RPGM - Completed - Detective Girl of the Steam City [v2.01] [Clymenia/Kagura Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good RPGM game, with nice Steampunk assets, decent gameplay, interesting side stories and fine 18+ patch. It was worth 12 EUR on Steam. There are also some game mechanics which I never encountered in RGPM games - like car chase. I was also surprised by stealth mechanics.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The art-style never ceases to make me nut., and the fact that this game takes place in a setting (I love), that has rarely been used just gives this game an added bonus. Her degradation throughout the story is incredibly hot as well.

    By far one of better RPGMaker H-games I have played in a while. If you like steampunk, corruption and flat girls, this game is for you. 5/5 -Lethy
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a 5/5 if you like one of these things: Steampunk, the Detective genre, flat chested girls

    Otherwise, I suppose it's a 4/5, it's still worth playing but it's not going to rock your world.

    I completed this game in about 15-20 hours. The game is about Sophie, a cocky new detective trying to make a name for herself. Interestingly, it's not some drug or something lame forcing her into depravity, it's entirely her own motivation into being a pervert or not (obviously you should make her perv out in at least one playthrough). Also, there's a New Game+ mode where you carry over your corruption, meaning you can experience all the events from a new perspective. If your first run is a virgin run, you can effectively play the game a total of 3 times (virgin, corruption, turbo slut).

    The game is split into two sections and one is the gang route, which is really poor and weak. It was definitely added to pad out the game with filler. The gang route involves the most basic RPGM gameplay of attack-heal-attack while waiting for lengthy enemy animations from the same 2 enemy types over and over. Do yourself a favor and constantly get upgrades to get through this grind fest faster. H content mainly consists of losing to enemies, which is impossible as Sophie is able to heal 20 bullet wounds with first aid, infinitely, 50+ times a dungeon run. The one saving grace is that exploring the dungeons is fun and does use the steam punk theme.

    This is where the game makes up for it's below mediocre gang route. You will actually get to solve a variety of crimes, many with an H event angle or a steam punk angle. The gameplay here is great and not something you would see in any other game. The detective route is so good, it bumps the game up to a 4/5 on average or a 5/5 if this genre is your jam.

    If you're a developer, definitely take this game for inspiration and give us more interesting games about steam punk or detectives!
    Likes: mc247
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Very Good Game I say, It got a lot of things going. They should made more like these steam punk theme. N MC is a beauty. I hope they make some side story n stuffs. or sequel . the combat system is simple n good, i mean check it steam tech. I think this is the only good H game that take place in steam city.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    played the latest 2.01 version .

    story was fair, and entertaining. grinding was not too bad , you can finish it in 2 days or less.

    the option for able to not repeat the same progress for another ending is also worth noting.

    mini game was fun and mystery are not too hard.

    CG was okay and decent although its condition was not my type (requires to be lose reason overtime)

    combat was fun.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like the protagonist, both in looks and (mostly) in attitude. And the events are generally great; my main complaint is that there are not enough of them. I do have to admit that the fighting in the slums gets a little bit grindy.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun, very well designed. I found it really hard to get to the sex scenes. (I only found 3 rape scenes and no consensual scenes in my entire playthrough) The story and little side missions were quite good though.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game, it's one of my favourites - so rare to find small-chested female protags that aren't loli!! Great art, and the fact that there is actually a plot and cases to solve that are fairly well thought out is a bonus. I also liked the side events and quest lines which had some variation to them.

    Cannot wait for more Clymenia games!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I believe the best I had seen from this creator so far, so good it made look for the rest of their creations in need of more of this kind.

    The protagonist is a cute tomboy with a very believable personality and the plot itself is also very interesting and believable in their context, the h-scenes feel like they all belong and dont break immersion.
    The art is pretty good, a most have for any person looking for a corruption game without using rape as the sole method for it.

