The paradigm shift has come for everyone except Quinn. She's still the same old Quinn. She hasn't learned anything from Riona's situation. She won't ask for help, that's it.
I fear she's just painted a bigger target on Riona's back by calling the police - who clearly won't be able to arrest Buddy, Vinny and Mick for some reason.
I'd say "paradigm shift" does apply to Quinn too because she's had to upend the life she was leading and go against her Dad, in some sense, by ratting out Buddy. It's a huge shift for her character and story because now, with them gone (at least for now, probably), she won't be slinging drugs anymore and it also seems as though the restaurant may be over as well or at least paused, possibly by Burke. The whole situation seems it has changed her because she realises how much she's wronged Rio, her only true friend, and she wants to do right by her, to try and make it right, so she does the one thing that seems most obvious and that's get the police involved. So in a way, this
was her asking for help because that's literally what calling the police is.
This could come back on Rio, maybe, if they (Buddy, Mick, Vinny) think it could have been her or her Mom who phoned the police, but it could also put a target on Lily's back too since Vinny just threatened her. But I suspect Quinn made sure all the guys were inside before calling the police and I think that at least Buddy and Mick were arrested, Vinny may escape and so he may be the one coming for retribution and right now I'd put money on him going more for Lily than Rio.