RPGM - Completed - Zombie's Retreat [v2.1.1] [Siren's Domain]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few RPGM games that are enjoyable to play, where the gameplay justifies the software used. Scavenging and zombie-killing are simple and straightforward. But the best part is the harem feature, coupled with a basic "brothel management" feature, where you make your bitches comfy and feeling protected enough by this game's "wonderboy" MC to fuck them more. Players feel empowered and nice sex scenes give them appropriate gratification. Thumbs up!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a game that any time I see an update, I do not hesitate to download. I know that it is almost guaranteed that there will be actual content in the update and not just some bug fixes or something.

    I really enjoy this game. I love zombies so thats a bonus for me right there. There are custom sprites as well that actually match the character which is a bonus.... too many games just use generic sprites that only kinda resemble the characters and its annoying.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm not a huge fan of RPGM games but this one is pretty good

    - Decent number of characters to have some fun BUT they all have the exact same body type
    - Story is ok, a bit too wacky for my taste but overall it's fine.
    - Decent quantity of fap material but it does take some time to get there, and every scene is just one animation played at different speeds... Moans add a nice touch tho
    - It's not too grindy. The only thing you have to repeat a lot is going around the map looking for items on the same spots, which doesn't make sense, but whatever.
    - Quests are fun-ish. A little bit too simple tho. Wish it was more like Town of Passion, with puzzles and stuff
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    The Lewd Gamer

    It's a great game, the art is awesome and I love that you can play it without a walkthrough (you never get stuck). I actually followed one, but it was after enjoying the full story. It was to get extra scenes and to test cheats. I can't recommend this game enough. Great work.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is a spiritual clone of A zombies Life, so the question is, is it better? Or as good?

    Kiiinda better in some ways?

    Gameplay. Gameeplay is easier and more streamlined. But less variety, difficulty and depth .This might be better or worse? Eh? I think about even with ZR being less frustrating

    Combat: AZL's combat was a lot less clunky because of the melee system. ZR has more intricate boss fights....that are annoying because this game system is not designed for them. Still, props. I say they end up being even.

    Story: AZL seemed to take itself more seriously. This game is magic, and a tie-in with ton of Passion. I like that in the first game, the main character was basically a rape zombie, without the rape...or the zombie. I like the datalogs for both. SO,...about even.

    Girls: Now this is an interesting one. ZR has more girls. A few of thjem are copies. The ones that are copies of AZL are worse than their AZL counterparts and in general I like thie AZL girls more in terms of character. ZR has a few standouts that are new..I say AZL wins but by a small margin.

    Scenes: Oh man AZL takes this pretty strongly. There are a lot more scenes, and they're all really good. Including 3somes and even 4somes with all girls.ZR has great scenes, the animation is better, and Scarlett has become a better artist, but it's kinda no contest.

    In the end a recurring them is, AZL has more content and depth, ZR is far more streamlined and fun. Still one of the better games oin the site and ends up being good. It does end up docked a point, still. I;d give it a 4 and a half stars if I could

    SIren is a good dev, with a good schedule and good tastes. He's more reliable than Nergal, ironically. Siren has my trust.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Albino Bushy

    Huge tits, great scenes and finally, a good survival game. It has three dificulty settings but it tells you to play normal for the intended experience. Pick normal if you want to have a fun time with the game. It is exactly what is advertises. You should definitely get the game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Kreon G

    Review from a poor guy. (who cannot afford to donate with patreon)

    The game was absolutely fantastic.
    come with different level of difficulty what make the game nice.
    I do love the character but i prefer if there is a normal size girl though ( if you know what i mean hehe. )
    Worth playing? No doubt if you like survival and with some grinding.

    Looking forward for this project. ( bring it to the end :D)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    i like it .
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Entertaining, but doesn't seem to have much over other RPGM games. I would say the gameplay stands out the most, although it feels clunky and not really exciting.
    Images are good, script is meh, overall I thought it was worth checking out but no plans to ever revisit.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    RPGM?!? Dumb, repetitive, time wasting combat? Maps that are way too big? OMG, why do I have to unlock running? Insert other major RPGM complaints here? Yeah, you won't find any of that in Zombie's Retreat (ZG). What you will find is solid, fun gameplay with an interesting story and lots of huge tiddy bimbo-babes.

    On a more serious note, ZG is an exploration game combined with resource management and survival. The gameplay complements the story nicely. I quite like the art style which also fits the RPGM aesthetic.

    @ Siren's Domain (the developer)(and this is seriously my biggest complaint about ZG): Learn what a comma is. If you know what a comma is, then maybe you need to fix the comma key on your keyboard because it's obviously not working. It's a real shame when grammar of all things gets in the way THIS much. I seriously found a RPGM Translator program, opened up each map file, and proceeded to fix the nonexistent grammar so that I could play your otherwise fantastic game without having to pause at every other line of dialogue trying to parse out what you, the writer, actually meant. Here's a quick lesson. Consider the following 2 examples:

    1) Let's eat Lisa.
    2) Let's eat, Lisa.

