4.10 star(s) 64 Votes


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
Whatever, still that made this game shitty , Now & Then is a way lot better than this
Agree to disagree I guess.

I still prefer Now & Then, but it's also both a more focused and now completed project. The devs didn't just rehashed what worked, they're trying something new with a more ambitious story; and yet it is still written with the same attention to detail and care that Now & Then was. I like the writing and dialogue, I enjoy the characters and peeking into their inner lives and thoughts. The change in format doesn't bother me, nor does the lack of permanence. I enjoyed my time with Mina, was sad to see her go, but still felt emotionally fulfilled by the narrative. Plus, we're dealing with souls, afterlife, the ephemeral, and literal magic, so I'd never write off anyone as gone for good until the very end (remember what happened to Sydney and Julie).

I'd argue that the game would be worse off if the devs compromised the story they want to tell just to keep incel harem fans happy. I'm here for the story and characters (and not as a self-insert fantasy either), the lewds are a fun bonus. But in light of the game's objective quality, you can't honestly call it shitty with a straight face. It might not be your personal cup of tea, but that doesn't make it shitty tea, it just makes it a flavor of tea you don't happen to like.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2018
When you meet Roe and she finishes jerking you off and you guys kiss, the sound for the kiss keeps going for the rest of the gameplay.. Anyone know how to fix this without turning down the volume?
Use the bugfix script in post #389.


Engaged Member
Aug 29, 2017
Agree to disagree I guess.

I still prefer Now & Then, but it's also both a more focused and now completed project. The devs didn't just rehashed what worked, they're trying something new with a more ambitious story; and yet it is still written with the same attention to detail and care that Now & Then was. I like the writing and dialogue, I enjoy the characters and peeking into their inner lives and thoughts. The change in format doesn't bother me, nor does the lack of permanence. I enjoyed my time with Mina, was sad to see her go, but still felt emotionally fulfilled by the narrative. Plus, we're dealing with souls, afterlife, the ephemeral, and literal magic, so I'd never write off anyone as gone for good until the very end (remember what happened to Sydney and Julie).

I'd argue that the game would be worse off if the devs compromised the story they want to tell just to keep incel harem fans happy. I'm here for the story and characters (and not as a self-insert fantasy either), the lewds are a fun bonus. But in light of the game's objective quality, you can't honestly call it shitty with a straight face. It might not be your personal cup of tea, but that doesn't make it shitty tea, it just makes it a flavor of tea you don't happen to like.
I understand he want to try something new, the story would have been good if you aren't looking for nsfw scenes, but he should keep in mind most of the gamers want nsfw scenes and how can someone get turn on when the love interests in the game are suppose to be dead


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
I understand he want to try something new, the story would have been good if you aren't looking for nsfw scenes, but he should keep in mind most of the gamers want nsfw scenes and how can someone get turn on when the love interests in the game are suppose to be dead

Different strokes for different folks I guess. I really like both games, but I've never pleasured myself to either of them. I like the characters and think the situations they get into are hot and I do enjoy that, but I've still enjoyed the games more for the quality of everything else the devs bring to the table. I don't play either of these games with the goal of inserting myself into the fantasy explicitly to get off, I just don't. So the whole 'I can't get off to dead people' angle that seems to be a popular detractor around here just doesn't register at all for me personally. Just like, I imagine that there are a ton of people who appreciated and enjoyed the nudity in Game of Thrones without needing to explicitly get themselves off to it, know what I mean?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
This game is so fucking pointless. I loved now and then but this game is bad. If we are already dead and all the love interests are dead and will leave interim when we solve their problems, why are we even playing this fucking game? We are already fucking dead and every love interest are dead and will leave us when we solve their problems. Seriously what's up with this story? What's the point of playing this? This is nothing but a despair simulation. I literally feel depressed when I play this game. I don't think there is even a point to put h-scenes in this game let alone romance scenes ( I mean unlike you like to mastubate to dead girls...) This game is literally a downer
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
This is a forum in which to discuss the game and our opinions of it. Those opinions may be negative, and a lot of them are for this game. Your dismissal of criticism as everyone just wanting 'Now and Then 2' is a strawman. The running thread has not been 'This isn't Now & Then', it's been 'This game doesn't feel good to play, because the connections with girls are flimsy or nonexistent, the first couple H scenes are punishments instead of rewards, and the game in general is just downer after downer.'

