Great game. Great dialogue. Great girls and personalities. Great protagonist. Only thing I see as lacking is that a lot of the expression in their face and eyes are a bit stale at times, especially noticeable on Veronica because she's the most expressive of the bunch but it tends to not translate all that well visually. That in itself isn't a huge con because it's kinda refreshing, and most of the time it's done well to just feel like a minimalistic approach to it, just sometimes it feels a bit dollface/robotic.
Anyway 5/5 for now, love it overall
This looks like something that would be incredibly mediocre based on the images and the description. Something about it is just so... cosy. It's basically the ultimate fulfillment fantasy, not just on sexual stuff but on emotional things as well. My favourite thing about the game though is the characters, they're all just wonderful.
The game struggles to be convincing when it comes to explaining why these girls fall in love so quickly. The MC must perform only a single act of kindness to earn the complete obedience & loyalty of these (exactly) 18 year old supermodels. So, you absolutely have to be willing to suspend your disbelief.
Personally, not only do I think that the game is worth that token effort, but I actually believe the dev made the right choice in sort of glossing over the beginning of these relationships. That's because, doing it this way, we can get to the real heart of the game very quickly; spending time with our harem.
How many games on this site take the slow route? Where the MC has to spend update after update slowly grinding away at the girls, taking them on dates, buying gifts, romantically spying on them in the shower, so on. It's been done well before, sure, and I do see the appeal; "earning" your conquests can feel good. The problem is that even in best written version of that, you still end up in the same spot, still having to suspend that disbelief. It is just never realistic and no amount of clever writing makes it feel like it is. In my opinion, anyways. Doing it this way, we more or less skip the slow stuff. The dev has stated the facts: you have harem. You have a business. You are a god at both sex and cooking. Now, the story can start.
I feel the writing is very good. The girls are enjoyable to interact with, each with easily identifiable and unique personality traits making them all feel distinct from one another. Learning about them, helping them, watching them slowly grow and change as people, is all actually quite fun and, dare I say, cozy. It really does feel like you're building a happy little family.
We've only had a taste of the overarching plot as of 0.4, but it is promising in my opinion. There are powerful families running things in town who are probably doing illegal things and who are probably connected to you and/or your girls. It feels ripe for creating some interesting scenarios, drama, and mystery. As of now, I am interested in it.
The visuals are good. Not the best I've ever seen, but very, very far from the worst. Just a bit plain. The animations are likewise good. The girls themselves look excellent, however. Some of the best I've seen from Honey Select, and there is a decent variation in body types.
I can honestly say that I don't really have complaints. More like nit picks.
Some of the jokes don't land. Occasionally the MC can come off as a douchebag. The character Rachel is designed to be annoying and... Success? Yay?
The pacing can be a bit awkward occasionally; I sometimes feel that certain things are skipped just because the dev didn't want to do it right then, even though it feels like realistically the characters would have had the time.
I wish we could rename the girls, or give them pet names. It's always awkward in a game when one of them happens to have the name of someone you know in real life. I also wish we could have user input as to what the girls call you.
This is an unreasonable "complaint", due to how much effort it would involve, but I do think this game would benefit from a daily free roam section, like I get one action each evening to do what I want or something. There was a free roam early on, but it hasn't happened again. I think it would be immersive and fun to be able to select girls and order them to do (repeatable) scenes yourself. Kind of like a mini version of how Harem Hotel does repeatable content.
Whew. Longer review than I was planning on. Suffice to say, I think it's excellent, and is absolutely worth checking out, especially if you're into maledom. Keep up the good work.
TL;DR: This is not for me. I see where the inspiration is from and I don't care for it. The MC is insufferable, and everyone falls in love after two conversations. If all you care about is the harem tag and "No NTR" taglines here ya go. Otherwise, it's got weak writing and minorly above average HS models.
