VN - Ren'Py - A Mother's Love [Part 1-15 Plus] [OrbOrigin]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok for a long years here I played a lot (A LOT) of great (and no so great) games here, but this is my first review ever. Cause it's worths every damn letter.
    Two bad things about this game:
    1. Onhold.
    2. Extremely high risk to fall in love with fictional character. Again. But this time is special. Again.
    One good thing about this game:
    1. Everything else.
    But with all seriousness, this... this is fantastic. Drama, love story, atmosphere, main character (it isn't you) and plenty of nice porn scenes... Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
    Maybe it's just me, but good, really good love story should make you sad. Cause at least for romantic but forever alone me, this game is like a best dream you had, and while you are in it - you are happy. Even if you know it's just a dream. But, eventually, you wake up. And you get sad it ended, you got this feeling like you just lost and terribly miss something that you never really had. But that means that this dream gave you something, something you don't want to let go.
    This game is that dream.
    Live this dream now or wait until it's finished (it will worth the wait) - up to you, fella.

    P. S. If whoever developing this reading: even if you aren't hot&caring MILF, even if you don't wear glasses, even if your name isn't Nicole, just know this - I love you.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The story was great, the romance is amazing, The characters design is beautiful. It has option which lead to ntr or not (I prefer no ntr whatsoever) The downside is.. they need to fix the animation, and add other girls we interact to the Gallery too..

    It still probably the most memorable and my most favorite AVN game ever. It's sad to see it still on hold

    I highly recommend it to anyone to play it
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game on this site with a focus on mainly one love interest. I understand that some people might find having multiple sex scenes with only one girl boring in this sort of story, but Nicole is second to none.

    A great blend of story and sex scenes, even though I think events should be spaced out a little more since it seems that MC's life is a little hectic, though entirely possible I guess.

    Even though the dialogue can be a little awkward to read I give it a perfect rating because most games on this site are lackluster and this one definitely deserves all the attention it can get.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Wei-Chen Tsai

    Great game! excellent writing, nice modeling. The depiction of Nicole's corruption is the best that I've ever played. It's a shame it has to be postponed though, I'm still looking forward to future updates. Wish the best to the developer.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm gonna be completely honest, and state the biggest negative I have first with this game, then I'm going to try to convince you to still play this game regardless of it. Here goes.

    So my biggest gripe with this game (a negative that usually makes me quit a game in the first few sentences), is the grammatical mistakes. Now don't get me wrong, I'm no English expert (I'm sure nitpickers can find grammatical mistakes in this review) and I try to give leeway to writers for mistakes here and there. But when every sentence or every other sentence has a grammatical mistake, or worse yet, reads like it is machine translated, I usually just go, "Imma head out", and delete the game. This game has repeated grammatical errors to the point that I started to "auto-fix" sentences in my head just to make them legible.

    Now, why would I still give it a high rating, and recommend it, if I hate grammatical mistakes that much? Well, similar to the Deluca Family and Haley's story, the characters in this game are some of the most charming I've experienced. Nicole in particular starts off as an annoying, overprotective parent, but by the part, I'm at (post beach episode), I find myself genuinely getting mad whenever characters degrade her (the author did a great job of making me empathize with the protagonist in that regard). She becomes cute, well-rounded, and genuinely likable.

    Another thing that's usually a deal breaker for me, is when stories use references or memes. Timestamps did that shit, and I instantly deleted it as soon as it happened. I won't spoil it, but this game used a Spiderman 1 reference that, instead of making me hate it, got a genuine chuckle out of me. I'm still on my first run, but something also tells me that this game has replay value, similar to Being a Dik.

    TLDR - Ignore the grammar (if that sort of thing bothers you) and give it a try. You won't regret it.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I wish I could split this game into two seperate games with two seperate ratings.

    I'd give the first half, that is the part right up to a half-chapter before you take the job with John, well I'd give that a 4.5. Good development, good intrigue, interesting characters, pretty well paced.

    Everything after that I would give a 1.5. It honestly becomes an almost unbearable lazy slog. Just meandering nonsense, poorly-written psuedo-detective drivel where 30+ conversation responses can be given to a single render. Honestly it feels like the writer decided they were some high-stakes thriller writer (they are not close) and the animators stopped working... oh and they forgot the game was about sex or a mother's love or corrupting a mother, or really anything interesting at all.

