Veilwolf Not sure what you mean by twat shot, but there will be a 3/4 front character angle and a cut-in view on the pussy. Piercings and tattoos are planned, but I'm not sure in what form exactly. I like the idea of getting free items from NPCs if they like you. Cheers!
iammaverick Open your saves folder and check if all files end with a .es3 extension, and delete everything that doesn't. Sometimes save data gets corrupted and throws an error while trying to read your saves.
ZVOnilVaulttec It's funny that you mention breaking in because it's planned, along with stealing from NPCs

I'm still deciding whether to add a few random buildings with random interiors just for the purpose, a small mini-game in some places across The City, or just a quick dialogue option with a chance of success. Adding the option to break into each unique NPC's home would require creating scenes and dialogues for each one, which is a lot of work. So, at best, you'll be able to break into your flatmates' rooms + random NPCs. Stealing, being homeless, and getting into trouble with the law are major game features I want to add, as the game is about a naive girl's survival in a huge city.
razerfail The drinking requirement is for drinking with Ben. You'll have to wait until the weekend when he asks you to go out drinking with him. Info about it should be in the in-game event sheet.
Xill And that's an unpopular opinion

nightsight The only "furry" content is actually Jane's animal ears. It was done as an experiment, NPCs won't react to it, etc., so it's reserved for the EX (paid) version of the game.
Sandro66662 There used to be an auto-save feature, but it was removed due to the game instability you're experiencing now. The game is also really RAM-intensive, so if it crashes, it might be due to your phone being bloated with multiple apps running in the background and running out of RAM.
johnyakuza1 While I agree that the NSFW environment can be pretty shady, if I have to choose between trusting someone who's lying or not believing someone who's telling the truth, I'd rather get burned by naive trustfulness than mistreat someone when they're already in a tough situation. Either way, Romstine is a fine lad. I chose him from over 30 people who wanted to write for me, and he explained his personal situation in detail. I don't know if he'll be able to fix his personal matters and come back, but I understand why he couldn't write for me. I think we've all had times in our lives when everything goes wrong at the worst possible moment.
Regarding the orthographic view and looking at the poll results so far - it's pretty one-sided, so I guess we'll be sticking with the perspective view in the end.
JustAl I use AI from time to time, mostly for fixing grammar in progress reports. I tried using it for NSFW writing, but it made me waste even more time, so it's pretty useless right now in my case, except for sometimes trying to rewrite a sentence with different vocabulary. In the future, it will fuck us all, but not now. And I thought for a very long time that you were "Just AI"
Penitensary While what you're saying makes perfect sense, it will be a real bitch to implement on a larger scale. I was considering adding an option to break into Albert's flat if Jane isn't living there, with a suspicion mini-game where Albert eventually finds out, triggering some bad event - similar to failing to pay rent or going to jail. For now, I'll just add a few places where she can stay temporarily if she can't afford a place to stay.