Unity - Completed - The Shadow of Yidhra [Final] [WhitePeach]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    i think the other who gave reviews didn't play video games before

    -movement are so fuck sloppy
    -hitboxes are not trimmed
    -long ass dialogue just to waste your time with little meaning
    this is not need in any game and even more so in a porn game
    -and also the translation as usual
    -enemies attacking you in the long ass dialogue, good job devs
    -spawning/entering area with spawns right at you
    -limited resources with respawning enemies, again good job devs

    this is why you don't mix porn and game production together especially when you suck at both
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2018405

    So, I downloaded this earlier today and figured I'd give it a ‘quick’ review.

    Shadow of Yidhra is a pretty good zombie-apocalypse side-scroller shooter / light platformer, in which you take the role of the protagonist 'Delta' after she wakes up in an underground laboratory filled with Zombies (and a couple other horrors). Not the most original premise, but the game checks all the right boxes to become a solid effort that I’d personally recommend a download.

    I will preface this by saying it won’t be for everyone. The zombies are (on the whole) fast enough and pretty tanky, the platforming and level design can occasionally be frustrating or confusing, and ammo is surprisingly scarce and easy to go through in the early game, while costing a respectable amount compared to the ‘money’ you get for killing enemies. That said, I find it rewards cautious and creative players initially, which is important, because you will need all the ammo and especially health packs you can get. There are only so many in the vending machines you buy things from!

    Right, so, the boring stuff. Graphics, sound, character design. All pretty good. Nothing stellar, but it’s pretty good. It’s nothing special, in the same way most of the sounds and graphics of Parasite in City were pretty good. Though where Parasite in city has fewer enemies and weapons, the animations and overall quality of all of them are much higher. By contrast, this game has more enemies and weapons, but the animations are of lower quality (hell, the magazines stay in the gun when you reload, even though a magazine also falls to the floor and disappears). But that’s neither here nor there, as it’s a really minor detail.

    Overall good points:
    • Reasonable and simple controls and the ability to aim with the mouse cursor. A perhaps extremely minor issue of Parasite in City was the aiming mechanics was relegated to aiming up or down a set path with the arrow keys, forcing you to manoeuvre left or right to hit something that you really should be able to hit anyway. Aiming with the mouse cursor is good fun, especially as there are occasions enemies will be above or below you.
    • The sheer diversity of weapons by comparison to some other games. There are categories of weapon (Assault Rifles, Shotguns, SMGs, Snipers, Handguns, melee, and a tab for ‘special’, though that seems to be empty) and, apart from the Assault Rifles and melee(ish), there is no clear ‘superior’ gun. The final AR is easily the best (damage, accuracy, ammo capacity is the same), and there’s only one sniper. Beyond that, the rest are a game of tradeoffs. The first SMG has the lowest damage but good mag size and accuracy, while the second one you get has less ammo in exchange for better damage and accuracy, and the last one drops accuracy for more damage and ammo. They all have their uses depending on how you want to play.
    • Decent variety of enemies, each with their own reasonably distinct presentation, gameplay style, design, including the bosses. While visually some may be similar (Looking at the two types of bandit here), and some play mechanically similar (the male and female scientist zombies, and one other generic zombie type), they’re all distinct enough to be easily identifiable and mostly different kinds of threats. Bosses play reasonably unique, and are all visually distinct.
    • Enemies have their own gameover CG animations and unique in-game sex animations (themselves having usually one other variation, like a threesome or different position), which is nice and gives a bit of depth. Two of the 3 (or 4) bosses only have the one animation though (and a CG), much to my surprise and disappointment.
    • A reasonable degree of challenge. Early game, you’re most worried about ammo and health, as you start with but a knife, a gun, a health kit, and a handful of ammo. Always headshot, and don’t be afraid to melee enemies (you can bait hits and/or dodge behind to get a strike in) to save ammo. As you save up ‘money’, you can buy more gear, like ammo, health kits, and grenades from vending machines, and you’ll find weapons throughout the levels. Mid-game you can be a bit freer with ammo (especially on some targets, which are harder to hit in melee), but you can still burn through ammo fast on tanky enemies and the first boss. Late-game you have good weapons and ammo isn’t really much of a problem (health still can be if you’re not careful) but you’ll have to deal with enemies that mix up the playstyle with ranged attacks, higher health pools, or avoid your immediate line of fire. Just aim for the head, and be ready to dodge. It can be challenging, but I found it was never unfair if you played smart. However, it can feel very easy once you stock up on ammo enough.
    • I know I slagged off the graphics a bit, but it really is pretty good. Not the best, but it can be quite pretty at times. The backgrounds can be REALLY good in some areas.

