VN - Ren'Py - A Mother's Love [Part 1-15 Plus] [OrbOrigin]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Its okay. The models are a little wack, and the writing isnt amazing, plus the lack of sound is pretty jarring, but it aint bad. I also liked the sheer ammount of choices and paths you can take, even though i'm likely only willing to play through once.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I can't say, how much I love nicole and wish she was actually present in real life with me. Thanks for this thread and please keep on doing it more. don't end any where soon. Really love the story plot and this woman is driving me crazy
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Judging by part 1-11:
    I cannot stress how ridiculous this game is, and no, not in a good way.
    Absolutely can't recommend playing it, it's extremely overrated.

    Let's adress THE most apparent aspect of the game first.
    At first glance this game looks like it's in English.
    It sounds like it's in English.
    It tastes like English too.
    But it's not English. It's a very poor attempt that will only prove to be distracting and off-putting.
    Nobody speaks like that. Absolutely nobody.

    The phrasing and choice of words are uncanny, alien and robotic.
    Because of that the dialogues and monologues are more often disturbing than not, not to mention inaccurate like it was butchered by Google Translate, like so:
    Girlfriend's mother: "I could get you another girlfriend. Someone more worthwhile."
    Player: "Chloe is the one I see potential in."
    The absurdity of it is comical. Or would be, except it's not presented as comedy, at all. It's dead serious, condensed cringe.
    Aside from the topics and phrasing, spelling, punctuation and grammar aren't actually terrible in the beginning, however they do progressively degrade as the story moves on, getting worse and worse with each subsequent part; I assume it has something to do with the community, reporting the most glaring mistakes.
    All in all: It's still pretty garbage.
    This game NEEDS to have ALL of its dialogues rewritten by someone who actually speaks English. Unfortunately even that would not improve the ridiculous, impossible story, it'd only serve to highlight it.

    Speaking of which, the story is just all over the place.
    It tries to be kinky, endearing, sympathetic, dramatic, ambitious yet low-key, serious and dark but lighthearted also, it tries to be everything, basically, but because of that, it is none of those things, really.
    It's a contradictory clusterfuck, like pretty much everything else in the game.
    In the first couple of minutes the game goes from 0 to 100 and throws some mandatory sexual harrassment/assault and blackmail (perhaps low-key rape even) at the player, involving the player and his girlfriend's mother,
    reason being some absurd mental gymnastics.
    Which then takes a 180 turn, becoming a more generic, vanilla romance full of tender love, for no reason at all.
    Except when it dips back to the "sexual assualt phase" of this "healthy" relationship, again, for no reason at all.
    And in case you were wondering, she's into it. Except when she is not. But she is. Not. Is.
    Yes, that too will go back and forth, after the initial lightspeed "development" of the "relationship".
    The contradictory nature of this relationship is off-putting to say the least,
    though it's not like any relationship between any two characters is any better.

    Speaking of characters, all of them are pathological liars, too often contradicting themselves, and using their 6th senses to generate conflict.
    Expect lots of forced melodrama -needless ambiguity, misunderstandings, lots of unfinished sentences, cliffhangers, "plot twists", conversations that go nowhere, so basically the full Bollywood soap opera experience.

    Take the player for example. He doesn't mind cheating on girlfriend at all, gambling with ruining their relationship and hurting her, it's not even a moral dilemma, despite claiming to "love her". Of course, girlfriend doesn't know, it's not a harem game (at least not yet anyway...), it tries to be "serious". Girlfriend trusts and loves the player so much, yet immediately jumps to the conclusion that her mother and boyfriend must be fucking like bunnies because they spent 2 whole minutes together outside of her vision (which actually happens, obviously) so she starts looking for them (cue drama).
    And yet the same "observant" girlfriend is oblivious of the borderline pedophile creep teacher who wants to score with her, and despite her so strong and deep trust, she doesn't believe the player when he presents this obvious fact, nor does she believe the player can keep his cock in check, like at all (which he can't, obviously). So, which is it? Does she trust the player or does she not? The answer is yesn't.
    Not actively fighting previously mentioned teacher leads to NTR, in case you were wondering.
    Then there's the player's "friend" who claims she can read minds and palms and cards and sperm stains or whatever, who literally breaks into player's home and gets into the bed next to the player while he's sleeping, yet player is still "great friends" with this shit-stirring creepy stalker.
    No, you can't tell her to fuck off, your choices are irrelevant and mandatory scenes are mandatory. You don't like her? Well that's just too damn bad, she'll come back like a swallowed burp every single time.
    Then there's girlfriend's father, who apparently can't get it up to a photomodel calibre wife (who looks like she's in her 20's still) going down on him eagerly, but the creepy motherfucker can and does get it up to pretty much every other woman in the game, coercing and forcing many of them to sleep with him, or to sleep with others to his benefit. Literally a pimp with ED but only when it comes to the wife.
    You'll also be seeing plenty of scenes involving his cheating habits.
    By the way, you'll earn his utmost trust by remembering his name, licking his shoes nice and clean, and knowing the most basic basics of American history like "who discovered America". Who doesn't like garbage minigames?