This one is a bit difficult to review, if I remember correctly, as it's just completely safe. Like, yeah it's an AVN, but you play a wet blanket that's nice to everyone to a fault, and the LI's only problem ends up scheduling the sex... I legit think there's someone being bullied for no reason and MC essentially says "That's mean, stop." And outside of a hormonal feud between boys, that's the end of it. Even the start of this MC is met by absolutely no challenge, as someone already fixed up the cafe so MC has to use less than zero effort to "follow his dream." And the tone falls through right away because nice guy MC... Molests his teacher on a train? You need to choose one or the other. You can't be white knight blank slate MC and rapey mcgee. (inb4: "She said she wanted it so it's fine" No, it's not really fine.)Unless you want to perpetuate that gross "nice guy" persona that no one actually likes. He feels like he was written to be "I'm super strong, and buff, but super nice, but also super dominant, but I can also molest someone on the train, but don't worry, I'm a nice guy." So yet again, the biggest issue with this is the characterization of MC. I'm 100% positive they want MC to come off as this nonchalant, charismatic hero of women. But he just comes off as an ass. And the "immersion" is broken pulling out for a 3rd person view at random times.
Before my review breaks down into me just counting the ways I dislike MC, synopsis. MC moves back to his grandpa's home town to reopen his restaurant. The end. Not really, but outside of some "foreboding" family ties that are less than explored when SENIORS IN HIGHSCHOOL do a "My Family Tree" assignment. Anyways, The game opens up to a pointless free-roam section that I honestly hope doesn't mean it's gonna revert to that, because I don't hate this. No matter how grumpy my review sounds. Right after you look at a bunch of empty rooms, you meet Lucy. She's been... watering the plants in an empty restaurant for however long because... reasons? (It's actually because her mom is abusive, but still, weird to stay in some random empty cafe) She is the shy timid girl that is the first to boost MC's grandiose hero complex. She stutters, is nervous, and generally looks down on herself due to a poor home life. And MC does two nice things and she's in love. Fun. I will say, he did get bullies to back off, but it felt so unnatural and weird, like every interaction with the bullies, so it feels like a cheap moment. That leads to meeting one of the bullies, Victoria. The other main LI. I will say, Victoria is probably the best written character in this, but things move too fast in my opinion. She goes from mean bully to subservient waitress girl because somehow she needs the job so badly? You may not know this but in most of America, one of the worst paying job you can get is a waitress. But I digress, she essentially offers her body to MC, and him being so holier than thou, turns her down and says just be nicer to Lucy. And be supremely obedient. Couldn't even be a nice guy for 3 seconds, could he?
So they do their idle nothings for a day or two, MC still does his creepy nice guy stuff, and after opening the restaurant, Lucy eventually moves in thanks to the old hero complex. But the first night, after leaving her abusive home, MC just gropes her and says "I can wait... For now." To anyone taking notes, no. You wait until their ready, not use every method possible to coerce an abuse victim. And the next morning, after sleeping on the couch, a healthy 18 year old with the muscle sliders turned all the way up, complains about his back after one night on the couch. Yet another way for MC to guilt and coerce Lucy to sleep with her. And I'm not highlighting these points to harp on everything. MC literally says, verbatim, "*Sigh*" (because we still use asterisks for some reason) "That's the reason I haven't made a move on Lucy, even though I want to." But he's done nothing but make moves and try to be physical with her. He doesn't wanna be a creep, but is nothing but a creep? Then, right after, gets a punishment handjob from Victoria because his sexuality was questioned. Don't get me wrong, I can see what the writer was trying to do, but stuff like that is only funny/sexy/doable when it's with someone you don't have some power over, as real or fake it may be. And that instills jealousy in Lucy and the first thing she says is "I wanna be your girlfriend, but you can be with other girls." Wow. Starting right away with this, huh? And MC's inferiority complex starts with the typical double standard of "I'll do it, but you can't." I'm really tired of this persona. And I wanna say this is by "Day 10." At most that is 240 hours of communication, but that would be every second of every day. So it develops a little fast.
So by day 11, he has three and a half girls fawning over him. One of which he's known for less than two days. We're expected to have Lucy put up on some pedestal for some reason. He pushes this alpha male garbage constantly. Once he said "Don't interrupt me" I was checked out. And Victoria even apologized? That's already a red flag for an unhealthy relationship. This is supposed to be "Cosy Cafe" but what's cozy about being in a relationship with a guy with anger issues and a plethora of abusive warning sign mannerisms? The worst part is, I have to put myself in the shoes of the asshole? I'm not hooked by the "Elite family" plot line, it'll probably just fall apart to either another corporate espionage story, or ancient families that do bad things. If I could type the text equivalent of the worlds most sarcastic thumbs up, it'd be put right here. And don't get me wrong, I don't side with Rachel, she hates men to hate men. It's supposed to be funny how comically stereotypical she is, but it's just another annoying thing. She's not technically wrong about MC, but she's being antagonistic for the wrong and uninformed reasons. Case and point: The first time he's told "Don't do that" by someone in power, he tries to get a blowjob out of it. But of course, the headmistress rolls right the fuck over for no reason.