    There is multiple routes, which gives the game more play time without much griding involved so it motivates a lot to revisit places and people.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, if I were not a fan of tomboys and girls with smaller chest sizes, this game would be around a 3-4 star rating, but hey I'm biased and love smaller chest sizes and very few games have the mc as a girl with a chest size less than F cups, at least where rpgms are concerned.
    the sex and corruption was not too grindy but not too easy unless you purposefully loose all battles. the combat was very simple but as a player who always aims for the corruption I did enjoy the option to seduce enemies. I also like having the option of multiple routes and therefor was happy to see non-sex non-combat options to completing the game. And did like the 5 game endings (including the bad end) though I would have liked to see the father's reaction to daddy's little girl turning into a slut.
    Some parts were too wordy but not to the point of making me skip every conversation.
    The option to go back to the split without losing anything was nice as I hate being forced to restart from the very beginning and while newgame+ options allow you to keep your items and stats, these options still force you through events that you would rather not have to replay each time you start a new game.

    If Clymenia were to ever make a sequel to this game, I would probably play it. And if Clymenia were to ever make more steam punk adult games, I would probably buy them.
    I found DCSC here, but after playing the game for free I did buy the official version.

    When I rate games:
    Tomboy mc = 1 star, girly girl = 0 star, hot male = 0.5, ugly male or non human male = 0, non-human girl = 0.5-1 depending on looks and temperment
    chest size = 0.5 for under D cup, and 1 star for A-B cup sizes, 0 for above D cup.
    Graphics if they do not look pixelated = 1 star, pixelated = 0-0.5 stars depending on how bad.
    Story = 1-2 stars depending on the flow.
    Combat plays a part in if I play the game or not, but I do not rate a game star wise based on combat. I personally prefer turn-based combat and hate combat that is more active (requiring 2 hands).
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm of a real mixed mind on this one. I'm giving it an average rating after some thought on the subject.

    On the good side, Sophie is super cute. Frankly I'm getting tired of every female character in these things having enormous breasts, and a gigantic fat ass. A tomboy like Sophie is a really nice change of pace. The H scenes are mostly pretty good, well drawn with decent sound effects. And frankly watching poor little Sophie get raped is rather hot... despite that in actual gameplay I don't want her to be.

    On the bad side, Sophie never gets ass raped. She is also never really mouth raped either. Her little vagina gets torn open, but her ass and mouth are almost completely voluntary. Plus the entire "smart/ strong girl gets cock and then can't live without it" trope is a wee bit overdone; not even finds the joy of sex per se, just gets raped a couple times and that's it, the very existance of penises in the world is enough to cause orgasm.

    The combat is tedious; repetitive and with nothing actually to do in it except keep attacking and periodically heal up. The various stats don't seem to actually matter, and leveling up is crazy easy.

    Further getting her even a little randy requires either masturbating a whole lot, or deliberately getting raped a whole lot. And I mean deliberately, because you really shouldn't lose in a fight unless you screw up huge (or get one shotted).

    I know it's supposed to be a corruption game, and I know she's supposed to be a masochist/ exhibitionist underneath, but I think it's just too easy for it to happen. Not three easy (but repetitive) steps between virgin and town bicycle.

    There should be some nuance; a choice where instead of being the cumdump of the entire city of London, she's instead just a girl that likes to fuck. And without the not so-subtle undertone that any woman who enjoys sex of any kind is just a worthless thing good only for receiving cum (that might actually be appropriate for the era, but... it's in damn near every ero game I've ever seen so it wasn't a specific choice here).

    This game had a great deal of potential, but I think it missed out on a lot of it by just being at its core a rather run of the mill corruption ero-game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR = really great corruption game

    Story: 5/5
    + Story is really epic. Especially its variability.
    + Decisions matter!! You can choose what path to take by your decision. You can go for naive girl, you can be a determined detective trying to achieve success no matter the price, you can also become straight slut.
    + Sometimes you will encounter some mystery and you have to solve it by acting like detective. Its fun.
    + I really enjoyed the story. So many choices. There is also some value in 2nd playthrough.

    Art: 5/5
    + Main heroine is super cute.
    + Art is hot.
    + There is a lot of different erotic events.
    + Game is uncensored (without mosaic).

    Gameplay: 4/5
    - Its typical RPGM game, so expect some running around the maps.
    + Design of the city is good. Position of things and people make sense. There are hidden treasures and you can also avoid fights by finding hidden routes.
    + Game involves fights. Losing them will usually get you some rape events. Nice.

