Ah yes, the laptop does not have Vulkan support so it makes sense there no error logs or anything else. Getting it open with opengl3 seemed to work though.
Thanks for the reply and good luck with the game!
After playing the game I really like what the prototype is going for. Popped up a few ideas while playing.
- Probably was mentioned a few times in the comments but the corruption progression of the girl would be a good feature. For example as her corruption or lewdness goes higher, Mentor becomes more bolder and harasses her with higher torch values.
- I know the whole "torch darkening" mechanic is there to make you fantasize about "What's going on out there in the shadows", but having a lit up version gallery of sorts would be nice, So far I was able to see the forced bj scene two times but it ended too quickly with either me killing the monster or me dying because I can't heal with items during combat outside of the girl's healing.
- Speaking of items, using them in combat would be a good feature. I would suggest a quick animation that when you use the torch from inventory - the girl and Mentor quickly "dress up" so the hero won't notice their "activities". And applying the corruption system from earlier would raise the torch value required for that animation to play.
- You probably were inspired by Darkest Dungeon with the "torch darkening" mechanic (if not you should check it out), so it would be great to have a similar mechanic that you gain combat buffs and/or debuffs with lower torch values. Because currently the only reason you want to raise the light is to partially see the girl getting harassed by Mentor.
- The pleasure meter after reaching 100 resets back to 0. I think it be a good implementation of the girl climaxing animation.
So far I don't know how the story with all of this would work but here are the suggestions that my head popped out. Again really like the concept you are goin for and good luck with development!