VN - Ren'Py - A Mother's Love [Part 1-15 Plus] [OrbOrigin]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of Part 1-15+

    So uh, this game kinda doesn't live up to the description. You indeed start by corrupting your girlfriend's mother, but it then changes to some weird half-romance scenario and abandons all pretenses of blackmail and corruption. Which is kinda sad, because that's what got me into the game. So yeah, as game progressed the theme completelly changed.

    Besides that, it sometimes fells purposelly dragged. I mean, the beginnings was rather fast, and Nicole (the main female character we're.. corrupting) gave in suprisingly fast, but then it became more about affair, as I already mentioned. At this point we started to get more story from all characters around MC, and while so far everything is connected and has (at least some) sense, I do feel like certain parts of the story were added only for the sake of wasting time before proceeding with main plot (like for example the entire Urn situation with Abi). Yes it does have certain connections to main characters, but it also feels like just unnecessary addition. Or why stretch the one day beach trip so much? Yes yes, many sex scenes with Nicole there, but why even put them all at this one point of time? Why not move main plot instead? Or even the latest update. Someone literally told MC something like "I know you're doing something incredibly important and I know you have much to plan, but it's late today, so take Nicole on a date". Really? REALLY? And they went on a date, so last scenes of this update became completelly meaningless excuse to drag things even further.

    There were also moments when I basically wanted to scream from frustration. Like at least three chapters worth of bad things could've been avoided if MC at one point called the police instead of being A FUCKING IDIOT. But no, after him and some other character were beaten up, imprisoned and kept at gun point he not only let himself be persuaded of doing nothing in like 2 setences, but from that point onwards did everything in his power to NOT involve any authorities. And of course just a while later the same perpetrator made even worse mess. Wow, who'd have thought? I get argument "this is a porn game, so expect a porn game logic", but it does not justify wrting the most idiotic situations possible just because.

    Nothing much to pick on visual side tho. The game is few year old and it shows, especially in the beginning. But there is progress here, and Nicole model is gorgeous from the very beginning.

    Lastly, some complaints about a few smaller yet persistent issues, that won't let me ejnoy the game as I should:

    1. For the entire game Chloe refues to have bareback sex with the MC. Yes, this isn't the game about Chloe and maybe it wouldn't be such a big problem, but if you go NTR route with her, she let's Beeman fuck her raw since the very beginning. It feels very unjust and I fail to see why it has to be like this.

    2. After Nicole got pregnant, she started to insist MC won't cum inside her. Seriously, why??? At this point the "damage" is done, so it would be actually best time to not make fuss about the creampies, but she does the opposite...

    3. 15 episodes, full blown affair, both Mark and Nicole told they love each other, yet he keeps referring to her as "Mrs. Heavens". Does this make any sense to refer to your lover with her husbands' last name the entire time? There even is special variable to count times he spoke to her using her name, because the only moments MC is allowe to do this are occasional choices and only if player picks it. Seriously, that's riddiculous.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    If i download a game about sleeping with my girlfriends mom via blackmailing and abusing her i dont understand why i would care about my girlfriends father doing pretty much the exact same thing. Also strange decision that you can only sleep with 3 of the like 10 characters, maybe next one i can play as John so i get more than a weird story justifying my objectively poor moral position by cucking my girlfriend by blackmailing her mom?
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    A perfect example of how untrustworthy the rating system is. I dropped this one after less than an hour due to the terrible English and overall poor writing. I shouldn't feel like I'm watching amateur actors reading from a bad porn script when I'm reading your VN.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Hard to feel invested in this game after awhile. I wanted to see what would happen, but the MC is so fucking dumb its hard to even read. He lacks any common sense or logical thinking skills. Waaaaay too much focus on John, who is an awful person. But uhh the MC did basically the same shit to Nicole and has the audacity to be like "nuh uh, I am nothing like you!". Then the plot just focuses on John for what feels like forever. Animations are mid at best, renders are decent, story is dog water, and lack of sound is disappointing, but not a huge deal. All in all, I cannot fathom why this game has so many 5 star reviews. Also, maybe this is just me being a grammar Nazi, but holy hell the fucking English looks like someone used some backwater translator to figure out the words.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    i miLF single women focused corruptionAVN done right, the writing is not exceptional nor are the renders animation great, but this is what I call a perfect quick fap avn, don't go expecting a gold and you will enmjiooy it for what it is
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This was a dissapointment for me after reading previous reviews and such. The story is not great (and the reason it all begins is "porn logic" at best) but it's not terrible either, just a bit uninspired. Choices are not that meaningful and most times it's just a matter of choosing right instead of choosing between real options each with their own benefit or outcome. And that's about it for the game, that didn't get me to connect to any character in any meaningful way and I quickly ended up skipping through full chapters and stopping only on the scenes I found interesting and then not even that.