If you want to be in an environment where no one criticizes a game, and everyone's a yes-man praising the game, this is the wrong place.
So much this


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
This game is so fucking pointless. I loved now and then but this game is bad. If we are already dead and all the love interests are dead and will leave interim when we solve their problems, why are we even playing this fucking game? We are already fucking dead and every love interest are dead and will leave us when we solve their problems. Seriously what's up with this story? What's the point of playing this? This is nothing but a despair simulation. I literally feel depressed when I play this game. I don't think there is even a point to put h-scenes in this game let alone romance scenes ( I mean unlike you like to mastubate to dead girls...) This game is literally a downer
I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Come close, so I can whisper it into your ears.

You are not, in fact, the protagonist.

Shocker, I know! But celebrate, you aren't actually dead, and the world hasn't actually ended! The game is just fiction. Hooray!

I would think that the point of playing the game would be self obvious, but here we go. The point of playing is the experience, the journey itself is the whole point. The author had a story they wanted to tell, and the point of playing it is to experience that story.

I'm sorry if this is your first encounter with anything but a happy story, but stories of all kinds exist; including tragic ones. The game is literally about the aftermath of the apocalypse (written by an author who's last game was mid-apocalypse), so I'm sorry if you got the impression that this game would be all sunshine and lollypops; but I kinda wonder why you expected otherwise?

If it makes you depressed or you don't enjoy it? That's fine, your emotions are not invalid by any means. But that doesn't make the game objectively bad. The writing is still excellent, the characters (while transient) are still well fleshed out and compelling, and there is an interesting mystery to be unraveled. It's a different experience from Now & Then, because it's a different story; but they do share some themes.

But if you're upset because you can't jerk off because the girls are dead or whatever, there's nothing I or anyone else can say to help you (other than perhaps encourage you to move on and find something you can enjoy).


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
You are not, in fact, the protagonist.
I like to play vn's by outting myself in mc's shoes. Same for rpg games. Hence the little thing 'naming mc' provides it to me. It is much more immersive like that. Pretty sure millions of other players do the same. Why do you think it's strange or unusual for players to think themselves as the main character? If anything is weird, it's you who can't understand this simple concept

> It's a different experience from Now & Then, because it's a different story; but they do share some themes.

Now and Then is one of the best vn's I've played. Story, romance, characters and sexual content was top notch. Other than apocaliptic setting and playing as dead people, there is not really anything common with them. I personally love apocalyptic games. Astral Lust, Zombie's retreat, mist, s.h.e.l.t.e.r... are one of my favourite adult games. So I have no problem with the setting. Problem with this game for me is MC IS ALREADY DEAD. LOVE INTEREST ARE DEAD. LOVE INTEREST WILL LEAVE THE PLACE WHEN MC SOLVE THEIR PROBLEMS AND MC WILL VANISH AS WELL. So there is absolutely no point to play this game. MC is dead! I use 'MC' instead of 'you' because it seems you cannot get the concept of people think like they are the mc in visual novels and rpg games
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Aug 8, 2020
Yes, yes we're all going to die eventually, relax. But here, their souls are alive. No necro tag required lol

So there is absolutely no point to play this game.
How the "MC" plays will dictate the world to come in this novel. And it also determines whether these women have lost their souls or not. What stronger connection does one really need to these women?? I would say I have every reason to play this game. I also rename my characters so I can inhabit what I'm reading as well. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
I like to play vn's by outting myself in mc's shoes. Same for rpg games. Hence the little thing 'naming mc' provides it to me. It is much more immersive like that. Pretty sure millions of other players do the same. Why do you think it's strange or unusual for players to think themselves as the main character? If anything is weird, it's you who can't understand this simple concept
No, I get it. I just find that level of self-insertion to be extremely weird. I am not Jack. I enjoy Jack's story, I think he's an interesting character, I enjoy his personality. Hell, the dude liked Gojira and classic Dodge Chargers, so I'm sure he'd be fun to have a drink with at a bar. But I still know that I am not Jack, and Carol is not my adopted daughter; and that doesn't stop me from enjoying their story. Likewise, I am not Michael. I'm not dead, trapped in the afterlife, trying to sort out the personal issues of those who have died in the end of the world. I don't need to be Michael to appreciate him as a character or go along with him on his journey and enjoy the mystery of the world he now finds himself in.

