To be honest, this isn't the best game on the site, far from it, but it has charmed me, siren's domain again hits hard with their "no, this isn't incest, what do you mean you typed mom?" it's adorable. scarlet's art is a bit subjective, but i can't ever turn down gargantuan gazongas. the presentaiton is very well made, the game is easy but not for retards, and hard but not "saveeditonline" hard. The zombos are right about avoidable enough to not make the game frustrating and the limited ammo suits well a survival game. i also love the fact that you can starve to death.
Needs to get finished tho, because the 6 scenes and the few events really don't last long.
It's decently written and it's animated, and that's enough for me to say: it's a good game i would love to see it completed.
GG Siren's domain, now go back finishing tow of passion or i will break your kneecaps with a rusty pipe