VN - Ren'Py - Cosy Cafe [v0.11] [Cosy Creator]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    As of 0.7.1

    What can I say, the game is excellent.

    The Story is good. It struggles a bit at the start and has some major "by the magic of Plot" moments at the very beginning, but it quickly matures in to something more then just a harem VN. Don't get me wrong, top to bottom it's a very wholesome story. Cosy, one might even say.
    That said, it has plenty of sex, with the major theme being dom (the MC) and sub (the LIs) relationships. But there is also a real story in there, even if it takes a few chapters for it to take off.
    Plenty of content (I'd say about 6+ hours for me), nice soundtrack.
    I can see only two negatives:
    1. It's essentially a Kinetic Novel. I did not see any real weight to the choices.
    2. I mean, it's Honey select. Really good Honey select, but not everyone's cup of tea.
    Still, I don't care about either of those, so - for me it's a 5/5 game. Honestly, try it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! Lately it's been a lot of color cutter stuff and not enough to draw me in but I've found myself wanting to know what happens next AND enjoying the beautiful models and girls. It does lean a lot into all girls want spanking but also gives the option not to sometimes. I do wish there was a little bit more to animations but overall great game, keep it up!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really great. It's light, it's fluffy, the girls are cute and the MC isn't too much of a moron. This is the sort of game you sit down with to feel warm and fuzzy. The art is good, the music fits and the story is the perfect window dressing.

    My only complaint would be the token 'bad feminist' character made me think this game was gonna be pretty misogynistic but honestly it didn't turn out that way, she's just an annoying teenage girl, and while this game definitely leans a little into maledom and traditional gender roles, there's nothing wrong with that, and all the girls are consenting and happy, so, all in all, 5 stars.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I like this game. I like the characters, I like the relationship dynamics the story sets up. I like the MC. Not a lot of games do romantic soft maledom well but this one does and it's very fun, even though the maledom aspects are very tame thus far. I think the story is simple yet effective, and the game isn't yet dying of side-girl bloat.

    I have one gripe with this game that makes my rating a 4 and not a 5 and that is that the dev doesn't do facial expressions. Like, at all. Across all the LIs, 95% of the renders have one of two different expressions. There's a slight, almost Mona Lisa smile, and there is a sort of blank expression that is barely different from the first. Also... the characters mouths don't open. The camera will shift to focus on a speaking character, but their mouth is closed. Then it'll shift to another character replying, and again the mouth is closed. The effect is that these interesting characters that have stuff happening to them just appear as glassy-eyed dolls. I've seen games with way worse visuals do much more interesting expression work. Also it's just kinda telling that the game text will specifically mention a characters shocked/angry/happy/sad/terrified expression but it's the same emotionless face that they have in every other render. That every other character has in every other render. Or the text will have them yelling or gasping but... They're on-screen with their mouth closed and basically no expression. This is consistent from the early content right up through the latest work.

    Also the game is basically a kinetic novel. Not a problem for me but some people don't like that.

    Also of all the harem games i've played, this is probably the only one with a sufficient amount of ass-slaps, casual groping, and lap-sitting. This is a really good thing and I love it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Graphics are as you can see on the previews not the most realistic, but the facial expressions are done better than in most of the realistic looking games. The elbows look like elephant skin for some reason, but it is not too hard to ignore. The animations look great, and there was minimal clipping as far as I can tell, although I might have overlooked it as the game was phenomenal.

    The story isn't that interesting, but the text is mostly focused on your interactions with the girls anyhow so it isn't a problem, as a porn game it is probably best even that the story doesn't take that much space.

    There is variation both in appearance and personality among the girls, and the writing is damn good, I highly recommend playing the game, especially if you enjoy soft dom.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Love every character so much, the story and writing are really good especially for a first game. The animations and graphics are pretty good to. Honestly just an amazing game overall, would definitely recommend.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall good. I feel like the plot takes a while to get started and even then it gets kinda monotonous with little progression. Also I think that having one of the characters be a "crazy feminist" feels very 2015. But the characters are fun and sexy, the sex scenes are hot, and it's well written overall. Might change the rating as new updates release, but as of now, it's a definite recommendation.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent writing, with a plausible plot. A definite rarity in harem games. The storyline is surprisingly well thought out and intriguing, and the characters are great. The MC is dominant without being overbearing, and the girls have their own distinct personalities that, while fitting into the model of oft-seen tropes (submissive, tsundere, etc.) are done well. I never got the feeling of "oh, seen this before, yawn" that I do with so many other VNs.

    Models are a bit old, using the original Honey Select that have been around for years, but they're hot. No complaints there. The sex scenes are erotic and steamy, and the animation is quality.

    It's a rarity that I give out five star ratings. Usually a "good" VN will get 3, perhaps 4 stars, with recommendations on how to improve some weaker aspects. With this, all the author has to do is stay the course and stick the landing once complete, and it will be deserving of 5 stars.