    Choices! Yes, we have them. Which choice is best, however, is quite random.
    You might think railing the mother of your girlfriend in the bathroom or on the living room couch with the whole family being home is a bad idea. And you'd be wrong: It is not a bad idea! Except when it actually is! But then it's not again! But it is! Not! Is!
    So how do you know?
    That's the neat part: You don't.
    There's no reason or pattern behind it. So save yourself the headache and go fetch a walkthrough to get the most out of the it, that is if you decide to play this very "special" game.

    Let's give an honorable mention to the one-of-a-kind quick time event! Who doesn't like timed minigames, especially when they're distracting, out of place utterly pointless and devoid of fun? Not that it's there consistently, but it does pop up a couple of times. So just in case you were wondering how much thought was put into it: The answer's no.

    Audio is nonexistent. That's it.

    Visuals are mediocre at best. Some models look great, the lighting/backgrounds are a hit/miss. Scenes consist of "animations" of 2-3 still images at first, but to be fair, the frame number goes up eventually for some smoothER animations.
    Still, not even that is something to write home about, it's no excuse for the stellar rating of this mess.

    In all honesty, a more apt title would be "rapey vibes" except it seems to goes beyond mere "vibes" more than a few times,
    because apparently pretty much everyone in the game with a dick is an opportunistic rapist at least, and pretty much everyone with a pair of tits is, was, or will be a victim of it.
    In case you don't personally like NTR, the good news is that so far it was MOSTLY avoidable, minus girlfriend's dad's shenanigans with literally every one of the girls he's running. But the main 2-3 "love interests", if I can even call them that, are reasonably safe, at least for now. IF you make the right choices.

    But worry not, this is all normal! Because here a woman's job is literally to take a dick, or three, raise kids, cook and clean, and do whatever (yes, literally whatever) their husbands or fathers tell them to do.
    Yes, women are often treated as tools and/or commodities like the inferior third class citizens they are! And it's not the exception, it's the rule in this wonderland. You, the player, is the exception! Except when you're not because you're borderline raping your girlfriend's mother, because you can.

    And by now you've probably noticed the only pattern in the game: It's consistently inconsistent.

    Now, I'm not agianst poor quality visuals or even nonexistent audio, my rating doesn't reflect that in any way.
    Furthermore I don't care about the topics of games.
    If nobody's hurt, I don't care what laws or taboos are broken virtually. Rape, drugs, murder, vore, whatever floats your boat.
    At most, I'll not personally like it.
    But this is not about personally not liking it.
    Overall, it just fails to deliver.
    It fails to deliver reason,
    it fails to deliver a compelling or coherent story,
    it fails to deliver basic human interactions,
    it fails to deliver proper characterization and character development,
    and it even fails to deliver some quality animations as a substitute for literally everything else.
    There's nothing of quality here, except for the mother's model perhaps. That one's good.
    But I am sorry, a single sexy model is not enough for me.
    And so I cannot in good conscience suggest anyone else to play this absurdity...but maybe you should try it anyway, if only to see what a truly bad game looks like.

    Otherwise: Avoid.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is good, only hoped for a mother-daughter route. The progression of the relationship is interesting and actually kinda believable.
    The protagonist isn't scum and disgusting. He is actually fine and things just happened to go that way.
    Here hoping for a happy mother-daughter update.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I can not believe I have not rated the game yet.

    5/5 No questions asked.

    One of the best passionate/emotional/corrupted love affairs I have ever played on here, with a story that's keeping me on the edge.

    Unlike other games on here where there might be a good story, but that is not always linked to the relationship and romantic progress, in this story the link between the story and the relationship is the same story.

    Your moving forward with the story is directly reflected in your relationship with Nicole. The villain in the story is amazing.

    Because he is so manipulative, unpredictable, clever and immensely cruel. He can potentially destroy the MC's life with a snap of his fingers while the MC keeps on playing with fire. You also do not know how much the villain knows and what his plans with the MC are. He is scary.

    Graphics: 8/10 (You can see improvements as the game go on)
    Story: 10/10 The constant underlying tension is brilliant
    Characters: 10/10 I love/hate every single character including side characters
    Sex scenes:9/10 Very often and erotic
    Sound: No Sound
    Animation: 6/10 Not the game's strong point.
    Pubic hair: 7/10 Some characters have pubic hair. Unfortunately done with older technology and it shows. The dev did update some of the hair, but during one the polls, his Patreons decided that Nicole should keep her current hair. That's a pity IMO.