    Number 1 implies that the speaker is suggesting a group of people literally eat Lisa. Other context clues will let the reader know if some good ole' pussy eating is on the menu, or if it's an invitation to descend into cannibalism.

    Number 2 has a comma. That magic little guy let's the reader know "Let's eat" is being specifically spoken to Lisa. Lisa is being invited to eat food with the group and NOT as a Lisa-entree (Lisa may or may not be disappointed by this depending on the aforementioned "eat" context).

    The point being that the writer constantly uses example 1 when they actually mean number 2. Overlookable? Sure. Annoying, dumb, and distracting as all hell? Absolutely.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh yeah, this is a gem. It starts off simply with a cool opening and pretty much dives you right into the content, from there it's up to you how to best explore the game. Who you bring with you on your expeditions can lead to saucy scenes and the scenes oh my, it's Scarlet Ann, how could you go wrong?

    The game is honestly pretty fun to play, not just for the lewds. You wouldn't expect unique encounters and bosses, but it does and it's fun to do. Managing your resources can be a pain, but it adds to the whole atmosphere of the game.

    Characters are sexy and fun, it's cool seeing what different things to do with them. Honestly what else can you say, it's definitely one of the best RPGM imo
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    A solid game, but no more than that.

    The story is decent, nothing groundbreaking there. The artwork is okayish, as it obviously doesn't allow much variety. Not too grindy, which is good, yet the reward is often somewhat lackluster, in terms of scene quality.

    Also, IMO not enough scenes for a two year old game, most of them short, too. If you want to check it out, it's probably worth it, but you may not get what you hope for...
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolute masterpiece. Whether you're just in for the fap factor or actually expect fun gameplay, Siren's Domain never disappoints.
    THANK YOU bro, for a flawless example of balance between kink, gameplay, and story. (y)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I only have 1 hour of play but my God, as I love the game, it has everything, zombies, survival, action, scenes H, is the ostia, personally the only thing that "I don't like" is that they have so much chest, Personally I like them with not so exaggerated breasts but the game is very good
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Zer0x J360

    Being inspired by the work of Nergal on "A Zombie's Life".

    Siren's Domain the dev, is the kind of dev, that lives up to it's name, not only did he ceated "Zombie's Retreat", which is a great recreation of a "how could have been" to AZL. The art is very well done by the artist Scarlett.

    The gameplay is quite straight forward, basically the MC gets to romance and bang just about all the female characters while basically survive a zombie apocalypse in a "Zombie Retreat" see what i did there ;).

    At the moment the dev does have a couple of games going at the same pace, however it does appear that the dev will be working on this project more in a few weeks, since a game by the dev will be completed soon enough. As stated, the dev Siren's Domain is very reliable with updates and has a reputation for avoiding glitches and bugs, and ofcourse a "shitty ending" is not an option.

    The game does have quite a lot of tropes that some people might not like, the most eye appealing being the MC is a shota or a "pubescent kid" basically a kid that just reached puberty. However if you can handle it, then you're left with some huge titted girls that want your massive dick (yes for some reason a kid have a dick the size of johnny sins). Than this game, my friend is the game you are dreaming to have.

    I'm looking forward to how the game will end, since it have come to a point where it is developing much further that the lore of AZL, and with that in mind it's one of the best H-game i've played in a while.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 306652

  17. 5.00 star(s)


    While obviously mirroring the work of Nergal on "A Zombie's Life", Siren's Domain is much more than just a simple copy/paste guy. "Zombie's Retreat" is a fun RPG full of the extremely buxom women of artist Scarlett Anne, all of which the main character gets to flirt with, take care of, and yes, bone. This is a medium investment, time-wise; there is resource grinding, but next steps are easy to figure out by just talking to other characters. Siren's Domain is also very reliable with updates and has a reputation for avoiding glitching and bugs. If you like having a huge cock, MILFS, excessively endowed women, and zombie fighting, this is the game for you.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The worst thing about the game is when you reach the end of the version.
    Also, those pictures on the Front Page are sadly big Spoilers wish they were not there. They spoiler some of the main scenes of the game.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Bole Fillings

    It is an excellent game, but the only complaint I have is that it has a shota mc, If we could have an option of non shota mc( I know it is near impossible now) , it would be a perfect game. The artwork and the girls are heavenly, like I haven't seen a more perfect artwork in any other game
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely hate RPG games. They look weird, they run terrible, and you’re lazy if you make a game that is one. That being said, this was one of the best games I’ve ever played. Maybe it’s the theme, maybe the characters, maybe the art, or maybe not. I have no idea because this is the first time I’ve liked a type of game like this, but one thing I do know is that you should play this.