    Render quality is pretty decent and the mother's character model is great... the rest, not really. But animations are terrible in many cases and sex scenes often describe things happening that are not shown in any way in renders, poses and so. Sound is missing as far as effects go, don't know music since I usually turn it down. At least I found no real bugs, which is nice.

    So all in all, might serve for a quick fap but that's about it when it comes to delivering anything more.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    From a failed bribery to a toxic blackmail ending in a forbidden love, that's the game story in a nutshell. The plot is interesting but will have a lot of unpleasant or displaced twists and events. This isn't a harem, the main passion, and obsession of the MC is his mother-in-law - If you're only looking for some hot lewd scenes this AVN is not for you, soon you will find a huge drama in your hands, first every single character is unhappy with their partner and vice versa, like everyone is looking for NTR - The simple fact that the MC is having an affair with a married woman is enough to figure out how hard it will be - If you are looking for a dramatic plot this AVN is the right call... or if you don't give a damn to AVN with a dramatic plot, just skip all the text to hunt for sex scenes.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Takes a weird direction.

    If you asked me months ago what I though about A mother's love. I'd have rated it as one of my favorite games on this site. Big fan of the whole corrupting/wooing over your GF mother idea. It's done very well in the game and is pretty believable. As far as porn games go. There are tons of hot scenes as well. All in all I want to rate the game highly. Witch is why I'm so sadden by how the game progresses.

    The main problem I have is the more the story progresses the more the focus is on John( Nicole's husband ) and what he is doing. The story goes from trying to corrupted or woo over your GF's mother to fighting John in a weird shadow war. Its just never ends. John this, John that. Here is a scene with MC and a chick also lets see what John is doing, hur dur. I don't give a rats ass about the whole John story line. It would be better if it was well written at all, but john just constantly does horrible things what no one notices or cares about the every female character is "forced" to sleep with him. I use quotes causes there is tons of paths reasonable people who take to get out of that situation, but we are supposed to care/ feel for the dumb characters that give them selves over to John because "I had no other choice."
    I'm ranting a bit...

    All that said before doesn't make it a bad game. It does for me, but other could like it. The main reason I feel the need to commit on it is because it feel baited. Baited by a story that starts off great that turns into a completely different game.

    If it hade to rate the game rate now id say 2/5 but if you asked me a handful of updates before id say 5/5, so id go with a solid 3/5. For any of you who haven't played the game. Id recommended playing the first half then quitting. Its not worth it. Trust me. Also play with a guide. Game is unplayable without the walk though. Thankfully the walkthrough is very well written.

    TLDR: Games starts great then changes and feel like your playing a different(more shit) game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The beginning is average because it is dated, it seems to be a simple game of corruption and the MC is not at his best obviously BUT the game evolves and becomes super good because a real love relationship is established between the MC and Nicole! and in this it is very very good and even among the very best AVN!

    Speaking of Nicole, this LI is fantastic, charismatic BRAVO because the others are ersatz and Chloe his fiancée is not beautiful, I would even say missed!

    John, the bad LI is bad as can be and we get carried away by the story somewhat pushed to the extreme.

    This game is not perfect, far from it but if it ends well for the MC and Nicole we can give it a good rating and it can become one of the best AVN of the TOP 10 despite its shortcomings

    Why do I insist on the happy ending and maybe 1 or 2 children of Nicole? First of all they deserve it ^^ and also I will say that after more than 200 AVNs read, I am really fed up with AVNs that end badly, it becomes more than frustrating and of a script nullity (especially when you put so much money and time into making it, it is a waste) absolute true just like the unfinished AVNs.

    In my opinion an unfinished AVN should not have more than two stars.

    If the author manages to finish this game, I will say that this AVN would deserve an upgrade worthy of the name and it would be very successful.