    Overall, I would recommend this game. Be warned there are some violent scenes and other scenes bordering on sexual assault. In other words, if you are sensitive to these kind of things. Just be aware that the game does make you uncomfortable
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Playing this was a great experience. Story is great and its gets better n better. Loving the pace, how new characters are getting involved, script, and the renders (those are really good).
    Just in the start, I felt that the cause of "nicole payment event" was not that strong and the event was bit early. Maybe, an event in which chloe gets bad grade and Beeman suggesting nicole to keep chloe away from the MC would have been a good trigger for nicole to ask MC to stay away from chloe and for initiating the nicole payment event. But, after that part the story unfolds brilliantly.
    Please don't mind the above. Overall for me this was a 10/10 work.
    Looking forward to the future updates. There are tons of possibilities in my mind after the last part. Let's see how it goes.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I found the story very interesting and captivating, with good characters. The males faces are a bit awkward but in overall a liked the game very much. Can't wait to see next update. This is the worse part: to wait to see how the story unfolds. Keep up the good work.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    My review of A Mother's Love [Part 1-10 Plus]

    A pretty average game.
    It's interesting at first with good graphics and a good-looking love interest, but the story quickly gets predictable, uneventful (apart from sex), and boring.
    Characters are unrealistic and don't talk like real people.
    Talking with the mother eventually got boring and repetitive (very little progress and lots of verbose dialogue with little progress).
    The last straw that made me quit the game was having zero audio.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This is the first Ren'Py VN I played. It's what got me interested in these things, so I have a soft spot for it. It's got a complex plot with lots of content, a beautiful older woman character, and many good, erotic scenes. But, man, at times it is really... odd.

    This VN, more than any other, makes me wish I could somehow get into the source code and rewrite all the dialogue. It's not that the obvious non-native English is grammatically wrong. It's just that the way people talk is really uncanny. It's like if I google translated my English into Mandarin or Japanese. A native speaker of those languages would understand, but they'd raise their eyebrows. This VN is like that.

    It's a soap opera, with cliffhangers, sudden, dramatic revelations and all that baggage. I've seen both Japanese and Chinese soaps, and I get the impression that this is an Asian dev team who've taken a TV drama and put it in a North American setting... without knowing how North Americans live or talk.

    The weirdness... the older woman's great scandal is that when she was a swimsuit model, someone... gasp... grabbed her breast. Omg, tell that to Terry Richardson. Or the night out in the fancy restaurant... and they order the dishes by number. Or, maybe my favourite, the "Blues Bar," is called that because the owner's name is... Mr Blues. Like Blues' Clues. Maybe it should be "Blueses Bar." This kind of stuff abounds, and gives an uncanny feeling to the whole thing.

    I have to give credit to the creators in keeping the plot going. It starts as a simple blackmail, but then becomes increasingly elaborate, and, as I said, they conclude every episode with a cliff hanger, which takes ingenuity. Some of the cliff hangers are silly, and forced, but if you read the discussion thread you'll see that they generate a lot of interest and anticipation.

    Scenes are well-composed, and this helps keep the material fresh over time. The early episodes in particular are full of really interesting images, framed with very cineamtic angles. The sex scene in the fancy restuarant is a good example. As the story progresses I notice fewer of these, however.

    The erotic scenes in general are really good, and full of titillation, with a lot of sexual tension, risk of being discovered etc. Very re-playable.

    The MC is mopey, reminds me a lot of your typical manhwa protagonist, a boring person dropped into an exciting situation. Other characters are... odd. The daughter looks like she's always eating a lemon. The husband looks like Willem Dafoe and talks like, I dunno, a cross between Cao Cao and Snidely Whiplash.

    The older woman is the star, beautifully realized and presented for our delectation. I do wish she was less whiney. I liked her early on, when she was composed and strict, but over time she's becoming fragile and almost infantile, which is a mood-killer for me.

    That's enough. Definitely worth checking out. Kudos for the devs to hit a lot of my erotic interests with such excellent artwork. But, man , the dialogue...
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Nicole is in the list of top 10 milfs of all time, she's damn near perfect. Story is pretty nice, and the other characters are also cool. Hopefully we will get to fuck Marylynn in the future also because she's a cool character too. There are lots of interesting people in the game that you meet and talk with too. The MC is a little dumb but I've seen much worse. All in all I would recommend giving the game a try, I liked it enough to support the dev making it.
  11. 3.00 star(s)

