Why is this game score so low compared to others ? i find it quite interesting and almost or just as good as now & them but it having a 3.8 is strange ( not even a 4.0)
Is it the limited time mechanic ?
I'll add in the following:
The basic story is that the world ends almost as soon as the AVN begins. Everything that takes place afterwards is in The Interim Domain - a kind of limbo - where you (the MC) are an Archon - someone special who can help those stuck in limbo let go of their baggage and move on.
There is some great story telling here, but it does take some time to get immersed in this story.
One other aspect that some may find unappealing is that your goal is to help all the different women move on - effectively leaving you until whatever happens at the end of TID.
Saying goodbye to a woman you have grown attached to can be hard.
Now repeat this for all the women and, for me at least, it is/will be a challenge (particularly for those whose story resonates with me).
This is Not like almost all of the other AVNs I have enjoyed, because of this mechanic.
On the other hand, the relationships you build can become more precious given what you must eventually do.
You will also find that you can build relationships with two of the Entende (Mira and Apollyon) and these are, IMO, very special as both are effectively immortal beings who choose to grow closer to you (based on your actions).
I think, but do not know, that the mini-harem (harem?) that the MC can hopefully form once he 'wins' the battle of the Archons will allow him to continue relationships with both Entende as well as some number of the human women he saved.
I enjoy the dev's work, but this is not a lighthearted story, and it does take some time to get immersed in.
Gl with your choice!