RPGM - The Corruption of the Village [v0.4.8] [Inatari Tales]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    first time player 0.4.2, I avoided it until now because of the "non-avoidable ntr".
    the game offer a MC that is this typical "nice guy" that has 0 clue. what you do is tasks that the quest-tracker tells u to do, quite straight forward and quite easy.
    everything is linear, so u can not decide shit, but that is fine since we are playing this dumb fuck.
    fortunately the game is not about the MC but the characters around him. plenty of villains, ugly bastards, sluts and girls to corrupt. we could say by the MC since he's an airhead and let shit happens.
    its slowburn in a good way, the NTR feels less this way and fortunately we have this cretin of a MC so it feels we are playing a corruption game. and a good one at that.
    RPGMV means pixel-art and pixel-sex. and those are ok. plenty of that. but we also have real drawings and animations that are well done. sex-scenes are well made and hot. the UI is good, the story is nice. the girls are hot and the MC is a schmuck. Im more of a NTS guy, but can't give this less than 5 since I can enjoy it as well. and Im picky.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is bad. You walk around on a much too large map doing pointless tasks that are tedious. Still the corruption is so well done that I just played anyway and had fun nevertheless. There are even some parts where it is justified that this game is a RPGM. It would work much better as an VN though.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I would think for an RPGM game that you would want to make the gameplay at least somewhat decent since the majority of the time you are not looking at the lewd parts. Instead you spend a great deal of the game doing the most mind numbing tasks imaginable. Having the game load after every single door becomes even more bothersome because of this. Another thing that makes it even more of a slog is the incredibly bland storyline so far. Maybe it will pick up later though.

    As for the characters... where is even a tablespoon of depth for any of them? NTR and Corruption but it doesn't even feel that way at all because there is almost zero connection between the MC and the women in this game. One is his crush, the other is a childhood friend, and the other is a stepsister of sorts, but if the game didn't tell you that you would never think those things because they all act like acquaintances at best in their interactions.

    The visuals are by far the best thing about the game IMO and they are getting better the longer the game goes. I find the art and some of the audio that goes with it really nice.

    If this were a visual novel and the repeat sections during the sex scenes were toned down then I would've 100% gave this at least a 4/5. My recommendation would be to just use the MTool and unlock the scenes when a new update drops. That way you get the great art and sound, still get some/most of the story, and you avoid the dumpster fire that is its gameplay.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    legend forever

    Nice teasing game and nice story
    Its shows how a story should progress not like some games where sex with everyone happens just like a daily routine
    Corruption of characters written well
    Art is also improving in recent updates
    This is not a normal ntr that many players hate but rather it involves you in a story that feels real.
    Hope it is not abandoned and completed with a ending
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great, slow burn NTR corruption at it's best. Dev made a lot of content for just one year of game development. When you have frequent updates with a lot of content then slow burn is quite enjoyable, at least for me. Big amount of teasing scenes with main characters (some hj and bj), although still no hardcore sex scenes (with main characters), which you will not miss that much since corruption is progressing organically. I'm not big fan of NTR but in this game a loved it, although I feel sorry for MC from time to time .
    Good game that will offer you a lot of fun, highly recommended .
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    i'm new to rpgm h-games and found most too bothersome to play more than 30 minutes due to chores but i finally found one that i've stuck around with and enjoyed. It's definitely leans more to the slow burn/corruption which i didn't mind.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    In a world... Where everybody and their ugly bastard uncles are getting their dick wet... Everyone but you.

    This is a decent little corruption game with decent sprite art and pretty good animated 2D scenes. The main problem is how much of a fucking slow burn the game is. It'll take maybe 20-40 minutes to get to a new CG, but it's often teasing the same scenes over and over again, then showing different perspectives of those scenes over and over again. Honestly the MC here pisses me off since he's such a goddamn cockblock all of the time and draws out the game even longer.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a great game. Simple but good story.

    and it focuses on corruption

    It's great, and the developer always gives feedback on what he's doing.

    How the characters get more interested in sex and how they start craving it is the best I have ever seen in a game.

    I recommend everyone support this developer.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    NTR game fan checking in.

