VN - Ren'Py - Cosy Cafe [v0.11] [Cosy Creator]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Super enjoyable story, cant wait for more updates. The writing picks up quite a bit after the initially awkward first interactions and once the relationships are established it was a great read. I love the different interactions with each girl, and as each of there motives and characteristics became more apparent it made the story flow a lot easier. The main plot is also super intriguing and i cant wait to see where it gets taken and the dynamic the mc has with the Families. Im excited to give this story my support.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty decent, and I've enjoyed it overall, but it isn't anything remarkable and there are definitely some issues.

    Standard honey select visuals. The models are cute, but nothing remarkable.

    The writing is good in some ways, bad in others. The dialogue itself is well written. The story is fine, but not particularly interesting. The characters are believable enough, and everything at least makes sense.

    But the characters are also very basic stereotypes with not much going on beneath that. The MC is clearly supposed to be a loveable asshole type guy, but a good portion of the time its hard to believe anyone would actually respond well to this guy (let alone EVERYONE). Sometimes he's fine, but sometimes he's actually just annoying.

    The writing could also be trimmed down quite a bit. Its hard for me not to just skim large portions, and I can still follow the story and characters easily.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Unicorn Mixer

    This VN is about as good as things get. The storyline and the quality of writing are top-notch. I always look forward to the next update, and so far, I have never been disappointed. Well done. :)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This has become one of my favourite games on this site. One of the games I'm always looking forward to new updates for.
    I love the cast of characters so much! I can't wait to see how the story unfolds.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Cosy Cafe has a wide variety of characters with an in-depth story that we see more in detail with every update. This game was very easy to pick up and reminded me why I enjoy AVNs.

    The characters range in personality and aesthetics and are high quality. Compared to others I have seen here with much higher views and ratings, Cosy Cafe is in my top 10.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    It's just a very good game, the girls are all hot and have distinctive personalities with good dialogue guiding their interactions that makes it so that every relationship feels very different from each other.

    The game is still basically this fantasy where all girls fall for mc and are okay with him having a harem with all of them, which is not necesarilly my favorite genre and I would rather have branching paths, but it's done in such a way that I'm fine with the harem because the interactions between the characters are just pretty good and it's not often that a game makes me not skip most of its dialogue. Definitivily one of the better written games.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    ok listen to me: i started playing this game like 2 days ago and already finished it, and let me just say that this is one of the best novel i've ever played, and i played a lot of games in this site and when i say a lot i mean a lot, but this is the one and only time that i actually got extremely engaged in the story and especially in the characters, all the characters are PERFECT (for me) especially the main character he is THE BEST character in the entire game imo, he has ONLY the best traits of every main character in every game that i played of this type and he is actually a true person, he isnt just another mc that only wants to fuck well he is but he's not just that he is much more and i really loved it, and all the main girls are different form each other in every way especially lucy she is super cute, so the only thing that i can say is WOW i never played such a good novel well done really well done hope you continue update this fabulous game for a long time (of course this is only my personal opinion)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    0.6.1 (16 Oct 2023)

    This game drew me in very quickly from the cast of characters, the renders and the overall story.

    I can't wait to see more from the dev and after playing the 0.6.1 I have to say I don't mind helping fund this game for more updates.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Gorgeous, great writing, fun plot. MC is perfectly dominant, without being even the least bit cruel. It is believable that girls fall for him, and while at times it seems he gets away with murder, it's done in a fun way.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know why but i really love this game. i started this game when it got first released and waited a couple of updates to see where it goes and make a review. The game is so wholesome and comfy. you just grow to love the main girls and the story is getting very interesting. i love the frequent updates and the dev communicates alot with his fans. my favorite thing that really stood out is that MC is not a bitch and he stands on business. hopefully we get alot of sex scenes during mid- end game but that wont be for a while. i also love the renders and its another thing that drew me to this game its looks great. This is another hidden gem that is definitely worth playing.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game, cant wait to see more.
    Pros: -characters aspect and personality.
    -quality of renders
    -story, simple but efficient
    -sex scenes if you like spanking and maledom

    -sometimes some dialogs are a bit long for nothing.

    Keep up the good work dev!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game. Love the girls and the story. This game has almost all type of girls that you like. And mine is shortstack and tomboy. And if you played and didn't see yours, you'll see her in the future. Don't lose hope, keep on playing. ;)
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game.
    Great models.
    Not super boring personalities.
    MC is cringe only 30% of the time.

