It's not like you rape and kill Hana, you just lock her in her room until you can come to a truce. And be honest, if someone threatened to kill your loved ones and then was going to leave that loved one to basically die if they couldn't find shelter in time you wouldn't be mad? Even if irrational, they had good reasons to do so.
And a bandit would've, again, attacked and raped Hana and not just lock her in a room until she's reasonable. It's immoral for sure, but so is leaving a group of 4 outside in a hurricane to die. I understand where you're coming from though, because it did feel wrong (The MC made sure to imprint in the girls minds that they were in the wrong, he wasn't proud of it, atleast depending on your choices).
Regardless, I'd highly reccommend you try to move past that, you get plenty of oppurtunities to make it up to Hana (In more ways then one

). That's really the only incident of them doing something like that, so it's not a re-occuring thing.
Only thing I didn't like was the carelessness of the crew, the only reason they had a bandit attack in the school was because they for some reason wanted to be on the roof. Didn't like the MC's reasoning of people not taking residence in a skyscraper either, because it's actually a decent idea. If you're near the top there's a slim chance you'd run into zombos (From outside) and etven if they
do try coming up the 40 flights of stairs you got a good chokepoint if you aren't a dipshit and bothered to barricade the steps.
That was really the only time they put themselves in such a position, other than this: