Penitensary Hey, huge vast of polish movies is shit, but Pianist isn't one of them 
Well, what I had in mind was something like that - every time Jane does something in the flat it increases suspicion matter, but it also increases for every hour she spends home (you know, leaving evidence that someone was here), and the higher the suspicion meter, the more frequent Albert's visits would be. To reduce suspicion, Jane would need to clean the house or simply stay out of it for some time and it will drop over time. Once Albert pays a visit, Jane will have a few seconds (based on suspicion) to hide (quickly click on a proper furniture). It's just a rough idea, and don't know when and in what form it will be added.
Well, what I had in mind was something like that - every time Jane does something in the flat it increases suspicion matter, but it also increases for every hour she spends home (you know, leaving evidence that someone was here), and the higher the suspicion meter, the more frequent Albert's visits would be. To reduce suspicion, Jane would need to clean the house or simply stay out of it for some time and it will drop over time. Once Albert pays a visit, Jane will have a few seconds (based on suspicion) to hide (quickly click on a proper furniture). It's just a rough idea, and don't know when and in what form it will be added.