    Original Sprites and art work, The CG and scenes art is very fresh. Nowadays you see alot of developers using AI art. While its okay, faults and blemishes are still noticeable. Other use Koikatsu but the animations isn't to smooth (except a few exception ie SAO). The developer of the game also keeps his patreons updated. Very active in his discord. we'll see how it developes but at the moment I'll put it up there with NTR Survival, Boy hero ken & Engraved pleasure. It's pretty high up on my list.
    Overall as of now it's a pretty good NTR base game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Cool game! One of the best in this genre, I didn't think I would play it at all, but I decided to and I don’t really regret it. Interesting plot, very cool dialogues. I really liked the feature that the main character does not speak, that is, his dialogues are hidden. The interface itself and the map are very nicely made, the voice acting is also cool, the only thing would be better if there were more pictures, but this will take time. I wish the author good luck. The game is really coming in cool so far.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is by far one of the best Ntr games I have played. The atmosphere is so good you'll always feel like the girls are around the next corner sucking somebody off. Altough it is very slow paced, but I personaly don't see it as a bad thing. I really like the slow pacing. It gives time to flesh out the world, and the other characters. Really looking foward to the next updates I think we are just at the top of the iceberg.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm really likg this game, mostly due to the art, but the lack of choice (not the ntr, but who ntr's who) is really hindering it's potentially. I don't like VNs and sadly this is just a VN in RPGM where you have to move from a to b to trigger event you have no control on. I hope that the dev considers moving to a more "free" experience later on but still it's very hot
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Excelent game, the art is incredible, the shadow images are amazing. The style and slow corruption of the girls in the game are really good balanced. The dedication of the author to the game is notorius and is easy to see that he enjoy doing what he do.
    I really enjoy playing the game from zero every release and slowly enjoy the improvement of the art and scene update after update.
    The only problem about this game is the lack of manpower behind, making slow the progress in the story. If the author could have more people involved in the game to increase the speed of updates and size of every update, the game and progress would be excelent.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good netorare game. I'll probably update the review to 5 stars in the future. The mix of rpgm pixelated sex and cgs is nice. I'm very curious if this will end up with every heroine having a specific man or more a group/gangabangs scenario. I'd prefer the first option but I'll follow the game development in any case. Good luck to the dev!
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    If you like Henteria Chronicles, specifically the third entry, you will like this game. I didnt finish the current patch but I played a decent bit. There aren't as many free roam events as I would like, at least to the point I got but everything I have seen has been good so far. There are a few grammar errors but nothing that isn't egregious.

    Slow burn style with some lewd scenes sprinkled in to keep leading you on.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    The only thing being cucked in this game is my free time.

    The Bad:
    Prepare for an RPGMaker game with pacing so glacial that by the time you've gotten to the 'NTR' part, you've probably forgotten that you're playing an NTR game and your boner burned out hours ago. Everything in this game is slow: picking up items, entering areas, and having basic conversations. If you're anything like me, you'll give it a chance for an hour or two, but then you'll start skipping. You'll be skipping, skipping, skipping, likely horrified at the colossal amounts of text dumped on you for so little return.

    This game endlessly baits you with tension and buildup that has absolutely no payoff, and the entire game is like that: no payoff, no catharsis. Hours of text and dialogue, only for there to not be a single scene currently in this game that's worth a fap, and isn't that just the greatest single failure of a porn game? To not even be worth a cursoary fap?

    This game also has free-roam elements. Early on, the game even says, "If you continue now, you'll skip the free roam events," encouraging the player to explore a lot before progressing to the next day or quest. It has a fairly large town map that takes a long time to explore, and there might be... one event... on average every 30 minutes. I spent so long just wandering around a very tedious and empty map. It was a complete and utter waste of time, 90% of the time. This game really should have just been a linear visual novel; it's not utilizing the unique aspects of a 2D top-down roaming game in any way. However, even if this game were a visual novel, it'd still have slow pacing.

    It also makes the criminal mistake of not having any sluttier side characters to pepper in additional sexual moments while the two main girls are a slow burn.Well, the game does technically have two slutty side characters, Juvia and Akane, but all they do is the exact same blowjob animation approximately ten times throughout the current patch. That's another thing this game has a big issue with; it's so repetitive with so little advancement in the story or plot. This doesn't feel like a game that's taking its time and building things up; it's just running around in circles. There's one decent scene with a character called Faye early on, but it's so detached from you and the main story that it didn't really do anything for me.

    This is also supposed to be a corruption NTR game, but man, am I just not vibing with these characters? Yui and Marin, being the two main girls, seem to be fairly devoid of actual depth and personality. The focus is never on developing the bond between the protagonist and the girls but always on doing random mundane actions around the world or some sinister plot that I don't particularly care about. 80% of the dialogue feels like filler; you can never get immersed or feel like you know these girls as people, and the male perverts in this game are so comical that it's hard to take them seriously as they spew fountains of cum.