    Will be watching this one closely!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    An absolute work of art. Every character is unique, well fleshed out and, most rarely of all, actually very interesting.
    Added to this are some excellent lewd scenes and whats not to adore?
    If you havent tried it yet I'd strongly suggest you put everything else in your life on hold and get downloading.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game with even better characters, story is great, very fun, very lewd and I always want more. Great amount of content per update too so well wort the wait between updates. Play the game, it's very much worth it
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Do you know the video of the woman saying that she hates games because they appeal to the male fantasy? She probably hates this one the most.
    That's probably everything you need to know about the game but it's also interesting how most parts of it, taken individually, are at least plausible but as a whole it's less believable than most sci-fi, but in a good way, it doesn't disappoint when it does that. Well that and it's mostly a linear visual novel and choices don't seem to matter much beyond the current scene but it was satisfying enough that I did not care.
    Anyway I've never actually been more disappointed about something on this site being unfinished and I usually just enjoy what's there and go to the next thing.
    For those who bother to read reviews and not just look at the overall rating, I genuinely don't recommend playing the game UNTIL it's done but as soon as it is, stop whatever you are doing and play it!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game
    Its vanilla and very sweet so if you're into that you'll love it

    Animations are well done
    Story is interesting
    Writing is very good
    Nothing that I can really think of

    The girls are hot, the writing is erotic, the outfits and situations are sexy.
    The highest praise i can give this game is that its just so effortlessly hot almost all the time.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    100% vanilla, like it.
    i recommend this game play slow and enjoy the daily life instead complete and go forward. the story and scenes are very good and like it that POV near girls faces <3

    personally i like more SEX scenes but the ones they have have great quality. i considerate this worth it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Review written as of 0.7.1.

    Mostly lighthearted and simple story, well written love interests who exude character. Funny, but probably not laugh outload funny for most people.
    If you are looking for an MC who is dominant but not an asshole or a creep, then look no further. The MC of this VN is respectful of other people while never compromising his goals (or trying not to, at least). Well intentioned with the people he meets, and he very clearly cares about the girls.
    Extremely solid emotional moments, and character building, especially with the redhead.
    Play this VN if you like:
    - Well written characters
    - Romance
    -Spanking (if you don't like or are indifferent to spanking, like me, then still try it, the spanking isn't overbearing)
    - Casual, easy to pick up but hard to put down stories.
    - Emotional moments
    - Sweet moments
    - Harems
    - kinetic novels
    - Male domination
    - Political drama
    - Nice renders
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely love the story and characters. Always sitting and waiting on update, cant wait for the next one and then im left waiting for the next portion to come out. Beautiful characters, beautiful storylines.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't think I've ever written a review for a game on this site. This is the first time I've ever felt compelled to do so.

    I remember when I was 18 years old, my older brother took me on a road trip about 180 miles North out to this weird rural area near Santa Barbara. We were going to a steak house. He ordered my a 200 dollar filet. That's it. It was the most amazing thing I had ever eaten. I still think back on that meal sometimes and marvel at it. Every element was perfect. The perfect cook, the perfect cut, perfectly seasoned, and served with this fucking glorious chive butter. All the elements came from local farms, and, I shit you not, you could taste the love in the food.

    I tell you this rambling story of nostalgia, because this game is a lot like that steak. I had had steak before, I've had steak since then. But never had I had anything that so perfectly executed every aspect.

    This game is not groundbreaking. There's nothing here that offers a challenge to the reader/gamer. We've all seen this story before, met these characters before, seen this engine and gameplay loop before. But there's never been a time when I've seen it all executed so flawlessly. Every character is unique and interesting. All of them are flawed in some way, but not to the point of detriment. The player character is flawed, but realistic. He's not overtly a dick, nor is he overly accommodating. The story is simple, but beautiful. I found myself actively rooting for characters through their triumphs. I shit you not, at one point I whooped. This is a porn game for gods sake, and I actually rooted for a character. What the fuck?

    To the dev, who I see reads these comments and is actively a member of the community, I salute you my dude. Absolutely astounding work. I think the greatest form of appreciation of art is in in the form of buying the product. So, I will be donating/subscribing. It won't be much, but I hope it helps you continue to develop this and any other games you forsee.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The characters are great and i fell in love with the story. So much so that i bit the bullet and supported the dev thru patreon.

    Highly recommanded if you like love stories with some kink and some mystery related to family backgrounds.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    came for the faps, and before getting to day 11 the story made me forget about everything and i was hooked, amazing writing and story building so far. character modeling is great too. dont even plan on fapping, i just want to get lost in this story again 5/5
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a visual novel, with basically no gameplay. However, the story is entertaining, the girls are great (if stereotypical), sex scenes solid, and it's being updated regularly. Highly recommended if you like the genre
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Super enjoyable story, cant wait for more updates. The writing picks up quite a bit after the initially awkward first interactions and once the relationships are established it was a great read. I love the different interactions with each girl, and as each of there motives and characteristics became more apparent it made the story flow a lot easier. The main plot is also super intriguing and i cant wait to see where it gets taken and the dynamic the mc has with the Families. Im excited to give this story my support.