So yes, I find it strange that you are unable or unwilling to keep enough mental separation, and find it necessary to inset yourself so far into an established protagonist that it causes you such discomfort.

Now and Then is one of the best vn's I've played. Story, romance, characters and sexual content was top notch. Other than apocaliptic setting and playing as dead people, there is not really anything common with them. I personally love apocalyptic games. Astral Lust, Zombie's retreat, mist, s.h.e.l.t.e.r... are one of my favourite adult games. So I have no problem with the setting. Problem with this game for me is MC IS ALREADY DEAD. LOVE INTEREST ARE DEAD. LOVE INTEREST WILL LEAVE THE PLACE WHEN MC SOLVE THEIR PROBLEMS AND MC WILL VANISH AS WELL. So there is absolutely no point to play this game. MC is dead! I use 'MC' instead of 'you' because it seems you cannot get the concept of people think like they are the mc in visual novels and rpg games
So what if the MC is dead? That's the whole premise. I mean, have you ever played a From Software game? Dark Souls? Elden Ring? The protagonists of all of those games are some version of undead, revived and trapped in a fading purgatory of a world that is dying. I've never seen someone complain about those games on the sole basis that 'I can't get into it when my character is already dead!'. I mean, have you seen The Nightmare Before Christmas? Was the film bad because Jack Skellington was already dead? Or how about Artash Menethil, the Lich King himself, from the Warcraft series? Was Thomas Anderson's story more or less compelling when he discovered the reality of the Matrix he was trapped in, effectively dying and being reborn as Neo in a new reality? How about Malcom Crowe in The Sixth Sense? Hell, I'm pretty sure that Jesus fellow is pretty dead too.

Michael is dead, as are the people he's trying to help. That's the premise. It's not like the narrative was hiding this from you, the revelation that Michael and friends are all already dead is placed front and center; it's not an Act II plot twist. So yeah, this wasn't selling you the fantasy of self-insert romance, or an everlasting harem. This is not a dating sim, and Michael is not a blank slate protagonist. Being upset that the game's very up front premise is not what you wanted, makes as much sense as being upset that a Greek tragedy like The Iliad isn't a summer blockbuster popcorn flick like Jurassic Park.

You're not upset about Michael as a character, their personality or how they're written, you're upset cause he's dead? He's fictional. All fictional characters are dead, in that none of them were ever alive. Jack is no more alive than Michael is, so why is that such an impediment to your enjoyment? They're both fictional, both equally alive or dead, so why is Michael's journey any less interesting or compelling? Yeah, Mina has passed on, but she is no more or less ephemeral than Carol, Naomi, Alice, or Sydney. They were all well written and compelling characters, the fact that one of them just so happens to have been interacted with in the afterlife shouldn't be a mark against them. I mean, even in Now & Then, you only ever encountered characters like Missy, Ted, and Lori through flashbacks, long after they've already died within the context of the story. Does that make them less compelling characters? I would argue that it doesn't, they served a crucial and engaging role in the story; even if they were already 'dead'.

At the end of the day if you're unable to maintain a healthy level of separation between you and the fiction you ingest, you might need to take a break there champ, as you might be having trouble keeping your realities straight. But again, if this game is little more than self-insert jerk off material for you, nobody can help you with that either.
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Active Member
Dec 11, 2020
No, I get it. I just find that level of self-insertion to be extremely weird. I am not Jack. I enjoy Jack's story, I think he's an interesting character, I enjoy his personality. Hell, the dude liked Gojira and classic Dodge Chargers, so I'm sure he'd be fun to have a drink with at a bar. But I still know that I am not Jack, and Carol is not my adopted daughter; and that doesn't stop me from enjoying their story. Likewise, I am not Michael. I'm not dead, trapped in the afterlife, trying to sort out the personal issues of those who have died in the end of the world. I don't need to be Michael to appreciate him as a character or go along with him on his journey and enjoy the mystery of the world he now finds himself in.

So yes, I find it strange that you are unable or unwilling to keep enough mental separation, and find it necessary to inset yourself so far into an established protagonist that it causes you such discomfort.

