I haven't played v16 yet so I can't comment on that, by 47 fitness???? why so weak? I maxed out fitness long before I even got to where you can play basketball, just exercising before work everyday 1x jog on the treadmill and 1x with trainer gives you 3 per day alone. it a bit of grind, but add in a couple of weekends and you can max it out pretty quickly (100)I upgraded my account, downloaded 16.1.
1. Don't get me wrong, The Regional Manager is still the best game.
2. I was little disappoint.
- No new good long scenes (like Alexy in the police station, Audrey date, or MC with Brenda-Kelly)
- No new good humiliation scenes. "New" characters naked Infront of MC. Been there, done that, even got the t-shirt (Got it from My sister, true story, I kid you not. She has no idea.)
An idea : Audrey & Andrea despise Bobby.
They really really despised him, he is a sub human for them.
The ultimate humiliation for them will be if Bobby have them.
3. "New Andrea path" -
In basketball game, message - "need to improve fitness".
Got 41 fitness, still no event.
Why don't release walkthrough ?
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