Really there's no reason for me, in particular, to break this down further. This clearly isn't written for someone like me. The English is fine. It's all British spelling, which is weird with American money, but other than that, there's enough spelling mistakes to make me dock a point. The UI is customized in game, but the menus are all standard. The UX is fine as well. But the weird "free roam" section was completely unnecessary. The Art is Honey Select, I mean, it's better than some but not the best I've seen. Dialogue is alpha male garbage and falling in love after two days. And it's heavily impeded by a crappy MC. Not good. The story is boring and doesn't feel like there's a point, and I'm fairly certain my opinion shone through the four paragraphs of headache. If I have to watch one more person eat a meal for filler dialogue I might scream. This isn't for me.
Holy good stuff batman. Came for the usual reasons and got sucked into this adorable and provocative story. Truly a great balance of hot scenes, great writing and engaging story. You really get attached to the characters and while it's not a quick fap story, definitely worth the journey!
Frankly went into this without much expectations but was blown away. Animation and models are excellent, the writing is overall enjoyable and while the pacing of relationships takes a backseat to it being an H game the actual relationships are all quite cute and find myself greatly looking forward to more, keep up the excellent work
++ Story: Laid back timing, enough details to understand the plot and start to empathize with the characters + Basic options accessible: Roll back, Skip, aso + Grammar&Proofreading + MC: No dckhead, but (almost) a gentleman; there are still questionable lines like "Are you sure that's the case? Think about it, there must be something that a cute girl like you has that I would want" o Choice of NPCs: Basic choice/ -peer group roles: Slut, Bully, Shy one, Smarta**, MILFy headmistress, aso o Hot stuff: There isn't much so far, but the animations are good and fluid.
I have been playing this game for some time now (still haven't finished, though) and I can already say "Came for the fap, stayed for the story". I haven's seen any lewd scene so far and I really DO hope there is a ton of them coming, because that's what prn games are about, after all :3
Writing at the time of 0.4 release and I surprisingly love this.
The setting allows for some fun scenarios and costumes with already an implication for more stuff coming. The characters are all pretty unique and I like the way they are kinda acceptive of themselves and their kinks and the MC is quite assertive.
Genuinely looking forward to more in a way I haven't for a while in a lot of games I've tried.
Genuinely very good. Standard catch em all harem game but with domination aspects that are written very well. Characters are nothing too special, each one with their own quirks as in other games but they are well written and nothing feels like it happens too fast or too slow. Story starts slow but gets interesting over time. The well written domination aspect in this game is a relief from the numerous other games that are poorly written and by people who are not familiar with the topic.
To be honest, nothing about this game stood out to me in particular - I'm kind of surprised that I enjoyed it as much as I did. I found that I really didn't want to stop playing though - I really wanted to see what was going to happen next. I think that mainly speaks to how well-written this is - both the overall story-telling, and the dialogue.
I tend to like games that are a little darker than this, but I also liked that there was some light maledom here.
Cozy Cafe is a kinetic novel featuring an aspiring cafe owner and the collection of beautiful waitresses he lucks into on the journey.
In general, I enjoyed the game so far. It's a mostly silly story with a decent collection of sexy events that has been slowly ramping up as the story progresses. Each of the girls and the MC have received a decent amount of development and there's hints of a mystery heading into the future to keep us engaged. The game looks good and it has some fun moments.
I find it a little weird how the game is mostly just cute and porny nonsense when occasionally some extremely serious story lines come to roost. That's not to say that they're handled poorly, just that it's strange to go from sexy hijinks one minute directly to systematic abuse and potentially violent stalking the next. To be honest, I could get over it and give this game five stars if it weren't for...
Goddamn Rachel. She's the absolute worst. She's not funny, she's not sexy, she's not an important part of the story, and yet she shows up over and over again. Obviously she's going to continue to feature in the story, likely even more prominently given that she's listed in the gallery, and I hate that. I'll be extremely impressed if the dev manages to salvage her into something even modestly likeable rather than the blight that she is. I even prefer the various asshole classmates to her. At least they have the decency to base their harassing of the protagonist in reality (unmitigated jealousy) instead of Rachel's pathetic caricature of SJW complaints ramped up to eleven and stuck where it's aggressively unnecessary... and then played over and over and OVER again with no new notes.
Anyway, rant over. Overall, Cosy Cafe has some solid potential. I'm looking forward to seeing more and generally believe that the game's quality will increase inversely to the number of Rachel's appearances.
Was VERY pleasantly surprised by this game. Didn't expect to enjoy it this much, or for it to have so much content. You could call it "cliché" but it is done quite well. Enjoyed it from start to finish
Only negative is the rape jokes, which were off-putting.
After reading the game name and overview I thought "wow a cute harem game about managing a cafe? sign me up!" This turned out to not really be either of those things.
The rape jokes and some of the cruder dialogue lines took me out of that vibe pretty fast. There's also an unexpected focus on male domination that I don't personally find "cozy." The cafe part is there, but it just feels like a part of the background for events to play out rather than being a major focus of the story. Honestly it felt like more of the game was spent outside of it at school and such.
The game is actually just a rather generic power fantasy. Decently made generic, but still generic nonetheless. Harem of girls who quickly fall in love with you and obey your every command, dominant MC who has everything go right (who also happens to be an heir to some powerful family), you get the idea.
Most of the game is just lewd events or small scenes with the girls. Not much in the way of story or deep writing, which is fine if that's your thing. It's even my thing usually, but I just found it boring after awhile. While not horrible, the renders and such don't stand out much either. A lack of more dynamic facial expressions would maybe be my biggest complaint.
I'd recommend this to you if you're looking for a decent comfort harem game and like maledom, but otherwise there's not much keeping me here.
Excellent writing, fantastic renders, and smooth animations.
The consent seeking, male dom persona is hot af, and actually pretty believable in the 1 on 1 interactions. It helps the suspension of disbelief that's so neccessary while gathering one's fantasy harem.
If you're tired of cowardly, childish, or just boring MCs, then give this gem a go.
Thanks for writing an actual human man Cosy Creator, keep up the good work.
Pretty good game, the story and humour is interesting. Characters writing are decent, sex scenes are also good. Overall, it was pretty fun to play. My suggestion would be the improving where characters are looking (Their eyes look weird) other than that it pretty good game. Feels good to play as dominant man not afraid to beat up other people or even scared of them.
Honestly, I really enjoyed this, The writing is very good so far and it seems to have a solid progression for the story. I'm enjoying how the characters have been introduced and developed while they still retain a mystery about them.
Love everything about this game and as soon as i find my wallet i'll be a supporter. For me personally this one has everything i want in a good game. Good character development, only choices that matter (fetishes mostly), good writing, cute girls (love the short stacks) decent animations ect. Honestly if i was smart enough this is the type of game i would like to make. Of course all of these things are subjective but i highly recommend it. Hopefully the Dev can keep it up.
Lot of content so far for what is only the third update. Excellent writing and characters, noticeable graphical improvements from 0.1 to 0.3 so the dev is only getting better and better.
The developing story and characters are actually kind of great which is surprising.
The sexy stuff is both well-earned and well executed, despite being a harem game its not just fucking left and right which is nice, much more grounded. Its focused on a soft male/dom vibe so if you're into that then try this out
I started this at 0.2. and this is the first time seeing an update for it, this game is now pretty much a must play for me each update if it continues at this quality
Went into it not expecting much and was pleasantly surprised at how well all the parts fit together.
The dialogue is well written and believable, the plot is engaging even with the usual tropes in place, the characters are showing growth and depth that you don't see that often. Honestly well done.
Loving the soft dom approach and this is arguably the main point of the game. It's Male Dom done right, without being overly aggressive or cruel. The slow shift of power that the girls WANT to give up. If you're into D/s you're gonna like this game.
It's an interesting story with good writing and likable characters. The girls are attracted to MC and it all goes at a rather fast pace, so it has a bit of "porn driven logic", but for me it's acceptable.
The only problem is that models are from Honey Select or something, so despite being cute the girls look a bit more like dolls than real people, and that makes scenes not so sexy. Hence only 4 stars.