    To sum it up:
    One of the best games on the site. I enjoyed it so much that I went and bought it on Steam.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is actually more interesting than I previously expected it to be, including a very malleable main character. Not only does the game play and story feel pretty good the MC is very attractive as well and special scenes tend to be very great. Going the path of a naive girl or not makes the game feel raw about a girl trying to make a name for herself one way or another.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Went in for a simple RPG ero game but I ended up loving the story, detail and effort that was put into it!
    I know lots of other RPG games do this, but you can basically "choose your own adventure." You can choose what paths to take and how to take them.
    Well thought out and well put together!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I think I'd personally put this as a good benchmark for RPGM games these days. The story was fun, characters were interesting, in general, it was probably one of my favorite experiences getting both endings in the spectrum lol.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Netori Popeye

    I would honestly not hesitate to call this an absolute masterpiece within its genre. High native resolution, GREAT art, a decent combat system, upgrades, replayability (two major paths that result in different endings), and last but not least - VERY hot and gradual corruption that goes in some interesting places and never feels forced.

    I honestly can't get over how good the art is, I played the studio's previous titles which had some pretty good art too, but this just goes above and beyond. I can't wait to see what else they put out in the future.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art - check.
    Corruption system - check.
    Give Up function - check.
    Skip function - check.
    Fast moving speed - check.
    A lot of cool, fapable events - check.
    Absence of gross stuff - check.
    Steampunk style- check.
    Good music - check.
    Good translataion - check.
    Big tits - somewhat.
    Flat - is justice!

    One of the best games I've ever played. Just purchased in on Steam so I can support devs/translators.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm not quite sure what exactly I found lacking in this game but there was plenty of it. The fights were a chore. The story was pointless and I didn't even see many H-Scenes throughout the story. The only way I could have accessed them if I set a higher masturbation count in the beginning or pretty much spammed it. Very disappointing. The city is large, but it serves no purpose apart from little background. You could have all the visitable locations in a nice single square instead of being spread out over 9 of them and it would solve a lot of the pointless travel time. The detective bits aren't really detective-y. The scenes, the few which I saw, were all right but nothing to write home about.

    In short, mediocre gameplay, mediocre story and good H-Scenes but walled off behind a weird reason counter that needs the player to spam masturbation. I'm surprised this is rated as highly as it is. It isn't a bad game by any stretch of the imagination but it is ultimately forgettable.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Clymenia is the gold standard for Japanese corruption stories. This is a good one, it's not their best but for me it's the most polished and well rounded one because it's their latest.

    The universal praised items: the CG is top tier, the scenario writing is ultra lewd with plenty of fetishes sprinkled in. Clymenia seems to have approached every scenario possible so here's a new one: the main character is a tomboy.

    Clymenia traditions: gameplay is JUST engaging enough to get you from point A to point B. Plot and characterization is JUST enough so that when things get lewd there is a marked evolution in the character.

    If I could criticize this slightly it's that the game never matches the scope it sets out, regarding the scale of the map, the gameplay mechanics, etc. But it's ENOUGH to get to Clymenia's usual strength: the lewd, lewd scenarios and the slow and steady sexual corruption.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    What a let down.

    There's a lot of pieces. Father in another country. Steam city. Gang wars. Detective. Rival thief. Corruption.

    None of it comes together. This game is all in pieces.

    Sophie wants to become a great detective like her father. ... That's it. No more plot development on that. She gets a "detective point" at the end of a mission whether you succeed or you fail.

    Steam city. You get a steam powered punch and a steam grappling hook. That's all the steam in the game. Unless you count the steam in the bath.

    The rival thief has two small story missions. How is that a rival? And the thief's endgame plan was to end up in jail? No plans to break out either? Pathetic.

    Corruption is very artificial. There's maybe 2-3 story based corruption events. The rest is voluntary. I had to farm corruption by having Sophie masturbate in bed 50 nights in a row.

    Again, the game is in bits and pieces. Lots of incompleteness. Pretty much what I'd expect an alpha build to look like. There's a lot of potential but it all remains unrealized potential.

    Only reason this is not a 1 star review is because the art is well done.