Well. It's a hard one to rate.
On one side this game is in a small percentage of games here that... are actual games.
On the other hand this game is just "playable" and nothing else.
Alright, easy-ish part: "the looks".
This game looks fine. The character is decent. Kinda like her appearance. Which ain't so often actually. Different levels aren't really distinct but whatever.
It's all actually rather nice but only if you compare it to the "mass of mess" which is rather unfair.
The easiest part to rate is sex. It's awful. Just awful. Once again could've been worse, but it could've been so much, SO much better.
Story. Even if it was nicely translated it's just such a filler. Though somehow i was quite interested in it, but it was interest to finish the game as fast as possible.
Well, we play as a braindead character, everybody! What a surprise! But this time around she talks! Aaaand all she is saying is that she doesn't understand anything, brilliant.
Basically it's a story about an evil CEO of a lab(with some god motifs that don't get developed whatsoever). Because of her everything goes to shit. And of course this CEO is our friend at first and then... oh my god betrayal happens, wow. Everything ends on one of the dumbest possible happy endings, frIEnDsHIp, HApPiNesS, GUT.
Well, game.
This game took like 5 hours to beat. An hour would already be maximum smth like this can be fun, but it was 5 hours.
That wasn't difficult at all. It was just repetitive AS FUCK.
I can go on a 1000 character rant about why every single aspect of gameplay is bad but i won't.
Just don't play it.
Even porn isn't worth it. If you unlock it with gallery unlocker, it is still bad. It's just isn't worthy to be on anybody's hard drive.