    Honestly the game really does decline a little bit before completely jumping the shark once you take the job, but the first half is definitely worth playing, hence the 3.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    "It Really Feels Like Reading Some Good Affair With Girlfriend's Mom Doujin"

    You can really feel the difference when you play games made from Western or Japanese, this one really has the vibe that it's made by Hentai artists so if you don't like Western work, try this out. Oh, yea checks out the artist Maimu-Maimu they made some banger works with this kind of plot.

    Rating Distribution:
    +1 Obligatory
    +1 Pretty as Fuck MILF
    +1 I Love Affair With Girlfriend's Mom Plot a Lot
    +1 I Feel Like Reading Doujin
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Mad Max: Creampie

    Out of thousands of games in F95, perhaps this game gives me the deepest impression both in terms of graphics and content, I compare the feeling of playing the game with the movie "Titannic" - very very attractive, perhaps after playing the game. : "Saya no uka" until now - it's been almost 10 years since I've had so many emotions with a VN game; The game author is truly a rare talent in the 18+ game industry - unfortunately he wasted his talent when he dropped the game - a huge regret of my own.
    By the way, I told you a story about a youtuber when he previewed a mini game and said: this game has bad graphics because the producer wanted to spend more time on the story of game - and I laughed at him, because a game has hd-4k- or 8k graphics, it doesn't have much to do with good or bad graphics- it's just a render produced by the machine you make the game, the graphics of a good or bad game are really depends on how the artist draws it and has little to do with the resolution of the graphic. When you're a bad artist, I think even if you render at 36k, your image will still look bad
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer: I only played the very low corruption / love route for Nicole since no other paths interest me even remotely, so my review is solely for Nicole's love path and may not be entirely applicable to any other routes.

    A Mother's Love is another VN that could have been great... but is brought down by several severe shortcomings.

    On a technical level AML is average. The renders are ok, but the animations are choppy, however they mostly do the job, but don't expect cinematic quality here.

    Especially in dialogues the characters are often merely superimposed onto the background, breaking immersion a bit here and there when the character should be sitting somewhere or interacting with something. And there is no sound or music in the game.

    And AML is unfortunately one of those VNs that is currently on hold indefinitely. With 11 chapters you do get a lot of content so far though, but the story is far from over and the game ends on a somewhat nasty cliffhanger that will make you feel a bit uneasy about what may or may not happen to Nicole, the female main love interest.

    I usually don't complain about the English, I am not a native speaker myself, however the English in AML is really rough, your tolerance level for bad grammar and weird sentences must be pretty high, if you expect proper English you will not find it here.

    And even if a sentence is grammatically correct it doesn't always make a lot of sense. Here is one example of many:

    "Just don't think too much, it's not good for your skin!"

    That's what you can expect here. It's not always that bad, but you will find dialogue like this throughout the story.

    With that out of the way let's talk about why AML could have been great but is not, ignoring some technical and language issues.

    I have played or read maybe 60 VNs or so and a recurring theme seems to emerge from many of them. While there are a few true masterpieces that tell a focused and coherent story with engaging and interesting characters far too many VNs (that I played) are simply too ambitious for their own good and want to be too many things at once.

    Those VNs want to be "Pretty Woman" and "The Godfather" at the same time and this results in a very disjointed story that veers heavily between the romance plot and the second main plot that is overly dramatic and usually adds little or nothing to the romance plot. Many VNs would heavily benefit from a clearer focus on the important things, and AML is one of those. It would be in dire need of an editor or producer who tells the dev what things should be included and what things should be entirely cut.

    Let's look at what the core of AML is:

    it's about a high school graduate that has a more or less plain looking but otherwise nice and innocent girlfriend. When he is invited over to her house to meet her parents it becomes very obvious that he is immediately taken by his girlfriend's mother Nicole, who is not only the best looking female character in the game by far, but also one of the most attractive "mother" DAZ models I have ever seen in any of the VNs I played. So the instant attraction is absolutely believable. Nicole is simply stunning. There is no other word for that, she is a true beauty with elegance and style and in this VN no one even remotely compares to her.

    So at the core we have the following dilemmas... a young man has a girlfriend, but the young man is falling head over heels in love with the mother of his girlfriend. The mother is torn between her blooming passion and love for the MC and her duty, obligation and love for both her daughter and husband. And Nicole is also somewhat taken aback by the huge age difference which tends to make her a bit uneasy.

    What makes things even more complicated is that at first the MC is literally forced (by the game, not you, the player) to be a creep and somewhat abusive asshole. So early on you are more or less forced to gain corruption points to get the romance with Nicole going. And early on the MC does the usual VN things... he peeps on Nicole, he masturbates while she pleasures herself in the bathroom. Nicole (not knowing any of this) is also rather antagonistic towards the MC at first and wants him to break up his relationship with her daughter, because she feels he's not good for her. Nicole then offers the MC money in exchange for leaving the daughter alone, the MC then senses his chance and instead demands regular sexual favors from Nicole, which at first are all about touching and groping, but things escalate quickly from there (and Nicole is not unwilling after a short while).

    However, if you then choose the love path for Nicole things improve significantly over the course of the game and what started out really creepy and wrong turns into a sweet and passionate romance and actual love story.

    That alone should provide plenty of material for a good story that focuses on internal struggles and character conflicts There are so many angles to explore here already.

    But AML then makes the mistake of eventually focusing too much on the villainous husband of Nicole who not only looks like the Joker from the Arkham games without make-up, but is a true psychopath who uses his real estate company to strongarm people into selling property to him, he usually offers sexual favors from one of his many female employees, in order to bribe potential sellers, in fact the husband John is the only male in the company.

    John abuses and mistreats women like a true psychopath will do, playing sick games with them (eventually including his wife, he tries to gaslight her and literally tells her she smells bad, even if she doesn't of course). And then the VN has the MC join the company in order to uncover the husband's dirty secrets to gain some material that will ultimately help him with convincing Nicole that her husband is a monster so she will leave him for the MC. And of course it also offers him opportunities to get close to Nicole.

    At one point this story takes over almost completely and it's just so over the top and tedious and totally unneeded since the relationship with Nicole is the true heart and core here. There are still various scenes with Nicole and things progress more and more, but to get to those scenes you have to click your way though endless sideplots that are of little interest really.

    Apart from that AML makes yet another typical mistake. You are more or less forced to interact with completely useless and unneeded side characters. Worst offender is Marilyn who apparently also has some magic powers for some inexplicable reason. She's a lesbian who also wants Nicole, but if you treat Marilyn like a friend (even if you really wouldn't want to, but it's highly recommended for the love route) she'll be more like a creepy and silly wingman. This Marilyn tends to appear out of nowhere all the time, at Nicole's house, in the MC's bedroom at night, it gets annoying very quickly. Marilyn also (at one point) wants to watch the MC and Nicole when they have sex and since you don't want Marilyn to be the MC's enemy you need to keep her friendship points high and are thus more or less forced to agree to her creepy wish. Why the dev included her and her story is entirely beyond me. If this an attemp at comedy it falls completely flat.

    Then you meet a nurse who lets elderly patients fondle and grope her at night so they get some comfort and action, this eventually evolves into an inane side plot about the urn of her sister and her abusive husband that goes on for much too long.

    Then there is the horrible highschool teacher (the husband of the nurse) who is not only badly designed, he's also the quasi NTR character that may or may not (not, if you keep Nicole's daughter as girlfriend for now, which is also recommended in the love route) have sex with the MCs girlfriend Chloe, because one of Marilyn's magic spells went haywire and made her lust after him.

    AML only really needs these characters...

    The MC
    Chloe, the daughter
    John, the scumbag psychopath husband as the only antagonist
    ONE wingman / friend for the MC to whom he can eventually confide in and get some help from, preferably Sylvia

    And then several side characters as flair with minor interactions and dialogue that actually adds something to the plot instead of rambling on about who they are, it's of no interest.

    As things are are though AML has Marilyn, then Abigail the nurse and (should the game ever continue) almost certainly Sylvia the assistant of John at his company as the MCs friends and confidants (all three of them eventually know about the MC and Nicole).

    All of these women should have been condensed into one character, preferably someone like Sylvia who is the only normal person of the three and is another victim of John's and has the proper motivation to help the MC take him down. Why a VN about a serious romance also has to include magic or annoying side characters like Marylin is beyond me.