    The Good:
    Now I will give some credit where it's due. I think the sound design for the sex scenes was good, and the overall look and artistic detail of the world are some of the best I've seen in an RPGMaker game. The CG art can be hit or miss, with later additions definitely being of higher quality than the first pictures. It definitely doesn't feel like there's enough of it, though. Some events have just used animated RPGMaker sprites, and I'm never going to be able to fap to that.

    The Future:
    It's too late to turn this game into a visual novel, but it isn't too late to cut tons of empty free-roaming sections that have no content in them. It isn't too late to reduce or rework the worst and most boring parts of this game. Even simple things like there's one segment where there's a cutscene in the lake, then the cutscene ends and you have to manually get out of the lake before the cutscene continues... why not just... connect those two scenes together?

    I'd definitely sprinkle in 4–5 new strong sexual events throughout the current story that are similar to the first Faye sex scene but more involved. This game needs a big event every 20–30 minutes at least, and it's easy to add them in such a way that they can be accessed with both new and old saves, with some creative usage of variables.

    In regards to improving character writing, I want you to tell me something about Yui and Marin. What are their motives? What do they desire in life? What do they do in their spare time? Do they have hobbies? Interests? Sure, their profiles say they like reading and gardening, but they never talk about it or do these things. The game spends such a long time with these characters but says so little about them, how they think, and what they feel. Personally, for an NTR game, that's just not going to work. How am I supposed to be 'NTR' when the main characters are my sister, whom I don't know well, and some girl across the street that I'm kind of friends with but not that close with? Having a silent protagonist is 'hard mode' in regards to this because you have absolutely nothing for the girls to play off, but it's not impossible.

    I highly recommend you don't play this right now if you value your free time. But if the developer has a keen ear for criticism and can improve this game, I don't see why this review couldn't go from 2/5 to 4/5 and become a recommendation one day.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well made, great visuals and most importantly it's not tedious and the story feels fleshed out. Art is great, and would have liked to see more of the non pixelated art of the characters but hey when it looks great. 1/1000
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5878948

    I like solid plots that are not rushed. Would have liked more of mc mom scenes, but in consideration that this is still not finished I would advise the game maker to not overlook to put more mom ntr scenes in the complete version. Aside from this, I also like the pixel scenes! There are not many games that use this but instead only focus on cg. I say that by using both pixel scenes and cg you add much more to the game, and I would like to praise the game maker for this and the interesting plot and gameplay. In the beginning I thought: hmm, too many characters. But each character proved to be very useful and play a part in the corruption part of the game, so these characters don't feel out of place. There is also a risk in the future that I saw in other rpg games, where they would add, more and more characters and these characters impact would be so low and would be considered more like a filler for the plot, but I am sure that the author will handle this
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Supporting it on patreon since the beginning.

    If you like a slow corruption NTR game - this is exactly the type of stuff you've been searching for. A nice build up, a logical story (as far as logic in a fantasy world can be applied), likeable and unlikeable characters that add elements to the story, and drawings that get better with every update.

    Inatari has a very good transparency and is open for criticism.

    If you don't like NTR; this game is obviously nothing for you.

    Overall one of the best NTR games being produced right now imo.
    Great job Inatari!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Under-rated game. 3.6 is lower than what it deserves, and reading the reviews I see a lot of 1/5 for reasons that I cannot understand.

    This game is simply great if you like NTR. Yes it's slow in the beginning, because it tries (and succeed really well) at building relationship between characters.

    NTR is about YOU feeling cheated on. If you play as a character and 10 minutes in without much relationship building the girl the game tries to imply you should be with, has sex with another guy, then you won't feel that. And thus the 'NTR' part of the game didn't work out. It's really what makes netorare and it's important. NTR is not just cheating, you need to feel the emotional damage.

    This game takes its time for you to know the different other girls, you see them in your childhood, have activities together, etc, then you all grow up, they become *beautiful*, some imply they are into you, and with time and building you just grow attached. It's like a flower blossoming ready to get picked, and that's where the NTR is ready to take place and make you uncomfortable :)

    This is a real NTR game, if you don't like that type of game don't play it, no need to put 1 star in retaliation.

    Also, the women in this game really are beautiful btw, and they look original.