    But it's one of these games that would benefit from CUTTING content.
    I skip ALL non-dialog lines and I didn't miss a thing - completely understanding what is going on and why. The only interesting bits that are non-dialog is during some of the sex scenes - and it's only flavor too. No personality change or illumination there to wait for.
    Everything outside of dialogs and sex-scenes is just empty and pointless drag of a time.

    And I'm pretty sure you could cut even the dialogs in half and nothing will have changed - except the pacing tightening up.

    Overall - for me - it was a worthwhile read. 7-8/10. But only if I skim heavily through it.

    P.S. Oh yeah, music doesn't match the tension a lot of the time - so I turned it off too.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is truly the top game of all the others on this site for me.

    The girls are nice and have a well-developed background.
    The story is fresh and new and I like the pace of the telling.
    There are few decisions to be made that don't affect what will happen, but that doesn't bother me because up to this point everything that happens is to my liking.
    A big + is that the main character isn't a spineless idiot who drools over all the girls and is just waiting to drag them into bed.

    The renderings are also very nice, as are the H-scenes. The only thing that bothers me a little is that so far the focus has always been on the main character having fun (he plays with the girls, but doesn't give much in return).

    anyway the game is great so far an i look forward to see more content! keep up the good work dev!

    PS: Please bear with me because of the spelling as English is not my native language.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    My personal opinion for 6.1
    For me this is not a game, it is a VN.
    + the story is a bit different, but you can follow the way so far.
    + the conversations have a good balance from strict serious to humour teasing.
    + vanilla domination, spanking as a pleasure, fair to the girls.
    + enough scenes, that you don't get bored during playing.

    neutral: the proportions. The ears are sometimes big like "elves ears". Also Sarah is as a "tiny devil" quite tall, when she enters the office of the MC before the party. And please no Bimbo tits!

    - what I don't like is the stereotype of Japanese girls in most of the games. I would like Akatsuki much more, if she wouldn't wear this ridiculous costume and the cat ears even in school. Because she could be a good supportive without being a cheap toy, not only in the kitchen, but also for getting information about the other families during her battle against her sister. She would be looking good also in blue jeans for sure. :)

    Looking forward for more and spice up with a bit of MFF :cool:
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Playing 0.6.1
    It's hard to find fault with this game. The renders are good, dialogue is solid, story has been moving forward steadily. Each girl has her own feel and uniqueness to her. Each girl has her own problems that she's struggling with; relatable problems like body image, dealing with bad friends, and expectations.

    Yes, the game follows the same 'male power fantasy' of dozens of other titles. Yes, the fact that every girl enjoys spankings stretches believability. Yes, the MC having a 'bad boy past and is now looking for a better life' trope is really strong here.

    But none of it feels overdone. Sitting down to play this game was just a fun experience, nothing more, and nothing less. And I really look forward to playing more in the future.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprised me a lot
    The characters are quite interesting, well developed
    Art is very good, the author made great use of textures for them
    I really feel like I'm in a cozy place, with beautiful girls that like me and are willing to keep with me no matter what
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    good game and this game is really have good story and i like the intraction with all girls, and i like the phase for the sex scenes not to slow or to fast, and yeah the main character personality is really good
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a a game that requires the player to commit to the story. So far as I can tell it is mostly kinetic. A couple of choices but I can't see any consequences if one option over the other would be selected. With that said, I like the game! the developer is building separate personas for each, and they seem to work. Looking forward to how the build comes about or does not, towards partners and sex.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this Game, there's not many Choices to be made which really serves the Game well. Unlike in a lot of other Games I feel like the Creator will have no Problem actually finishing because he didn't start overburdening himself with having to write lots of Code to account for things like moving around the Map, introducing clothing choices and thus having to render scenes multiple times and so on. Renders are pretty well done. Not outstanding, but not everyone has a 4090 to render all their stuff with raytraced reflections and in 4k.
    Story is pretty well done as well with a little bit of mystery. Only Character i don't like is Rachel, but I'm guessing she has her reasons and will redeem herself. But her character is a little too close to being real to make me comfortable with it. I'd rather not have to think about societal problems while playing porn Games...