    And the entire plot about John's company should be much, much shorter and receive much less focus. Around the halfway point this plot derails much of the story for much too long. As some kind of consolation you do get a very long and quite important sequence with Nicole who goes on a short vacation with the MC, but to get to that you have to trudge through endless scenes about the real estate company and John's schemes.

    The core of this VN and it's sole strength is the growing bond and love between the MC and Nicole. You do get many scenes between them, but almost all of them are of a sexual nature, there is some dialogue here and there of course, but instead of wasting time on useless side characters AML should have spent a lot more time on having Nicole and the MC just talk about things, so we learn more about who they are. They do that from time to time but it should be much more.

    And we also know very little about Nicole even after hours and hours of content, she's a busy housewife, likes cooking, is stern, but also very caring and loving, but we know little about her dreams, her hobbies, her thoughts - and what thoughts we get are mostly about the MC or her conflicts about being in love with the MC and her slowly growing suspicion of her psychopath husband. The husband who cheats on her left and right and refuses to have sex with her throughout the story (until the cliffhanger, where he wants to get it from her as one of his sick power plays and probably because he's suspecting the MC and Nicole are much closer than he would want to).

    Still, all the events with Nicole, even though they usually end up in a sex scene, are what make AML worth checking out. If you are on the love route things get ever more intense over the course of the game and the point at which Nicole is no longer bothered by the MC using her first name (she wants the illusion of distance for a long time and demands the MC calls her Mrs Heavens) and never ever scolds him for calling her Nicole anymore is really sweet and actually touching.

    If AML was only about the relationship with Nicole with some (emphasis on some) drama about her husband's sick schemes and if it ditched completely unneeded sideplots and side characters like Marilyn, Abigail and Beeman and seriously shortened the interactions with the women at John's company, other than Sylvia who is the only essential character here, then it could have been a truly great VN (ignoring language issues here of course and lack of music).

    As things are this is my recommendation for someone who also wants to play the very low corruption / love route for Nicole, which, in my opinion, is absolutely worth playing:

    Don't skip anything early on until you get a good idea what the various unneeded side characters are about. Once you know the gist of everything just speed run through any of the scenes NOT involving Nicole, Chloe and Sylvia. John's scenes should be skimmed so you know what sick things he's planning, but it's not needed to read everything, you will eventually know what a sick person he is and that is all you really ever need to know.

    And since this game has no music I recommend you play something like John Barry's magnificent "Out of Africa" soundtrack in the background, or maybe something like Gabriel Yared's "Message in a Bottle" (which is a bit more melancholic and not as epic as Out of Africa, but still fitting), the scenes with Nicole will feel like the most epic romance ever when the theme from "Out of Africa" plays in the background.

    I really hope the dev can sort out his personal problems, AML, despite all the mistakes and unneeded things, is a VN that deserves a proper end and a happy ever after for Nicole and the MC.

    So despite all my criticism I would still recommend you give A Mother's Love a try, even if it's on hold, maybe even close to being abandoned, ends on a nasty cliffhanger and with roughly 50% of the content and characters completely irrelevant to the actual story. But Nicole and the ever deeper and romantic relationship with the MC (IF you choose the love path!) is the unique selling point here. It could have been the older woman / young MC romance done right. It IS much better than almost anywhere else (based on the VNs I played), it's even more tragic then that so many other things in the VN detract from that experience. But still, give it a try... make it through the early scenes when the MC is really an idiot and asshole towards Nicole, it will get so much better after that.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    When I saw the amazing rating for this game and the premise brimming with potential I got excited, really excited. Flash-forward to hours later and I can't even bring myself to continue playing.

    I'll start with what I think is good.
    • The premise: like I said, there's a lot of promise there and it was definitely the main hook for me.
    • The renders: the characters are all pretty, Nicole especially standing out as absolutely gorgeous.
    • That's it, actually.
    Well, here comes the bad.
    • The characters: they range from boring (like Nicole and Chloe) to downright annoying and headache-inducing (Marilyn and John.) The MC isn't likeable either, he comes across as a whiny immature dickhead.
    • The story: it starts off decent (or maybe it was just my good will that hadn't been exhausted) but it quickly collapses in on itself. The pacing, general plot contrivance, and dialogue are especially egregious.
    • The grammar: it's written in Engrish, and it seems to get worse as the game progresses.
    Not much more to add. Based on other reviews the NTR path seems to be the best done one but as I'm not into that I wouldn't know how to assess its quality nor do I have any interest in seeing it.