    Knowing the author's journey, seeing the efforts and improvement over time and seeing the performance to create an LI like Nicole that we do not want to see disappear but rather be taken up in other AVNs I say to the author persevere and give us a beautiful ending, long and happy and not a botched ending in 5 minutes Show us happiness for at least half of the last episode between Nicole and the MC. THANK YOU
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    • Text seriously lacks proofreading, and not just text - code too. Some variables just pop-up in dialogue here and there.
    • Game is fully silent: no music, no sound effect, nothing.
    • What is the point of QTE in a visual novel where you can rollback at any time?
    • Wish narrative was more focused on Nicole, as she is the only love interest in the story. I don't want to spend hours reading conversations with other characters.
    ⠀ Issue is exacerbated by the fact that these characters are either boring, annoying or obnoxious.
    ⠀ Chloe is an oblivion npc: plain, boring and awkward. Not to mention that she would throw herself at a literal ugly bastard (that has hairy shirt, WTH???) the first chance you dare to ignore her once, just so the author could entertain potential NTR audience.
    ⠀ Marilyn is such an appealing character that every time she's on the screen I press ctrl until the isn't. What is a lovely combination of asshole, camgirl and a lesbian she is. Also why in the God's name does she have psychic abilities? Last time I checked this wasn't a supernatural setting, so this kind of thing is pretty much unwarranted.
    ⠀ Husband could be less of a cartoon villain and a mogging Robbie Rotten looking ahh motherfucker. Come on he's even got the "MWAHAHAH" maniacal laughter thing. I understand Nicole need a strong incentive to distance herself from him and story need drama and tension, but it could honestly be more subtle than that.

    ⠀ Nicole is fantastic and her romance with MC is the main and for me the only feature to look out for in this project.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    the story is pretty good as it is unique as it puts a new spin on a romantic/erotic AVN the renders are good except for John that dude straight up looks a like a VERYYYY BADDDD!!! verison of a JOKER mask and i will leave it at that, the story with MC and Nicole the Mother of the Daughter your suppose to be dating at the beginning is fantastic it eventually starts to lead to a erotic/romance of true pure love in a VN which is very rare maybe im projecting here but you can really feel the emotions being felt when you read the Novel . i would say you might want to check this out and give it a shot .the dev should be given award for Eroticism and romance in a VN . the story seems to be at times written by a woman with the romance and eroticism which makes it unique and which would be different from a AVN as it is male dominated industry .
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A Mother's Love [ Part 1 - 14 plus]

    I enjoyed this one. Enjoyed the chemistry between Nicole and Mc. Glad to see there is romance between them. In this game you will corrupt MC's GF's mom and gradually there will be romance between them. NTR is avoidable and it's only applied to MC's Gf Chloe. At the start i didn't like this game that much cause it's only focused on corruption and Mc behaviour is totally asshole behaviour. Gradually Mc got matured. Nicole is beautiful glad dev decided to add pregnancy.

    Overall i enjoyed this one. Keep up the good work dev looking forward to next updates
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    - Story is quite engaging and well written as well, maybe I could say there are a few "happy" coincidences throughout the game but it's bearable, choices do matter here, overall it was great.

    - About characters, my congrats to the devs, they're great, very well written. MC is great (I know he can be annoying at times but he's an 18 years old dude that just fell in love so it's understandable). Nicole model, man.. she's one of the most gorgeous woman I've seen in AVNs (easily in my top five), Marylin is fkin annoying but I think she was intended to be that way so ...nice job, John is a great antagonist, although, at times he looks like Bobby Rotten from LazyTown xD. Every character is, at least, good in this game.

    - Sadly, No music/sound at all.

    -Renders/Animations: Renders are very good, however, we only have "looping renders" as animations.

    - Others: I think the same game with slight changes with John as MC could be interesting actually, you know the story of how power corrupts a man, something like that with this kind of writing, it would be great.

    So I'd give this game an 8/10, It's completely worth checking out.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    A Mother's Love is interesting gamethat is worth of playing. Visuals are fine, writting is mostly fine , character models (other than LIs) are also good. It is not GOAT by any means, but it is one of the proper AVNs, not just another porn game.

    Visuals: 6/10
    Writting: 6/10 ( later episodes 4/10)
    Lewds: 7/10
    Characters: 7/10
    Sound 0/10

    - main LI (Nicole) is well written and looks great, story is clearly centred around her and it shows, best part of the game are with her in it,
    - John Heavens - main antagonist in the story, well written, not one-dimensional, can be a bit cartoony sometimes,
    - Abigail - fun character with proper backstory, interesting personality and rather fun interactions (not even lewds but overall).
    - overall writting range from meh to very good (mostly it is fine), sometimes it is great but in the next part it get boring and back to great...
    - lots of choices (meaningful ones) that helps with branching
    - points system seems to work quite well (you can do low/high corruption runs with many variables)

