This dev is singlehandedly realizing so much erotic potential that was just sitting there in mass effect almost totally ignored, and I see so much room for growth here, hoping we can get more innocent girls to gradually turn into gigasluts.
I'm having an error with the Image in this part and several parts keep repeating even though I have applied the patch View attachment 4607060
View attachment 4607207
receiving direct error
Maybe use the "hotfix".We wait for a Fix.
Like an Elcor: Sincere Questions: Have you played all 6 classes? I know we all have our preferred romance, but have you tried the others? Have you played both Paragon and Renegade?Makes me want to do another playthrough of the mass effect trilogy, not sure if I'd be able to make it through once again because I played it sooo much.
Gor nice Member Berries from your comment.
I only ever tried all classes in the first game and never played with the Biotic classes until after the third game when I made a Vanguard.
I usually went soldier but I wanted to hack things without having to take specific people with so my first initial playthrough in ME became an inflitrator and I made a second Soldier character who was my Renegade playthrough.
Right before ME3 release I binged through ME1 and 2 with both characters start to finish to make sure the choices in the saves were what I wanted.
Funny enough My Renegade romanced Tali and she was the only I was ever nice too in those runs if I had a choice.
I had bugs in the ami medbay scenes where scenes would just loop endlessly like nyuu with the varen, also the varen scene with ami and tali crashes saying name lewd not defined. Also actual lewd level from first game not carrying over but that doesn't matter I guess since you can add lewd level yourself. Maybe this hotfix will fix it, will try again tomorrow. The scenes are good though, the game is still in development so bugs will happen. Don't be too hard on yourself, you are making a good game. cheers!Hotfix 2 for version 0.3 Beta.
This release was a lot more buggy than I wanted. Final preparations were made in a hurry and I made too many stupid mistakes. Hope most of the issues are fixed. I renewed the links for the last update and uploaded today the game build with all fixes included. If you don't want to download the whole game again just use the attached patch. Unzip and drop “game” folder to ThePilgrimage folder with rewrite.
Thank you. This bugs are fixed in patch and now in other download linksI had bugs in the ami medbay scenes where scenes would just loop endlessly like nyuu with the varen, also the varen scene with ami and tali crashes saying name lewd not defined. Also actual lewd level from first game not carrying over but that doesn't matter I guess since you can add lewd level yourself. Maybe this hotfix will fix it, will try again tomorrow. The scenes are good though, the game is still in development so bugs will happen. Don't be too hard on yourself, you are making a good game. cheers!
Just FYI this did nothing to resolve my issues with having wrong enemy types in the new "underground" mission. Do I need to start a whole new save or something?Hotfix 2 for version 0.3 Beta.
This release was a lot more buggy than I wanted. Final preparations were made in a hurry and I made too many stupid mistakes. Hope most of the issues are fixed. I renewed the links for the last update and uploaded today the game build with all fixes included. If you don't want to download the whole game again just use the attached patch. Unzip and drop “game” folder to ThePilgrimage folder with rewrite.