    All things considered, pretty disappointed.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I've got so engaged in this awesome story that I am desperately waiting for future updates. I rully hope that the Dev has not decided to abandon this amazing VN. Definitely the game to recommend. If the Dev ever reads this, PLEASE do continue the updates and complete the game. PLEASE!
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    There is so much to love about this game. I should start out by saying Nicole, IMO, is by far the best looking LI I have ever seen in these games. Her looks, her figure, her skin,... all of it. Just amazing. The scenes with her are really well done and hot as hell... which is why most of us are here anyway. Plus, the dev is really talented... which is part of the frustration. I think they could produce something really top notch if they just took a little more time on the story.

    I think the game started off great. If you are into NTR (You can totally opt out of NTR btw), then you will not be disappointed as it is kind of a fresh approach to it. But that's where the goodness starts to wane.

    Most of the renders are just kinda meh... I am not a fan of dropping the characters on top of the background and some of the settings are just weird and oddly lighted and look as if the dev threw together some walls and some props. All the attention to renders can be found in the scenes with Nicole but everything else is just average.

    Then there is the story. For me, if you are going to write a story like this, go all in. There should be more choices for the MC but often he is left not having any or very bad ones. This is especially true if you are not on the NTR route. The relationship with the MC and Chloe and her mom doesn't make a lot of sense.

    Then there is Marilyn. This is quite possibly the most annoying character ever created and no matter how cold the MC is to her or how much he ignores her, she just will not go away. She is like his conscience or something. At first, I thought she might even be just in his head, but no. She constantly shows up... She appears in his room, after picking his car up, after every encounter with a female and she even appears in his dreams. it's a weird obsession she has with the MC and I cringe every time I see her.

    As with a lot of these games, once it gets into the middle of the story, things start to flounder. It's like it's just becomes an excuse to create more scenes with the LIs, which is fine, but any more, I also want a good story. As a result, it gives a kind of rushed feeling to just get to the next fapping section as soon as possible. As a result, the story slowly becomes messy. I don't know what to think of the MC and I have no idea where the story is going.

    I admit I am being hard on this game. More so than usual... but there is so much potential here. This really could be an amazing story, and Nicole is perhaps the best LI ever created. Too bad she hooked up with this MC. The good news is there is a gallery, so you can just enjoy all the scenes with Nicole, without having to endure the rest of it.

    I hate being this hard on this game. The dev is talented, works really hard on this and is good about getting the updates out there, so you have to applaud the effort. I just would like to see a better story.

    TLDR; The scenes with Nicole are amazing, but the rest is just rushed filler to get you to the next scene with Nicole.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very beautiful game with a extremely erotic storyline, character animations are the best, hope there is more to it, I'm just waiting for more updates. HUGE FAN........ of the CREATORS, really these guys have done a great job
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I found myself getting more invested than I thought I would.

    There is 2 ways to play Renpy games, You either Hold CTRL until you see what you want or actually take your time to read and get invested into the plot and characters, when i played the first 20 minutes of this game i quickly got my pinky ready to hold that CTRL key like no tomorrow but then magic happened in the middle chapters, the jump in quality was noticeable, The relation between the MC and Nicole actually captivated me, you are giving the choice to treat Nicole like a real woman and try to win her heart or to keep blackmailing her and use her like a piece of meat, this mechanic has moments of greatness, I completely did a 180º and decided to win the Milf heart, unfortunately this is when the problems started, even when you try to hold back and treat Nicole like a Lovey-Dovey relationship there is times where the MC just acts out your control, a lot of the times the choices don't matter, sometimes when I decided to restrain myself Nicole just jumped on me anyways, the game doesn't acknowledge when you do the "right" choice it ends up feeling like a choice between: "see sex scene" or "No sex scene" , the plot starts to get somewhat ridiculous in the later chapters to justify you spending so much time when Nicole even if you break up with the daughter.

    Talking of the daughter the NTR content is alright, very generic "ugly guy with big dick" fucks your waifu, however Chloe (the daughter) is not very well developed since the game focus more in the mother and she ended up betraying you so quickly and to be fair you also end up cheating on her since the beginning, you CANNOT choice to be faithful to her, either you fuck both her mom and her or only the mom.