    And for the downsides:
    • Language and story. It’s in Japanese or Simplified Chinese (not that there’s an issue), and though for some reason it translated short segments of text to English after a few seconds (that might’ve been my machine doing it somehow? I really don’t know) it made it hard to understand the story. And there IS an underlying story, involving a handful of NPCs, discoverable notes, and the character’s own musings, but it was hard to make out.
    • Animations are too short. Though they are actually reasonably high quality (believe me, I’ve seen worse!), you don’t get a chance to really see the different stages, as it goes from sex->fast->creampie very quickly, and then repeats that system until you break free. It means you can’t see the flaws (if there are any in the animation itself), but also is a bit strange in a way I can’t place my finger on.
    • Parts of the game feel incomplete. The final boss fight is a bit meh compared to the other 3 (ironically, since 2 of them are against the same opponent), a number of bugs (warning – make sure you empty your gun before swapping it out if you can, as I think the bullets you’d loaded are lost! Also, the bandits don’t fuck the MC, I had to download a full save to get that. It might just be my machine though), and the empty ‘specials’ tab. It feels like more work could’ve been done in fleshing out the weapons as they each have a lot of slots for weapons, but only the pistols tab is filled out (sans 1 empty space) and there’s only one sniper rifle. Some areas and enemies could use some love. That sort of thing.
    • Levels can be a bit weird and ‘confusing’. I never found myself lost, but searching and exploring wasn’t always the most fun as there wasn’t always a clear indicator of the path forward, and…
    • You can’t sprint. The MC moves reasonably fast, and can do a shift-dodge (using a high amount of SP) to move quickly, but you’ll rarely get more than 3 or 4 of those in one go, and then you have to wait for it to recharge anyway. It can be frustrating.
    • The difficulty of actually seeing the sex scenes in the first place. To unlock the sex animations you have to be fucked by an enemy for a full, albeit quick, animation (knocked down at low health, then letting them reach you, for the animations) or defeated by an enemy (CG animations) to unlock them. The problem is it seems to trigger randomly once your clothes break enough that you can see Delta’s privates, and if you’re seek them out you sometimes have to balance healing and getting hit to avoid a game-over. This compounds the next problem somewhat:
    • Somewhat low replayability. Yeah, you can go back and go through all the areas again from the central safezone, but there’s no NG+, bonus bosses, cheat modes, or unlockable unique weapons. Though some people have made cheats to fix this, in the base game, the difficulty of actually seeing sex animations, while technically thematically relevant, can be a bummer, especially if you’re like me and get bored of just the two backgrounds in the gallery, or you want to do a bit of RP/faffing about.
    • I know I praised the animations, but… they could use some work too. I like them, but they’re too quick, and some need polish.
    • You can’t save any of the naked girls you find tied up or being fucked around the place. A minor nitpick, especially because seeing some of them literally hanging is disturbing asf.
    At risk of becoming too long, I’ll wrap up. Give it a download and a try. If you want, download a save to get to the good bits. I’ll still play it every now and then. Hope this helps someone
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Wow. I liked this game so much that I bought it. The MC is cute and her design hits me in all the right places - AND the game's actually really fun!

    I love how responsive the combat is, even melee combat, which I used extensively to conserve ammo. The shooting and slashing reminds me of the old time stickfigure shoot'em ups from ye olde Newgrounds days.

    The sex animations in this game are nice, although the way that the animations loop isn't perfect. In previous versions of the game, the sex animations were really short, but in the most recent update, Whitepeach made them loop longer before climax. Overall, the ingame sex animations, voice-acting, and the CG animations are really hot. They make getting defeated a total win.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Fallen Raider

    I would like more unique animations with bosses
    And so the game is great
    Gorgeous gallery and animation, Standard 2D shooter, Beautiful main character
    Also animations with 2 female enemies, I would like to see either in this game or in the next one from this developer
    I liked everything
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is the definition of average.

