offer much varity in terms of girls however as almost all of the h-scenes are for the main protag. However I consider this something good as the entire games focuses on one character letting it focus on her corruption.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    "A Pretty Good Game but Kinda Lacking on the Lewd Department"

    This game is good, like the actual gameplay, vibe, locations, mechanics, etc. You have options before you start combat with enemies, you use gears on some location and you can upgrade your gears. The story is okay and it's nice to have a tracker for your quest.
    The sex scene is left to be desired though. There are some solid routes and all but they really could be done way better but I guess it makes sense since you really can tell that they put a lot of works in the gameplay instead.

    Rating Distribution:
    +1: Obligatory
    +1: Flat is Justice Tomboy is the Best
    +1: Good Mechanics
    +1: Tomboy Slowly Getting Lewder is Amazing
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the setting, art, and how story progress, but most of all is the protagonist. the map is somewhat too small though, and not much place to explore. H-scene is great, but most of it is kinda too simple, especially scene with random town folk, but it's still acceptable.
    There is 2 ending with 2 variant for both of them, and it's easy to get all ending, because you can choose to start a new game+ or back to the ending branch point (with all the benefits intact of course), or you can unlock all CG and endings in the gallery room when you get one of the ending.
    The are recent patch (v2.01) that indicated this game is not been abandoned by its dev.
    the version of this game I played is v2.01 (steam)
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2842696

    Great game, this is one of those games where "Came for the porn, stayed for the plot". Even without the porn I still enjoyed this game. I know this was meant to be a porn game but honestly this game has so much more potential in being a serious detective game with bigger and serious cases. The sexual content can still be there to spice it up.
    The degradation feature is great but many of us also want to go down a vanilla route so it would be great if a route like that was added into the game.
    London also feels really dead, many of the characters standing around are just there and you don't get to do stuff with them like solving cases for them.
    Speaking of cases, many of the cases are just "Find my stuff" cases, you don't actually have any criminal cases apart from a few, and the cases are short without much critical thinking like another reviewer said. Also the game should have a better manual about controls such as the buttons to push things or see current cases etc..
    Quite a long game but overall it's short.
    Overall, great game but those things that I mentioned are missing from making it into a spectacular game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    James Fisher

    A very good corruption game, and has a very good story.

    However, the game is not a very good detective game, while the story follows a detective you do very little mystery solving. Most cases will be solved with little decision by you, and almost no missions actually require any critical thinking.

    While it is a bad detective game it has a great story and very interesting side missions and events.