    There is also a third girl Marilyn, that acts as a sort of guide to the player, she has sex scenes if you want more of those but other than that she is fairly boring.

    The sex scenes they are fairly stiff and very average, not bad, but there is much better content out there if you only care about that.

    Overall the game is GOOD, but it could be better. the first chapters are specially very rushed and boring, also take in mind that while this game is categorized as blackmailing the relationship between the MC and Nicole turns very Lovey-Dovey which may be a turn off to some.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Came to check the status and the onhold tag damn near broke my heart. Lol. Exaggerating a bit but this game is that good. Starts slow but the moment your relationship with Nicole starts, it takes a life of it's own. Also, one of the few games where there's lots of interesting stuff going on even after you start having regular sex with the main female MC. The corruption of Nicole is hot.

    Hoping against hope that the game isn't abandoned completely.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I'll just say that I don't often enable "skip unseen text" in a Ren'Py games, but this game absolutely required it. Just endless segments of filler text that went on forever. I couldn't even bring myself to finish the game.

    I found the general premise completely ridiculous, and the dialog is so weirdly stunted, wooden and unnatural it's hard to read. As a result, and also skimming most of the dialog at superspeed didn't help, let's just say my emotional investment with the any of characters never went past zero. The sex itself is fairly vanilla if you ignore the blackmail/domination/whatever aspect. Renders are average and do their job I guess, but no more than that. Some of the backgrounds especiall,y are borderline horrendous.

    Did get quite a few scripting errors. Got past them by ignoring, and didn't really detect any issues. As I was just skipping all the dull-as-fuck dialog anyway, I wasn't really going to notice any inconsistencies that may have appeared as a result.

    Debating whether I should really go as low as 2 stars, but as I ultimately could not even finish, 3 would be too high.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the look on her face hahah, this dev is the master of facial expression.
    I thought that at the beginning of the game she gave in a bit too quick. But once you reach the middle of the game the story takes off. The dialog improves significantly, increasing the character development. I also thought the plot twist was well done, neither lacking in effect nor was it over the top. I won't elaborate on that, because it would be a spoiler.

    The only draw back I could find was the amount of spelling mistakes. It comes of as not being proof read at all. Some sentences have additional words in them which would make you believe it was rewritten. Like how you would write a sentence, change your mind, and accidentally leave in 1 or 2 words of your previous sentence.

    I also think that this game should reach its conclusion sooner than later. Shortly after returning from their trip would have been the perfect opportunity to wrap things up.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    In the start, i was like not sure i would enjoy this game: it was boring dialogue. Then the mother from the title started to play her part and asked you break with her daughter, and the plot started and it became something else.

    Because on one hand, she is hot like lava. And on the other hand? she is corrupted like she should.

    And man, that was a trip to pleasure heaven. I liked the story from there, and there was no return home. Keep it coming dev, and if you could, rework the start to make it less "classical" and give a taste of the real interest of the game? (or maybe that's just me).

    A good one.

    For gameplay, the only thing i didn't like at all is the absence of sound. That's always so boring in games that i have to use outside music to put the right mood on the scene and story.

    The "point grinding" thing is easy but the UI about it could be a lot better (permanent display or anything rather than what it currently is).

    The NTR part (which seems to be a turn off for many on this site?) is rather easy to avoid if you use the choices any "player" of this kind of game would use, I think.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    On the one hand the story is unbelievable, characters are bland, theres a shitload of talking about nothing, Marilyn is the worst character I've seen in a AVN, the writing has an engrish feel to it; like the writer know english but doesnt write in english often, the MC is the superman who always comes to the mom's rescue, and after the first few encounters where the sex feels exciting because its taboo, it eventually devolves into a vanilla ass relationship between the MC and mom in the later chapters..

    But on the other hand the mom has some bomb ass titties and they are well rendered

    2/5, +1 bonus for quality of renders
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I donot have words to describe this game. My rating says it all. There are some games in this site or in this genre which cannot be described with mere superlatives. I feel this game will easily be in top 5 of that list if not top it....

    Though in recent past the updates are a bit late but the plot, renders, models, everything is top notch. The story progress is also a bit sagged in the last couple of updates. But keep it up dev, you rock I know you will revive and come back like never before..... Oh this rating may be a carbon copy of my other rating as I cannot make up my mind which one is better.