So what if the MC is dead? That's the whole premise. I mean, have you ever played a From Software game? Dark Souls? Elden Ring? The protagonists of all of those games are some version of undead, revived and trapped in a fading purgatory of a world that is dying. I've never seen someone complain about those games on the sole basis that 'I can't get into it when my character is already dead!'. I mean, have you seen The Nightmare Before Christmas? Was the film bad because Jack Skellington was already dead? Or how about Artash Menethil, the Lich King himself, from the Warcraft series? Was Thomas Anderson's story more or less compelling when he discovered the reality of the Matrix he was trapped in, effectively dying and being reborn as Neo in a new reality? How about Malcom Crowe in The Sixth Sense? Hell, I'm pretty sure that Jesus fellow is pretty dead too.

Michael is dead, as are the people he's trying to help. That's the premise. It's not like the narrative was hiding this from you, the revelation that Michael and friends are all already dead is placed front and center; it's not an Act II plot twist. So yeah, this wasn't selling you the fantasy of self-insert romance, or an everlasting harem. This is not a dating sim, and Michael is not a blank slate protagonist. Being upset that the game's very up front premise is not what you wanted, makes as much sense as being upset that a Greek tragedy like The Iliad isn't a summer blockbuster popcorn flick like Jurassic Park.

You're not upset about Michael as a character, their personality or how they're written, you're upset cause he's dead? He's fictional. All fictional characters are dead, in that none of them were ever alive. Jack is no more alive than Michael is, so why is that such an impediment to your enjoyment? They're both fictional, both equally alive or dead, so why is Michael's journey any less interesting or compelling? Yeah, Mina has passed on, but she is no more or less ephemeral than Carol, Naomi, Alice, or Sydney. They were all well written and compelling characters, the fact that one of them just so happens to have been interacted with in the afterlife shouldn't be a mark against them. I mean, even in Now & Then, you only ever encountered characters like Missy, Ted, and Lori through flashbacks, long after they've already died within the context of the story. Does that make them less compelling characters? I would argue that it doesn't, they served a crucial and engaging role in the story; even if they were already 'dead'.

At the end of the day if you're unable to maintain a healthy level of separation between you and the fiction you ingest, you might need to take a break there champ, as you might be having trouble keeping your realities straight. But again, if this game is little more than self-insert jerk off material for you, nobody can help you with that either.
The entire plot is what caused me to not play I haven't since the first or second release. I do tend to immerse into the MC as do many others and pursuing an LI on the premise they just disappear or go somewhere else was just not appealing to me. I think maybe in the end if you do things correctly there will be a reunion with the successful ones maybe even under the premise absence makes the heart grow fonder. For that reason I agree with you that the majority of players who do immerse or in your words self insert should consider if this plot is for them. I also liked the other game the dev made. Maybe I'll like the next one but this one is definitely not for me. I just popped in to see what the buzz was.. good luck dev and fappers alike.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2018
Nowandthen Update Banner copy.jpg
Nowandthen Sample Pics 1.jpg Nowandthen Sample Pics 2.jpg

Usually this time of the month, we're talking about the next release of The Interim Domain, but March is going to be a little different. With Now & Then Director's Cut in its final stages (testing the playable builds and uploading to file-sharing sites), we'll focus on that long-awaited launch. Rather than pack the schedule too full, TID 0.12.0 will probably get moved back to early April, because I don't want any of the great moments waiting for you to get lost with N&T 0.99.0 likely taking up a lot of people's time.

Of note: Both the PC and Mac versions of Now & Then Director's Cut will be available in compressed (sub 4GB) and uncompressed (@9GB) versions. The uncompressed version is as close to developer assets as you're going to get. Renders will have been converted to webp to maximize size, but the video is straight from the source with no additional compression.

The Android build? Yeah, that's packed in tight because of the 2GB limits. We squeezed it into the package as hard as we could to get it under the limit.

That's not to say we aren't working on The Interim Domain. In fact, a fair amount of content's already been done for the episode, so much so that we're squeezing an extra Sammy story in. And there's so much saucy content that one of them is in that gray area where we're not sure it warrants making it into the gallery or not (we could be convinced to add it afterwards). So, we'll talk more about that once N&TDC (acronyms FTW) is about to be in your hands.

Thanks for your patience and your patronage,


Jun 17, 2017
I think my biggest annoyance with the game is that I can't see all the content before the game forces me to go back to the main menu. Why do I have to pick and choose which scenes to see? I just end up saving at the choice screen and watching them all anyway.
4.10 star(s) 64 Votes