    An ordinary side scroller with not too flashy, basic mechanics, and it doesn't really need to be more, it works. Enemy types and level design are not too varied, but it's doable. Downed animated H-attack are short and basic, but the game over CG-s are pretty good!

    Translation is bad to non-existent, which is very annoying, considering they always point you where to go next. You also won't get a completion screen (again, there's a short dialogue and that's it, the game goes on, and you can wonder around for eternity.) Oh, they also forget to tell you that you can double jump from the start, dash, and how to use inventory/upgrades, so self intuitiveness was kinda required.

    Definitely could've been better, but worth a shot I guess if you're into the theme.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Version: Final
    Suprisingly a good quality scroll shooter, altought it is kinda repetitive for my tastes. The sex scenes are solid and the artstyle is clean and fresh as morning dew, sadly the dialogue is poor and uninspiring. The story is just filler in my opinion.
    If you enjoy spicy scrolling shooters then this game is a good place to get what you need.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice 2d game shooting with a decent plot.
    There are no bugs detected, only a bit of struggling with the automatic translation from Japanese.
    If you like Night of Revenge, Sinsiter strike and similar games, this could only make you"happy" to play it along :)
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    So I played Shadow of Yidhra and it is time for a review. I will add that I didn't finish the game, but I did play it for a couple of hours.

    You play as a soldier-like girl called "Delta". As per usual this soldier wear some of the most skimpy clothes and even high heels for what is essentially a high risk situation. But that is unfortunately what should be expected from H games.

    In any case, the game play revolves around killing various shapes of zombies. To this end you have many different weapons. You move through the map to collect journals and thus patch together what happened. You also collect ammunition, access cards etc.

    The zombies are very easy to defeat, and their attacks are easily avoided. If/when they hit you, you will lose some health. The integrity of your cloths is also attached to your health. You can find med-kits which will restore your health and thus your clothes.

    At least in my opinion, it was extremely easy to dodge the zombies, and so I barely had to use med-kids. I only lost once because I wanted to see what would happen. It was rather uninteresting.

    So, if you like side scrolling games where you shoot zombies, then this game is probably for you. But don't play it for the H content - you won't see much of it unless you lose on purpose.

    And so, the rating ends at average. There's not a lot of good stuff to say about, but there's not a ton of bad stuff either.

    The Good:
    • The game looks nice
    • Many different weapons
    • Stable game with solid and intuitive controls.

    The In-between:
    • The various places looks very much alike
    • Ordinary side scroller game. Don't expect much
    • You can only save the game at designated spots. I only found 2 of such.

    The Bad:
    • Very repetitive
    • Lose to get H scenes, losing also means game over.
    • Poorly translated, and sometimes not translated at all.
    • The story does not play much of a role - it's mainly just killing zombies.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    SINtax EroRR

    Not a bad installment from WhitePeach. Gives me nostalgia for classics like Parasite City and even non-H games that are 2D scrollers in general. The gameplay isn't particularly confusing, though navigation can be a bit messy. The visuals are great though the censorship certainly spoils it a bit. But it's certainly fappable content and the girl has silver hair, one of my favorite traits for girls, so consider it a bonus for those of you who share the same kink. I see no reason not to download it for my personal library, and y'all might enjoy it too.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I always love zombie shooter games (very subjective)
    White Peach games always have good art style and pretty gameplay with pretty characters but the animations aren't that great but only good.

    Solid gameplay even without H animations it is enjoyable
    Decent gun idle animations. Idle animations differ from what type of gun you`re holding
    Requires fair skills (dodge mechanics)
    Various aniamtions and weapons and enemies
    Great game optimization
    Fully voiced, cutscenes and game itself and various weapon sounds

    Un-remappable conrols
    Hard to trigger H scenes
    Weak boss and enemies
    Short gameplay (in my opinion)

    I recommend adding damage to H scene trigger and add grab moves to trigger them instead of just getting to low hp and getting almost dead

    (y)(y)(y)(y)(y) one of the best side scroller with decent gameplay
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    This is one of those games that gets better after the beginning. You have a crappy knife and pistol to start, and ammo is limited early on. If you waste too much ammo, you'll need to farm enemies for money, which is not fun. The game isn't that hard, but limited health restoration means mistakes add up.

    So the best solution is to (cautiously) use melee for a large part of the first level, at least until you get the shotgun and revolver. However once you get the katana, melee becomes highly useful and fun, and outside of the gun enemies and bosses, can be used throughout the rest of game.

    The H-content isn't anything special, and something of a pain to trigger, since you need to be dangerously low on life to enable grab attacks. Still when you DO get a chance to see it, it also has a pretty nice quality to it.

    If I had to summarize, I'd say play this if you want a decent side-scrolling shooter/melee game that gets better with time. If you want great H-content, this really isn't the best game for that.
  12. V
    2.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is okay for what you usually find here as a non-rpg. The other parts howerver not so much. The Mature content feels forced and I was only able to find it when I lost battles. I'm not a big fan of that so I stopped playing after the third boss. The translation was pretty bad, I think it was done by an auto-translate, and it takes 1-2 seconds to load up every time there is dialogue or something writte on the screen. Sometimes it doesn't load at all.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Feels like an Alibi game. Shiny cover art, bitter aftertaste.

    Translation is slow mtl

    Why for the love of things white and sticky are the H-animations 3 seconds looped?

    Either my audio files are screwed or they must've hired zombie VAs because I can only hear zombie noises. FOR EVERY ENEMY.

    Not sure when the game ends cause the game doesn't make that clear.

    Gallery is not unlocked upon completion. Meaning if you didn't die to every enemy you see then gomenaisorry, look for a save or something.

    I could be talking mad shit about the gallery stuff, but hey, maybe someone can enlighten me if there's a way.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I haven't beaten the game yet, still, but I've reflected on it a little bit.

    I may re-write my review when I'm done with the game.

    Gameplay: 4/5, (You're) Pretty Good.
    Honestly it's pretty basic and standard; got your shoot button, aim button, grenade, meds, and dash. You also have a variety of equipment that you can pick up, and a facility to explore. The map is pretty linear, but go off the beaten path and you'll find some better equipment, or ammo and whatnot.

    What's interesting is that, even with enemy types, it's a decently deep, such as when there's a zombie with a helmet, it actually negates headshot bonus damage until you shoot it off. Not amazingly deep but deeper ;) than a lot of other ecchi shooter games.

    Guns are varied too, such as the SMG not having as much range as the rifle. Obviously, it should be that way, right? But uh, I feel like in other shooter H-Games, either range doesn't matter, or there is no variance in range, so you know. Also, some guns might have a higher range of damage, say 20-80, while another might have dmg values of say, 30-60. I feel like that also makes the game just a bit deeper and interesting. However, some guns are just straight up bad.

    However, some guns are just... Useless? The shotgun is slow, AND weak. The starter pistol is weaker than the knife you start with. As soon as you get better guns, it removes the need to use any other older variant of the gun type.

    It's pretty easy though. I found in the very beginning, the knife is better than the pistol and shotgun, and that you can easily dodge most attacks. The full-auto guns is where DPS starts to come in. Overall, it's pretty good.

    It is pretty easy until a bit later on, when you're finally outside... The bosses aren't spectacularly hard, but they tend to have either a dash that you might react to considering one is a katana girl, and the other is Batman (The Dark Knight is his name, apparently. wtf) and some of the zombies get stuck trying to jump up ledges.
    Furthermore (about Batman) he seems to do this rappel up and starts swinging around... I don't know if you're just supposed to time your dashes or avoid his attacks somehow but I found myself just getting hit by something invisible.

    Basically, the game is okay. Later on, it starts to feel more BS and grindy, and some parts of the game is just useless and you drown in ammo after the first few sections of the first map. The challenge quickly dissipates.

    Art Style: 5/5, maybe. Pretty subjective as always.
    I like it, you probably like it. There's some zombies and whatnot as you can see. Honestly I don't know why I write the art here, but... Again I've yet to beat the game, and I don't know if the CG is animated for sure, but I can tell you, I still like the art.

    Sound: 4/5, ecchi sounds, gun sounds, and not overly repetitive.
    Fine sounds for each situation. Music is okay. Nothing grand, but it won't drill into your head like some other games might.

    Story: Not too sure/5
    Like I've stated many times before, I haven't completed it. So far, all I know is that people are doing science stuff, making super humans or something, and basically, Umbrella corp. I think.

    In the end, it's a pretty good game. It's not gonna compare to RE4 obviously, or anything of the likes. It's a decent time waster, and a decent h-game, but it just doesn't make you want to play more.