    Oliver Wendell Homely

    I love the idea of a story wherein the MC slowly starts building a sexual relationship with his girlfriend's mom. That's super hot. Unfortunately, "A Mother's Love" doesn't deliver for me. The MC is a total douchebag and the sex escalates too quickly. After a while I found myself just skipping through the dialogue in order to get to the lewd scenes, which is a sign to me that a title is average, at best.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A Mother's Love, is an outstanding example of a self directed V.N. I really enjoy this premise, it's different . As the story goes on it is becoming much more complex, once I think I know where it's headed there is a twist that makes me reconsider my original thought process and opinion of the charters, as it seams they all have a lot of secrets they're guarding. The renderings are great, Mrs. Heavens is by far the best.
    Truly look forward to each and every update.
    OrbOrigin you're doing a wonderful job on this project.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The central relationship of this story is between you and your girlfriend’s mother and the development of this relationship is excellent. The characters grow as the story moves along and their relationships keep you engaged. The character of the girlfriend's mother is very well developed and the hero is pretty likable. You'll also meet several great women along the way. The graphics are pretty good and this game is also a must play.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I would give 4,5 stars, but there is no half star... so be it 5 ;)

    I personally dont like "corruption", i tried this game sonce, a half year ago... and about day 4-5 in-game i quit. Cant stand the "blackmail" or "taking advantage" situation. I just dont feel good in this.

    Recently i decided to give this another try, i have to admit, Nicoles Model is just something else... i wanted to play another time to look at it and to see if the game "changes" at one point.

    I was relieved that the "taking advantage" part is rather short... didnt know that it will only take a week ingame to "stop" it in a way.

    Yeah if you take advantage of Nicole all the time and go all along the corupption way, this might be different, but as i said, i dont like it... so i went the way to "lose" corruption points on her.

    And this way you will get one, maybe the best love-affair story on F95 so far i think. You can really "feel" the affaction the MC and Nicole have. And the guilt, to this affair is always present. Chloe is cute as a button, it pains a little to go behind her back. But all works out really good... its well written to accept and see the chloe is not "the" girl for the MC, she hasnt it all... Nicole on the other side has all what the MC desires, and this you can comprehend due to the good writing of this game.

    For me, this love-story is just great, and you can easily replay this game in other paths... NTR is avoidable (which i did, chloe is still my girlfriend) but there is the NTR path too, and you can corrupt nicole or just go deeply in love with her... so i would say, 3 playthroughs are a good way to "see it all"

    To summarize...

    Excellent Renders, great lovestory (potentially for those who like it, a great corruption path too i would say), interessting and tense story around the Magic Grand Real Estate which is perfectly intertwined with the story around Nicole and the MC. At the beginning i said i would give 4,5 stars instead of 5, to explain this... this half star "los" is about the animations... to say it freely, just cut them. They are not good at all, these kind of animations are just annoying and dont do any good to the game. Just repating motions which most of the times are just awful and sometimes making it involuntarily weird, if youre not able to make good and diverse animations, than just dont do any animations at all. But i think animatiosn are just a "bonus" so i will give the game 5 stars int he end cause there are no half-stars.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I would actually rate this 3.5/5, but since there's no half star on this site, I will give it a 3 star instead. This game is very inconsistent in that it is really great at its best and very bad at its worst. The concept is great and the foundations for a good game are certainly there, but the writing quality for its characters are complete coin-flips, and the dialogue sound incredibly robotic and not how real people would actually talk. I also wish that the protagonist was a few years older and was more mature instead of being a whiny, hypocritical and horny piece of shit who doesn't really develop into a more likable character even in the non-corruption route. Still, the romantic moments with Nicole later into the story are by far the best parts of the game, and it single-handedly carried this game from bad to actually enjoyable.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very story driven game, it shows very real characters from an arrogant antagonist/protagonist who while blackmailing a mother of his girlfriend into sexual favours finds himself grow feelings for her other than lust, she in turn is repulsed by his actions in the beginning but as the story plays out we find very human characters, I did not like the Protagonist at first but the player will find themselves rooting for the 2 as the story unfolds. There is actually a sweet love story in here with varying branching paths, you can choose to stay that arrogant character or actually make different choices that genuinely affect the games narrative and become something better, the animations are some of the best rendered in any Ren'Py game too, no stolen assets & a great plot actually make this a great game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good gaem. Nice graphics and story. The graphics are with the right expresions. I loved this game. Looking forward to the next chapter. And ofcourse how will this end ? The women are nice. Canversations sometime a little to much for me. But the story is to good to stop with playing.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    great storyline, great rendering, great facial feature , literally look like a real human. Amazing start! Looking forward to the updates .It has huge potential. Every time I thought it would surely end, it kept going
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed playing this game. The image of the mother in the game feels very real when "fap"i, I fell many times because of that angelic face. oI really like it and if you are a fan of the milf, don't miss the experience. experience it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow wow wow...I recently played this game and kudos to the dev for making such an engaging plot with beautiful renders. The heroine stands out in her look and the progress feels natural.

    Certainly one of the games where I went in looking for a quick *** but stayed for the story.
    This needs more love from ppl here.