    - overall plot is not very interesting at the start and does not offer any twists/mysteries untill way later into the story, plot lacks focus, 180 switch from romancing/blackmailing LI to finding John secrets (kinda dull part of the game), repetitive the longer it goes,
    - MC is written as a very self-centred and self-serving person, even on low corruption / romance path he does not think about other people much (his wants and needs are all he seems to foucs on),he has creepy and immature/childish moments (wanting to drop from school few weeks from graduation, duuuuuh) but you can get use to it, starts relationship with LI by blackmailing her, sleezy pervert that tries to act like adult person. Gets better in the later part of the game.
    - Marilyn - your psychic friend/camgirl. She starts as a goofy friend (mostly ok-ish character) but with time turns into needy creep (she is also lesbian that has a mega crush on LI), gets more annoying with story progression. Worst character in the whole game. I think she supposed to be quirky/funny but comes of as a annoying brat (also horny creep at the same time).
    - Chloe - starts promising but quickly falls flat, being sidelined by main LI (she feels like a secondary NPC not your gf), her NTR part of the story ( avoidable) makes her look even worse. Lots of unrealised potential.
    - whole part of the story about uncovering Johns dirty secrets, working for him is plain and boring, story gets weaker the further you get.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Story 9/10 I had low expectations for story but it was a great one since I wanted to know what would happen next are they gonna have a Happy ending I want to know

    Characters 7/10 some are interesting such as main li and the antagonist but otherwise the others not so much but they are decent

    I had dodged this game for a long time but finally played it and enjoyed it but hope it has a good ending because age-gap love stories I have experienced have no fitting ending ,Hope this is not abandoned also it's a netori title which is my link ....
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    nice storyline ,love the renders and would like more like this keep up the good work P.S would like more content with marilyn and abigal
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game isn't perfect, and the start is wobbly and development is slow but the game is a gem if you like corruption/netori and focusing on one LI with a hint of optional NTR (which is NOT the focus of the game).

    - Really good netori, the start is flat out bad because the MC acts slimy/creepy with him blackmailing the LI into sex. But the game picks up after the first few parts and the seeing their relationship develop is a treat.
    - Two ways to play the game, there's a love route and a corruption route, both have basically the same stories outside of some exclusive scenes and dialogue to each route.
    - While development is slow, the game has been out for over 5 years and there's plenty of content to enjoy and at the point of writing this review a new part (P15) is coming soon.
    - GOATED model for LI.
    - If you like a soap-opera-esque story then you are in for a treat, the story should NOT be taken too seriously and only taken on face value to enjoy it.
    - The game is old and it shows in the older parts. The animations have only 2-4 frames in the old parts and even in the new parts the quality of animation is not up to par with modern games. (still the scenes are really hot because of the plot and quality of model)
  18. 2.00 star(s)

    Abaddon Doom

    So many 5 star reviews...however, in my opinion, this is a long way from 5 stars.
    I hit a 'Game Over' screen multiple times at the very start [whilst sneaking out of my girlfriends room] because I didn't click fast enough on a screen prompt, and then another 'Game Over' when I agreed to accept the mother's financial bribe, to stay away from her daughter. I was close to giving up at this point.
    But the protagonist is a slimy, creepy, twisted sort of pervert, who blackmails his way into the mother's's all very crude and unromantic. To be honest, I felt ashamed of myself to be playing the game at all...I started questioning my own morality.
    The writing is rubbish, the story nonsensical at times, the gamer-girl who can read minds is just ludicrous!
    5 stars?...never in a month of Sundays.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    It started fine and was really good in someplaces. My favorite episode was the beach episode when both mc and nicole was having most fun though the developer turned even that period in guilt trip for them. Frankly I don’t get it, it starte of corrupting a married woman to fall for you but now it is becoming a harem game for- John??? I mean man even an anime protagonist have less superpower than john. And he is now going to fuck mc's mom. I really feel bad only for mc's dad. Nicole is not an interesting charachter she folds easily. Chloe has bad taste in men mc and beeman even with spell or whatever. Also what is the explanation of magic?? Only marylin can use it and no one in the world? What type of magic is that? Abigail story had no connection. Beeman storyline was stupid. Only good thing about this game had been mc and nicole's sex scene but it is getting less and less as the game progresses. Maybe the developer should just change the game and make John mc frankly because he has a better storyline then mc. Like harvey weinstein.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    review will change depends on next future updates
    It was a decent game up until the end of the update.
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